- pylibcudf.strings.convert.convert_datetime.from_timestamps(Column timestamps, unicode format, Column input_strings_names) Column #
Returns a new strings column converting a timestamp column into strings using the provided format pattern.
For details, see cpp:cudf::strings::from_timestamps.
- Parameters:
- timestampsColumn
Timestamp values to convert
- formatstr
The string specifying output format.
- input_strings_namesColumn
The string names to use for weekdays (“%a”, “%A”) and months (“%b”, “%B”).
- Returns:
- Column
New strings column with formatted timestamps.
- pylibcudf.strings.convert.convert_datetime.is_timestamp(Column input, unicode format) Column #
Verifies the given strings column can be parsed to timestamps using the provided format pattern.
For details, see cpp:cudf::strings::is_timestamp.
- Parameters:
- inputColumn
Strings instance for this operation.
- formatstr
String specifying the timestamp format in strings.
- Returns:
- Column
New bool column.
- pylibcudf.strings.convert.convert_datetime.to_timestamps(Column input, DataType timestamp_type, unicode format) Column #
Returns a new timestamp column converting a strings column into timestamps using the provided format pattern.
For details, see cpp:cudf::strings::to_timestamps.
- Parameters:
- inputColumn
Strings instance for this operation.
- timestamp_typeDataType
The timestamp type used for creating the output column.
- formatstr
String specifying the timestamp format in strings.
- Returns:
- Column
New datetime column