Library Design#
At a high level, cuDF is structured in three layers, each of which serves a distinct purpose:
The Frame layer: The user-facing implementation of pandas-like data structures like
.The Column layer: The core internal data structures used to bridge the gap to our lower-level implementations.
The Cython layer: The wrappers around the fast C++
In this document we will review each of these layers, their roles, and the requisite tradeoffs. Finally we tie these pieces together to provide a more holistic view of the project.
The Frame layer#

This class diagram shows the relationship between the principal components of the Frame layer:
All classes in the Frame layer inherit from one or both of the two base classes in this layer: Frame
and BaseIndex
The eponymous Frame
class is, at its core, a simple tabular data structure composed of columnar data.
Some types of Frame
contain indexes; in particular, any DataFrame
or Series
has an index.
However, as a general container of columnar data, Frame
is also the parent class for most types of index.
, meanwhile, is essentially an abstract base class encoding the pandas.Index
Various subclasses of BaseIndex
implement this API in specific ways depending on their underlying data.
For example, RangeIndex
avoids actually materializing a column, while a MultiIndex
contains multiple columns.
Most other index classes consist of a single column of a given type, e.g. strings or datetimes.
As a result, using a single abstract parent provides the flexibility we need to support these different types.
With those preliminaries out of the way, let’s dive in a little bit deeper.
exposes numerous methods common to all pandas data structures.
Any methods that have the same API across Series
, DataFrame
, and Index
should be defined here.
Additionally any (internal) methods that could be used to share code between those classes may also be defined here.
The primary internal subclass of Frame
is IndexedFrame
, a Frame
with an index.
An IndexedFrame
represents the first type of object mentioned above: indexed tables.
In particular, IndexedFrame
is a parent class for DataFrame
and Series
Any pandas methods that are defined for those two classes should be defined here.
The second internal subclass of Frame
is SingleColumnFrame
As you may surmise, it is a Frame
with a single column of data.
This class is a parent for most types of indexes as well as Series
(note the diamond inheritance pattern here).
While IndexedFrame
provides a large amount of functionality, this class is much simpler.
It adds some simple APIs provided by all 1D pandas objects, and it flattens outputs where needed.
While we’ve highlighted some exceptional cases of Indexes before, let’s start with the base cases here first.
is intended to be a pure abstract class, i.e. all of its methods should simply raise NotImplementedError
In practice, BaseIndex
does have concrete implementations of a small set of methods.
However, currently many of these implementations are not applicable to all subclasses and will be eventually be removed.
Almost all indexes are subclasses of Index
, a single-columned index with the class hierarchy:
class Index(SingleColumnFrame, BaseIndex)
Integer, float, or string indexes are all composed of a single column of data.
Most Index
methods are inherited from Frame
, saving us the trouble of rewriting them.
We now consider the three main exceptions to this model:
is not backed by a column of data, so it inherits directly fromBaseIndex
alone. Wherever possible, its methods have special implementations designed to avoid materializing columns. Where such an implementation is infeasible, we fall back to converting it to anIndex
dtype first instead.A
is backed by multiple columns of data. Therefore, its inheritance hierarchy looks likeclass MultiIndex(Frame, BaseIndex)
. Some of its moreFrame
-like methods may be inherited, but many others must be reimplemented since in many cases aMultiIndex
is not expected to behave like aFrame
.To enable sharing constructor logic across different index classes, we define
as the parent class of all indexes.Index
inherits fromBaseIndex
, but it masquerades as aBaseIndex
to match pandas.
The Column layer#
The next layer in the cuDF stack is the Column layer.
This layer forms the glue between pandas-like APIs and our underlying data layouts.
The principal objects in the Column layer are the ColumnAccessor
and the various Column
The Column
is cuDF’s core data structure that represents a single column of data of a specific data type.
A ColumnAccessor
is a dictionary-like interface to a sequence of Column
A Frame
owns a ColumnAccessor
The primary purpose of the ColumnAccessor
is to encapsulate pandas column selection semantics.
Columns may be selected or inserted by index or by label, and label-based selections are as flexible as pandas is.
For instance, Columns may be selected hierarchically (using tuples) or via wildcards.
s also support the MultiIndex
columns that can result from operations like groupbys.
Under the hood, cuDF is built around the Apache Arrow Format.
This data format is both conducive to high-performance algorithms and suitable for data interchange between libraries.
The Column
class encapsulates our implementation of this data format.
A Column
is composed of the following:
A data type, specifying the type of each element.
A data buffer that may store the data for the column elements. Some column types do not have a data buffer, instead storing data in the children columns.
A mask buffer whose bits represent the validity (null or not null) of each element. Nullability is a core concept in the Arrow data model. Columns whose elements are all valid may not have a mask buffer. Mask buffers are padded to 64 bytes.
Its children, a tuple of columns used to represent complex types such as structs or lists.
A size indicating the number of elements in the column.
An integer offset use to represent the first element of column that is the “slice” of another column. The size of the column then gives the extent of the slice rather than the size of the underlying buffer. A column that is not a slice has an offset of 0.
More information about these fields can be found in the documentation of the
Apache Arrow Columnar Format,
which is what the cuDF Column
is based on.
The Column
class is implemented in Cython to facilitate interoperability with libcudf
’s C++ data structures.
Most higher-level functionality is implemented in the ColumnBase
These functions rely Column
APIs to call libcudf
APIs and translate their results to Python.
This separation allows ColumnBase
to be implemented in pure Python, which simplifies development and debugging.
provides some standard methods, while other methods only make sense for data of a specific type.
As a result, we have various subclasses of ColumnBase
like NumericalColumn
, StringColumn
, and DatetimeColumn
Most dtype-specific decisions should be handled at the level of a specific Column
Each type of Column
only implements methods supported by that data type.
Different types of ColumnBase
are also stored differently in memory according to the Arrow format.
As one example, a NumericalColumn
with 1000 int32
elements and containing nulls is composed of:
A data buffer of size 4000 bytes (sizeof(int32) * 1000)
A mask buffer of size 128 bytes (1000/8 padded to a multiple of 64 bytes)
No children columns
As another example, a StringColumn
backing the Series ['do', 'you', 'have', 'any', 'cheese?']
is composed of:
No data buffer
No mask buffer as there are no nulls in the Series
Two children columns:
A column of UTF-8 characters
['d', 'o', 'y', 'o', 'u', 'h', ..., '?']
A column of “offsets” to the characters column (in this case,
[0, 2, 5, 9, 12, 19]
Data types#
cuDF uses dtypes to represent different types of data.
Since efficient GPU algorithms require preexisting knowledge of data layouts,
cuDF does not support the arbitrary object
dtype, but instead defines a few custom types for common use-cases:
: Lists where each element in every list in a Column is of the same typeStructDtype
: Dicts where a given key always maps to values of the same typeCategoricalDtype
: Analogous to the pandas categorical dtype except that the categories are stored in device memoryDecimalDtype
: Fixed-point numbersIntervalDtype
: Intervals
Note that there is a many-to-one mapping between data types and Column
For instance, all numerical types (floats and ints of different widths) are all managed using NumericalColumn
s are in turn composed of one or more Buffer
A Buffer
represents a single, contiguous, device memory allocation owned by another object.
A Buffer
constructed from a preexisting device memory allocation (such as a CuPy array) will view that memory.
Conversely, when constructed from a host object,
uses rmm.DeviceBuffer
to allocate new memory.
The data is then copied from the host object into the newly allocated device memory.
You can read more about device memory allocation with RMM here.
Spilling to host memory#
Setting the environment variable CUDF_SPILL=on
enables automatic spilling (and “unspilling”) of buffers from
device to host to enable out-of-memory computation, i.e., computing on objects that occupy more memory than is
available on the GPU.
Spilling can be enabled in two ways (it is disabled by default):
setting the environment variable
, orsetting the
option incudf
by doingcudf.set_option("spill", True)
Additionally, parameters are:
/cudf.set_option("spill_on_demand", True)
, which registers an RMM out-of-memory error handler that spills buffers in order to free up memory. If spilling is enabled, spill on demand is enabled by default.CUDF_SPILL_DEVICE_LIMIT=<X>
/cudf.set_option("spill_device_limit", <X>)
, which sets a device memory limit of<X>
in bytes. This introduces a modest overhead and is disabled by default. Furthermore, this is a soft limit. The memory usage might exceed the limit if too many buffers are unspillable.
Spilling consists of two components:
A new buffer sub-class,
, that implements moving of its data from host to device memory in-place.A spill manager that tracks all instances of
and spills them on demand. A global spill manager is used throughout cudf when spilling is enabled, which makesas_buffer()
instead of the defaultBuffer
Accessing Buffer.get_ptr(...)
, we get the device memory pointer of the buffer. This is unproblematic in the case of Buffer
but what happens when accessing SpillableBuffer.get_ptr(...)
, which might have spilled its device memory. In this case, SpillableBuffer
needs to unspill the memory before returning its device memory pointer. Furthermore, while this device memory pointer is being used (or could be used), SpillableBuffer
cannot spill its memory back to host memory because doing so would invalidate the device pointer.
To address this, we mark the SpillableBuffer
as unspillable, we say that the buffer has been exposed. This can either be permanent if the device pointer is exposed to external projects or temporary while libcudf
accesses the device memory.
The SpillableBuffer.get_ptr(...)
returns the device pointer of the buffer memory but if called within an acquire_spill_lock
decorator/context, the buffer is only marked unspillable while running within the decorator/context.
cuDF supports spilling statistics, which can be very useful for performance profiling and to identify code that renders buffers unspillable.
Three levels of information gathering exist:
disabled (no overhead).
gather statistics of duration and number of bytes spilled (very low overhead).
gather statistics of each time a spillable buffer is exposed permanently (potential high overhead).
Statistics can be enabled in two ways (it is disabled by default):
setting the environment variable
, orsetting the
option incudf
by doingcudf.set_option("spill_stats", <statistics-level>)
It is possible to access the statistics through the spill manager like:
>>> import cudf
>>> from cudf.core.buffer.spill_manager import get_global_manager
>>> stats = get_global_manager().statistics
>>> print(stats)
Spill Statistics (level=1):
Spilling (level >= 1):
gpu => cpu: 24B in 0.0033
To have each worker in dask print spill statistics, do something like:
def spill_info():
from cudf.core.buffer.spill_manager import get_global_manager
The Cython layer#
The lowest level of cuDF is its interaction with libcudf
via Cython.
The Cython layer is composed of two components: C++ bindings and Cython wrappers.
The first component consists of .pxd
Cython declaration files that expose the contents of C++ header files to other Cython files.
The second component consists of Cython wrappers for this functionality.
These wrappers are necessary to expose this functionality to pure Python code.
They also handle translating cuDF objects into their libcudf
equivalents and invoking libcudf
Working with this layer of cuDF requires some familiarity with libcudf
’s APIs.
is built around two principal objects whose names are largely self-explanatory: column
and table
also defines corresponding non-owning “view” types column_view
and table_view
APIs typically accept views and return owning types.
Most cuDF Cython wrappers involve converting cudf.Column
objects into column_view
or table_view
calling a libcudf
API with these arguments, then constructing new cudf.Column
s from the result.
By the time code reaches this layer, all questions of pandas compatibility should already have been addressed.
These functions should be as close to trivial wrappers around libcudf
APIs as possible.
Putting It All Together#
To this point, our discussion has assumed that all cuDF functions follow a strictly linear descent through these layers.
However, it should be clear that in many cases this approach is not appropriate.
Many common Frame
operations do not operate on individual columns but on the Frame
as a whole.
Therefore, we in fact have two distinct common patterns for implementations in cuDF.
The first pattern is for operations that act on columns of a
individually. This group includes tasks like reductions and scans (sum
). These operations are typically implemented by looping over the columns stored in aFrame
.The second pattern is for operations that involve acting on multiple columns at once. This group includes many core operations like grouping or merging. These operations bypass the Column layer altogether, instead going straight from Frame to Cython.
The pandas API also includes a number of helper objects, such as GroupBy
, Rolling
, and Resampler
cuDF implements corresponding objects with the same APIs.
Internally, these objects typically interact with cuDF objects at the Frame layer via composition.
However, for performance reasons they frequently access internal attributes and methods of Frame
and its subclasses.
This section describes the internal implementation details of the copy-on-write feature. It is recommended that developers familiarize themselves with the user-facing documentation of this functionality before reading through the internals below.
The core copy-on-write implementation relies on ExposureTrackedBuffer
and the tracking features of BufferOwner
tracks internal and external references to its underlying memory. Internal references are tracked by maintaining weak references to every ExposureTrackedBuffer
of the underlying memory. External references are tracked through “exposure” status of the underlying memory. A buffer is considered exposed if the device pointer (integer or void*) has been handed out to a library outside of cudf. In this case, we have no way of knowing if the data are being modified by a third party.
is a subclass of Buffer
that represents a slice of the memory underlying an exposure tracked buffer.
When the cudf option "copy_on_write"
is True
, as_buffer
returns a ExposureTrackedBuffer
. It is this class that determines whether or not to make a copy when a write operation is performed on a Column
(see below). If multiple slices point to the same underlying memory, then a copy must be made whenever a modification is attempted.
Eager copies when exposing to third-party libraries#
If a Column
is exposed to a third-party library via __cuda_array_interface__
, we are no longer able to track whether or not modification of the buffer has occurred. Hence whenever
someone accesses data through the __cuda_array_interface__
, we eagerly trigger the copy by calling
which ensures a true copy of underlying data is made and that the slice is the sole owner. Any future copy requests must also trigger a true physical copy (since we cannot track the lifetime of the third-party object). To handle this we also mark the Column
as exposed thus indicating that any future shallow-copy requests will trigger a true physical copy rather than a copy-on-write shallow copy.
Obtaining a read-only object#
A read-only object can be quite useful for operations that will not
mutate the data. This can be achieved by calling .get_ptr(mode="read")
, and using cuda_array_interface_wrapper
to wrap a __cuda_array_interface__
object around it.
This will not trigger a deep copy even if multiple ExposureTrackedBuffer
s point to the same ExposureTrackedBufferOwner
. This API should only be used when the lifetime of the proxy object is restricted to cudf’s internal code execution. Handing this out to external libraries or user-facing APIs will lead to untracked references and undefined copy-on-write behavior. We currently use this API for device to host
copies like in ColumnBase.data_array_view(mode="read")
which is used for Column.values_host
Internal access to raw data pointers#
Since it is unsafe to access the raw pointer associated with a buffer when
copy-on-write is enabled, in addition to the readonly proxy object described above,
access to the pointer is gated through Buffer.get_ptr
. This method accepts a mode
argument through which the caller indicates how they will access the data associated
with the buffer. If only read-only access is required (mode="read"
), this indicates
that the caller has no intention of modifying the buffer through this pointer.
In this case, any shallow copies are not unlinked. In contrast, if modification is
required one may pass mode="write"
, provoking unlinking of any shallow copies.
Variable width data types#
Weak references are implemented only for fixed-width data types as these are only column
types that can be mutated in place.
Requests for deep copies of variable width data types always return shallow copies of the Columns, because these
types don’t support real in-place mutation of the data.
Internally, we mimic in-place mutations using _mimic_inplace
, but the resulting data is always a deep copy of the underlying data.
When copy-on-write is enabled, taking a shallow copy of a Series
or a DataFrame
does not
eagerly create a copy of the data. Instead, it produces a view that will be lazily
copied when a write operation is performed on any of its copies.
Let’s create a series:
>>> import cudf
>>> cudf.set_option("copy_on_write", True)
>>> s1 = cudf.Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
Make a copy of s1
>>> s2 = s1.copy(deep=False)
Make another copy, but of s2
>>> s3 = s2.copy(deep=False)
Viewing the data and memory addresses show that they all point to the same device memory:
>>> s1
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64
>>> s2
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64
>>> s3
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64
Now, when we perform a write operation on one of them, say on s2
, a new copy is created
for s2
on device and then modified:
>>> s2[0:2] = 10
>>> s2
0 10
1 10
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64
>>> s1
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64
>>> s3
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64
If we inspect the memory address of the data, s1
and s3
still share the same address but s2
has a new one:
Now, performing write operation on s1
will trigger a new copy on device memory as there
is a weak reference being shared in s3
>>> s1[0:2] = 11
>>> s1
0 11
1 11
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64
>>> s2
0 10
1 10
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64
>>> s3
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64
If we inspect the memory address of the data, the addresses of s2
and s3
remain unchanged, but s1
’s memory address has changed because of a copy operation performed during the writing:
cuDF’s copy-on-write implementation is motivated by the pandas proposals documented here: