Aggregation Factories#

group aggregation_factories


enum class rank_percentage : int32_t#

Whether returned rank should be percentage or not and mention the type of percentage normalization.


enumerator NONE#



rank / count

enumerator ONE_NORMALIZED#

(rank - 1) / (count - 1)

enum class udf_type : bool#

Type of code in the user defined function string.


enumerator CUDA#
enumerator PTX#
enum class correlation_type : int32_t#

Type of correlation method.


enumerator PEARSON#
enumerator KENDALL#
enumerator SPEARMAN#
enum class ewm_history : int32_t#

Type of treatment of EWM input values’ first value.


enumerator INFINITE#
enumerator FINITE#


template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_sum_aggregation()#

Factory to create a SUM aggregation


A SUM aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_product_aggregation()#

Factory to create a PRODUCT aggregation


A PRODUCT aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_min_aggregation()#

Factory to create a MIN aggregation


A MIN aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_max_aggregation()#

Factory to create a MAX aggregation


A MAX aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_count_aggregation(null_policy null_handling = null_policy::EXCLUDE)#

Factory to create a COUNT aggregation.


null_handling – Indicates if null values will be counted


A COUNT aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_any_aggregation()#

Factory to create an ANY aggregation


A ANY aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_all_aggregation()#

Factory to create a ALL aggregation


A ALL aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_histogram_aggregation()#

Factory to create a HISTOGRAM aggregation


A HISTOGRAM aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_sum_of_squares_aggregation()#

Factory to create a SUM_OF_SQUARES aggregation


A SUM_OF_SQUARES aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_mean_aggregation()#

Factory to create a MEAN aggregation


A MEAN aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_m2_aggregation()#

Factory to create a M2 aggregation.

A M2 aggregation is sum of squares of differences from the mean. That is: M2 = SUM((x - MEAN) * (x - MEAN)).

This aggregation produces the intermediate values that are used to compute variance and standard deviation across multiple discrete sets. See #Parallel_algorithm for more detail.


A M2 aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_variance_aggregation(size_type ddof = 1)#

Factory to create a VARIANCE aggregation.


ddof – Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculation of variance is N - ddof, where N is the population size.


cudf::logic_error – if input type is chrono or compound types.


A VARIANCE aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_std_aggregation(size_type ddof = 1)#

Factory to create a STD aggregation.


ddof – Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculation of std is N - ddof, where N is the population size.


cudf::logic_error – if input type is chrono or compound types.


A STD aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_median_aggregation()#

Factory to create a MEDIAN aggregation


A MEDIAN aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_quantile_aggregation(std::vector<double> const &quantiles, interpolation interp = interpolation::LINEAR)#

Factory to create a QUANTILE aggregation.

  • quantiles – The desired quantiles

  • interp – The desired interpolation


A QUANTILE aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_argmax_aggregation()#

Factory to create an ARGMAX aggregation.

ARGMAX returns the index of the maximum element.


A ARGMAX aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_argmin_aggregation()#

Factory to create an ARGMIN aggregation.

argmin returns the index of the minimum element.


A ARGMIN aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_nunique_aggregation(null_policy null_handling = null_policy::EXCLUDE)#

Factory to create a NUNIQUE aggregation.

NUNIQUE returns the number of unique elements.


null_handling – Indicates if null values will be counted


A NUNIQUE aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_nth_element_aggregation(size_type n, null_policy null_handling = null_policy::INCLUDE)#

Factory to create a NTH_ELEMENT aggregation.

NTH_ELEMENT returns the n’th element of the group/series.

If n is not within the range [-group_size, group_size), the result of the respective group will be null. Negative indices [-group_size, -1] corresponds to [0, group_size-1] indices respectively where group_size is the size of each group.

  • n – index of nth element in each group

  • null_handling – Indicates to include/exclude nulls during indexing


A NTH_ELEMENT aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_row_number_aggregation()#

Factory to create a ROW_NUMBER aggregation


A ROW_NUMBER aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_ewma_aggregation(double const center_of_mass, ewm_history history)#

Factory to create an EWMA aggregation.

EWMA returns a non-nullable column with the same type as the input, whose values are the exponentially weighted moving average of the input sequence. Let these values be known as the y_i.

EWMA aggregations are parameterized by a center of mass (com) which affects the contribution of the previous values (y_0 … y_{i-1}) in computing the y_i.

EWMA aggregations are also parameterized by a history cudf::ewm_history. Special considerations have to be given to the mathematical treatment of the first value of the input sequence. There are two approaches to this, one which considers the first value of the sequence to be the exponential weighted moving average of some infinite history of data, and one which takes the first value to be the only datapoint known. These assumptions lead to two different formulas for the y_i. ewm_history selects which.

EWMA aggregations have special null handling. Nulls have two effects. The first is to propagate forward the last valid value as far as it has been computed. This could be thought of as the nulls not affecting the average in any way. The second effect changes the way the y_i are computed. Since a moving average is conceptually designed to weight contributing values by their recency, nulls ought to count as valid periods even though they do not change the average. For example, if the input sequence is {1, NULL, 3} then when computing y_2 one should weigh y_0 as if it occurs two periods before y_2 rather than just one.

  • center_of_mass – the center of mass.

  • history – which assumption to make about the first value


A EWM aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_rank_aggregation(rank_method method, order column_order = order::ASCENDING, null_policy null_handling = null_policy::EXCLUDE, null_order null_precedence = null_order::AFTER, rank_percentage percentage = rank_percentage::NONE)#

Factory to create a RANK aggregation.

RANK returns a column of size_type or double “ranks” (see note 3 below for how the data type is determined) for a given rank method and column order. If nulls are excluded, the rank will be null for those rows, otherwise a non-nullable column is returned. Double precision column is returned only when percentage!=NONE and when rank method is average.

This aggregation only works with “scan” algorithms. The input column into the group or ungrouped scan is an orderby column that orders the rows that the aggregate function ranks. If rows are ordered by more than one column, the orderby input column should be a struct column containing the ordering columns.


  1. This method could work faster with the rows that are presorted by the group keys and order_by columns. Though groupby object does not require order_by column to be sorted, groupby rank scan aggregation does require the order_by column to be sorted if the keys are sorted.

  2. RANK aggregations are not compatible with exclusive scans.

  3. All rank methods except AVERAGE method and percentage!=NONE returns size_type column. For AVERAGE method and percentage!=NONE, the return type is double column.

Example: Consider a motor-racing statistics dataset, containing the following columns:
  1. venue:  (STRING) Location of the race event
  2. driver: (STRING) Name of the car driver (abbreviated to 3 characters)
  3. time:   (INT32)  Time taken to complete the circuit

For the following presorted data:

 [ //      venue,           driver,           time
   {   "silverstone",  "HAM" ("hamilton"),   15823},
   {   "silverstone",  "LEC" ("leclerc"),    15827},
   {   "silverstone",  "BOT" ("bottas"),     15834},  // <-- Tied for 3rd place.
   {   "silverstone",  "NOR" ("norris"),     15834},  // <-- Tied for 3rd place.
   {   "silverstone",  "RIC" ("ricciardo"),  15905},
   {      "monza",     "RIC" ("ricciardo"),  12154},
   {      "monza",     "NOR" ("norris"),     12156},  // <-- Tied for 2nd place.
   {      "monza",     "BOT" ("bottas"),     12156},  // <-- Tied for 2nd place.
   {      "monza",     "LEC" ("leclerc"),    12201},
   {      "monza",     "PER" ("perez"),      12203}

A grouped rank aggregation scan with:
  groupby column      : venue
  input orderby column: time
Produces the following rank column for each methods:
first:   {   1,     2,     3,     4,     5,      1,     2,     3,     4,     5}
average: {   1,     2,   3.5,   3.5,     5,      1,   2.5,   2.5,     4,     5}
min:     {   1,     2,     3,     3,     5,      1,     2,     2,     4,     5}
max:     {   1,     2,     4,     4,     5,      1,     3,     3,     4,     5}
dense:   {   1,     2,     3,     3,     4,      1,     2,     2,     3,     4}
This corresponds to the following grouping and `driver` rows:
         { "HAM", "LEC", "BOT", "NOR", "RIC",  "RIC", "NOR", "BOT", "LEC", "PER" }

min rank for each percentage types:
NONE:             {   1,      2,     3,     3,     5,      1,     2,     2,     4,     5 }
ZERO_NORMALIZED : { 0.16,  0.33,  0.50,  0.50,  0.83,   0.16,  0.33,  0.33,  0.66,  0.83 }
ONE_NORMALIZED:   { 0.00,  0.25,  0.50,  0.50,  1.00,   0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.75,  1.00 }
where count corresponds to the number of rows in the group. @see cudf::rank_percentage
  • method – The ranking method used for tie breaking (same values)

  • column_order – The desired sort order for ranking

  • null_handling – flag to include nulls during ranking If nulls are not included, the corresponding rank will be null.

  • null_precedence – The desired order of null compared to other elements for column

  • percentage – enum to denote the type of conversion of ranks to percentage in range (0,1]


A RANK aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_collect_list_aggregation(null_policy null_handling = null_policy::INCLUDE)#

Factory to create a COLLECT_LIST aggregation.

COLLECT_LIST returns a list column of all included elements in the group/series.

If null_handling is set to EXCLUDE, null elements are dropped from each of the list rows.


null_handling – Indicates whether to include/exclude nulls in list elements


A COLLECT_LIST aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_collect_set_aggregation(null_policy null_handling = null_policy::INCLUDE, null_equality nulls_equal = null_equality::EQUAL, nan_equality nans_equal = nan_equality::ALL_EQUAL)#

Factory to create a COLLECT_SET aggregation.

COLLECT_SET returns a lists column of all included elements in the group/series. Within each list, the duplicated entries are dropped out such that each entry appears only once.

If null_handling is set to EXCLUDE, null elements are dropped from each of the list rows.

  • null_handling – Indicates whether to include/exclude nulls during collection

  • nulls_equal – Flag to specify whether null entries within each list should be considered equal.

  • nans_equal – Flag to specify whether NaN values in floating point column should be considered equal.


A COLLECT_SET aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_lag_aggregation(size_type offset)#

Factory to create a LAG aggregation.


offset – The number of rows to lag the input


A LAG aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_lead_aggregation(size_type offset)#

Factory to create a LEAD aggregation.


offset – The number of rows to lead the input


A LEAD aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_udf_aggregation(udf_type type, std::string const &user_defined_aggregator, data_type output_type)#

Factory to create an aggregation base on UDF for PTX or CUDA.

  • type[in] either udf_type::PTX or udf_type::CUDA

  • user_defined_aggregator[in] A string containing the aggregator code

  • output_type[in] expected output type


An aggregation containing a user-defined aggregator string

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_merge_lists_aggregation()#

Factory to create a MERGE_LISTS aggregation.

Given a lists column, this aggregation merges all the lists corresponding to the same key value into one list. It is designed specifically to merge the partial results of multiple (distributed) groupby COLLECT_LIST aggregations into a final COLLECT_LIST result. As such, it requires the input lists column to be non-nullable (the child column containing list entries is not subjected to this requirement).


A MERGE_LISTS aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_merge_sets_aggregation(null_equality nulls_equal = null_equality::EQUAL, nan_equality nans_equal = nan_equality::ALL_EQUAL)#

Factory to create a MERGE_SETS aggregation.

Given a lists column, this aggregation firstly merges all the lists corresponding to the same key value into one list, then it drops all the duplicate entries in each lists, producing a lists column containing non-repeated entries.

This aggregation is designed specifically to merge the partial results of multiple (distributed) groupby COLLECT_LIST or COLLECT_SET aggregations into a final COLLECT_SET result. As such, it requires the input lists column to be non-nullable (the child column containing list entries is not subjected to this requirement).

In practice, the input (partial results) to this aggregation should be generated by (distributed) COLLECT_LIST aggregations, not COLLECT_SET, to avoid unnecessarily removing duplicate entries for the partial results.

  • nulls_equal – Flag to specify whether nulls within each list should be considered equal during dropping duplicate list entries.

  • nans_equal – Flag to specify whether NaN values in floating point column should be considered equal during dropping duplicate list entries.


A MERGE_SETS aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_merge_m2_aggregation()#

Factory to create a MERGE_M2 aggregation.

Merges the results of M2 aggregations on independent sets into a new M2 value equivalent to if a single M2 aggregation was done across all of the sets at once. This aggregation is only valid on structs whose members are the result of the COUNT_VALID, MEAN, and M2 aggregations on the same sets. The output of this aggregation is a struct containing the merged COUNT_VALID, MEAN, and M2 aggregations.

The input M2 aggregation values are expected to be all non-negative numbers, since they were output from M2 aggregation.


A MERGE_M2 aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_merge_histogram_aggregation()#

Factory to create a MERGE_HISTOGRAM aggregation.

Merges the results of HISTOGRAM aggregations on independent sets into a new HISTOGRAM value equivalent to if a single HISTOGRAM aggregation was done across all of the sets at once.


A MERGE_HISTOGRAM aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_covariance_aggregation(size_type min_periods = 1, size_type ddof = 1)#

Factory to create a COVARIANCE aggregation.

Compute covariance between two columns. The input columns are child columns of a non-nullable struct columns.

  • min_periods – Minimum number of non-null observations required to produce a result

  • ddof – Delta Degrees of Freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N is the number of non-null observations.


A COVARIANCE aggregation object

template<typename Base = aggregation>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_correlation_aggregation(correlation_type type, size_type min_periods = 1)#

Factory to create a CORRELATION aggregation.

Compute correlation coefficient between two columns. The input columns are child columns of a non-nullable struct columns.

  • type – correlation_type

  • min_periods – Minimum number of non-null observations required to produce a result


A CORRELATION aggregation object

template<typename Base>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_tdigest_aggregation(int max_centroids = 1000)#

Factory to create a TDIGEST aggregation.

Produces a tdigest ( column from input values. The input aggregation values are expected to be fixed-width numeric types.

The tdigest column produced is of the following structure:

struct { // centroids for the digest list { struct { double // mean double // weight }, … } // these are from the input stream, not the centroids. they are used // during the percentile_approx computation near the beginning or // end of the quantiles double // min double // max }

Each output row is a single tdigest. The length of the row is the “size” of the tdigest, each element of which represents a weighted centroid (mean, weight).


max_centroids – Parameter controlling compression level and accuracy on subsequent queries on the output tdigest data. max_centroids places an upper bound on the size of the computed tdigests: A value of 1000 will result in a tdigest containing no more than 1000 centroids (32 bytes each). Higher result in more accurate tdigest information.


A TDIGEST aggregation object

template<typename Base>
std::unique_ptr<Base> make_merge_tdigest_aggregation(int max_centroids = 1000)#

Factory to create a MERGE_TDIGEST aggregation.

Merges the results from a previous aggregation resulting from a make_tdigest_aggregation or make_merge_tdigest_aggregation to produce a new a tdigest ( column.

The tdigest column produced is of the following structure:

struct { // centroids for the digest list { struct { double // mean double // weight }, … } // these are from the input stream, not the centroids. they are used // during the percentile_approx computation near the beginning or // end of the quantiles double // min double // max }

Each output row is a single tdigest. The length of the row is the “size” of the tdigest, each element of which represents a weighted centroid (mean, weight).


max_centroids – Parameter controlling compression level and accuracy on subsequent queries on the output tdigest data. max_centroids places an upper bound on the size of the computed tdigests: A value of 1000 will result in a tdigest containing no more than 1000 centroids (32 bytes each). Higher result in more accurate tdigest information.


A MERGE_TDIGEST aggregation object

class aggregation#
#include <aggregation.hpp>

Abstract base class for specifying the desired aggregation in an aggregation_request.

All aggregations must derive from this class to implement the pure virtual functions and potentially encapsulate additional information needed to compute the aggregation.

Subclassed by cudf::groupby_aggregation, cudf::groupby_scan_aggregation, cudf::reduce_aggregation, cudf::rolling_aggregation, cudf::scan_aggregation, cudf::segmented_reduce_aggregation

Public Types

enum Kind#

Possible aggregation operations.


enumerator SUM#

sum reduction

enumerator PRODUCT#

product reduction

enumerator MIN#

min reduction

enumerator MAX#

max reduction

enumerator COUNT_VALID#

count number of valid elements

enumerator COUNT_ALL#

count number of elements

enumerator ANY#

any reduction

enumerator ALL#

all reduction

enumerator SUM_OF_SQUARES#

sum of squares reduction

enumerator MEAN#

arithmetic mean reduction

enumerator M2#

sum of squares of differences from the mean

enumerator VARIANCE#


enumerator STD#

standard deviation

enumerator MEDIAN#

median reduction

enumerator QUANTILE#

compute specified quantile(s)

enumerator ARGMAX#

Index of max element.

enumerator ARGMIN#

Index of min element.

enumerator NUNIQUE#

count number of unique elements

enumerator NTH_ELEMENT#

get the nth element

enumerator ROW_NUMBER#

get row-number of current index (relative to rolling window)

enumerator EWMA#

get exponential weighted moving average at current index

enumerator RANK#

get rank of current index

enumerator COLLECT_LIST#

collect values into a list

enumerator COLLECT_SET#

collect values into a list without duplicate entries

enumerator LEAD#

window function, accesses row at specified offset following current row

enumerator LAG#

window function, accesses row at specified offset preceding current row

enumerator PTX#

PTX UDF based reduction.

enumerator CUDA#

CUDA UDF based reduction.

enumerator MERGE_LISTS#

merge multiple lists values into one list

enumerator MERGE_SETS#

merge multiple lists values into one list then drop duplicate entries

enumerator MERGE_M2#

merge partial values of M2 aggregation,

enumerator COVARIANCE#

covariance between two sets of elements

enumerator CORRELATION#

correlation between two sets of elements

enumerator TDIGEST#

create a tdigest from a set of input values

enumerator MERGE_TDIGEST#

create a tdigest by merging multiple tdigests together

enumerator HISTOGRAM#

compute frequency of each element


merge partial values of HISTOGRAM aggregation,

Public Functions

inline aggregation(aggregation::Kind a)#

Construct a new aggregation object.


aaggregation::Kind enum value

inline virtual bool is_equal(aggregation const &other) const#

Compares two aggregation objects for equality.


other – The other aggregation to compare with


True if the two aggregations are equal

inline virtual size_t do_hash() const#

Computes the hash value of the aggregation.


The hash value of the aggregation

virtual std::unique_ptr<aggregation> clone() const = 0#

Clones the aggregation object.


A copy of the aggregation object

virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<aggregation>> get_simple_aggregations(data_type col_type, cudf::detail::simple_aggregations_collector &collector) const = 0#

Get the simple aggregations that this aggregation requires to compute.

  • col_type – The type of the column to aggregate

  • collector – The collector visitor pattern to use to collect the simple aggregations


Vector of pre-requisite simple aggregations

virtual void finalize(cudf::detail::aggregation_finalizer &finalizer) const = 0#

Compute the aggregation after pre-requisite simple aggregations have been computed.


finalizer – The finalizer visitor pattern to use to compute the aggregation

Public Members

Kind kind#

The aggregation to perform.

class rolling_aggregation : public virtual cudf::aggregation#
#include <aggregation.hpp>

Derived class intended for rolling_window specific aggregation usage.

As an example, rolling_window will only accept rolling_aggregation inputs, and the appropriate derived classes (sum_aggregation, mean_aggregation, etc) derive from this interface to represent these valid options.

class groupby_aggregation : public virtual cudf::aggregation#
#include <aggregation.hpp>

Derived class intended for groupby specific aggregation usage.

class groupby_scan_aggregation : public virtual cudf::aggregation#
#include <aggregation.hpp>

Derived class intended for groupby specific scan usage.

class reduce_aggregation : public virtual cudf::aggregation#
#include <aggregation.hpp>

Derived class intended for reduction usage.

class scan_aggregation : public virtual cudf::aggregation#
#include <aggregation.hpp>

Derived class intended for scan usage.

class segmented_reduce_aggregation : public virtual cudf::aggregation#
#include <aggregation.hpp>

Derived class intended for segmented reduction usage.