- pylibcudf.strings.combine.OutputIfEmptyList#
See also
.Enum members
- pylibcudf.strings.combine.SeparatorOnNulls#
See also
.Enum members
- pylibcudf.strings.combine.concatenate(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={})#
Concatenate all columns in the table horizontally into one new string delimited by an optional separator string.
- Parameters:
- strings_columnsTable
Strings for this operation
- separatorColumn or Scalar
Separator(s) for a given row
- narepScalar
String to replace a null separator for a given row.
- col_narepScalar
String that should be used in place of any null strings found in any column. An exception is raised when separator is a Scalar.
- separate_nullsSeparatorOnNulls
If YES, then the separator is included for null rows.
- Returns:
- Column
New column with concatenated results
- pylibcudf.strings.combine.join_list_elements(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={})#
Given a lists column of strings (each row is a list of strings), concatenates the strings within each row and returns a single strings column result.
- Parameters:
- lists_strings_columnColumn
Column containing lists of strings to concatenate
- separatorColumn or Scalar
String(s) that should inserted between each string from each row.
- separator_narepScalar
String that should be used to replace a null separator.
- string_narepScalar
String to replace null strings in any non-null list row. Ignored if separator is a Scalar.
- separate_nullsSeparatorOnNulls
If YES, then the separator is included for null rows if narep is valid
- empty_list_policyOutputIfEmptyList
If set to EMPTY_STRING, any input row that is an empty list will result in an empty string. Otherwise, it will result in a null.
- Returns:
- Column
New strings column with concatenated results
- pylibcudf.strings.combine.join_strings(Column input, Scalar separator, Scalar narep) Column #
Concatenates all strings in the column into one new string delimited by an optional separator string.
- Parameters:
- inputColumn
List of strings columns to concatenate
- separatorScalar
Strings column that provides the separator for a given row
- narepScalar
String to replace any null strings found.
- Returns:
- Column
New column containing one string