
property TimedeltaProperties.components: DataFrame[source]#

Return a Dataframe of the components of the Timedeltas.



>>> s = cudf.Series([12231312123, 1231231231, 1123236768712, 2135656, 3244334234], dtype='timedelta64[ms]')
>>> s
0      141 days 13:35:12.123
1       14 days 06:00:31.231
2    13000 days 10:12:48.712
3        0 days 00:35:35.656
4       37 days 13:12:14.234
dtype: timedelta64[ms]
>>> s.dt.components
    days  hours  minutes  seconds  milliseconds  microseconds  nanoseconds
0    141     13       35       12           123             0            0
1     14      6        0       31           231             0            0
2  13000     10       12       48           712             0            0
3      0      0       35       35           656             0            0
4     37     13       12       14           234             0            0