# FAQ and Known Issues ## When should I use `cudf.pandas` vs using the cuDF library directly? `cudf.pandas` is the quickest and easiest way to get pandas code running on the GPU. However, there are some situations in which using the cuDF library directly should be considered. - cuDF implements a subset of the pandas API, while `cudf.pandas` will fall back automatically to pandas as needed. If you can write your code to use just the operations supported by cuDF, you will benefit from increased performance by using cuDF directly. - cuDF does offer some functions and methods that pandas does not. For example, cuDF has a [`.list` accessor](https://docs.rapids.ai/api/cudf/stable/api_docs/list_handling/) for working with list-like data. If you need access to the additional functionality in cuDF, you will need to use the cuDF package directly. ## How closely does this match pandas? You can use 100% of the pandas API and most things will work identically to pandas. `cudf.pandas` is tested against the entire pandas unit test suite. Currently, we're passing **93%** of the 187,000+ unit tests, with the goal of passing 100%. Test failures are typically for edge cases and due to the small number of behavioral differences between cuDF and pandas. You can learn more about these edge cases in [Known Limitations](#are-there-any-known-limitations) We also run nightly tests that track interactions between `cudf.pandas` and other third party libraries. See [Third-Party Library Compatibility](#does-it-work-with-third-party-libraries). ## How can I tell if `cudf.pandas` is active? You shouldn't have to write any code differently depending on whether `cudf.pandas` is in use or not. You should use `pandas` and things should just work. In a few circumstances during testing and development however, you may want to explicitly verify that `cudf.pandas` is active. To do that, print the pandas module in your code and review the output; it should look something like this: ```python %load_ext cudf.pandas import pandas as pd print(pd) ``` ## Which functions will run on the GPU? Generally, `cudf.pandas` will accelerate all the features in the {ref}`cuDF API ` on the GPU. There are some exceptions. For example, some functions are GPU-accelerated by cuDF but do not support every combination of keyword arguments. In cases like unsupported keyword arguments, cuDF is not able to provide GPU acceleration and `cudf.pandas` will fall back to the CPU. The most accurate way to assess which functions run on the GPU is to try running the code while using the `cudf.pandas` profiling features. The profiler will indicate which functions ran on GPU / CPU. To improve performance, try to use only functionality that can run entirely on GPU. This helps reduce the number of memory transfers needed to fallback to CPU. ## Does it work with third-party libraries? `cudf.pandas` is tested with numerous popular third-party libraries. `cudf.pandas` will not only work but will accelerate pandas operations within these libraries. As part of our CI/CD system, we currently test common interactions with the following Python libraries: | Library | Status | |------------------|--------| | cuGraph | ✅ | | cuML | ✅ | | Hvplot | ✅ | | Holoview | ✅ | | Ibis | ✅ | | Joblib | ❌ | | NumPy | ✅ | | Matplotlib | ✅ | | Plotly | ✅ | | PyTorch | ✅ | | Seaborn | ✅ | | Scikit-Learn | ✅ | | SciPy | ✅ | | Tensorflow | ✅ | | XGBoost | ✅ | Please review the section on [Known Limitations](#are-there-any-known-limitations) for details about what is expected not to work (and why). ## Can I use this with Dask or PySpark? `cudf.pandas` is not designed for distributed or out-of-core computing (OOC) workflows today. If you are looking for accelerated OOC and distributed solutions for data processing we recommend Dask and Apache Spark. Both Dask and Apache Spark support accelerated computing through configuration based interfaces. Dask allows you to [configure the dataframe backend](https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/how-to/selecting-the-collection-backend.html) to use cuDF (learn more in [this blog](https://medium.com/rapids-ai/easy-cpu-gpu-arrays-and-dataframes-run-your-dask-code-where-youd-like-e349d92351d)) and the [RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark](https://nvidia.github.io/spark-rapids/) provides a similar configuration-based plugin for Spark. ## Are there any known limitations? There are a few known limitations that you should be aware of: - Because fallback involves copying data from GPU to CPU and back, [value mutability](https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/getting_started/overview.html#mutability-and-copying-of-data) of Pandas objects is not always guaranteed. You should follow the pandas recommendation to favor immutable operations. - `cudf.pandas` can't currently interface smoothly with functions that interact with objects using a C API (such as the Python or NumPy C API) - For example, you can write `torch.tensor(df.values)` but not `torch.from_numpy(df.values)`, as the latter uses the NumPy C API - For performance reasons, joins and join-based operations are not currently implemented to maintain the same row ordering as standard pandas - `cudf.pandas` isn't compatible with directly using `import cudf` and is intended to be used with pandas-based workflows. - Unpickling objects that were pickled with "regular" pandas will not work: you must have pickled an object with `cudf.pandas` enabled for it to be unpickled when `cudf.pandas` is enabled. - Global variables can be accessed but can't be modified during CPU-fallback ```python %load_ext cudf.pandas import pandas as pd lst = [10] def udf(x): lst.append(x) return x + lst[0] s = pd.Series(range(2)).apply(udf) print(s) # we can access the value in lst 0 10 1 11 dtype: int64 print(lst) # lst is unchanged, as this specific UDF could not run on the GPU [10] ``` - `cudf.pandas` (and cuDF in general) is only compatible with pandas 2. Version 24.02 of cudf was the last to support pandas 1.5.x. ## Can I force running on the CPU? To run your code on CPU, just run without activating `cudf.pandas`, and "regular pandas" will be used. If needed, GPU acceleration may be disabled when using `cudf.pandas` for testing or benchmarking purposes. To do so, set the `CUDF_PANDAS_FALLBACK_MODE` environment variable, e.g. ```bash CUDF_PANDAS_FALLBACK_MODE=1 python -m cudf.pandas some_script.py ```