Low Level cuGraph C++ API#
namespace cugraph#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeValueType>
using edge_property_view_type_t = typename edge_property_view_type<GraphViewType, EdgeValueType>::value#
template<typename T>
using dataframe_buffer_type_t = typename dataframe_buffer_type<T>::type#
template<typename T>
using dataframe_buffer_iterator_type_t = typename dataframe_buffer_iterator_type<T>::type#
template<typename T>
using dataframe_buffer_const_iterator_type_t = typename dataframe_buffer_const_iterator_type<T>::type#
enum class cugraph_cc_t#
enumerator CUGRAPH_STRONG#
Strongly Connected Components
enumerator CUGRAPH_STRONG#
enum class k_core_degree_type_t#
Identify whether the core number computation should be based off incoming edges, outgoing edges or both.
enumerator IN#
enumerator OUT#
enumerator INOUT#
enumerator IN#
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > betweenness_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const include_endpoints, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > betweenness_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const include_endpoints, bool do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > edge_betweenness_centrality (const raft::handle_t &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > edge_betweenness_centrality (const raft::handle_t &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > betweenness_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const include_endpoints, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > betweenness_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const include_endpoints, bool do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > edge_betweenness_centrality (const raft::handle_t &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > edge_betweenness_centrality (const raft::handle_t &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > betweenness_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const include_endpoints, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > betweenness_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const include_endpoints, bool do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > edge_betweenness_centrality (const raft::handle_t &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > edge_betweenness_centrality (const raft::handle_t &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > betweenness_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const include_endpoints, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > betweenness_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const include_endpoints, bool do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > edge_betweenness_centrality (const raft::handle_t &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > edge_betweenness_centrality (const raft::handle_t &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, bool const normalized, bool const do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > eigenvector_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > initial_centralities, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > eigenvector_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > initial_centralities, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > eigenvector_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > initial_centralities, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > eigenvector_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > initial_centralities, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > eigenvector_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > initial_centralities, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > eigenvector_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > initial_centralities, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > eigenvector_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > initial_centralities, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > eigenvector_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > initial_centralities, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void katz_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float const *betas, float *katz_centralities, float alpha, float beta, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void katz_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double const *betas, double *katz_centralities, double alpha, double beta, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void katz_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float const *betas, float *katz_centralities, float alpha, float beta, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void katz_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double const *betas, double *katz_centralities, double alpha, double beta, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void katz_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float const *betas, float *katz_centralities, float alpha, float beta, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void katz_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double const *betas, double *katz_centralities, double alpha, double beta, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void katz_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float const *betas, float *katz_centralities, float alpha, float beta, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void katz_centrality (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double const *betas, double *katz_centralities, double alpha, double beta, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, float > approximate_weighted_matching (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, double > approximate_weighted_matching (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, float > approximate_weighted_matching (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, double > approximate_weighted_matching (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, float > approximate_weighted_matching (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, double > approximate_weighted_matching (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, float > approximate_weighted_matching (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, double > approximate_weighted_matching (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, size_t, float > ecg (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float min_weight, size_t ensemble_size, size_t max_level, float threshold, float resolution)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, size_t, double > ecg (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double min_weight, size_t ensemble_size, size_t max_level, double threshold, double resolution)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, size_t, float > ecg (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float min_weight, size_t ensemble_size, size_t max_level, float threshold, float resolution)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, size_t, double > ecg (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double min_weight, size_t ensemble_size, size_t max_level, double threshold, double resolution)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, size_t, float > ecg (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float min_weight, size_t ensemble_size, size_t max_level, float threshold, float resolution)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, size_t, double > ecg (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double min_weight, size_t ensemble_size, size_t max_level, double threshold, double resolution)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, size_t, float > ecg (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float min_weight, size_t ensemble_size, size_t max_level, float threshold, float resolution)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, size_t, double > ecg (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double min_weight, size_t ensemble_size, size_t max_level, double threshold, double resolution)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > edge_triangle_count (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, bool do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > edge_triangle_count (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, bool do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > edge_triangle_count (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, bool do_expensive_check)
- template edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > edge_triangle_count (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, int32_t *, int32_t, int32_t)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > source_vertex, int32_t radius, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, int32_t *, int32_t, int32_t)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > source_vertex, int32_t radius, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, int64_t *, int64_t, int64_t)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > source_vertex, int64_t radius, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, int64_t *, int64_t, int64_t)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > source_vertex, int64_t radius, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, int32_t *source_vertex, int32_t n_subgraphs, int32_t radius)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > source_vertex, int32_t radius, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, int32_t *source_vertex, int32_t n_subgraphs, int32_t radius)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > source_vertex, int32_t radius, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, int64_t *source_vertex, int64_t n_subgraphs, int64_t radius)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > source_vertex, int64_t radius, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, int64_t *source_vertex, int64_t n_subgraphs, int64_t radius)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_ego (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > source_vertex, int64_t radius, bool do_expensive_check)
template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu>
void partition_at_level(raft::handle_t const &handle, Dendrogram<vertex_t> const &dendrogram, vertex_t const *d_vertex_ids, vertex_t *d_partition, size_t level)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > k_truss (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > k_truss (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > k_truss (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > k_truss (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > k_truss (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > k_truss (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > k_truss (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > k_truss (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
void flatten_leiden_dendrogram(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, Dendrogram<vertex_t> const &dendrogram, vertex_t *clustering)#
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int32_t > >, float > leiden (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, float resolution, float theta)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int32_t > >, double > leiden (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, double resolution, double theta)
- template std::pair< size_t, float > leiden (raft::handle_t const &, raft::random::RngState &, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, int32_t *, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< size_t, double > leiden (raft::handle_t const &, raft::random::RngState &, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, int32_t *, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int64_t > >, float > leiden (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, float resolution, float theta)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int64_t > >, double > leiden (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, double resolution, double theta)
- template std::pair< size_t, float > leiden (raft::handle_t const &, raft::random::RngState &, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, int64_t *, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< size_t, double > leiden (raft::handle_t const &, raft::random::RngState &, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, int64_t *, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int32_t > >, float > leiden (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, float resolution, float theta)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int32_t > >, double > leiden (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, double resolution, double theta)
- template std::pair< size_t, float > leiden (raft::handle_t const &, raft::random::RngState &, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, int32_t *, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< size_t, double > leiden (raft::handle_t const &, raft::random::RngState &, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, int32_t *, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int64_t > >, float > leiden (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, float resolution, float theta)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int64_t > >, double > leiden (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, double resolution, double theta)
- template std::pair< size_t, float > leiden (raft::handle_t const &, raft::random::RngState &, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, int64_t *, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< size_t, double > leiden (raft::handle_t const &, raft::random::RngState &, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, int64_t *, size_t, double, double)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
void flatten_dendrogram(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, Dendrogram<vertex_t> const &dendrogram, vertex_t *clustering)#
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int32_t > >, float > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int32_t > >, double > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< size_t, float > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, int32_t *, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< size_t, double > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, int32_t *, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int64_t > >, float > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int64_t > >, double > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< size_t, float > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, int64_t *, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< size_t, double > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, int64_t *, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int32_t > >, float > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int32_t > >, double > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< size_t, float > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > >, int32_t *, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< size_t, double > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > >, int32_t *, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int64_t > >, float > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< std::unique_ptr< Dendrogram< int64_t > >, double > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, size_t, double, double)
- template std::pair< size_t, float > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > >, int64_t *, size_t, float, float)
- template std::pair< size_t, double > louvain (raft::handle_t const &, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< raft::random::RngState > >, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > >, int64_t *, size_t, double, double)
- template void triangle_count (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, raft::device_span< int32_t > counts, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void triangle_count (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, raft::device_span< int64_t > counts, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void triangle_count (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, raft::device_span< int32_t > counts, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void triangle_count (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, raft::device_span< int64_t > counts, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void connected_components< int32_t, int32_t, float > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int32_t, int32_t, float > const &, cugraph_cc_t, int32_t *)
- template void connected_components< int64_t, int64_t, float > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int64_t, int64_t, float > const &, cugraph_cc_t, int64_t *)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > maximal_independent_set (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > maximal_independent_set (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > maximal_independent_set (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > maximal_independent_set (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > vertex_coloring (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > vertex_coloring (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > vertex_coloring (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > vertex_coloring (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template void weakly_connected_components (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, int32_t *components, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void weakly_connected_components (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, int64_t *components, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void weakly_connected_components (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, int32_t *components, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void weakly_connected_components (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, int64_t *components, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::unique_ptr< legacy::GraphCSR< uint32_t, uint32_t, float > > coo_to_csr< uint32_t, uint32_t, float > (legacy::GraphCOOView< uint32_t, uint32_t, float > const &graph, rmm::device_async_resource_ref)
- template std::unique_ptr< legacy::GraphCSR< uint32_t, uint32_t, double > > coo_to_csr< uint32_t, uint32_t, double > (legacy::GraphCOOView< uint32_t, uint32_t, double > const &graph, rmm::device_async_resource_ref)
- template std::unique_ptr< legacy::GraphCSR< int32_t, int32_t, float > > coo_to_csr< int32_t, int32_t, float > (legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, float > const &graph, rmm::device_async_resource_ref)
- template std::unique_ptr< legacy::GraphCSR< int32_t, int32_t, double > > coo_to_csr< int32_t, int32_t, double > (legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, double > const &graph, rmm::device_async_resource_ref)
- template std::unique_ptr< legacy::GraphCSR< int64_t, int64_t, float > > coo_to_csr< int64_t, int64_t, float > (legacy::GraphCOOView< int64_t, int64_t, float > const &graph, rmm::device_async_resource_ref)
- template std::unique_ptr< legacy::GraphCSR< int64_t, int64_t, double > > coo_to_csr< int64_t, int64_t, double > (legacy::GraphCOOView< int64_t, int64_t, double > const &graph, rmm::device_async_resource_ref)
- template void coo_to_csr_inplace< uint32_t, uint32_t, float > (legacy::GraphCOOView< uint32_t, uint32_t, float > &graph, legacy::GraphCSRView< uint32_t, uint32_t, float > &result)
- template void coo_to_csr_inplace< uint32_t, uint32_t, double > (legacy::GraphCOOView< uint32_t, uint32_t, double > &graph, legacy::GraphCSRView< uint32_t, uint32_t, double > &result)
- template void coo_to_csr_inplace< int32_t, int32_t, float > (legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, float > &graph, legacy::GraphCSRView< int32_t, int32_t, float > &result)
- template void coo_to_csr_inplace< int32_t, int32_t, double > (legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, double > &graph, legacy::GraphCSRView< int32_t, int32_t, double > &result)
- template void coo_to_csr_inplace< int64_t, int64_t, float > (legacy::GraphCOOView< int64_t, int64_t, float > &graph, legacy::GraphCSRView< int64_t, int64_t, float > &result)
- template void coo_to_csr_inplace< int64_t, int64_t, double > (legacy::GraphCOOView< int64_t, int64_t, double > &graph, legacy::GraphCSRView< int64_t, int64_t, double > &result)
template<typename VT, typename ET, typename WT>
void coo_to_csr_inplace(legacy::GraphCOOView<VT, ET, WT> &graph, legacy::GraphCSRView<VT, ET, WT> &result)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
void core_number(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, edge_t *core_numbers, k_core_degree_type_t degree_type, size_t k_first = 0, size_t k_last = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), bool do_expensive_check = false)# Compute core numbers of individual vertices from K-Core decomposition.
The input graph should not have self-loops nor multi-edges. Currently, only undirected graphs are supported.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false) or multi-GPU (true).
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Graph view object.
core_numbers – Pointer to the output core number array.
degree_type – Dictate whether to compute the K-Core decomposition based on in-degrees, out-degrees, or in-degrees + out_degrees.
k_first – Find K-Cores from K = k_first. Any vertices that do not belong to k_first-core will have core numbers of 0.
k_last – Find K-Cores to K = k_last. Any vertices that belong to (k_last)-core will have their core numbers set to their degrees on k_last-core.
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- template void core_number (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, int32_t *core_numbers, k_core_degree_type_t degree_type, size_t k_first, size_t k_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void core_number (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, int64_t *core_numbers, k_core_degree_type_t degree_type, size_t k_first, size_t k_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void core_number (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, int32_t *core_numbers, k_core_degree_type_t degree_type, size_t k_first, size_t k_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void core_number (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, int64_t *core_numbers, k_core_degree_type_t degree_type, size_t k_first, size_t k_last, bool do_expensive_check)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>> k_core(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, size_t k, std::optional<k_core_degree_type_t> degree_type, std::optional<raft::device_span<edge_t const>> core_numbers, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Extract K-Core of a graph.
- Throws:
cugraph::logic_error – when an error occurs.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.
multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)
- Parameters:
graph_view – Graph view object.
edge_weight_view – Optional view object holding edge weights for
.k – Order of the core. This value must not be negative.
degree_type – Optional parameter to dictate whether to compute the K-Core decomposition based on in-degrees, out-degrees, or in-degrees + out_degrees. One of
must be specified.core_numbers – Optional output from core_number algorithm. If not specified then k_core will call core_number itself using
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
edge list for the graph
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > k_core (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t k, std::optional< k_core_degree_type_t > degree_type, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > core_numbers, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > k_core (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t k, std::optional< k_core_degree_type_t > degree_type, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > core_numbers, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > k_core (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t k, std::optional< k_core_degree_type_t > degree_type, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > core_numbers, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > k_core (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t k, std::optional< k_core_degree_type_t > degree_type, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > core_numbers, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > k_core (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t k, std::optional< k_core_degree_type_t > degree_type, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > core_numbers, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > k_core (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t k, std::optional< k_core_degree_type_t > degree_type, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > core_numbers, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > k_core (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t k, std::optional< k_core_degree_type_t > degree_type, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > core_numbers, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > k_core (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, size_t k, std::optional< k_core_degree_type_t > degree_type, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > core_numbers, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > generate_erdos_renyi_graph_edgelist_gnp (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t num_vertices, float p, int32_t base_vertex_id, uint64_t seed)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > generate_erdos_renyi_graph_edgelist_gnm (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t num_vertices, size_t m, int32_t base_vertex_id, uint64_t seed)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > generate_erdos_renyi_graph_edgelist_gnp (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t num_vertices, float p, int64_t base_vertex_id, uint64_t seed)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > generate_erdos_renyi_graph_edgelist_gnm (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t num_vertices, size_t m, int64_t base_vertex_id, uint64_t seed)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > generate_bipartite_rmat_edgelist< int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t src_scale, size_t dst_scale, size_t num_edges, double a, double b, double c)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > generate_bipartite_rmat_edgelist< int64_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t src_scale, size_t dst_scale, size_t num_edges, double a, double b, double c)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > generate_rmat_edgelist< int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t scale, size_t num_edges, double a, double b, double c, bool clip_and_flip, bool scramble_vertex_ids)
- template std::vector< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > generate_rmat_edgelists< int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t n_edgelists, size_t min_scale, size_t max_scale, size_t edge_factor, generator_distribution_t size_distribution, generator_distribution_t edge_distribution, bool clip_and_flip, bool scramble_vertex_ids)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > generate_rmat_edgelist< int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, size_t scale, size_t num_edges, double a, double b, double c, uint64_t seed, bool clip_and_flip, bool scramble_vertex_ids)
- template std::vector< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > generate_rmat_edgelists< int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, size_t n_edgelists, size_t min_scale, size_t max_scale, size_t edge_factor, generator_distribution_t size_distribution, generator_distribution_t edge_distribution, uint64_t seed, bool clip_and_flip, bool scramble_vertex_ids)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > generate_rmat_edgelist< int64_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t scale, size_t num_edges, double a, double b, double c, bool clip_and_flip, bool scramble_vertex_ids)
- template std::vector< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > generate_rmat_edgelists< int64_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t n_edgelists, size_t min_scale, size_t max_scale, size_t edge_factor, generator_distribution_t size_distribution, generator_distribution_t edge_distribution, bool clip_and_flip, bool scramble_vertex_ids)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > generate_rmat_edgelist< int64_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, size_t scale, size_t num_edges, double a, double b, double c, uint64_t seed, bool clip_and_flip, bool scramble_vertex_ids)
- template std::vector< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > generate_rmat_edgelists< int64_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, size_t n_edgelists, size_t min_scale, size_t max_scale, size_t edge_factor, generator_distribution_t size_distribution, generator_distribution_t edge_distribution, uint64_t seed, bool clip_and_flip, bool scramble_vertex_ids)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > scramble_vertex_ids (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, size_t lgN)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > scramble_vertex_ids (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&dsts, size_t lgN)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > combine_edgelists (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&sources, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&dests, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&optional_d_weights, bool remove_multi_edges)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > combine_edgelists (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&sources, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&dests, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&optional_d_weights, bool remove_multi_edges)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist_from_triangular (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_src_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_dst_v, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&optional_d_weights_v, bool check_diagonal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist_from_triangular (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_src_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_dst_v, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&optional_d_weights_v, bool check_diagonal)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > scramble_vertex_ids (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, size_t lgN)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > scramble_vertex_ids (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&dsts, size_t lgN)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > combine_edgelists (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&sources, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&dests, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&optional_d_weights, bool remove_multi_edges)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > combine_edgelists (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&sources, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&dests, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&optional_d_weights, bool remove_multi_edges)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist_from_triangular (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_src_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_dst_v, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&optional_d_weights_v, bool check_diagonal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist_from_triangular (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_src_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_dst_v, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&optional_d_weights_v, bool check_diagonal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > generate_path_graph_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< std::tuple< int32_t, int32_t > > const &component_parms_v)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > generate_2d_mesh_graph_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< std::tuple< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > > const &component_parms_v)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > generate_3d_mesh_graph_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< std::tuple< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > > const &component_parms_v)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > generate_complete_graph_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< std::tuple< int32_t, int32_t > > const &component_parms_v)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > generate_path_graph_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< std::tuple< int64_t, int64_t > > const &component_parms_v)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > generate_2d_mesh_graph_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< std::tuple< int64_t, int64_t, int64_t > > const &component_parms_v)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > generate_3d_mesh_graph_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< std::tuple< int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t > > const &component_parms_v)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > generate_complete_graph_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< std::tuple< int64_t, int64_t > > const &component_parms_v)
- template void force_atlas2< int, int, float > (raft::handle_t const &handle, legacy::GraphCOOView< int, int, float > &graph, float *pos, const int max_iter, float *x_start, float *y_start, bool outbound_attraction_distribution, bool lin_log_mode, bool prevent_overlapping, const float edge_weight_influence, const float jitter_tolerance, bool barnes_hut_optimize, const float barnes_hut_theta, const float scaling_ratio, bool strong_gravity_mode, const float gravity, bool verbose, internals::GraphBasedDimRedCallback *callback)
- template void force_atlas2< int, int, double > (raft::handle_t const &handle, legacy::GraphCOOView< int, int, double > &graph, float *pos, const int max_iter, float *x_start, float *y_start, bool outbound_attraction_distribution, bool lin_log_mode, bool prevent_overlapping, const float edge_weight_influence, const float jitter_tolerance, bool barnes_hut_optimize, const float barnes_hut_theta, const float scaling_ratio, bool strong_gravity_mode, const float gravity, bool verbose, internals::GraphBasedDimRedCallback *callback)
- template int32_t hungarian< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &, legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &, int32_t, int32_t const *, int32_t *, int32_t)
- template float hungarian< int32_t, int32_t, float > (raft::handle_t const &, legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, float > const &, int32_t, int32_t const *, int32_t *, float)
- template double hungarian< int32_t, int32_t, double > (raft::handle_t const &, legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, double > const &, int32_t, int32_t const *, int32_t *, double)
- template int32_t hungarian< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &, legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &, int32_t, int32_t const *, int32_t *)
- template float hungarian< int32_t, int32_t, float > (raft::handle_t const &, legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, float > const &, int32_t, int32_t const *, int32_t *)
- template double hungarian< int32_t, int32_t, double > (raft::handle_t const &, legacy::GraphCOOView< int32_t, int32_t, double > const &, int32_t, int32_t const *, int32_t *)
- template std::tuple< float, size_t > hits (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, float *const hubs, float *const authorities, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_hubs_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< double, size_t > hits (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, double *const hubs, double *const authorities, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_hubs_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< float, size_t > hits (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, float *const hubs, float *const authorities, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_hubs_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< double, size_t > hits (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, double *const hubs, double *const authorities, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_hubs_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< float, size_t > hits (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, float *const hubs, float *const authorities, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_hubs_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< double, size_t > hits (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, double *const hubs, double *const authorities, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_hubs_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< float, size_t > hits (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, float *const hubs, float *const authorities, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_hubs_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< double, size_t > hits (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, double *const hubs, double *const authorities, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_hubs_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< float const * > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< int32_t const * > personalization_vertices, std::optional< float const * > personalization_values, std::optional< int32_t > personalization_vector_size, float *pageranks, float alpha, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< double const * > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< int32_t const * > personalization_vertices, std::optional< double const * > personalization_values, std::optional< int32_t > personalization_vector_size, double *pageranks, double alpha, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< float >, centrality_algorithm_metadata_t > pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< float const > > > personalization, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > initial_pageranks, float alpha, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< double >, centrality_algorithm_metadata_t > pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< double const > > > personalization, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > initial_pageranks, double alpha, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< float const * > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< int64_t const * > personalization_vertices, std::optional< float const * > personalization_values, std::optional< int64_t > personalization_vector_size, float *pageranks, float alpha, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< double const * > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< int64_t const * > personalization_vertices, std::optional< double const * > personalization_values, std::optional< int64_t > personalization_vector_size, double *pageranks, double alpha, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< float >, centrality_algorithm_metadata_t > pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< float const > > > personalization, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > initial_pageranks, float alpha, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< double >, centrality_algorithm_metadata_t > pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< double const > > > personalization, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > initial_pageranks, double alpha, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< float const * > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< int32_t const * > personalization_vertices, std::optional< float const * > personalization_values, std::optional< int32_t > personalization_vector_size, float *pageranks, float alpha, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< double const * > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< int32_t const * > personalization_vertices, std::optional< double const * > personalization_values, std::optional< int32_t > personalization_vector_size, double *pageranks, double alpha, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< float >, centrality_algorithm_metadata_t > pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< float const > > > personalization, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > initial_pageranks, float alpha, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< double >, centrality_algorithm_metadata_t > pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< double const > > > personalization, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > initial_pageranks, double alpha, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< float const * > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< int64_t const * > personalization_vertices, std::optional< float const * > personalization_values, std::optional< int64_t > personalization_vector_size, float *pageranks, float alpha, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< double const * > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< int64_t const * > personalization_vertices, std::optional< double const * > personalization_values, std::optional< int64_t > personalization_vector_size, double *pageranks, double alpha, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< float >, centrality_algorithm_metadata_t > pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< float const > > > personalization, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > initial_pageranks, float alpha, float epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< double >, centrality_algorithm_metadata_t > pagerank (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< double const > > > personalization, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > initial_pageranks, double alpha, double epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > cosine_similarity_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > cosine_similarity_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > cosine_similarity_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > cosine_similarity_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > cosine_similarity_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > cosine_similarity_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > cosine_similarity_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > cosine_similarity_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > cosine_similarity_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > cosine_similarity_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > cosine_similarity_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > cosine_similarity_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > cosine_similarity_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > cosine_similarity_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > cosine_similarity_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > cosine_similarity_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > jaccard_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > jaccard_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > jaccard_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > jaccard_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > jaccard_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > jaccard_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > jaccard_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > jaccard_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > jaccard_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > jaccard_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > jaccard_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > jaccard_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > jaccard_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > jaccard_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > jaccard_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > jaccard_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > overlap_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > overlap_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > overlap_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > overlap_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > overlap_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > overlap_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > overlap_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > overlap_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > overlap_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > overlap_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > overlap_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > overlap_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > overlap_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > overlap_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > overlap_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > overlap_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > sorensen_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > sorensen_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > sorensen_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > sorensen_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > sorensen_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > sorensen_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > sorensen_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > sorensen_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > sorensen_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > sorensen_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > sorensen_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > sorensen_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > sorensen_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > sorensen_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int64_t const >, raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertex_pairs, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > sorensen_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > sorensen_all_pairs_coefficients (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > vertices, std::optional< size_t > topk, bool do_expensive_check)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_single_type(raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t<edge_id_t, edge_type_t, vertex_t> const &search_container, raft::device_span<edge_id_t const> edge_ids_to_lookup, edge_type_t edge_type_to_lookup)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_types(raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t<edge_id_t, edge_type_t, vertex_t> const &search_container, raft::device_span<edge_id_t const> edge_ids_to_lookup, raft::device_span<edge_type_t const> edge_types_to_lookup)#
- template lookup_container_t< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > build_edge_id_and_type_to_src_dst_lookup_map (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_single_type< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, int32_t edge_type_to_lookup)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_types< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_types_to_lookup)
- template lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int32_t > build_edge_id_and_type_to_src_dst_lookup_map (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_single_type< int32_t, int64_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int64_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, int32_t edge_type_to_lookup)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_types< int32_t, int64_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int64_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_types_to_lookup)
- template lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int64_t > build_edge_id_and_type_to_src_dst_lookup_map (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_single_type< int64_t, int64_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int64_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int64_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, int32_t edge_type_to_lookup)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_types< int64_t, int64_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int64_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int64_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_types_to_lookup)
- template lookup_container_t< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > build_edge_id_and_type_to_src_dst_lookup_map (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_single_type< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, int32_t const edge_type_to_lookup)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_types< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int32_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_types_to_lookup)
- template lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int32_t > build_edge_id_and_type_to_src_dst_lookup_map (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_single_type< int32_t, int64_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int64_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, int32_t edge_type_to_lookup)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_types< int32_t, int64_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int32_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int64_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_types_to_lookup)
- template lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int64_t > build_edge_id_and_type_to_src_dst_lookup_map (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_single_type< int64_t, int64_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int64_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int64_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, int32_t edge_type_to_lookup)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_types< int64_t, int64_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t< int64_t, int32_t, int64_t > const &search_container, raft::device_span< int64_t const > edge_ids_to_lookup, raft::device_span< int32_t const > edge_types_to_lookup)
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp>
GraphViewType::edge_type count_if_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Count the number of edges that satisfies the given predicate.
This function is inspired by thrust::count_if().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns true if this edge should be included in the returned count.
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
GraphViewType::edge_type Number of times
returned true.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexOp>
GraphViewType::vertex_type count_if_v(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, VertexOp v_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Count the number of vertices that satisfies the given predicate.
This version iterates over the entire set of graph vertices. This function is inspired by thrust::count_if().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
VertexOp – Type of the unary predicate operator.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_value_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property values for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_input_first
.v_op – Binary operator takes vertex ID and *(
+ i) (where i is [0,graph_view.local_vertex_partition_range_size()
)) and returns true if this vertex should be included in the returned count.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
GraphViewType::vertex_type Number of times
returned true.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp>
decltype(allocate_dataframe_buffer<typename detail::edge_op_result_type<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper::value_type, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper::value_type, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper::value_type, EdgeOp>::type::value_type>(size_t{0}, rmm::cuda_stream_view{})) extract_transform_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over the entire set of edges and extract the valid edge functor outputs.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, property values for the destination, and property values for the edge and returns cuda::std::nullopt (if the return value is to be discarded) or a valid
output to be extracted and accumulated.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
Dataframe buffer object storing extracted and accumulated valid
return values.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp>
decltype(allocate_dataframe_buffer<typename detail::edge_op_result_type<typename KeyBucketType::key_type, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper::value_type, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper::value_type, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper::value_type, EdgeOp>::type::value_type>(size_t{0}, rmm::cuda_stream_view{})) extract_transform_v_frontier_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &frontier, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over outgoing_edges from the current vertex frontier and extract the valid edge functor outputs.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, property values for the destination, and property values for the edge and returns cuda::std::nullopt (if the return value is to be discarded) or a valid
output to be extracted and accumulated.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
Dataframe buffer object storing extracted and accumulated valid
return values.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeValueOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeValueOutputWrapper edge_property_output, T input, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Fill graph edge property values to the input value.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge property values.
T – Type of the edge property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_property_output – edge_property_view_t class object to store edge property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
input – Edge property values will be set to
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_src_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper edge_src_property_output, T input, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Fill graph edge source property values to the input value.
This version fills graph edge source property values for the entire edge source ranges (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge source property values.
T – Type of the edge source property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_property_output – edge_src_property_view_t class object to store source property values (for the edge source assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
input – Edge source property values will be set to
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator, typename EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_src_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_first, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_last, EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper edge_src_property_output, T input, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Fill graph edge source property values to the input value.
This version fills only a subset of graph edge source property values. [
) specifies the vertices to be filled.- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex identifiers.
EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge source property values.
T – Type of the edge source property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
sorted_unique_vertex_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) vertex with a value to be filled. v in [vertex_first, sorted_unique_vertex_last) should be sorted & distinct (and should belong to the vertex partition assigned to this process in multi-GPU), otherwise undefined behavior.
sorted_unique_vertex_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) vertex with a value to be filled.
edge_src_property_output – edge_src_property_view_t class object to store source property values (for the edge source assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
input – Edge source property values will be set to
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_dst_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper edge_dst_property_output, T input, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Fill graph edge destination property values to the input value.
This version fills graph edge destination property values for the entire edge destination ranges (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge destination property values.
T – Type of the edge destination property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_dst_property_output – edge_dst_property_view_t class object to store destination property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
input – Edge destination property values will be set to
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator, typename EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_dst_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_first, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_last, EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper edge_dst_property_output, T input, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Fill graph edge destination property values to the input value.
This version fills only a subset of graph edge destination property values. [
) specifies the vertices to be filled.- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex identifiers.
EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge destination property values.
T – Type of the edge destination property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
sorted_unique_vertex_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) vertex with a value to be filled. v in [sorted_unique_vertex_first, sorted_unique_vertex_last) should be sorted & distinct (and should belong to the vertex partition assigned to this process in multi-GPU), otherwise undefined behavior.
sorted_unique_vertex_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) vertex with a value to be filled.
edge_dst_property_output – edge_dst_property_view_t class object to store destination property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
input – Edge destination property values will be set to
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexPairIterator>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type>> per_v_pair_dst_nbr_intersection(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexPairIterator vertex_pair_first, VertexPairIterator vertex_pair_last, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over each input vertex pair and returns the common destination neighbor list pair in a CSR-like format.
Iterate over every vertex pair; intersect destination neighbor lists of the two vertices in the pair and store the result in a CSR-like format
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexPairIterator – Type of the iterator for input vertex pairs.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_pair_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) input vertex pair.
vertex_pair_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) input vertex pair.
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
std::tuple Tuple of intersection offsets and indices.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexPairIterator, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename EdgeValueInputIterator, typename IntersectionOp, typename VertexPairValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_pair_transform_dst_nbr_intersection(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeValueInputIterator edge_value_input, VertexPairIterator vertex_pair_first, VertexPairIterator vertex_pair_last, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, IntersectionOp intersection_op, VertexPairValueOutputIterator vertex_pair_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over each input vertex pair and apply a functor to the common destination neighbor list of the pair.
Iterate over every vertex pair; intersect destination neighbor lists of the two vertices in the pair; invoke a user-provided functor, and store the functor output.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexPairIterator – Type of the iterator for input vertex pairs.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
EdgeValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for edge property values.
IntersectionOp – Type of the quinary per intersection operator.
VertexPairValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex pair output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_pair_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) input vertex pair.
vertex_pair_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) input vertex pair.
vertex_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access vertex input property values (for the vertices assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ifintersection_op
does not access edge property values).intersection_op – quinary operator takes first vertex of the pair, second vertex of the pair, property values for the first vertex, property values for the second vertex, and a list of vertices in the intersection of the first & second vertices’ destination neighbors and returns an output value for the input pair.
vertex_pair_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex pair property variables for the first vertex pair (inclusive).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_pair_value_output_first
+thrust::distance(vertex_pair_first, vertex_pair_last)
.A – flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename T>
std::tuple<std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, dataframe_buffer_type_t<T>> per_v_random_select_transform_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &key_list, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t K, bool with_replacement, std::optional<T> invalid_value, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Randomly select and transform the input (tagged-)vertices’ outgoing edges.
This function assumes that every outgoing edge of a given vertex has the same odd to be selected (uniform neighbor sampling).
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBucketType – Type of the key bucket class which abstracts the current (tagged-)vertex list.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
T – Type of the selected and transformed edge output values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_list – KeyBucketType class object to store the (tagged-)vertex list to sample outgoing edges.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes (tagged-)edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be collected in the output. This function is called only for the selected edges.
K – Number of outgoing edges to select per (tagged-)vertex.
with_replacement – A flag to specify whether a single outgoing edge can be selected multiple times (if
= true) or can be selected only once (ifwith_replacement
= false).invalid_value – If
is true, this value is used to fill the output vector for the zero out-degree vertices (ifwith_replacement
= true) or the vertices with their out-degrees smaller thanK
= false). Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is false, fewer thanK
values can be returned for the vertices with fewer thanK
selected edges. See the return value section for additional details.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
std::tuple Tuple of an optional offset vector of type std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>> and a dataframe buffer storing the output values of type
from the selected edges. Ifinvalid_value
is std::nullopt, the offset vector is valid and has the size ofkey_list.size()
+ 1. Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is true, std::nullopt is returned (the dataframe buffer will storekey_list.size()
elements). Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is true,K
values are returned for each key inkey_list
. Among the K_sum values, valid values proceed the invalid values; ordering of the valid values can be arbitrary.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper, typename T>
std::tuple<std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, dataframe_buffer_type_t<T>> per_v_random_select_transform_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &key_list, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, EdgeTypeInputWrapper edge_type_input, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::host_span<size_t const> Ks, bool with_replacement, std::optional<T> invalid_value, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Randomly select (per-type) and transform the input (tagged-)vertices’ outgoing edges.
This function assumes that every outgoing edge of a given vertex has the same odd to be selected (uniform neighbor sampling).
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBucketType – Type of the key bucket class which abstracts the current (tagged-)vertex list.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
EdgeTypeInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge type values.
T – Type of the selected and transformed edge output values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_list – KeyBucketType class object to store the (tagged-)vertex list to sample outgoing edges.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes (tagged-)edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be collected in the output. This function is called only for the selected edges.
edge_type_input – Wrapper used to access edge type value (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used in per-type (heterogeneous) sampling. Use cugraph::edge_property_t::view().
Ks – Number of outgoing edges to select per (tagged-)vertex for each edge type (size = # edge types).
with_replacement – A flag to specify whether a single outgoing edge can be selected multiple times (if
= true) or can be selected only once (ifwith_replacement
= false).invalid_value – If
is true, this value is used to fill the output vector for the zero out-degree vertices (ifwith_replacement
= true) or the vertices with their out-degrees smaller thanK
= false). Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is false, fewer thanK
values can be returned for the vertices with fewer thanK
selected edges. See the return value section for additional details.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
std::tuple Tuple of an optional offset vector of type std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>> and a dataframe buffer storing the output values of type
from the selected edges. Ifinvalid_value
is std::nullopt, the offset vector is valid and has the size ofkey_list.size()
+ 1. Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is true, std::nullopt is returned (the dataframe buffer will storekey_list.size()
elements). Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is true, K_sum = std::reduce(Ks.begin()
) values are returned for each key inkey_list
. Among the K_sum values, valid values proceed the invalid values; ordering of the valid values can be arbitrary.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename BiasEdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeOp, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename T>
std::tuple<std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, dataframe_buffer_type_t<T>> per_v_random_select_transform_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &key_list, BiasEdgeSrcValueInputWrapper bias_edge_src_value_input, BiasEdgeDstValueInputWrapper bias_edge_dst_value_input, BiasEdgeValueInputWrapper bias_edge_value_input, BiasEdgeOp bias_e_op, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t K, bool with_replacement, std::optional<T> invalid_value, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Randomly select and transform the input (tagged-)vertices’ outgoing edges with biases.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBucketType – Type of the key bucket class which abstracts the current (tagged-)vertex list.
BiasEdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values (for BiasEdgeOp).
BiasEdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values (for BiasEdgeOp).
BiasEdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values (for BiasEdgeOp).
BiasEdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator to set-up selection bias values.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
T – Type of the selected and transformed edge output values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_list – KeyBucketType class object to store the (tagged-)vertex list to sample outgoing edges.
bias_edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.bias_edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.bias_edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).bias_e_op – Quinary operator takes (tagged-)edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a floating point bias value to be used in biased random selection. The return value should be non-negative. The bias value of 0 indicates that the corresponding edge cannot be selected. Assuming that the return value type is bias_t, the sum of the bias values for any seed vertex should not exceed std::numeric_limits<bias_t>::max().
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes (tagged-)edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be collected in the output. This function is called only for the selected edges.
K – Number of outgoing edges to select per (tagged-)vertex.
with_replacement – A flag to specify whether a single outgoing edge can be selected multiple times (if
= true) or can be selected only once (ifwith_replacement
= false).invalid_value – If
is true, this value is used to fill the output vector for the zero out-degree vertices (ifwith_replacement
= true) or the vertices with their out-degrees smaller thanK
= false). Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is false, fewer thanK
values can be returned for the vertices with fewer thanK
selected edges. See the return value section for additional details.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
std::tuple Tuple of an optional offset vector of type std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>> and a dataframe buffer storing the output values of type
from the selected edges. Ifinvalid_value
is std::nullopt, the offset vector is valid and has the size ofkey_list.size()
+ 1. Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is true, std::nullopt is returned (the dataframe buffer will storekey_list.size()
elements). Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is true,K
values are returned for each key inkey_list
. Among the K_sum values, valid values proceed the invalid values; ordering of the valid values can be arbitrary.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename BiasEdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeOp, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper, typename T>
std::tuple<std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, dataframe_buffer_type_t<T>> per_v_random_select_transform_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &key_list, BiasEdgeSrcValueInputWrapper bias_edge_src_value_input, BiasEdgeDstValueInputWrapper bias_edge_dst_value_input, BiasEdgeValueInputWrapper bias_edge_value_input, BiasEdgeOp bias_e_op, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, EdgeTypeInputWrapper edge_type_input, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::host_span<size_t const> Ks, bool with_replacement, std::optional<T> invalid_value, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Randomly select (per edge type) and transform the input (tagged-)vertices’ outgoing edges with biases.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBucketType – Type of the key bucket class which abstracts the current (tagged-)vertex list.
BiasEdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values (for BiasEdgeOp).
BiasEdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values (for BiasEdgeOp).
BiasEdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values (for BiasEdgeOp).
BiasEdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator to set-up selection bias values.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
EdgeTypeInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge type values.
T – Type of the selected and transformed edge output values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_list – KeyBucketType class object to store the (tagged-)vertex list to sample outgoing edges.
bias_edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.bias_edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.bias_edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).bias_e_op – Quinary operator takes (tagged-)edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a floating point bias value to be used in biased random selection. The return value should be non-negative. The bias value of 0 indicates that the corresponding edge cannot be selected. Assuming that the return value type is bias_t, the sum of the bias values for any seed vertex should not exceed std::numeric_limits<bias_t>::max().
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used to pass an edge source property value to
. Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (ife_op
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes (tagged-)edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be collected in the output. This function is called only for the selected edges.
edge_type_input – Wrapper used to access edge type value (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). This parameter is used in per-type (heterogeneous) sampling. Use cugraph::edge_property_t::view().
Ks – Number of outgoing edges to select per (tagged-)vertex for each edge type (size = # edge types).
with_replacement – A flag to specify whether a single outgoing edge can be selected multiple times (if
= true) or can be selected only once (ifwith_replacement
= false).invalid_value – If
is true, this value is used to fill the output vector for the zero out-degree vertices (ifwith_replacement
= true) or the vertices with their out-degrees smaller thanK
= false). Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is false, fewer thanK
values can be returned for the vertices with fewer thanK
selected edges. See the return value section for additional details.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
std::tuple Tuple of an optional offset vector of type std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>> and a dataframe buffer storing the output values of type
from the selected edges. Ifinvalid_value
is std::nullopt, the offset vector is valid and has the size ofkey_list.size()
+ 1. Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is true, std::nullopt is returned (the dataframe buffer will storekey_list.size()
elements). Ifinvalid_value.has_value()
is true, K_sum = std::reduce(Ks.begin()
) values are returned for each key inkey_list
. Among the K_sum values, valid values proceed the invalid values; ordering of the valid values can be arbitrary.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstKeyInputWrapper, typename KVStoreViewType, typename KeyAggregatedEdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_dst_key_aggregated_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeDstKeyInputWrapper edge_dst_key_input, KVStoreViewType kv_store_view, KeyAggregatedEdgeOp key_aggregated_e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over every vertex’s destination key-aggregated outgoing edges to update vertex property values.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce(). Unlike per_v_transform_reduce_outgoing_e, this function first aggregates outgoing edges by destination keys to support two level reduction for every vertex.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeDstKeyInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination key values.
KVStoreViewType – Type of the (key, value) store. Key type should coincide with vertex type.
KeyAggregatedEdgeOp – Type of the quinary key-aggregated edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).edge_dst_key_input – Wrapper used to access destination input key values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view(). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.
kv_store_view – view object of the (key, value) store (for the keys assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
is used to map keys to processes). (Key, value) pairs may be provided by transform_reduce_e_by_src_key() or transform_reduce_e_by_dst_key().key_aggregated_e_op – Quinary operator takes 1) edge source, 2) key, 3) *(
+ i), 4) value for the key stored in the input (key, value) pairs provided bymap_unique_key_first
, andmap_value_first
(aggregated over the entire set of processes in multi-GPU), and 5) aggregated edge value.init – Initial value to be reduced with the reduced value for each vertex.
reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_if_incoming_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over every vertex’s incoming edges to update vertex properties.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce. In addition, this function excludes the edges that return false when the predicate
is applied.- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
PredOp – Type of the quinary predicate operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
init – Initial value to be added to the reduced
return values for each vertex. Ifreduce_op
is cugraph::reduce_op::any, init value is never selected except for the (tagged-)vertices with 0 outgoing edges.reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.pred_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns whether this edge should be included (if true is returned) or excluded.
vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_if_incoming_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &key_list, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# For each (tagged-)vertex in the input (tagged-)vertex list, iterate over the incoming edges to update (tagged-)vertex properties.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce(). In addition, this function excludes the edges that return false when the predicate
is applied.- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBucketType – Type of the key bucket class which abstracts the current (tagged-)vertex list.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
PredOp – Type of the quinary predicate operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_list – KeyBucketType class object to store the (tagged-)vertex list to update (tagged-)vertex properties.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
init – Initial value to be reduced with the reduced
return values for each vertex. Ifreduce_op
is cugraph::reduce_op::any, init value is never selected except for the (tagged-)vertices with 0 incoming edges.reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.pred_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns whether this edge should be included (if true is returned) or excluded.
vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the (tagged-)vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) (tagged-)vertex in
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_if_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over every vertex’s outgoing edges to update vertex properties.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce(). In addition, this function excludes the edges that return false when the predicate
is applied.- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
PredOp – Type of the quinary predicate operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
init – Initial value to be added to the reduced
return values for each vertex. Ifreduce_op
is cugraph::reduce_op::any, init value is never selected except for the (tagged-)vertices with 0 outgoing edges.reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.pred_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns whether this edge should be included (if true is returned) or excluded.
vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_if_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &key_list, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# For each (tagged-)vertex in the input (tagged-)vertex list, iterate over the outgoing edges to update (tagged-)vertex properties.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce(). In addition, this function excludes the edges that return false when the predicate
is applied.- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBucketType – Type of the key bucket class which abstracts the current (tagged-)vertex list.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
PredOp – Type of the quinary predicate operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_list – KeyBucketType class object to store the (tagged-)vertex list to update (tagged-)vertex properties.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
init – Initial value to be reduced with the reduced
return values for each vertex. Ifreduce_op
is cugraph::reduce_op::any, init value is never selected except for the (tagged-)vertices with 0 outgoing edges.reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.pred_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns whether this edge should be included (if true is returned) or excluded.
vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the (tagged-)vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) (tagged-)vertex in
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_incoming_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over every vertex’s incoming edges to update vertex properties.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
init – Initial value to be added to the reduced
return values for each vertex. Ifreduce_op
is cugraph::reduce_op::any, init value is never selected except for the (tagged-)vertices with 0 outgoing edges.reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_incoming_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &key_list, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# For each (tagged-)vertex in the input (tagged-)vertex list, iterate over the incoming edges to update (tagged-)vertex properties.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBucketType – Type of the key bucket class which abstracts the current (tagged-)vertex list.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_list – KeyBucketType class object to store the (tagged-)vertex list to update (tagged-)vertex properties.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
init – Initial value to be reduced with the reduced
return values for each vertex. Ifreduce_op
is cugraph::reduce_op::any, init value is never selected except for the (tagged-)vertices with 0 incoming edges.reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the (tagged-)vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) (tagged-)vertex in
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over every vertex’s outgoing edges to update vertex properties.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
init – Initial value to be added to the reduced
return values for each vertex. Ifreduce_op
is cugraph::reduce_op::any, init value is never selected except for the (tagged-)vertices with 0 outgoing edges.reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_outgoing_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &key_list, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# For each (tagged-)vertex in the input (tagged-)vertex list, iterate over the outgoing edges to update (tagged-)vertex properties.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBucketType – Type of the key bucket class which abstracts the current (tagged-)vertex list.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_list – KeyBucketType class object to store the (tagged-)vertex list to update (tagged-)vertex properties.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
init – Initial value to be reduced with the reduced
return values for each vertex. Ifreduce_op
is cugraph::reduce_op::any, init value is never selected except for the (tagged-)vertices with 0 outgoing edges.reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the (tagged-)vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) (tagged-)vertex in
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<T>::value, T> min_identity_element()#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<T>::value, T> max_identity_element()#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename ReduceOp, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename T>
T reduce_v(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Reduce the input vertex property values.
This function is inspired by thrust::reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
T – Type of the initial value. T should be an arithmetic type or thrust::tuple of arithmetic types.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_value_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property values for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_input_first
.init – Initial value to be reduced with the reduced input vertex property values.
reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in include/cugraph/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
T Reduced input vertex property values.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename T>
T reduce_v(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, T init, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Reduce the input vertex property values.
This function is inspired by thrust::reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
T – Type of the initial value. T should be an arithmetic type or thrust::tuple of arithmetic types.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_value_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property values for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_input_first
.init – Initial value to be added to the reduced input vertex property values.
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
T Reduced input vertex property values.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexValueInputIterator>
auto reduce_v(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Reduce the input vertex property values.
This function is inspired by thrust::reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
T – Type of the initial value. T should be an arithmetic type or thrust::tuple of arithmetic types.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_value_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property values for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_input_first
.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
Reduced input vertex property values.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename EdgeValueOutputWrapper>
void transform_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, EdgeValueOutputWrapper edge_value_output, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over the entire set of edges and update edge property values.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for input edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for input edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for input edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
EdgeValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
edge_value_output – Wrapper used to store edge output property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use cugraph::edge_property_t::mutable_view().
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename EdgeValueOutputWrapper>
void transform_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeBucketType const &edge_list, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, EdgeValueOutputWrapper edge_value_output, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over the edges in the input edge list and update edge property values.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeBucketType – Type of the edge bucket class which stores the edge list.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for input edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for input edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for input edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
EdgeValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_list – EdgeBucketType class object storing the edge list to update edge property values.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
edge_value_output – Wrapper used to store edge output property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use cugraph::edge_property_t::mutable_view().
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename IntersectionOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void transform_reduce_dst_nbr_intersection_of_e_endpoints_by_v(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, IntersectionOp intersection_op, T init, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over each edge and apply a functor to the common destination neighbor list of the edge endpoints, reduce the functor output values per-vertex.
Iterate over every edge; intersect destination neighbor lists of source vertex & destination vertex; invoke a user-provided functor per intersection, and reduce the functor output values (thrust::tuple of three values having the same type: one for source, one for destination, and one for every vertex in the intersection) per-vertex. We may add transform_reduce_triplet_of_dst_nbr_intersection_of_e_endpoints_by_v in the future to allow emitting different values for different vertices in the intersection of edge endpoints. This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
IntersectionOp – Type of the quinary per intersection operator.
T – Type of the initial value for per-vertex reduction.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex output property variables.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ifintersection_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ifintersection_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.intersection_op – quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, property values for the destination, and a list of vertices in the intersection of edge source & destination vertices’ destination neighbors and returns a thrust::tuple of three values: one value per source vertex, one value for destination vertex, and one value for every vertex in the intersection.
init – Initial value to be added to the reduced
return values for each vertex.vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.A – flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename T>
T transform_reduce_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over the entire set of edges and reduce
outputs.This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
T – Type of the initial value.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
init – Initial value to be added to the reduced
outputs.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
T Transform-reduced
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp>
auto transform_reduce_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over the entire set of edges and reduce
outputs.This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced.
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeSrcKeyInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename T>
auto transform_reduce_e_by_src_key(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeSrcKeyInputWrapper edge_src_key_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over the entire set of edges and reduce
outputs to (key, value) pairs.This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce() and thrust::reduce_by_key(). Keys for edges are determined by the edge sources.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeSrcKeyInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source key values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
T – Type of the values in (key, value) pairs.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_src_key_input – Wrapper used to access source input ke values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view(). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.
edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced to (source key, value) pairs.
init – Initial value to be added to the value in each transform-reduced (source key, value) pair.
reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
std::tuple Tuple of rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphView::vertex_type> and rmm::device_uvector<T> (if T is arithmetic scalar) or a tuple of rmm::device_uvector objects (if T is a thrust::tuple type of arithmetic scalar types, one rmm::device_uvector object per scalar type).
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstKeyInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename T>
auto transform_reduce_e_by_dst_key(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeDstKeyInputWrapper edge_dst_key_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over the entire set of edges and reduce
outputs to (key, value) pairs.This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce() and thrust::reduce_by_key(). Keys for edges are determined by the edge destinations.
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeDstKeyInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination key values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
T – Type of the values in (key, value) pairs.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_partition_dst_key_input – Wrapper used to access destination input key values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view(). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.
edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns a value to be reduced to (destination key, value) pairs.
init – Initial value to be added to the value in each transform-reduced (destination key, value) pair.
reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in src/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
std::tuple Tuple of rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphView::vertex_type> and rmm::device_uvector<T> (if T is arithmetic scalar) or a tuple of rmm::device_uvector objects (if T is a thrust::tuple type of arithmetic scalar types, one rmm::device_uvector object per scalar type).
template<typename GraphViewType, typename ReduceOp, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexOp, typename T>
T transform_reduce_v(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, VertexOp v_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Reduce the transformed input vertex property values.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
VertexOp – Type of the unary vertex operator.
T – Type of the initial value.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_value_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property values for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_input_first
.v_op – Binary operator takes vertex ID and *(
+ i) (where i is [0,graph_view.local_vertex_partition_range_size()
)) and returns a transformed value to be reduced.init – Initial value to be reduced with the transform-reduced input vertex property values.
reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in include/cugraph/prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
T Transformed and reduced input vertex property values.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexOp, typename T>
T transform_reduce_v(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, VertexOp v_op, T init, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Reduce the transformed input vertex property values.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
VertexOp – Type of the unary vertex operator.
T – Type of the initial value.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_value_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property values for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_input_first
.v_op – Binary operator takes vertex ID and *(
+ i) (where i is [0,graph_view.local_vertex_partition_range_size()
)) and returns a transformed value to be reduced.init – Initial value to be added to the transform-reduced input vertex property values.
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
T Transformed and reduced input vertex property values.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexOp>
auto transform_reduce_v(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, VertexOp v_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Reduce the transformed input vertex property values.
This function is inspired by thrust::transform_reduce().
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
VertexOp – Type of the unary vertex operator.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_value_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property values for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_input_first
.v_op – Binary operator takes vertex ID and *(
+ i) (where i is [0,graph_view.local_vertex_partition_range_size()
)) and returns a transformed value to be reduced.do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
Transformed and reduced input vertex property values.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType>
size_t compute_num_out_nbrs_from_frontier(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &frontier)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp>
std::conditional_t<!std::is_same_v<typename ReduceOp::value_type, void>, std::tuple<decltype(allocate_dataframe_buffer<typename KeyBucketType::key_type>(0, rmm::cuda_stream_view{})), decltype(detail::allocate_optional_dataframe_buffer<typename ReduceOp::value_type>(0, rmm::cuda_stream_view{}))>, decltype(allocate_dataframe_buffer<typename KeyBucketType::key_type>(0, rmm::cuda_stream_view{}))> transform_reduce_v_frontier_outgoing_e_by_dst(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &frontier, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, ReduceOp reduce_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Iterate over outgoing edges from the current vertex frontier and reduce valid edge functor outputs by (tagged-)destination ID.
Edge functor outputs are cuda::std::optional objects and invalid if cuda::std::nullopt. Vertices are assumed to be tagged if KeyBucketType::key_type is a tuple of a vertex type and a tag type (KeyBucketType::key_type is identical to a vertex type otherwise).
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBucketType – Type of the vertex frontier bucket class which abstracts the current (tagged-)vertex frontier.
EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge source property values.
EdgeDstValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge destination property values.
EdgeValueInputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for edge property values.
EdgeOp – Type of the quinary edge operator.
ReduceOp – Type of the binary reduction operator.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
frontier – KeyBucketType class object for the current vertex frontier.
edge_src_value_input – Wrapper used to access source input property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_src_property_t::view() (if
needs to access source property values) or cugraph::edge_src_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access source property values). Use update_edge_src_property to fill the wrapper.edge_dst_value_input – Wrapper used to access destination input property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_dst_property_t::view() (if
needs to access destination property values) or cugraph::edge_dst_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access destination property values). Use update_edge_dst_property to fill the wrapper.edge_value_input – Wrapper used to access edge input property values (for the edges assigned to this process in multi-GPU). Use either cugraph::edge_property_t::view() (if
needs to access edge property values) or cugraph::edge_dummy_property_t::view() (ife_op
does not access edge property values).e_op – Quinary operator takes edge (tagged-)source, edge destination, property values for the source, destination, and edge and returns 1) cuda::std::nullopt (if invalid and to be discarded); 2) dummy (but valid) cuda::std::optional object (e.g. cuda::std::optional<std::byte>{std::byte{0}}, if vertices are not tagged and ReduceOp::value_type is void); 3) a tag (if vertices are tagged and ReduceOp::value_type is void); 4) a value to be reduced using the
(if vertices are not tagged and ReduceOp::value_type is not void); or 5) a tuple of a tag and a value to be reduced (if vertices are tagged and ReduceOp::value_type is not void).reduce_op – Binary operator that takes two input arguments and reduce the two values to one. There are pre-defined reduction operators in prims/reduce_op.cuh. It is recommended to use the pre-defined reduction operators whenever possible as the current (and future) implementations of graph primitives may check whether
is a known type (or has known member variables) to take a more optimized code path. See the documentation in the reduce_op.cuh file for instructions on writing custom reduction operators.
- Returns:
Tuple of key values and payload values (if ReduceOp::value_type is not void) or just key values (if ReduceOp::value_type is void). Keys in the return values are sorted in ascending order using a vertex ID as the primary key and a tag (if relevant) as the secondary key.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexPropertyInputIterator, typename EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper>
void update_edge_src_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexPropertyInputIterator vertex_property_input_first, EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper edge_src_property_output, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Update graph edge source property values from the input vertex property values.
This version updates graph edge source property values for the entire edge source ranges (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexPropertyInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge source property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_property_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property value for the first (inclusive) vertex (of the vertex partition assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_property_input_first
.edge_partition_src_property_output – edge_src_property_view_t class object to store source property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator, typename VertexPropertyInputIterator, typename EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper>
void update_edge_src_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_first, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_last, VertexPropertyInputIterator vertex_property_input_first, EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper edge_src_property_output, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Update graph edge source property values from the input vertex property values.
This version updates only a subset of graph edge source property values. [
) specifies the vertices with new property values to be updated.- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex identifiers.
VertexPropertyInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
EdgeSrcValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge source property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
sorted_unique_vertex_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) vertex with a new value to be updated. v in [sorted_unique_vertex_first, sorted_unique_vertex_last) should be sorted & distinct (and should belong to the vertex partition assigned to this process in multi-GPU), otherwise undefined behavior.
sorted_unique_vertex_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) vertex with a new value.
vertex_property_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property value for the first (inclusive) vertex (of the vertex partition assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_property_input_first
.edge_partition_src_property_output – edge_src_property_view_t class object to store source property values (for the edge sources assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexPropertyInputIterator, typename EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper>
void update_edge_dst_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexPropertyInputIterator vertex_property_input_first, EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper edge_dst_property_output, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Update graph edge destination property values from the input vertex property values.
This version updates graph edge destination property values for the entire edge destination ranges (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexPropertyInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge destination property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
vertex_property_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property value for the first (inclusive) vertex (of the vertex partition assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_property_input_first
.edge_partition_dst_property_output – edge_dst_property_view_t class object to store destination property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator, typename VertexPropertyInputIterator, typename EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper>
void update_edge_dst_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_first, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_last, VertexPropertyInputIterator vertex_property_input_first, EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper edge_dst_property_output, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Update graph edge destination property values from the input vertex property values.
This version updates only a subset of graph edge destination property values. [
) specifies the vertices with new property values to be updated.- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
VertexIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex identifiers.
VertexPropertyInputIterator – Type of the iterator for vertex property values.
EdgeDstValueOutputWrapper – Type of the wrapper for output edge destination property values.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
sorted_unique_vertex_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) vertex with a new value to be updated. v in [sorted_unique_vertex_first, sorted_unique_vertex_last) should be sorted & distinct (and should belong to the vertex partition assigned to this process in multi-GPU), otherwise undefined behavior.
sorted_unique_vertex_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) vertex with a new value.
vertex_property_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property value for the first (inclusive) vertex (of the vertex partition assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_property_input_first
.edge_partition_dst_property_output – edge_dst_property_view_t class object to store destination property values (for the edge destinations assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBuffer, typename PayloadBuffer, typename VertexFrontierType, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexValueOutputIterator, typename VertexOp>
void update_v_frontier(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBuffer &&key_buffer, PayloadBuffer &&payload_buffer, VertexFrontierType &frontier, raft::host_span<size_t const> next_frontier_bucket_indices, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, VertexOp v_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Insert (tagged-)vertices to the vertex frontier and update vertex property values of the newly inserted vertices .
This primitive often works in pair with transform_reduce_v_frontier_outgoing_e_by_dst. This version of update_v_frontier takes
and @v_op takes a payload value in addition to a (tagged-)vertex and a vertex property value as input arguments.- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBuffer – Type of the buffer storing (tagged-)vertices.
PayloadBuffer – Type of the buffer storing payload values.
VertexFrontierType – Type of the vertex frontier class which abstracts vertex frontier managements.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for input vertex property values.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for output vertex property variables.
VertexOp – Type of the ternary vertex operator.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_buffer – buffer object storing (tagged-)vertices to insert.
payload_buffer – buffer object storing payload values for each (tagged-)vertices in the
.frontier – VertexFrontierType class object for vertex frontier managements. This object includes multiple bucket objects.
next_frontier_bucket_indices – Indices of the vertex frontier buckets to store new frontier (tagged-)vertices.
vertex_value_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property values for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_input_first
.vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.v_op – Ternary operator that takes (tagged-)vertex ID, *(
+ i) (where i is [0,graph_view.local_vertex_partition_range_size()
)) and the payload value for the (tagged-)vertex ID and returns a tuple of 1) a cuda::std::optional object optionally storing a bucket index and 2) a cuda::std::optional object optionally storing a new vertex property value. If the first element of the returned tuple is cuda::std::nullopt, this (tagged-)vertex won’t be inserted to the vertex frontier. If the second element is cuda::std::nullopt, the vertex property value for this vertex won’t be updated. Note that it is currently undefined behavior if there are multiple tagged-vertices with the same vertex ID (but with different tags) ANDv_op
results on the tagged-vertices with the same vertex ID have more than one valid new vertex property values.
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBuffer, typename VertexFrontierType, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexValueOutputIterator, typename VertexOp>
void update_v_frontier(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBuffer &&key_buffer, VertexFrontierType &frontier, raft::host_span<size_t const> next_frontier_bucket_indices, VertexValueInputIterator vertex_value_input_first, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first, VertexOp v_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Insert (tagged-)vertices to the vertex frontier and update vertex property values of the newly inserted vertices .
This primitive often works in pair with transform_reduce_v_frontier_outgoing_e_by_dst. This version of update_v_frontier does not take
and @v_op takes a (tagged-)vertex and a vertex property value as input arguments (no payload value in the input parameter list).- Template Parameters:
GraphViewType – Type of the passed non-owning graph object.
KeyBuffer – Type of the buffer storing (tagged-)vertices.
VertexFrontierType – Type of the vertex frontier class which abstracts vertex frontier managements.
VertexValueInputIterator – Type of the iterator for input vertex property values.
VertexValueOutputIterator – Type of the iterator for output vertex property variables.
VertexOp – Type of the binary vertex operator.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Non-owning graph object.
key_buffer – buffer object storing (tagged-)vertices to insert.
frontier – VertexFrontierType class object for vertex frontier managements. This object includes multiple bucket objects.
next_frontier_bucket_indices – Indices of the vertex frontier buckets to store new frontier (tagged-)vertices.
vertex_value_input_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property values for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_input_first
.vertex_value_output_first – Iterator pointing to the vertex property variables for the first (inclusive) vertex (assigned to this process in multi-GPU).
(exclusive) is deduced asvertex_value_output_first
.v_op – Binary operator that takes (tagged-)vertex ID, and *(
+ i) (where i is [0,graph_view.local_vertex_partition_range_size()
)) and returns a tuple of 1) a cuda::std::optional object optionally storing a bucket index and 2) a cuda::std::optional object optionally storing a new vertex property value. If the first element of the returned tuple is cuda::std::nullopt, this (tagged-)vertex won’t be inserted to the vertex frontier. If the second element is cuda::std::nullopt, the vertex property value for this vertex won’t be updated. Note that it is currently undefined behavior if there are multiple tagged-vertices with the same vertex ID (but with different tags) ANDv_op
results on the tagged-vertices with the same vertex ID have more than one valid new vertex property values.
template<typename vertex_t, typename KeyIterator>
KeyIterator compute_key_lower_bound(KeyIterator sorted_unique_key_first, KeyIterator sorted_unique_key_last, vertex_t v_threshold, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename KeyIterator>
std::vector<size_t> compute_key_segment_offsets(KeyIterator sorted_key_first, KeyIterator sorted_key_last, raft::host_span<vertex_t const> segment_offsets, vertex_t vertex_range_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename VertexIterator>
rmm::device_uvector<uint32_t> compute_vertex_list_bitmap_info(VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_first, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_last, typename thrust::iterator_traits<VertexIterator>::value_type vertex_range_first, typename thrust::iterator_traits<VertexIterator>::value_type vertex_range_last, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputVertexIterator, typename OutputVertexIterator>
void device_bcast_vertex_list(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, std::variant<raft::device_span<uint32_t const>, InputVertexIterator> v_list, OutputVertexIterator output_v_first, typename thrust::iterator_traits<InputVertexIterator>::value_type vertex_range_first, typename thrust::iterator_traits<InputVertexIterator>::value_type vertex_range_last, size_t v_list_size, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename OutputVertexIterator>
void retrieve_vertex_list_from_bitmap(raft::device_span<uint32_t const> bitmap, OutputVertexIterator output_v_first, raft::device_span<size_t> count, typename thrust::iterator_traits<OutputVertexIterator>::value_type vertex_range_first, typename thrust::iterator_traits<OutputVertexIterator>::value_type vertex_range_last, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > negative_sampling (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > src_bias, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > dst_bias, size_t num_samples, bool remove_duplicates, bool remove_existing_edges, bool exact_number_of_samples, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > negative_sampling (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > src_bias, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > dst_bias, size_t num_samples, bool remove_duplicates, bool remove_existing_edges, bool exact_number_of_samples, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > negative_sampling (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > src_bias, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > dst_bias, size_t num_samples, bool remove_duplicates, bool remove_existing_edges, bool exact_number_of_samples, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > negative_sampling (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > src_bias, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > dst_bias, size_t num_samples, bool remove_duplicates, bool remove_existing_edges, bool exact_number_of_samples, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > negative_sampling (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > src_bias, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > dst_bias, size_t num_samples, bool remove_duplicates, bool remove_existing_edges, bool exact_number_of_samples, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > negative_sampling (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > src_bias, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > dst_bias, size_t num_samples, bool remove_duplicates, bool remove_existing_edges, bool exact_number_of_samples, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > negative_sampling (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > src_bias, std::optional< raft::device_span< float const > > dst_bias, size_t num_samples, bool remove_duplicates, bool remove_existing_edges, bool exact_number_of_samples, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > negative_sampling (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > src_bias, std::optional< raft::device_span< double const > > dst_bias, size_t num_samples, bool remove_duplicates, bool remove_existing_edges, bool exact_number_of_samples, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, int32_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_bias_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > starting_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > starting_vertex_labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span< int32_t const > fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
template<typename vertex_t, typename index_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<index_t>> convert_paths_to_coo(raft::handle_t const &handle, index_t coalesced_sz_v, index_t num_paths, rmm::device_buffer &&d_coalesced_v, rmm::device_buffer &&d_sizes)# returns the COO format (src_vector, dst_vector) from the random walks (RW) paths.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex indices.
index_t – Type used to store indexing and sizes.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
coalesced_sz_v – coalesced vertex vector size.
num_paths – number of paths.
d_coalesced_v – coalesced vertex buffer.
d_sizes – paths size buffer.
- Returns:
tuple of (src_vertex_vector, dst_Vertex_vector, path_offsets), where path_offsets are the offsets where the COO set of each path starts.
template<typename index_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<index_t>, rmm::device_uvector<index_t>, rmm::device_uvector<index_t>> query_rw_sizes_offsets(raft::handle_t const &handle, index_t num_paths, index_t const *ptr_d_sizes)# returns additional RW information on vertex paths offsets and weight path sizes and offsets, for the coalesced case (the padded case does not need or provide this information)
- Template Parameters:
index_t – Type used to store indexing and sizes.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
num_paths – number of paths.
ptr_d_sizes – sizes of vertex paths.
- Returns:
tuple of (vertex_path_offsets, weight_path_sizes, weight_path_offsets), where offsets are exclusive scan of corresponding sizes.
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > uniform_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > uniform_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > biased_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > biased_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > node2vec_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length, float p, float q)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > node2vec_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length, double p, double q)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > uniform_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > uniform_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > biased_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > biased_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > node2vec_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length, float p, float q)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > node2vec_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length, double p, double q)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &gview, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *ptr_d_start, int32_t num_paths, int32_t max_depth, bool use_padding, std::unique_ptr< sampling_params_t > sampling_strategy)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &gview, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *ptr_d_start, int64_t num_paths, int64_t max_depth, bool use_padding, std::unique_ptr< sampling_params_t > sampling_strategy)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &gview, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *ptr_d_start, int32_t num_paths, int32_t max_depth, bool use_padding, std::unique_ptr< sampling_params_t > sampling_strategy)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &gview, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *ptr_d_start, int64_t num_paths, int64_t max_depth, bool use_padding, std::unique_ptr< sampling_params_t > sampling_strategy)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > convert_paths_to_coo (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t coalesced_sz_v, int32_t num_paths, rmm::device_buffer &&d_coalesced_v, rmm::device_buffer &&d_sizes)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > convert_paths_to_coo (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t coalesced_sz_v, int64_t num_paths, rmm::device_buffer &&d_coalesced_v, rmm::device_buffer &&d_sizes)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > query_rw_sizes_offsets (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t num_paths, int32_t const *ptr_d_sizes)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > query_rw_sizes_offsets (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t num_paths, int64_t const *ptr_d_sizes)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > uniform_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > uniform_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > biased_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > biased_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > node2vec_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length, float p, float q)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > node2vec_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length, double p, double q)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > uniform_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > uniform_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > biased_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > biased_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > node2vec_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length, float p, float q)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > node2vec_random_walks (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t max_length, double p, double q)
- template std::tuple< std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > renumber_and_compress_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool compress_per_hop, bool doubly_compress, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > renumber_and_compress_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool compress_per_hop, bool doubly_compress, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, raft::device_span< int32_t const > vertex_type_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, size_t num_vertex_types, size_t num_edge_types, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, raft::device_span< int32_t const > vertex_type_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, size_t num_vertex_types, size_t num_edge_types, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > renumber_and_compress_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool compress_per_hop, bool doubly_compress, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > renumber_and_compress_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool compress_per_hop, bool doubly_compress, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, raft::device_span< int64_t const > vertex_type_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, size_t num_vertex_types, size_t num_edge_types, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > heterogeneous_renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > seed_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, raft::device_span< int64_t const > vertex_type_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, size_t num_vertex_types, size_t num_edge_types, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > sort_sampled_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_hops, std::optional< raft::device_span< size_t const > > edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int32_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > coarsen_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, int64_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int32_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< cugraph::edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > create_graph_from_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_srcs, std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< std::vector< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > decompress_to_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_type_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_in_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_in_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_in_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_in_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_out_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_out_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_out_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_out_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_in_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_in_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_in_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_in_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_out_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_out_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_out_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_out_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_total_edge_weight< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_total_edge_weight< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_total_edge_weight< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_total_edge_weight< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_in_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_in_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_in_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_in_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_out_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_out_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_out_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_out_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_in_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_in_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_in_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_in_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_out_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_out_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_out_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_out_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_total_edge_weight< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_total_edge_weight< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_total_edge_weight< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_total_edge_weight< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_in_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_in_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_in_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_in_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_out_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_out_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_out_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_out_weight_sums< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_in_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_in_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_in_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_in_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_out_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_out_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_out_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_out_weight_sum< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_total_edge_weight< int32_t, int32_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_total_edge_weight< int32_t, int32_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_total_edge_weight< int32_t, int32_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_total_edge_weight< int32_t, int32_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_in_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_in_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_in_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_in_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_out_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > compute_out_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_out_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > compute_out_weight_sums< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_in_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_in_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_in_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_in_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_out_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_max_out_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_out_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_max_out_weight_sum< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_total_edge_weight< int64_t, int64_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template float compute_total_edge_weight< int64_t, int64_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_total_edge_weight< int64_t, int64_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template double compute_total_edge_weight< int64_t, int64_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_induced_subgraphs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< size_t const > subgraph_offsets, raft::device_span< int32_t const > subgraph_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_induced_subgraphs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< size_t const > subgraph_offsets, raft::device_span< int32_t const > subgraph_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_induced_subgraphs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< size_t const > subgraph_offsets, raft::device_span< int64_t const > subgraph_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_induced_subgraphs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< size_t const > subgraph_offsets, raft::device_span< int64_t const > subgraph_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_induced_subgraphs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< size_t const > subgraph_offsets, raft::device_span< int32_t const > subgraph_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_induced_subgraphs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< size_t const > subgraph_offsets, raft::device_span< int32_t const > subgraph_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_induced_subgraphs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< size_t const > subgraph_offsets, raft::device_span< int64_t const > subgraph_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > extract_induced_subgraphs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< size_t const > subgraph_offsets, raft::device_span< int64_t const > subgraph_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void relabel< int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::tuple< int32_t const *, int32_t const * > old_new_label_pairs, int32_t num_label_pairs, int32_t *labels, int32_t num_labels, bool skip_missing_labels, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void relabel< int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::tuple< int64_t const *, int64_t const * > old_new_label_pairs, int64_t num_label_pairs, int64_t *labels, int64_t num_labels, bool skip_missing_labels, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void relabel< int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::tuple< int32_t const *, int32_t const * > old_new_label_pairs, int32_t num_label_pairs, int32_t *labels, int32_t num_labels, bool skip_missing_labels, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void relabel< int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::tuple< int64_t const *, int64_t const * > old_new_label_pairs, int64_t num_label_pairs, int64_t *labels, int64_t num_labels, bool skip_missing_labels, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_multi_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool keep_min_value_edge)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_multi_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool keep_min_value_edge)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > remove_multi_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool keep_min_value_edge)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > remove_multi_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool keep_min_value_edge)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_multi_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool keep_min_value_edge)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_multi_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool keep_min_value_edge)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > remove_multi_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool keep_min_value_edge)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > remove_multi_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool keep_min_value_edge)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_self_loops (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_self_loops (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > remove_self_loops (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > remove_self_loops (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_self_loops (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_self_loops (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > remove_self_loops (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > remove_self_loops (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, renumber_meta_t< int32_t, int32_t, true > > renumber_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&local_vertices, std::vector< int32_t * > const &edgelist_srcs, std::vector< int32_t * > const &edgelist_dsts, std::vector< int32_t > const &edgelist_edge_counts, std::optional< std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > > const &edgelist_intra_partition_segment_offsets, bool store_transposed, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, renumber_meta_t< int64_t, int64_t, true > > renumber_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&local_vertices, std::vector< int64_t * > const &edgelist_srcs, std::vector< int64_t * > const &edgelist_dsts, std::vector< int64_t > const &edgelist_edge_counts, std::optional< std::vector< std::vector< int64_t > > > const &edgelist_intra_partition_segment_offsets, bool store_transposed, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, renumber_meta_t< int32_t, int32_t, false > > renumber_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&vertices, int32_t *edgelist_srcs, int32_t *edgelist_dsts, int32_t num_edgelist_edges, bool store_transposed, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, renumber_meta_t< int64_t, int64_t, false > > renumber_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&vertices, int64_t *edgelist_srcs, int64_t *edgelist_dsts, int64_t num_edgelist_edges, bool store_transposed, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void renumber_ext_vertices< int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, int32_t local_int_vertex_first, int32_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void renumber_local_ext_vertices< int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, int32_t local_int_vertex_first, int32_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_int_vertices< int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_edges< int32_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< int32_t * > const &edgelist_srcs, std::vector< int32_t * > const &edgelist_dsts, std::vector< size_t > const &edgelist_edge_counts, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, std::optional< std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > > const &edgelist_intra_partition_segment_offsets, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_edges< int32_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< int32_t * > const &edgelist_srcs, std::vector< int32_t * > const &edgelist_dsts, std::vector< size_t > const &edgelist_edge_counts, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, std::optional< std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > > const &edgelist_intra_partition_segment_offsets, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void renumber_ext_vertices< int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, int64_t local_int_vertex_first, int64_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void renumber_local_ext_vertices< int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, int64_t local_int_vertex_first, int64_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_int_vertices< int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_edges< int64_t, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< int64_t * > const &edgelist_srcs, std::vector< int64_t * > const &edgelist_dsts, std::vector< size_t > const &edgelist_edge_counts, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, std::optional< std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > > const &edgelist_intra_partition_segment_offsets, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_edges< int64_t, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector< int64_t * > const &edgelist_srcs, std::vector< int64_t * > const &edgelist_dsts, std::vector< size_t > const &edgelist_edge_counts, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, std::optional< std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > > const &edgelist_intra_partition_segment_offsets, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void renumber_ext_vertices< int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, int32_t local_int_vertex_first, int32_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void renumber_local_ext_vertices< int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, int32_t local_int_vertex_first, int32_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_vertices< int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, int32_t local_int_vertex_first, int32_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_int_vertices< int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_edges< int32_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *edgelist_srcs, int32_t *edgelist_dsts, size_t num_edgelist_edges, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, int32_t num_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_edges< int32_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *edgelist_srcs, int32_t *edgelist_dsts, size_t num_edgelist_edges, int32_t const *renumber_map_labels, int32_t num_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void renumber_ext_vertices< int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, int64_t local_int_vertex_first, int64_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void renumber_local_ext_vertices< int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, int64_t local_int_vertex_first, int64_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_vertices< int64_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, int64_t local_int_vertex_first, int64_t local_int_vertex_last, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_int_vertices< int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *vertices, size_t num_vertices, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_edges< int64_t, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *edgelist_srcs, int64_t *edgelist_dsts, size_t num_edgelist_edges, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, int64_t num_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void unrenumber_local_int_edges< int64_t, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *edgelist_srcs, int64_t *edgelist_dsts, size_t num_edgelist_edges, int64_t const *renumber_map_labels, int64_t num_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > select_random_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > given_set, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t select_count, bool with_replacement, bool sort_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > select_random_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > given_set, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t select_count, bool with_replacement, bool sort_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > select_random_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > given_set, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t select_count, bool with_replacement, bool sort_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > select_random_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > given_set, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t select_count, bool with_replacement, bool sort_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > select_random_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > given_set, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t select_count, bool with_replacement, bool sort_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > select_random_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > given_set, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t select_count, bool with_replacement, bool sort_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > select_random_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > given_set, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t select_count, bool with_replacement, bool sort_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > select_random_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< raft::device_span< int64_t const > > given_set, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t select_count, bool with_replacement, bool sort_vertices, bool do_expensive_check)
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>> symmetrize_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, float, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, float, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, double, false, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, double, true, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, float, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, float, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, double, false, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, double, true, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, float, int32_t, int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_edgelist< int64_t, int64_t, double, int32_t, int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > symmetrize_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool reciprocal, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > transpose_graph_storage (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > &&graph, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > > &&edge_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void bfs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, int32_t *distances, int32_t *predecessors, int32_t const *sources, size_t n_sources, bool direction_optimizing, int32_t depth_limit, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void bfs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, int64_t *distances, int64_t *predecessors, int64_t const *sources, size_t n_sources, bool direction_optimizing, int64_t depth_limit, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void bfs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, int32_t *distances, int32_t *predecessors, int32_t const *sources, size_t n_sources, bool direction_optimizing, int32_t depth_limit, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void bfs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, int64_t *distances, int64_t *predecessors, int64_t const *sources, size_t n_sources, bool direction_optimizing, int64_t depth_limit, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, int32_t > extract_bfs_paths (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, int32_t const *distances, int32_t const *predecessors, int32_t const *destinations, size_t n_destinations)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, int64_t > extract_bfs_paths (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, int64_t const *distances, int64_t const *predecessors, int64_t const *destinations, size_t n_destinations)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, int32_t > extract_bfs_paths (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, int32_t const *distances, int32_t const *predecessors, int32_t const *destinations, size_t n_destinations)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, int64_t > extract_bfs_paths (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, int64_t const *distances, int64_t const *predecessors, int64_t const *destinations, size_t n_destinations)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> k_hop_nbrs(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> start_vertices, size_t k, bool do_expensive_check)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > k_hop_nbrs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > k_hop_nbrs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > k_hop_nbrs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > start_vertices, size_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > k_hop_nbrs (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > start_vertices, size_t k, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > od_shortest_distances (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > origins, raft::device_span< int32_t const > destinations, float cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > od_shortest_distances (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > origins, raft::device_span< int32_t const > destinations, double cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > od_shortest_distances (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > origins, raft::device_span< int64_t const > destinations, float cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > od_shortest_distances (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > origins, raft::device_span< int64_t const > destinations, double cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void sssp (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, float *distances, int32_t *predecessors, int32_t source_vertex, float cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void sssp (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, double *distances, int32_t *predecessors, int32_t source_vertex, double cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void sssp (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, float *distances, int64_t *predecessors, int64_t source_vertex, float cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void sssp (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, double *distances, int64_t *predecessors, int64_t source_vertex, double cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void sssp (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, float *distances, int32_t *predecessors, int32_t source_vertex, float cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void sssp (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, double *distances, int32_t *predecessors, int32_t source_vertex, double cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void sssp (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_weight_view, float *distances, int64_t *predecessors, int64_t source_vertex, float cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void sssp (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_weight_view, double *distances, int64_t *predecessors, int64_t source_vertex, double cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::unique_ptr< legacy::GraphCOO< int, int, float > > minimum_spanning_tree< int, int, float > (raft::handle_t const &handle, legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, float > const &graph, rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr)
- template std::unique_ptr< legacy::GraphCOO< int, int, double > > minimum_spanning_tree< int, int, double > (raft::handle_t const &handle, legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, double > const &graph, rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr)
template<typename KVStoreViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename KeyToCommRankOp>
dataframe_buffer_type_t<typename KVStoreViewType::value_type> collect_values_for_keys(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, KVStoreViewType kv_store_view, KeyIterator collect_key_first, KeyIterator collect_key_last, KeyToCommRankOp key_to_comm_rank_op, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename KVStoreViewType, typename KeyToCommRankOp>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename KVStoreViewType::key_type>, dataframe_buffer_type_t<typename KVStoreViewType::value_type>> collect_values_for_unique_keys(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, KVStoreViewType kv_store_view, rmm::device_uvector<typename KVStoreViewType::key_type> &&collect_unique_keys, KeyToCommRankOp key_to_comm_rank_op, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename ValueIterator>
dataframe_buffer_type_t<typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type> collect_values_for_sorted_unique_int_vertices(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> collect_sorted_unique_int_vertices, ValueIterator local_value_first, std::vector<vertex_t> const &comm_rank_vertex_partition_range_lasts, vertex_t local_vertex_partition_range_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename VertexIterator, typename ValueIterator>
dataframe_buffer_type_t<typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type> collect_values_for_int_vertices(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, VertexIterator collect_vertex_first, VertexIterator collect_vertex_last, ValueIterator local_value_first, std::vector<typename thrust::iterator_traits<VertexIterator>::value_type> const &comm_rank_vertex_partition_range_lasts, typename thrust::iterator_traits<VertexIterator>::value_type local_vertex_partition_range_first, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename T>
rmm::device_uvector<T> device_allgatherv(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::comms::comms_t const &comms, raft::device_span<T const> d_input)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
void get_traversed_cost(raft::handle_t const &handle, vertex_t const *vertices, vertex_t const *preds, weight_t const *info_weights, weight_t *out, vertex_t stop_vertex, vertex_t num_vertices)# Takes the results of BFS or SSSP function call and sums the given weights along the path to the starting vertex.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms. Must have at least one worker stream.
vertices – Pointer to vertex ids.
preds – Pointer to predecessors.
info_weights – Secondary weights along the edge from predecessor to vertex.
out – Contains for each index the sum of weights along the path unfolding.
num_vertices – Number of vertices.
- template void get_traversed_cost< int32_t, float > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t const *vertices, int32_t const *preds, float const *info_weights, float *out, int32_t stop_vertex, int32_t num_vertices)
- template void get_traversed_cost< int32_t, double > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t const *vertices, int32_t const *preds, double const *info_weights, double *out, int32_t stop_vertex, int32_t num_vertices)
- template void get_traversed_cost< int64_t, float > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t const *vertices, int64_t const *preds, float const *info_weights, float *out, int64_t stop_vertex, int64_t num_vertices)
- template void get_traversed_cost< int64_t, double > (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t const *vertices, int64_t const *preds, double const *info_weights, double *out, int64_t stop_vertex, int64_t num_vertices)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename edge_time_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_time_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_time_t>>, std::vector<size_t>> shuffle_external_edges(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edge_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edge_dsts, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&edge_weights, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>> &&edge_ids, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>> &&edge_types, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_time_t>> &&edge_start_times, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_time_t>> &&edge_end_times)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_external_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_external_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_external_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_external_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_external_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_external_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_external_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_external_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > shuffle_external_vertex_value_pairs (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > shuffle_external_vertex_value_pairs (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > shuffle_external_vertex_value_pairs (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&values)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > shuffle_external_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > shuffle_external_vertex_value_pairs (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > shuffle_external_vertex_value_pairs (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > shuffle_external_vertex_value_pairs (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > shuffle_external_vertex_value_pairs (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > shuffle_external_vertex_value_pairs (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > shuffle_external_vertex_value_pairs (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&values)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > shuffle_external_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices)
template<typename edge_t, typename ...Iters, typename ...Types>
auto view_concat(edge_property_view_t<edge_t, Iters, Types> const&... views)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename ...Iters, typename ...Types>
auto view_concat(detail::edge_major_property_view_t<vertex_t, Iters, Types> const&... views)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename ...Iters, typename ...Types>
auto view_concat(detail::edge_minor_property_view_t<vertex_t, Iters, Types> const&... views)#
- template<typename vertex_t> __host__ __device__ std::enable_if_t< std::is_signed< vertex_t >::value, bool > is_valid_vertex (vertex_t num_vertices, vertex_t v)
- template<typename vertex_t> __host__ __device__ std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned< vertex_t >::value, bool > is_valid_vertex (vertex_t num_vertices, vertex_t v)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator< Iterator >::value, void > atomic_and (Iterator iter, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > &&std::is_same_v< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, T >, T > atomic_and (Iterator iter, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< is_thrust_tuple< T >::value &&std::is_same_v< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, T >, T > atomic_and (Iterator iter, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator< Iterator >::value, void > atomic_or (Iterator iter, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > &&std::is_same_v< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, T >, T > atomic_or (Iterator iter, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< is_thrust_tuple< T >::value &&std::is_same_v< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, T >, T > atomic_or (Iterator iter, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator< Iterator >::value, void > atomic_add (Iterator iter, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > &&std::is_same_v< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, T >, T > atomic_add (Iterator iter, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< is_thrust_tuple< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type >::value &&is_thrust_tuple< T >::value, T > atomic_add (Iterator iter, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > &&std::is_same_v< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, T >, T > elementwise_atomic_cas (Iterator iter, T compare, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< is_thrust_tuple< T >::value &&std::is_same_v< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, T >, T > elementwise_atomic_cas (Iterator iter, T compare, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator< Iterator >::value, void > elementwise_atomic_min (Iterator iter, T const &value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, T >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, T > elementwise_atomic_min (Iterator iter, T const &value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< is_thrust_tuple< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type >::value &&is_thrust_tuple< T >::value, T > elementwise_atomic_min (Iterator iter, T const &value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator< Iterator >::value, void > elementwise_atomic_max (Iterator iter, T const &value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, T >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, T > elementwise_atomic_max (Iterator iter, T const &value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< is_thrust_tuple< typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type >::value &&is_thrust_tuple< T >::value, T > elementwise_atomic_max (Iterator iter, T const &value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ void packed_bool_atomic_set (Iterator iter, T offset, bool val)
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>* = nullptr>
auto allocate_dataframe_buffer(size_t buffer_size, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename T>
std::optional<dataframe_buffer_type_t<T>> try_allocate_dataframe_buffer(size_t buffer_size, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename BufferType>
void reserve_dataframe_buffer(BufferType &buffer, size_t new_buffer_capacity, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename BufferType>
void resize_dataframe_buffer(BufferType &buffer, size_t new_buffer_size, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename BufferType>
void shrink_to_fit_dataframe_buffer(BufferType &buffer, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename BufferType>
size_t size_dataframe_buffer(BufferType &buffer)#
template<typename BufferType, typename std::enable_if_t<is_arithmetic_vector<std::remove_cv_t<BufferType>, rmm::device_uvector>::value>* = nullptr>
auto get_dataframe_buffer_begin(BufferType &buffer)#
template<typename BufferType, typename std::enable_if_t<is_arithmetic_vector<std::remove_cv_t<BufferType>, rmm::device_uvector>::value>* = nullptr>
auto get_dataframe_buffer_cbegin(BufferType &buffer)#
template<typename BufferType, typename std::enable_if_t<is_arithmetic_vector<std::remove_cv_t<BufferType>, rmm::device_uvector>::value>* = nullptr>
auto get_dataframe_buffer_end(BufferType &buffer)#
template<typename BufferType, typename std::enable_if_t<is_arithmetic_vector<std::remove_cv_t<BufferType>, rmm::device_uvector>::value>* = nullptr>
auto get_dataframe_buffer_cend(BufferType &buffer)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_isend(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, size_t count, int dst, int base_tag, raft::comms::request_t *requests)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_isend(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, size_t count, int dst, int base_tag, raft::comms::request_t *requests)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_irecv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, int src, int base_tag, raft::comms::request_t *requests)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_irecv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, int src, int base_tag, raft::comms::request_t *requests)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_sendrecv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, size_t tx_count, int dst, OutputIterator output_first, size_t rx_count, int src, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_sendrecv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, size_t tx_count, int dst, OutputIterator output_first, size_t rx_count, int src, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_multicast_sendrecv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_counts, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_displs, raft::host_span<int const> tx_dst_ranks, OutputIterator output_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> rx_counts, raft::host_span<size_t const> rx_displs, raft::host_span<int const> rx_src_ranks, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_multicast_sendrecv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_counts, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_displs, raft::host_span<int const> tx_dst_ranks, OutputIterator output_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> rx_counts, raft::host_span<size_t const> rx_displs, raft::host_span<int const> rx_src_ranks, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_bcast(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_bcast(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_allreduce(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, raft::comms::op_t op, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_allreduce(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, raft::comms::op_t op, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_reduce(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, raft::comms::op_t op, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_reduce(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, raft::comms::op_t op, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_allgather(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t sendcount, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_allgather(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t sendcount, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_allgatherv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> recvcounts, raft::host_span<size_t const> displacements, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_allgatherv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> recvcounts, raft::host_span<size_t const> displacements, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_gatherv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t sendcount, raft::host_span<size_t const> recvcounts, raft::host_span<size_t const> displacements, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>::value && is_thrust_tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_gatherv(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t sendcount, raft::host_span<size_t const> recvcounts, raft::host_span<size_t const> displacements, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
inline void device_group_start(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm)#
inline void device_group_end(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T> host_scalar_allreduce(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, raft::comms::op_t op, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<T>::value, T> host_scalar_allreduce(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, raft::comms::op_t op, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T> host_scalar_reduce(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, raft::comms::op_t op, int root, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<T>::value, T> host_scalar_reduce(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, raft::comms::op_t op, int root, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T> host_scalar_bcast(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, int root, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<T>::value, T> host_scalar_bcast(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, int root, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, std::vector<T>> host_scalar_allgather(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<T>::value, std::vector<T>> host_scalar_allgather(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T> host_scalar_scatter(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, std::vector<T> const &inputs, int root, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<T>::value, T> host_scalar_scatter(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, std::vector<T> const &inputs, int root, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, std::vector<T>> host_scalar_gather(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, int root, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<T>::value, std::vector<T>> host_scalar_gather(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, T input, int root, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<typename ValueIterator, typename value_t>
bool is_packed_bool()#
template<typename ValueIterator, typename value_t>
bool has_packed_bool_element()#
size_t packed_bools_per_word()#
size_t packed_bool_size(size_t bool_size)#
uint32_t packed_bool_full_mask()#
uint32_t packed_bool_empty_mask()#
template<typename ValueIterator, typename ValueToGroupIdOp>
rmm::device_uvector<size_t> groupby_and_count(ValueIterator tx_value_first, ValueIterator tx_value_last, ValueToGroupIdOp value_to_group_id_op, int num_groups, size_t mem_frugal_threshold, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename VertexIterator, typename ValueIterator, typename KeyToGroupIdOp>
rmm::device_uvector<size_t> groupby_and_count(VertexIterator tx_key_first, VertexIterator tx_key_last, ValueIterator tx_value_first, KeyToGroupIdOp key_to_group_id_op, int num_groups, size_t mem_frugal_threshold, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename TxValueIterator>
auto shuffle_values(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, TxValueIterator tx_value_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_value_counts, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename TxValueIterator>
auto shuffle_values(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, TxValueIterator tx_value_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_value_counts, size_t alignment, std::optional<typename thrust::iterator_traits<TxValueIterator>::value_type> fill_value, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename TxValueIterator>
auto shuffle_and_unique_segment_sorted_values(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, TxValueIterator segment_sorted_tx_value_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_value_counts, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename ValueIterator, typename ValueToGPUIdOp>
auto groupby_gpu_id_and_shuffle_values(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, ValueIterator tx_value_first, ValueIterator tx_value_last, ValueToGPUIdOp value_to_gpu_id_op, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename VertexIterator, typename ValueIterator, typename KeyToGPUIdOp>
auto groupby_gpu_id_and_shuffle_kv_pairs(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, VertexIterator tx_key_first, VertexIterator tx_key_last, ValueIterator tx_value_first, KeyToGPUIdOp key_to_gpu_id_op, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename TupleType>
size_t sum_thrust_tuple_element_sizes()#
template<typename TupleType>
size_t min_thrust_tuple_element_sizes()#
template<typename TupleType>
size_t max_thrust_tuple_element_sizes()#
template<typename Iterator, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>>* = nullptr>
auto to_thrust_iterator_tuple(Iterator iter)#
template<typename T, size_t I, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>>* = nullptr>
auto thrust_tuple_get_or_identity(T val)#
template<typename Iterator, size_t I, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<typename thrust::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>>* = nullptr>
auto thrust_tuple_get_or_identity(Iterator val)#
template<typename ...TupleTypes>
auto thrust_tuple_cat(TupleTypes... tups)#
template<typename vertex_t>
vertex_t invalid_vertex_id_v = invalid_vertex_id<vertex_t>::value#
template<typename edge_t>
edge_t invalid_edge_id_v = invalid_edge_id<edge_t>::value#
template<typename component_t>
component_t invalid_component_id_v = invalid_component_id<component_t>::value#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename key_t, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename T>
struct cast_edge_op_bool_to_integer#
struct centrality_algorithm_metadata_t#
- #include <algorithms.hpp>
Metadata about the execution of one of the centrality algorithms.
template<typename TupleType>
struct compute_thrust_tuple_element_sizes#
template<typename T>
struct dataframe_buffer_const_iterator_type#
- template<typename... Ts> tuple< Ts... > >
template<typename T>
struct dataframe_buffer_iterator_type#
- template<typename... Ts> tuple< Ts... > >
template<typename T>
struct dataframe_buffer_type#
template<typename vertex_t>
class Dendrogram#
template<typename vertex_t, typename tag_t = void, bool src_major = false, bool multi_gpu = false, bool sorted_unique = false>
class edge_bucket_t# Public Functions
template<typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
inline void insert(vertex_t src, vertex_t dst)# @ brief insert an edge to the bucket
- Parameters:
src – edge source vertex.
dst – edge destination vertex.
template<typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
inline void insert(vertex_t src, vertex_t dst, tag_type tag)# @ brief insert a tagged-edge to the bucket
- Parameters:
src – edge source vertex.
dst – edge destination vertex.
tag – edge tag.
template<typename VertexIterator, typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
inline void insert(VertexIterator src_first, VertexIterator src_last, VertexIterator dst_first)# @ brief insert a list of edges to the bucket
- Parameters:
src_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) element of the edge source vertices in device memory.
src_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) element of the edge source vertices stored in device memory.
dst_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) element of the edge destination vertices in device memory.
template<typename VertexIterator, typename TagIterator, typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
inline void insert(VertexIterator src_first, VertexIterator src_last, VertexIterator dst_first, TagIterator tag_first)# @ brief insert a list of tagged-edges to the bucket
- Parameters:
src_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) element of the edge source vertices in device memory.
src_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) element of the edge source vertices stored in device memory.
dst_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) element of the edge destination vertices in device memory.
tag_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) element of the edge tags in device memory.
template<typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
class edge_dst_dummy_property_t#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename T>
class edge_dst_property_t#
class edge_dummy_property_t#
class edge_dummy_property_view_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu, typename Enable = void>
class edge_partition_device_view_t#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t< multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::edge_partition_device_view_base_t< vertex_t, edge_t >
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::edge_partition_device_view_base_t< vertex_t, edge_t >
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu, typename Enable = void>
class edge_partition_view_t#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t< multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::edge_partition_view_base_t< vertex_t, edge_t >
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::edge_partition_view_base_t< vertex_t, edge_t >
template<typename GraphViewType, typename T>
class edge_property_t#
template<typename edge_t, typename ValueIterator, typename value_t = typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type>
class edge_property_view_t#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeValueType, typename Enable = void>
struct edge_property_view_type#
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeValueType> nullopt_t > > >
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeValueType> nullopt_t > > >
class edge_src_dummy_property_t#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename T>
class edge_src_property_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
struct extract_triangles_endpoints#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
struct extract_weak_edges#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu, typename Enable = void>
struct graph_meta_t#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t< multi_gpu > >
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > >
struct graph_properties_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu, typename Enable = void>
class graph_t#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t< multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::graph_base_t< vertex_t, edge_t >
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::graph_base_t< vertex_t, edge_t >
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu, typename Enable = void>
struct graph_view_meta_t#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t< multi_gpu > >
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > >
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu, typename Enable = void>
class graph_view_t#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t< multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::graph_base_t< vertex_t, edge_t >
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::graph_base_t< vertex_t, edge_t >
template<typename component_t>
struct invalid_component_id : public cugraph::invalid_idx<component_t>#
template<typename edge_t>
struct invalid_edge_id : public cugraph::invalid_idx<edge_t>#
template<typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct invalid_idx#
- template<typename T> value > > : public std::integral_constant< T, -1 >
- template<typename T> value > > : public std::integral_constant< T, std::numeric_limits< T >::max()>
template<typename vertex_t>
struct invalid_vertex_id : public cugraph::invalid_idx<vertex_t>#
template<typename T>
struct is_arithmetic_or_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic : public std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_arithmetic_v<T>>#
- template<typename... Ts> tuple< Ts... > > : public std::integral_constant< bool, std::is_arithmetic_v< thrust::tuple< Ts... > > > , public std::integral_constant< bool, is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic< thrust::tuple< Ts... > >::value >
template<typename T, template<typename> typename Vector>
struct is_arithmetic_vector : public std::false_type#
template<template<typename> typename Vector, typename T>
struct is_arithmetic_vector<Vector<T>, Vector> : public std::false_type, public std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_arithmetic_v<T>>#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
struct is_candidate#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
struct is_candidate_legacy#
template<typename edge_t>
struct is_k_or_greater_t#
template<typename Src, typename ...Types>
struct is_one_of#
template<typename T>
struct is_std_tuple : public std::false_type#
- template<typename... Ts> tuple< Ts... > > : public std::false_type , public std::true_type
template<typename T>
struct is_std_tuple_of_arithmetic_vectors : public std::false_type#
- template<typename... Ts> device_uvector< Ts >... > > : public std::false_type
template<typename T>
struct is_thrust_tuple : public std::false_type#
- template<typename... Ts> tuple< Ts... > > : public std::false_type , public std::true_type
template<typename TupleType>
struct is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic : public std::false_type#
- template<typename... Ts> tuple< Ts... > > : public std::false_type
template<typename TupleType>
struct is_thrust_tuple_of_integral : public std::false_type#
- template<typename... Ts> tuple< Ts... > > : public std::false_type
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
struct is_vertex_edge_combo#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
struct is_vertex_edge_combo_legacy#
template<typename vertex_t, typename tag_t = void, bool multi_gpu = false, bool sorted_unique = false>
class key_bucket_t# Public Functions
template<typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
inline void insert(vertex_t vertex)# @ brief insert a vertex to the bucket
- Parameters:
vertex – vertex to insert
template<typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
inline void insert(thrust::tuple<vertex_t, tag_type> key)# @ brief insert a (vertex, tag) pair to the bucket
- Parameters:
vertex – vertex of the (vertex, tag) pair to insert
tag – tag of the (vertex, tag) pair to insert
template<typename VertexIterator, typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
inline void insert(VertexIterator vertex_first, VertexIterator vertex_last)# @ brief insert a list of vertices to the bucket
- Parameters:
vertex_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) element of the vertices stored in device memory.
vertex_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) element of the vertices stored in device memory.
template<typename KeyIterator, typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
inline void insert(KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last)# @ brief insert a list of (vertex, tag) pairs to the bucket
- Parameters:
key_first – Iterator pointing to the first (inclusive) element of the (vertex,tag) pairs stored in device memory.
key_last – Iterator pointing to the last (exclusive) element of the (vertex,tag) pairs stored in device memory.
template<typename tag_type = tag_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<tag_type, void>>* = nullptr>
template<typename key_t, bool use_binary_search = true>
class key_store_t#
template<typename key_t, typename value_t, bool use_binary_search = true>
class kv_store_t#
struct logic_error : public raft::exception#
- #include <error.hpp>
Exception thrown when logical precondition is violated.
This exception should not be thrown directly and is instead thrown by the CUGRAPH_EXPECTS and CUGRAPH_FAIL macros.
template<typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t, typename vertex_t, typename value_t = thrust::tuple<vertex_t, vertex_t>>
class lookup_container_t# -
template<typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t, typename vertex_t, typename value_t>
struct lookup_container_impl#
template<typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t, typename vertex_t, typename value_t>
class partition_manager#
- #include <partition_manager.hpp>
managed the mapping between graph partitioning and GPU partitioning
template<typename vertex_t>
class partition_t# - #include <graph_view.hpp>
store graph vertex/edge partitioning map
We need to partition 1D vertex array and the 2D edge matrix (major = source if not transposed, destination if transposed).
Assume we have P GPUs. An 1D vertex array of size V is divided to P linear partitions; each partition has the size close to V / P.
Say P = major_comm_size * minor_comm_size. And each GPU will have (major_comm_rank, minor_comm_rank). cugraph::partition_manager is responsible for mapping (major_comm_rank, minor_comm_rank) to the global rank. The 2D edge matrix is first partitioned along the major axis to P slabs, then each slab will be further partitioned along the minor axis to minor_comm_size rectangles. One GPU will be responsible minor_comm_size rectangular partitions.
To be more specific, a GPU with (major_comm_rank, minor_comm_rank) will be responsible for minor_comm_size rectangular partitions with [a_i, b_i) by [c, d) (i = [0, minor_comm_size) where a_i = vertex_partition_range_offsets[major_comm_size * i + major_comm_rank], b_i = vertex_partition_range_offsets[major_comm_size * i + major_comm_rank + 1], c = vertex_partition_range_offsets[major_comm_size * minor_comm_rank], and d = vertex_partition_range_offsets[major_comm_size * (minor_comm_rank + 1)],
Here, vertex_partition_range_offsets (size = P + 1) stores the 1D partitioning of the vertex ID range [0, # vertices). The first P values store the beginning (inclusive) of each GPU partition. The last value marks the end (exclusive) of the last GPU partition (which coincides with # vertices).
See E. G. Boman et. al., “Scalable matrix computations on large scale-free graphs using 2D graph partitioning”, 2013 for additional detail.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex ID
- template<typename... Args, template< typename > typename Op> tuple< Args... >, Op > : public Op< thrust::tuple< Args... > >
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu, typename Enable = void>
struct renumber_meta_t#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t< multi_gpu > >
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > >
struct sampling_flags_t#
Public Members
prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior = {}#
Specifies how to handle prior sources. Default is DEFAULT.
bool return_hops = {false}#
Specifies if the hop information should be returned. Default is false.
bool dedupe_sources = {false}#
If true then if a vertex v appears as a destination in hop X multiple times with the same label, it will only be passed once (for each label) as a source for the next hop. Default is false.
bool with_replacement = {true}#
Specifies if random sampling is done with replacement (true) or without replacement (false). Default is true.
prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior = {}#
struct sampling_params_t#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I>
struct thrust_tuple_get#
template<typename T>
struct thrust_tuple_size_or_one : public std::integral_constant<size_t, 1>#
- template<typename... Ts> tuple< Ts... > > : public std::integral_constant< size_t, 1 > , public std::integral_constant< size_t, thrust::tuple_size< thrust::tuple< Ts... > >::value >
template<typename vertex_t, typename tag_t = void, bool multi_gpu = false, bool sorted_unique_key_bucket = false>
class vertex_frontier_t#
template<typename GraphViewType, bool multi_gpu, typename Enable = void>
class vertex_partition_device_view_t#
- template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t< multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::vertex_partition_device_view_base_t< vertex_t >
- template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::vertex_partition_device_view_base_t< vertex_t >
template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu, typename Enable = void>
class vertex_partition_view_t#
- template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t< multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::vertex_partition_view_base_t< vertex_t >
- template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu> enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > > : public cugraph::detail::vertex_partition_view_base_t< vertex_t >
namespace c_api#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, bool store_transposed, typename functor_t>
decltype(auto) multi_gpu_dispatcher(bool multi_gpu, functor_t &functor)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename functor_t>
decltype(auto) transpose_dispatcher(bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu, functor_t &functor)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename functor_t>
decltype(auto) edge_type_type_dispatcher(cugraph_data_type_id_t edge_type_type, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu, functor_t &functor)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename functor_t>
decltype(auto) weight_dispatcher(cugraph_data_type_id_t weight_type, cugraph_data_type_id_t edge_type_type, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu, functor_t &functor)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename functor_t>
decltype(auto) edge_dispatcher(cugraph_data_type_id_t edge_type, cugraph_data_type_id_t weight_type, cugraph_data_type_id_t edge_type_type, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu, functor_t &functor)#
template<typename functor_t>
inline decltype(auto) vertex_dispatcher(cugraph_data_type_id_t vertex_type, cugraph_data_type_id_t edge_type, cugraph_data_type_id_t weight_type, cugraph_data_type_id_t edge_type_type, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu, functor_t &functor)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
cugraph_error_code_t transpose_storage(raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph_graph_t *graph, cugraph_error_t *error)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> expand_sparse_offsets(raft::device_span<edge_t const> offsets, vertex_t base_vertex_id, rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename T>
edge_property_t<GraphViewType, T> create_constant_edge_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, T constant_value)#
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, float constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, float constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, float > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, float constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, float > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, float constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, double constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, double constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true >, double > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, true > const &graph_view, double constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true >, double > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, true > const &graph_view, double constant_value)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > expand_sparse_offsets (raft::device_span< int32_t const > offsets, int32_t base_vertex_id, rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > expand_sparse_offsets (raft::device_span< int64_t const > offsets, int32_t base_vertex_id, rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > expand_sparse_offsets (raft::device_span< int64_t const > offsets, int64_t base_vertex_id, rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > expand_sparse_offsets (raft::device_span< size_t const > offsets, int32_t base_vertex_id, rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > expand_sparse_offsets (raft::device_span< size_t const > offsets, int64_t base_vertex_id, rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, float constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, float constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, float > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, float constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, float > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, float constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, double constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, double constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false >, double > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, true, false > const &graph_view, double constant_value)
- template edge_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false >, double > create_constant_edge_property (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, true, false > const &graph_view, double constant_value)
size_t data_type_sz[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8, 8, 1}#
struct abstract_functor#
Subclassed by cugraph::c_api::bfs_functor, cugraph::c_api::extract_paths_functor, cugraph::c_api::node2vec_functor, cugraph::c_api::sssp_functor
struct bfs_functor : public cugraph::c_api::abstract_functor#
struct cugraph_centrality_result_t#
struct cugraph_clustering_result_t#
struct cugraph_coo_list_t#
struct cugraph_coo_t#
struct cugraph_core_result_t#
struct cugraph_degrees_result_t#
struct cugraph_edge_centrality_result_t#
struct cugraph_edge_property_t#
struct cugraph_edge_property_view_t#
struct cugraph_edgelist_t#
struct cugraph_error_t#
struct cugraph_extract_paths_result_t#
struct cugraph_graph_t#
struct cugraph_hierarchical_clustering_result_t#
struct cugraph_hits_result_t#
struct cugraph_induced_subgraph_result_t#
struct cugraph_k_core_result_t#
struct cugraph_labeling_result_t#
struct cugraph_lookup_container_t#
struct cugraph_lookup_result_t#
struct cugraph_paths_result_t#
struct cugraph_random_walk_result_t#
struct cugraph_resource_handle_t#
struct cugraph_rng_state_t#
struct cugraph_sample_result_t#
struct cugraph_sampling_options_t#
struct cugraph_similarity_result_t#
struct cugraph_triangle_count_result_t#
struct cugraph_type_erased_device_array_t#
struct cugraph_type_erased_device_array_view_t#
struct cugraph_type_erased_host_array_t#
struct cugraph_type_erased_host_array_view_t#
struct cugraph_vertex_pairs_t#
struct cugraph_vertex_property_t#
struct cugraph_vertex_property_view_t#
struct extract_paths_functor : public cugraph::c_api::abstract_functor#
struct node2vec_functor : public cugraph::c_api::abstract_functor#
struct sampling_flags_t#
struct sssp_functor : public cugraph::c_api::abstract_functor#
namespace detail#
template<typename vertex_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>> shuffle_vertex_ids_and_offsets(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&vertices, raft::device_span<size_t const> offsets)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > shuffle_vertex_ids_and_offsets (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, raft::device_span< size_t const > offsets)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > shuffle_vertex_ids_and_offsets (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, raft::device_span< size_t const > offsets)
template<typename key_t, typename value_t>
void sort_by_key(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<key_t> keys, raft::device_span<value_t> values)#
- template void sort_by_key (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int32_t > keys, raft::device_span< int32_t > values)
- template void sort_by_key (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int64_t > keys, raft::device_span< int64_t > values)
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>> reorder_extracted_egonets(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<size_t> &&source_indices, rmm::device_uvector<size_t> &&offsets, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edge_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edge_dsts, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&edge_weights)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > reorder_extracted_egonets (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&source_indices, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&offsets, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edge_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edge_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edge_weights)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > reorder_extracted_egonets (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&source_indices, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&offsets, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edge_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&edge_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edge_weights)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > > reorder_extracted_egonets (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&source_indices, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&offsets, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edge_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edge_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&edge_weights)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< size_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > > reorder_extracted_egonets (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&source_indices, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&offsets, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edge_srcs, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&edge_dsts, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&edge_weights)
template<typename vertex_t>
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, bool store_transposed, typename functor_t>
namespace dense#
template<typename index_t, typename weight_t>
weight_t hungarian(raft::handle_t const &handle, weight_t const *costs, index_t num_rows, index_t num_cols, index_t *assignment)#
template<typename index_t, typename weight_t>
weight_t hungarian(raft::handle_t const &handle, weight_t const *costs, index_t num_rows, index_t num_cols, index_t *assignment, weight_t epsilon)#
- template int32_t hungarian< int32_t, int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &, int32_t const *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t *)
- template float hungarian< int32_t, float > (raft::handle_t const &, float const *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t *)
- template double hungarian< int32_t, double > (raft::handle_t const &, double const *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t *)
- template int32_t hungarian< int32_t, int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &, int32_t const *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t *, int32_t)
- template float hungarian< int32_t, float > (raft::handle_t const &, float const *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t *, float)
- template double hungarian< int32_t, double > (raft::handle_t const &, double const *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t *, double)
template<typename index_t, typename weight_t>
namespace detail#
template<typename T>
using optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t = typename optional_dataframe_buffer_type<T>::type#
typedef cuco::storage<1> cuco_storage_type#
cuco window storage type
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>> brandes_bfs(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, vertex_frontier_t<vertex_t, void, multi_gpu, true> &vertex_frontier, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
void accumulate_vertex_results(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, raft::device_span<weight_t> centralities, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&distances, rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> &&sigmas, bool with_endpoints, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
void accumulate_edge_results(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t*> centralities_view, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&distances, rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> &&sigmas, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu, typename VertexIterator>
rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> betweenness_centrality(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, VertexIterator vertices_begin, VertexIterator vertices_end, bool const normalized, bool const include_endpoints, bool const do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu, typename VertexIterator>
edge_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, weight_t> edge_betweenness_centrality(const raft::handle_t &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, VertexIterator vertices_begin, VertexIterator vertices_end, bool const normalized, bool const do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> eigenvector_centrality(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, true, multi_gpu> const &pull_graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<raft::device_span<weight_t const>> initial_centralities, weight_t epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename weight_t, typename result_t>
void katz_centrality(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &pull_graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<typename GraphViewType::edge_type, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, result_t const *betas, result_t *katz_centralities, result_t alpha, result_t beta, result_t epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, weight_t> approximate_weighted_matching(raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*> edge_weight_view)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
weight_t compute_modularity(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, edge_src_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, vertex_t> const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, vertex_t> const &dst_clusters_cache, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> const &next_clusters, rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> const &cluster_weights, weight_t total_edge_weight, weight_t resolution)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<cugraph::graph_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, std::optional<edge_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, weight_t>>> graph_contraction(raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weights_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t> labels)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> update_clustering_by_delta_modularity(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, weight_t total_edge_weight, weight_t resolution, rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, weight_t> const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, vertex_t> const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, vertex_t> const &dst_clusters_cache, bool up_down)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> compute_cluster_keys_and_values(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> const &next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, vertex_t> const &src_clusters_cache)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<graph_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, std::optional<edge_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, weight_t>>> graph_contraction(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weights, raft::device_span<vertex_t> labels)#
- template float compute_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &next_clusters, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &cluster_weights, float total_edge_weight, float resolution)
- template double compute_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &next_clusters, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &cluster_weights, double total_edge_weight, double resolution)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > > > graph_contraction (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weights, raft::device_span< int32_t > labels)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > > > graph_contraction (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weights, raft::device_span< int32_t > labels)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > update_clustering_by_delta_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float total_edge_weight, float resolution, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, bool up_down)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > update_clustering_by_delta_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double total_edge_weight, double resolution, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, bool up_down)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > compute_cluster_keys_and_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > compute_cluster_keys_and_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache)
- template float compute_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &next_clusters, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &cluster_weights, float total_edge_weight, float resolution)
- template double compute_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &next_clusters, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &cluster_weights, double total_edge_weight, double resolution)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > > > graph_contraction (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weights, raft::device_span< int64_t > labels)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > > > graph_contraction (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weights, raft::device_span< int64_t > labels)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > update_clustering_by_delta_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float total_edge_weight, float resolution, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, bool up_down)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > update_clustering_by_delta_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double total_edge_weight, double resolution, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, bool up_down)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > compute_cluster_keys_and_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > compute_cluster_keys_and_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache)
- template float compute_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &next_clusters, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &cluster_weights, float total_edge_weight, float resolution)
- template double compute_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &next_clusters, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &cluster_weights, double total_edge_weight, double resolution)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > > > graph_contraction (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weights, raft::device_span< int32_t > labels)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > > > graph_contraction (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weights, raft::device_span< int32_t > labels)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > update_clustering_by_delta_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float total_edge_weight, float resolution, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, bool up_down)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > update_clustering_by_delta_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double total_edge_weight, double resolution, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, bool up_down)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > compute_cluster_keys_and_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > compute_cluster_keys_and_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache)
- template float compute_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &next_clusters, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &cluster_weights, float total_edge_weight, float resolution)
- template double compute_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &next_clusters, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &cluster_weights, double total_edge_weight, double resolution)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > > > graph_contraction (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weights, raft::device_span< int64_t > labels)
- template std::tuple< cugraph::graph_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, std::optional< edge_property_t< graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > > > graph_contraction (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weights, raft::device_span< int64_t > labels)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > update_clustering_by_delta_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float total_edge_weight, float resolution, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, bool up_down)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > update_clustering_by_delta_modularity (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double total_edge_weight, double resolution, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache, bool up_down)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > compute_cluster_keys_and_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > compute_cluster_keys_and_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> maximal_independent_moves(raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)#
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > maximal_independent_moves (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &decision_graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > maximal_independent_moves (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &decision_graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > maximal_independent_moves (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &decision_graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > maximal_independent_moves (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &decision_graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
template<typename graph_view_t, typename weight_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename graph_view_t::vertex_type>, std::pair<rmm::device_uvector<typename graph_view_t::vertex_type>, rmm::device_uvector<typename graph_view_t::vertex_type>>> refine_clustering(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<typename graph_view_t::edge_type, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, weight_t total_edge_weight, weight_t resolution, weight_t theta, rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector<typename graph_view_t::vertex_type> &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector<typename graph_view_t::vertex_type> &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t<graph_view_t, weight_t> const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t<graph_view_t, typename graph_view_t::vertex_type> const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t<graph_view_t, typename graph_view_t::vertex_type> const &dst_clusters_cache)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename weight_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type>, std::pair<rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type>, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type>>> refine_clustering(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, GraphViewType const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<typename GraphViewType::edge_type, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, weight_t total_edge_weight, weight_t resolution, weight_t theta, rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> const &weighted_degree_of_vertices, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type> &&louvain_cluster_keys, rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> &&louvain_cluster_weights, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type> &&louvain_assignment_of_vertices, edge_src_property_t<GraphViewType, weight_t> const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t<GraphViewType, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type> const &src_louvain_assignment_cache, edge_dst_property_t<GraphViewType, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type> const &dst_louvain_assignment_cache)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::pair< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > refine_clustering (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float total_edge_weight, float resolution, float theta, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, float > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::pair< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > refine_clustering (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double total_edge_weight, double resolution, double theta, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, double > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::pair< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > refine_clustering (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float total_edge_weight, float resolution, float theta, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, float > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::pair< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > refine_clustering (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double total_edge_weight, double resolution, double theta, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, double > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::pair< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > refine_clustering (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float total_edge_weight, float resolution, float theta, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, float > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::pair< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > refine_clustering (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double total_edge_weight, double resolution, double theta, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, double > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false >, int32_t > const &dst_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::pair< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > refine_clustering (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, float total_edge_weight, float resolution, float theta, rmm::device_uvector< float > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, float > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::pair< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > > refine_clustering (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, double total_edge_weight, double resolution, double theta, rmm::device_uvector< double > const &vertex_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&cluster_keys_v, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&cluster_weights_v, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&next_clusters_v, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, double > const &src_vertex_weights_cache, edge_src_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &src_clusters_cache, edge_dst_property_t< cugraph::graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false >, int64_t > const &dst_clusters_cache)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, size_t, weight_t> ecg(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, weight_t min_weight, size_t ensemble_size, size_t max_level, weight_t threshold, weight_t resolution)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
edge_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu>, edge_t> edge_triangle_count_impl(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
void check_clustering(graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, vertex_t *clustering)#
template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu>
vertex_t remove_duplicates(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &input_array)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu, bool store_transposed = false>
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<Dendrogram<vertex_t>>, weight_t> leiden(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, weight_t resolution, weight_t theta = 1.0)#
template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu>
void relabel_cluster_ids(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &unique_cluster_ids, vertex_t *clustering, size_t num_nodes)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
void flatten_leiden_dendrogram(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, Dendrogram<vertex_t> const &dendrogram, vertex_t *clustering)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<Dendrogram<vertex_t>>, weight_t> louvain(raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<raft::random::RngState>> rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, size_t max_level, weight_t threshold, weight_t resolution)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
void flatten_dendrogram(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, Dendrogram<vertex_t> const &dendrogram, vertex_t *clustering)#
template<typename VT, typename ET, typename WT, int TPB_X = 32>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_signed<VT>::value> connected_components_impl(legacy::GraphCSRView<VT, ET, WT> const &graph, cugraph_cc_t connectivity_type, VT *labels, cudaStream_t stream)# Compute connected components. The weak version has been eliminated in lieu of the primitive based implementation.
The strong version (for directed or undirected graphs) is based on: [2] Gilbert, J. et al, 2011. “Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra”
C = I | A | A^2 |…| A^k where matrix multiplication is via semi-ring: (combine, reduce) == (&, |) (bitwise ops) Then: X = C & transpose(C); and finally, apply get_labels(X);
- Template Parameters:
IndexT – the numeric type of non-floating point elements
TPB_X – the threads to use per block when configuring the kernel
- Parameters:
graph – input graph; assumed undirected for weakly CC [in]
connectivity_type – Ignored [in]
stream – the cuda stream [in]
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> maximal_independent_set(raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> vertex_coloring(raft::handle_t const &handle, cugraph::graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)#
template<typename VT, typename ET, typename WT>
VT sort(legacy::GraphCOOView<VT, ET, WT> &graph, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)# Sort input graph and find the total number of vertices.
Lexicographically sort a COO view and find the total number of vertices
- Throws:
cugraph::logic_error – when an error occurs.
- Template Parameters:
VT – Type of vertex identifiers. Supported value : int (signed, 32-bit)
ET – Type of edge identifiers. Supported value : int (signed, 32-bit)
WT – Type of edge weights. Supported value : float or double.
- Parameters:
graph – [in] The input graph object
stream_view – [in] The cuda stream for kernel calls
result – [out] Total number of vertices
template<typename VT, typename ET>
void fill_offset(VT *source, ET *offsets, VT number_of_vertices, ET number_of_edges, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename VT, typename ET>
rmm::device_buffer create_offset(VT *source, VT number_of_vertices, ET number_of_edges, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view, rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr)#
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > device_allgatherv (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, raft::device_span< int32_t const > d_input)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > device_allgatherv (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, raft::device_span< float const > d_input)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > device_allgatherv (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, raft::device_span< int64_t const > d_input)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > device_allgatherv (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, raft::device_span< double const > d_input)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int32_t, float, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &number_map, int32_t local_vertex_first, int32_t local_vertex_last, float default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int32_t, int32_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &number_map, int32_t local_vertex_first, int32_t local_vertex_last, int32_t default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int32_t, double, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &number_map, int32_t local_vertex_first, int32_t local_vertex_last, double default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int64_t, float, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &number_map, int64_t local_vertex_first, int64_t local_vertex_last, float default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int64_t, double, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &number_map, int64_t local_vertex_first, int64_t local_vertex_last, double default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int64_t, int64_t, true > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &number_map, int64_t local_vertex_first, int64_t local_vertex_last, int64_t default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int32_t, float, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &number_map, int32_t local_vertex_first, int32_t local_vertex_last, float default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int32_t, int32_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &number_map, int32_t local_vertex_first, int32_t local_vertex_last, int32_t default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int32_t, double, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > const &number_map, int32_t local_vertex_first, int32_t local_vertex_last, double default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< float > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int64_t, float, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &number_map, int64_t local_vertex_first, int64_t local_vertex_last, float default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< double > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int64_t, double, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &number_map, int64_t local_vertex_first, int64_t local_vertex_last, double default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > collect_local_vertex_values_from_ext_vertex_value_pairs< int64_t, int64_t, false > (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_values, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > const &number_map, int64_t local_vertex_first, int64_t local_vertex_last, int64_t default_value, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< size_t > groupby_and_count_edgelist_by_local_partition_id (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &d_edgelist_majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &d_edgelist_minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &d_edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_end_times, bool groupby_and_counts_local_partition)
- template rmm::device_uvector< size_t > groupby_and_count_edgelist_by_local_partition_id (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &d_edgelist_majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &d_edgelist_minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &d_edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_end_times, bool groupby_and_counts_local_partition)
- template rmm::device_uvector< size_t > groupby_and_count_edgelist_by_local_partition_id (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &d_edgelist_majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &d_edgelist_minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &d_edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_end_times, bool groupby_and_counts_local_partition)
- template rmm::device_uvector< size_t > groupby_and_count_edgelist_by_local_partition_id (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &d_edgelist_majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &d_edgelist_minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &d_edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_end_times, bool groupby_and_counts_local_partition)
- template rmm::device_uvector< size_t > groupby_and_count_edgelist_by_local_partition_id (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &d_edgelist_majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &d_edgelist_minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &d_edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_end_times, bool groupby_and_counts_local_partition)
- template rmm::device_uvector< size_t > groupby_and_count_edgelist_by_local_partition_id (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &d_edgelist_majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &d_edgelist_minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &d_edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_end_times, bool groupby_and_counts_local_partition)
- template rmm::device_uvector< size_t > groupby_and_count_edgelist_by_local_partition_id (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &d_edgelist_majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &d_edgelist_minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &d_edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_end_times, bool groupby_and_counts_local_partition)
- template rmm::device_uvector< size_t > groupby_and_count_edgelist_by_local_partition_id (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &d_edgelist_majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &d_edgelist_minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &d_edgelist_weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &d_edgelist_edge_end_times, bool groupby_and_counts_local_partition)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > permute_range (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, int32_t local_range_start, int32_t local_range_size, bool multi_gpu, bool do_expensive_check)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > permute_range (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, int64_t local_range_start, int64_t local_range_size, bool multi_gpu, bool do_expensive_check)
- template void uniform_random_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, int32_t *d_value, size_t size, int32_t min_value, int32_t max_value, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template void uniform_random_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, float *d_value, size_t size, float min_value, float max_value, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template void scalar_fill (raft::handle_t const &handle, int32_t *d_value, size_t size, int32_t value)
- template void scalar_fill (raft::handle_t const &handle, size_t *d_value, size_t size, size_t value)
- template void scalar_fill (raft::handle_t const &handle, float *d_value, size_t size, float value)
- template void sort_ints (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int32_t > values)
- template size_t unique_ints (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int32_t > values)
- template void sequence_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, int32_t *d_value, size_t size, int32_t start_value)
- template void sequence_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, uint32_t *d_value, size_t size, uint32_t start_value)
- template void transform_increment_ints (raft::device_span< int32_t > values, int32_t value, rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view)
- template void stride_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, int32_t *d_value, size_t size, int32_t start_value, int32_t stride)
- template void stride_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, uint32_t *d_value, size_t size, uint32_t start_value, uint32_t stride)
- template int32_t compute_maximum_vertex_id (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, int32_t const *d_edgelist_srcs, int32_t const *d_edgelist_dsts, size_t num_edges)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > filter_degree_0_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_out_degs)
- template bool is_sorted (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int32_t > span)
- template bool is_equal (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int32_t > span1, raft::device_span< int32_t > span2)
- template size_t count_values< int32_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int32_t const > span, int32_t value)
- template void uniform_random_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, int64_t *d_value, size_t size, int64_t min_value, int64_t max_value, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template void uniform_random_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, double *d_value, size_t size, double min_value, double max_value, raft::random::RngState &rng_state)
- template void scalar_fill (raft::handle_t const &handle, int64_t *d_value, size_t size, int64_t value)
- template void scalar_fill (raft::handle_t const &handle, double *d_value, size_t size, double value)
- template void sort_ints (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int64_t > values)
- template size_t unique_ints (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int64_t > values)
- template void sequence_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, int64_t *d_value, size_t size, int64_t start_value)
- template void sequence_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, uint64_t *d_value, size_t size, uint64_t start_value)
- template void transform_increment_ints (raft::device_span< int64_t > values, int64_t value, rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view)
- template void stride_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, int64_t *d_value, size_t size, int64_t start_value, int64_t stride)
- template void stride_fill (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, uint64_t *d_value, size_t size, uint64_t start_value, uint64_t stride)
- template int64_t compute_maximum_vertex_id (rmm::cuda_stream_view const &stream_view, int64_t const *d_edgelist_srcs, int64_t const *d_edgelist_dsts, size_t num_edges)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > filter_degree_0_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_out_degs)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > filter_degree_0_vertices (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_out_degs)
- template bool is_sorted (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int64_t > span)
- template bool is_equal (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int64_t > span1, raft::device_span< int64_t > span2)
- template size_t count_values< int64_t > (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int64_t const > span, int64_t value)
template<typename T>
rmm::device_uvector<T> append_all(raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector<rmm::device_uvector<T>> &&input)#
- template<typename uvertex_t> __device__ std::enable_if_t< sizeof(uvertex_t)==8, uvertex_t > bitreversal (uvertex_t value)
- template<typename uvertex_t> __device__ std::enable_if_t< sizeof(uvertex_t)==4, uvertex_t > bitreversal (uvertex_t value)
- template<typename uvertex_t> __device__ std::enable_if_t< sizeof(uvertex_t)==2, uvertex_t > bitreversal (uvertex_t value)
- template<typename vertex_t> __device__ vertex_t scramble (vertex_t value, size_t lgN)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
void barnes_hut(raft::handle_t const &handle, legacy::GraphCOOView<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t> &graph, float *pos, const int max_iter = 500, float *x_start = nullptr, float *y_start = nullptr, bool outbound_attraction_distribution = true, bool lin_log_mode = false, bool prevent_overlapping = false, const float edge_weight_influence = 1.0, const float jitter_tolerance = 1.0, const float theta = 0.5, const float scaling_ratio = 2.0, bool strong_gravity_mode = false, const float gravity = 1.0, bool verbose = false, internals::GraphBasedDimRedCallback *callback = nullptr)#
- static __global__ void InitializationKernel (unsigned *restrict limiter, int *restrict maxdepthd, float *restrict radiusd)
Intializes the states of objects. This speeds the overall kernel up.
- static __global__ void ResetKernel (float *restrict radiusd_squared, int *restrict bottomd, const int NNODES, const float *restrict radiusd)
Reset root.
- static __global__ __launch_bounds__ (THREADS1, FACTOR1) void BoundingBoxKernel(int *restrict startd
Figures the bounding boxes for every point in the embedding.
- for (int j=i+blockIdx.x *THREADS1;j< N;j+=inc)
- for (int j=THREADS1/2;j > i;j/=2)
- if (i==0)
- static __global__ __launch_bounds__ (1024, 1) void ClearKernel1(int *restrict childd
Clear some of the state vectors up.
Clean more state vectors.
- if (k< FOUR_N) k+
- static __global__ __launch_bounds__ (THREADS2, FACTOR2) void TreeBuildingKernel(int *restrict childd
Build the actual KD Tree.
- while (i< N)
- if (localmaxdepth > 32) localmaxdepth
atomicMax(maxdepthd, localmaxdepth)#
- static __global__ __launch_bounds__ (THREADS3, FACTOR3) void SummarizationKernel(int *restrict countd
Summarize the KD Tree via cell gathering
- while (k<=NNODES)
- static __global__ __launch_bounds__ (THREADS4, FACTOR4) void SortKernel(int *restrict sortd
Sort the cells
- while (k >=bottom)
- static __global__ __launch_bounds__ (THREADS5, FACTOR5) void RepulsionKernel(const float scaling_ratio
Calculate the repulsive forces using the KD Tree
- if (threadIdx.x==0)
- static __global__ __launch_bounds__ (THREADS6, FACTOR6) void apply_forces_bh(float *restrict Y_x
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
void exact_fa2(raft::handle_t const &handle, legacy::GraphCOOView<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t> &graph, float *pos, const int max_iter = 500, float *x_start = nullptr, float *y_start = nullptr, bool outbound_attraction_distribution = true, bool lin_log_mode = false, bool prevent_overlapping = false, const float edge_weight_influence = 1.0, const float jitter_tolerance = 1.0, const float scaling_ratio = 2.0, bool strong_gravity_mode = false, const float gravity = 1.0, bool verbose = false, internals::GraphBasedDimRedCallback *callback = nullptr)#
- template<typename vertex_t> static __global__ void repulsion_kernel (const float *restrict x_pos, const float *restrict y_pos, float *restrict repel_x, float *restrict repel_y, const int *restrict mass, const float scaling_ratio, const vertex_t n)
- template<typename vertex_t, int TPB_X = 32, int TPB_Y = 32> void apply_repulsion (const float *restrict x_pos, const float *restrict y_pos, float *restrict repel_x, float *restrict repel_y, const int *restrict mass, const float scaling_ratio, const vertex_t n, cudaStream_t stream)
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t> static __global__ void attraction_kernel (const vertex_t *restrict row, const vertex_t *restrict col, const weight_t *restrict v, const edge_t e, const float *restrict x_pos, const float *restrict y_pos, float *restrict attract_x, float *restrict attract_y, const int *restrict mass, bool outbound_attraction_distribution, bool lin_log_mode, const float edge_weight_influence, const float coef)
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t> void apply_attraction (const vertex_t *restrict row, const vertex_t *restrict col, const weight_t *restrict v, const edge_t e, const float *restrict x_pos, const float *restrict y_pos, float *restrict attract_x, float *restrict attract_y, const int *restrict mass, bool outbound_attraction_distribution, bool lin_log_mode, const float edge_weight_influence, const float coef, cudaStream_t stream)
- template<typename vertex_t> static __global__ void linear_gravity_kernel (const float *restrict x_pos, const float *restrict y_pos, float *restrict attract_x, float *restrict attract_y, const int *restrict mass, const float gravity, const vertex_t n)
- template<typename vertex_t> static __global__ void strong_gravity_kernel (const float *restrict x_pos, const float *restrict y_pos, float *restrict attract_x, float *restrict attract_y, const int *restrict mass, const float gravity, const float scaling_ratio, const vertex_t n)
- template<typename vertex_t> void apply_gravity (const float *restrict x_pos, const float *restrict y_pos, float *restrict attract_x, float *restrict attract_y, const int *restrict mass, const float gravity, bool strong_gravity_mode, const float scaling_ratio, const vertex_t n, cudaStream_t stream)
- template<typename vertex_t> static __global__ void local_speed_kernel (const float *restrict repel_x, const float *restrict repel_y, const float *restrict attract_x, const float *restrict attract_y, const float *restrict old_dx, const float *restrict old_dy, const int *restrict mass, float *restrict swinging, float *restrict traction, const vertex_t n)
- template<typename vertex_t> void compute_local_speed (const float *restrict repel_x, const float *restrict repel_y, const float *restrict attract_x, const float *restrict attract_y, float *restrict old_dx, float *restrict old_dy, const int *restrict mass, float *restrict swinging, float *restrict traction, const vertex_t n, cudaStream_t stream)
- template<typename vertex_t> void adapt_speed (const float jitter_tolerance, float *restrict jt, float *restrict speed, float *restrict speed_efficiency, const float s, const float t, const vertex_t n)
- template<typename vertex_t> static __global__ void update_positions_kernel (float *restrict x_pos, float *restrict y_pos, const float *restrict repel_x, const float *restrict repel_y, const float *restrict attract_x, const float *restrict attract_y, float *restrict old_dx, float *restrict old_dy, const float *restrict swinging, const float speed, const vertex_t n)
- template<typename vertex_t> void apply_forces (float *restrict x_pos, float *restrict y_pos, const float *restrict repel_x, const float *restrict repel_y, const float *restrict attract_x, const float *restrict attract_y, float *restrict old_dx, float *restrict old_dy, const float *restrict swinging, const float speed, const vertex_t n, cudaStream_t stream)
inline int getMultiProcessorCount()#
helper method to get multi-processor count parameter
float default_epsilon()#
double default_epsilon()#
template<typename index_t, typename weight_t>
weight_t hungarian(raft::handle_t const &handle, index_t num_rows, index_t num_cols, weight_t const *d_original_cost, index_t *d_assignment, weight_t epsilon)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
weight_t hungarian_sparse(raft::handle_t const &handle, legacy::GraphCOOView<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t> const &graph, vertex_t num_workers, vertex_t const *workers, vertex_t *assignment, weight_t epsilon)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename ReduceOp, typename result_t>
void normalize(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, result_t *hubs, result_t init, ReduceOp reduce_op)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename result_t>
std::tuple<result_t, size_t> hits(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, result_t *const hubs, result_t *const authorities, result_t epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool has_initial_hubs_guess, bool normalize, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename weight_t, typename result_t>
centrality_algorithm_metadata_t pagerank(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &pull_graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<typename GraphViewType::edge_type, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<raft::device_span<weight_t const>> precomputed_vertex_out_weight_sums, std::optional<std::tuple<raft::device_span<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type const>, raft::device_span<result_t const>>> personalization, raft::device_span<result_t> pageranks, result_t alpha, result_t epsilon, size_t max_iterations, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu, typename functor_t>
rmm::device_uvector<weight_t> similarity(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::tuple<raft::device_span<vertex_t const>, raft::device_span<vertex_t const>> vertex_pairs, functor_t functor, coefficient_t coeff, bool do_expensive_check = false)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu, typename functor_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> all_pairs_similarity(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<raft::device_span<vertex_t const>> vertices, std::optional<size_t> topk, functor_t functor, coefficient_t coeff, bool do_expensive_check = false)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeIdInputWrapper, typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper, typename EdgeTypeAndIdToSrcDstLookupContainerType>
EdgeTypeAndIdToSrcDstLookupContainerType build_edge_id_and_type_to_src_dst_lookup_map(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeIdInputWrapper edge_id_view, EdgeTypeInputWrapper edge_type_view)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t, typename EdgeTypeAndIdToSrcDstLookupContainerType, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_single_type(raft::handle_t const &handle, EdgeTypeAndIdToSrcDstLookupContainerType const &search_container, raft::device_span<edge_id_t const> edge_ids_to_lookup, edge_type_t edge_type_to_lookup)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t, typename EdgeTypeAndIdToSrcDstLookupContainerType, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_types(raft::handle_t const &handle, EdgeTypeAndIdToSrcDstLookupContainerType const &search_container, raft::device_span<edge_id_t const> edge_ids_to_lookup, raft::device_span<edge_type_t const> edge_types_to_lookup)#
- template<typename BufferKeyOutputIterator, typename BufferValueOutputIterator, typename e_op_result_t> __device__ void push_buffer_element (BufferKeyOutputIterator buffer_key_output_first, BufferValueOutputIterator buffer_value_output_first, size_t buffer_idx, e_op_result_t e_op_result)
- template<typename BufferKeyOutputIterator, typename BufferValueOutputIterator, typename e_op_result_t> __device__ void warp_push_buffer_elements (BufferKeyOutputIterator buffer_key_output_first, BufferValueOutputIterator buffer_value_output_first, cuda::atomic_ref< size_t, cuda::thread_scope_device > &buffer_idx, int lane_id, e_op_result_t e_op_result)
- template<bool hypersparse, typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename BufferKeyOutputIterator, typename BufferValueOutputIterator, typename EdgeOp> static __global__ void extract_transform_v_frontier_e_hypersparse_or_low_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, BufferKeyOutputIterator buffer_key_output_first, BufferValueOutputIterator buffer_value_output_first, size_t *buffer_idx_ptr, EdgeOp e_op)
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename BufferKeyOutputIterator, typename BufferValueOutputIterator, typename EdgeOp> static __global__ void extract_transform_v_frontier_e_mid_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, BufferKeyOutputIterator buffer_key_output_first, BufferValueOutputIterator buffer_value_output_first, size_t *buffer_idx_ptr, EdgeOp e_op)
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename BufferKeyOutputIterator, typename BufferValueOutputIterator, typename EdgeOp> static __global__ void extract_transform_v_frontier_e_high_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, KeyIterator key_first, raft::device_span< size_t const > key_local_degree_offsets, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, BufferKeyOutputIterator buffer_key_output_first, BufferValueOutputIterator buffer_value_output_first, size_t *buffer_idx_ptr, EdgeOp e_op)
template<typename GraphViewType, typename InputKeyIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename OptionalOutputKeyIterator, typename OptionalOutputValueIterator, typename EdgeOp>
void extract_transform_v_frontier_e_edge_partition(raft::handle_t const &handle, edge_partition_device_view_t<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu> edge_partition, InputKeyIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_first, InputKeyIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional<EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper> edge_partition_e_mask, OptionalOutputKeyIterator output_key_first, OptionalOutputValueIterator output_value_first, raft::device_span<size_t> count, EdgeOp e_op, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> high_segment_key_local_degree_offsets, std::optional<size_t> high_segment_edge_count, std::optional<raft::host_span<size_t const>> key_segment_offsets, std::optional<raft::host_span<size_t const>> const &edge_partition_stream_pool_indices)#
template<bool incoming, typename OutputKeyT, typename OutputValueT, typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp>
std::tuple<optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<OutputKeyT>, optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<OutputValueT>> extract_transform_v_frontier_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &frontier, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)#
inline std::vector<size_t> init_stream_pool_indices(size_t max_tmp_buffer_size, size_t approx_tmp_buffer_size_per_loop, size_t loop_count, size_t num_streams_per_loop, size_t max_streams)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename FlagIterator, typename OutputIterator>
void copy_if_nosync(InputIterator input_first, InputIterator input_last, FlagIterator flag_first, OutputIterator output_first, raft::device_span<size_t> count, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator>
void count_nosync(InputIterator input_first, InputIterator input_last, raft::device_span<size_t> count, typename thrust::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type value, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator>
void sum_nosync(InputIterator input_first, InputIterator input_last, raft::device_span<typename thrust::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type> sum, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
- template<bool check_edge_mask, typename InputKeyIterator0, typename InputKeyIterator1, typename InputValueIterator0, typename InputValueIterator1, typename MaskIterator, typename OutputKeyIterator, typename OutputValueIterator0, typename OutputValueIterator1, typename edge_t> __device__ edge_t set_intersection_by_key_with_mask (InputKeyIterator0 input_key_first0, InputKeyIterator1 input_key_first1, InputValueIterator0 input_value_first0, InputValueIterator1 input_value_first1, MaskIterator mask_first, OutputKeyIterator output_key_first, OutputValueIterator0 output_value_first0, OutputValueIterator1 output_value_first1, edge_t input_start_offset0, edge_t input_size0, bool apply_mask0, edge_t input_start_offset1, edge_t input_size1, bool apply_mask1, size_t output_start_offset)
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexPairIterator, typename EdgeValueInputIterator>
std::conditional_t<!std::is_same_v<typename EdgeValueInputIterator::value_type, cuda::std::nullopt_t>, std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type>, rmm::device_uvector<typename EdgeValueInputIterator::value_type>, rmm::device_uvector<typename EdgeValueInputIterator::value_type>>, std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type>>> nbr_intersection(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeValueInputIterator edge_value_input, VertexPairIterator vertex_pair_first, VertexPairIterator vertex_pair_last, std::array<bool, 2> intersect_dst_nbr, bool do_expensive_check = false)#
template<typename T>
auto allocate_optional_dataframe_buffer(size_t size, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream)#
template<typename T>
auto get_optional_dataframe_buffer_begin(optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<T> &optional_dataframe_buffer)#
template<typename T>
auto get_optional_dataframe_buffer_end(optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<T> &optional_dataframe_buffer)#
template<typename T>
auto get_optional_dataframe_buffer_cbegin(optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<T> const &optional_dataframe_buffer)#
template<typename T>
auto get_optional_dataframe_buffer_cend(optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<T> const &optional_dataframe_buffer)#
template<typename T>
void reserve_optional_dataframe_buffer(optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<T> &optional_dataframe_buffer, size_t new_buffer_capacity, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename T>
void resize_optional_dataframe_buffer(optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<T> &optional_dataframe_buffer, size_t new_buffer_size, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename T>
void shrink_to_fit_optional_dataframe_buffer(optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<T> &optional_dataframe_buffer, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename T>
size_t size_optional_dataframe_buffer(optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<T> &optional_dataframe_buffer)#
template<typename ValueIterator>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, std::vector<size_t>> partition_v_frontier(raft::handle_t const &handle, ValueIterator frontier_value_first, ValueIterator frontier_value_last, std::vector<typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type> const &thresholds)#
template<typename value_idx_t, typename ValueIterator>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, rmm::device_uvector<value_idx_t>, std::vector<size_t>> partition_v_frontier_per_value_idx(raft::handle_t const &handle, ValueIterator frontier_value_first, ValueIterator frontier_value_last, raft::host_span<typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type const> thresholds, size_t num_values_per_key)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename key_t, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename PredOp>
__device__ auto init_pred_op(edge_partition_device_view_t<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu> const &edge_partition, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper const &edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper const &edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper const &edge_partition_e_value_input, PredOp const &pred_op, key_t key, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_offset, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type const *indices, typename GraphViewType::edge_type edge_offset)#
- template<bool update_major, typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu, typename result_t, typename TransformOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper> __device__ void update_result_value_output (edge_partition_device_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu > const &edge_partition, vertex_t const *indices, edge_t local_degree, TransformOp const &transform_op, result_t init, ReduceOp const &reduce_op, PredOp const &pred_op, size_t output_idx, ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper &result_value_output)
- template<bool update_major, typename GraphViewType, typename OptionalKeyIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T> static __global__ void per_v_transform_reduce_e_hypersparse (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, OptionalKeyIterator key_first, OptionalKeyIterator key_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper result_value_output, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op)
- template<bool update_major, typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T> static __global__ void per_v_transform_reduce_e_low_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper result_value_output, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op)
- template<bool update_major, typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T> static __global__ void per_v_transform_reduce_e_mid_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper result_value_output, EdgeOp e_op, T init, T identity_element, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op)
- template<bool update_major, typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T> static __global__ void per_v_transform_reduce_e_high_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper result_value_output, EdgeOp e_op, T init, T identity_element, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op)
template<typename vertex_t, typename priority_t, typename ValueIterator>
void compute_priorities(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, ValueIterator value_first, raft::device_span<priority_t> priorities, std::optional<std::variant<raft::device_span<uint32_t const>, raft::device_span<size_t const>>> hypersparse_key_offsets, size_t contiguous_size, int root, int subgroup_size, typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type init, bool ignore_local_values, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename priority_t>
std::variant<rmm::device_uvector<std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<priority_t, uint32_t>, int, priority_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<uint32_t>>> compute_selected_ranks_from_priorities(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, raft::device_span<priority_t const> priorities, std::optional<std::variant<raft::device_span<uint32_t const>, raft::device_span<size_t const>>> hypersparse_key_offsets, size_t contiguous_size, int root, int subgroup_size, bool ignore_local_values, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<bool update_major, typename GraphViewType, typename OptionalKeyIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T>
void per_v_transform_reduce_e_edge_partition(raft::handle_t const &handle, edge_partition_device_view_t<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu> edge_partition, OptionalKeyIterator edge_partition_key_first, OptionalKeyIterator edge_partition_key_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional<EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper> edge_partition_e_mask, ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper output_buffer, EdgeOp e_op, T major_init, T major_identity_element, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op, std::optional<raft::host_span<size_t const>> key_segment_offsets, std::optional<raft::host_span<size_t const>> const &edge_partition_stream_pool_indices)#
template<bool incoming, typename GraphViewType, typename OptionalKeyIterator, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename T, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
void per_v_transform_reduce_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, OptionalKeyIterator sorted_unique_key_first, OptionalKeyIterator sorted_unique_key_last, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op, PredOp pred_op, VertexValueOutputIterator vertex_value_output_first)#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename priority_t> __host__ __device__ priority_t rank_to_priority (int rank, int root, int subgroup_size, int comm_size, vertex_t offset)
- template<typename vertex_t, typename priority_t> __host__ __device__ int priority_to_rank (priority_t priority, int root, int subgroup_size, int comm_size, vertex_t offset)
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> static __global__ void compute_valid_local_nbr_count_inclusive_sums_mid_local_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu > edge_partition, edge_partition_edge_property_device_view_t< edge_t, uint32_t const *, bool > edge_partition_e_mask, vertex_t const *edge_partition_frontier_major_first, raft::device_span< size_t const > inclusive_sum_offsets, raft::device_span< size_t const > frontier_indices, raft::device_span< edge_t > inclusive_sums)
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> static __global__ void compute_valid_local_nbr_count_inclusive_sums_high_local_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu > edge_partition, edge_partition_edge_property_device_view_t< edge_t, uint32_t const *, bool > edge_partition_e_mask, vertex_t const *edge_partition_frontier_major_first, raft::device_span< size_t const > inclusive_sum_offsets, raft::device_span< size_t const > frontier_indices, raft::device_span< edge_t > inclusive_sums)
template<typename KeyIterator>
std::tuple<dataframe_buffer_type_t<typename thrust::iterator_traits<KeyIterator>::value_type>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, std::vector<size_t>> compute_unique_keys(raft::handle_t const &handle, KeyIterator aggregate_local_frontier_key_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets)#
template<typename value_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<value_t>, rmm::device_uvector<value_t>> compute_frontier_value_sums_and_partitioned_local_value_sum_displacements(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<value_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_local_value_sums, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, size_t num_values_per_key)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator>
std::vector<std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type>>> compute_valid_local_nbr_count_inclusive_sums(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator aggregate_local_frontier_major_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets)#
template<typename edge_t, typename bias_t>
void sample_nbr_index_with_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<edge_t const> frontier_degrees, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> frontier_indices, raft::device_span<edge_t> nbr_indices, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t K)#
template<typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t>
void sample_nbr_index_with_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<edge_t const> frontier_per_type_degrees, std::optional<std::tuple<raft::device_span<size_t const>, raft::device_span<edge_type_t const>>> frontier_index_type_pairs, raft::device_span<edge_t> per_type_nbr_indices, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span<size_t const> K_offsets, size_t K_sum)#
template<typename edge_t, typename bias_t>
void sample_nbr_index_without_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<edge_t const> frontier_degrees, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> frontier_indices, raft::device_span<edge_t> nbr_indices, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t K, bool algo_r = true)#
template<typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t>
void sample_nbr_index_without_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<edge_t const> frontier_per_type_degrees, std::optional<std::tuple<raft::device_span<size_t const>, raft::device_span<edge_type_t const>>> frontier_index_type_pairs, raft::device_span<edge_t> per_type_nbr_indices, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span<size_t const> K_offsets, size_t K_sum, bool algo_r = true)#
template<typename edge_t>
rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> compute_homogeneous_uniform_sampling_index_without_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<edge_t const> frontier_degrees, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t K)#
template<typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t>
rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> compute_heterogeneous_uniform_sampling_index_without_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<edge_t const> frontier_per_type_degrees, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span<size_t const> K_offsets, size_t K_sum)#
template<typename edge_t, typename bias_t>
void compute_homogeneous_biased_sampling_index_without_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> input_frontier_indices, raft::device_span<size_t const> input_degree_offsets, raft::device_span<bias_t const> input_biases, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> output_frontier_indices, raft::device_span<edge_t> output_nbr_indices, std::optional<raft::device_span<bias_t>> output_keys, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t K, bool jump)#
template<typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t>
void compute_heterogeneous_biased_sampling_index_without_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> input_frontier_indices, raft::device_span<edge_type_t const> input_frontier_edge_types, raft::device_span<size_t const> input_per_type_degree_offsets, raft::device_span<bias_t const> input_biases, raft::device_span<size_t const> output_start_displacements, raft::device_span<edge_t> output_per_type_nbr_indices, std::optional<raft::device_span<bias_t>> output_keys, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span<size_t const> K_offsets, bool jump)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator>
rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type> compute_aggregate_local_frontier_local_degrees(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator aggregate_local_frontier_major_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets)#
template<typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t>
rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> compute_aggregate_local_frontier_per_type_local_degrees(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_key_idx_to_unique_key_idx, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::device_span<edge_type_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_edge_types, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_local_degree_offsets, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_unique_key_offsets, size_t num_edge_types)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeOp>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename edge_op_result_type<typename thrust::iterator_traits<KeyIterator>::value_type, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper::value_type, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper::value_type, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper::value_type, BiasEdgeOp>::type>, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>> compute_aggregate_local_frontier_biases(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyIterator aggregate_local_frontier_key_first, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, BiasEdgeOp bias_e_op, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeOp, typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename edge_op_result_type<typename thrust::iterator_traits<KeyIterator>::value_type, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper::value_type, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper::value_type, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper::value_type, BiasEdgeOp>::type>, rmm::device_uvector<typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper::value_type>, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>> compute_aggregate_local_frontier_bias_type_pairs(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyIterator aggregate_local_frontier_key_first, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, BiasEdgeOp bias_e_op, EdgeTypeInputWrapper edge_type_input, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper::value_type>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>> compute_aggregate_local_frontier_edge_types(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyIterator aggregate_local_frontier_key_first, EdgeTypeInputWrapper edge_type_input, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets)#
template<typename value_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<value_t>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, std::vector<size_t>> shuffle_and_compute_local_nbr_values(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<value_t> &&sample_nbr_values, raft::device_span<value_t const> frontier_partitioned_value_local_sum_displacements, size_t K, value_t invalid_value)#
template<typename edge_type_t, typename value_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<value_t>, rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, std::vector<size_t>> shuffle_and_compute_per_type_local_nbr_values(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<value_t> &&sample_per_type_nbr_values, raft::device_span<value_t const> frontier_partitioned_per_type_value_local_sum_displacements, raft::device_span<size_t const> K_offsets, size_t K_sum, value_t invalid_value)#
template<typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t>
rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> compute_local_nbr_indices_from_per_type_local_nbr_indices(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_key_idx_to_unique_key_idx, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_per_type_local_degree_offsets, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_unique_key_offsets, std::optional<std::tuple<raft::device_span<edge_type_t const>, raft::device_span<size_t const>>> edge_type_key_idx_pairs, rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> &&per_type_local_nbr_indices, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_sample_offsets, raft::device_span<size_t const> K_offsets, size_t K_sum)#
template<typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, std::vector<size_t>> biased_sample_with_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_key_idx_to_unique_key_idx, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::device_span<bias_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_biases, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_per_type_local_degree_offsets, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_unique_key_offsets, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::host_span<size_t const> Ks)#
template<typename edge_t, typename bias_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, std::vector<size_t>> homogeneous_biased_sample_without_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_key_idx_to_unique_key_idx, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::device_span<bias_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_biases, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_local_degree_offsets, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_unique_key_offsets, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t K)#
template<typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, std::vector<size_t>> heterogeneous_biased_sample_without_replacement(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_key_idx_to_unique_key_idx, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::device_span<bias_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_biases, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_per_type_local_degree_offsets, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_unique_key_offsets, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::host_span<size_t const> Ks)#
template<typename edge_t>
rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> remap_local_nbr_indices(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_key_idx_to_unique_key_idx, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::device_span<edge_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_org_indices, raft::device_span<size_t const> aggregate_local_frontier_unique_key_local_degree_offsets, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_unique_key_offsets, rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> &&local_nbr_indices, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> key_indices, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_sample_offsets, size_t K)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator>
rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type> convert_to_unmasked_local_nbr_idx(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator aggregate_local_frontier_major_first, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type> &&local_nbr_indices, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> key_indices, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_sample_offsets, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, size_t K)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, std::vector<size_t>> homogeneous_uniform_sample_and_compute_local_nbr_indices(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyIterator aggregate_local_frontier_key_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t K, bool with_replacement)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, std::vector<size_t>> heterogeneous_uniform_sample_and_compute_local_nbr_indices(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyIterator aggregate_local_frontier_key_first, EdgeTypeInputWrapper edge_type_input, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::host_span<size_t const> Ks, bool with_replacement)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeOp>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, std::vector<size_t>> homogeneous_biased_sample_and_compute_local_nbr_indices(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyIterator aggregate_local_frontier_key_first, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, BiasEdgeOp bias_e_op, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, size_t K, bool with_replacement, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeOp, typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::edge_type>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, std::vector<size_t>> heterogeneous_biased_sample_and_compute_local_nbr_indices(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyIterator aggregate_local_frontier_key_first, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, BiasEdgeOp bias_e_op, EdgeTypeInputWrapper edge_type_input, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::host_span<size_t const> Ks, bool with_replacement, bool do_expensive_check)#
- template<typename key_t, typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ValueIterator> __device__ void transform_v_frontier_e_update_buffer_element (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > &edge_partition, key_t key, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_offset, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type minor, typename GraphViewType::edge_type edge_offset, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, ValueIterator value_iter)
- template<bool hypersparse, typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename IndexIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ValueIterator> static __global__ void transform_v_frontier_e_hypersparse_or_low_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, KeyIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_first, IndexIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_index_first, IndexIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_index_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper edge_partition_e_mask, raft::device_span< size_t const > edge_partition_frontier_local_degree_offsets, EdgeOp e_op, ValueIterator value_first)
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename IndexIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ValueIterator> static __global__ void transform_v_frontier_e_mid_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, KeyIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_first, IndexIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_index_first, IndexIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_index_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper edge_partition_e_mask, raft::device_span< size_t const > edge_partition_frontier_local_degree_offsets, EdgeOp e_op, ValueIterator value_first)
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename IndexIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ValueIterator> static __global__ void transform_v_frontier_e_high_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, KeyIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_first, IndexIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_index_first, IndexIterator edge_partition_frontier_key_index_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper edge_partition_e_mask, raft::device_span< size_t const > edge_partition_frontier_local_degree_offsets, EdgeOp e_op, ValueIterator value_first)
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp>
auto transform_v_frontier_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyIterator aggregate_local_frontier_key_first, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, raft::host_span<size_t const> local_frontier_offsets)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePropertyOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgePropertyOutputWrapper edge_property_output, T input)#
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, bool >, void > fill_thrust_tuple_element (Iterator iter, size_t offset, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< T, bool >, void > fill_thrust_tuple_element (Iterator iter, size_t offset, T value)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T, std::size_t... Is> __device__ void fill_thrust_tuple (Iterator iter, size_t offset, T value, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
- template<typename Iterator, typename T> __device__ void fill_scalar_or_thrust_tuple (Iterator iter, size_t offset, T value)
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeMajorPropertyOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_major_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeMajorPropertyOutputWrapper edge_major_property_output, T input)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator, typename EdgeMajorPropertyOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_major_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_first, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_last, EdgeMajorPropertyOutputWrapper edge_major_property_output, T input)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeMinorPropertyOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_minor_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeMinorPropertyOutputWrapper edge_minor_property_output, T input)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator, typename EdgeMinorPropertyOutputWrapper, typename T>
void fill_edge_minor_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_first, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_last, EdgeMinorPropertyOutputWrapper edge_minor_property_output, T input)#
template<bool incoming, typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename BiasEdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename BiasEdgeOp, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename EdgeTypeInputWrapper, typename T>
std::tuple<std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, dataframe_buffer_type_t<T>> per_v_random_select_transform_e(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &key_list, BiasEdgeSrcValueInputWrapper bias_edge_src_value_input, BiasEdgeDstValueInputWrapper bias_edge_dst_value_input, BiasEdgeValueInputWrapper bias_edge_value_input, BiasEdgeOp bias_e_op, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, EdgeTypeInputWrapper edge_type_input, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::host_span<size_t const> Ks, bool with_replacement, std::optional<T> invalid_value, bool do_expensive_check)#
- template<bool check_edge_mask, typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueOutputWrapper, typename EdgeOp> static __global__ void transform_e_packed_bool (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper edge_partition_e_mask, EdgePartitionEdgeValueOutputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_output, EdgeOp e_op)
template<typename vertex_t, typename ValueBuffer>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, ValueBuffer> sort_and_reduce_by_vertices(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&vertices, ValueBuffer &&value_buffer)#
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename ResultIterator, typename EdgeOp> static __global__ void transform_reduce_e_hypersparse (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, ResultIterator result_iter, EdgeOp e_op)
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename ResultIterator, typename EdgeOp> static __global__ void transform_reduce_e_low_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_first, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, ResultIterator result_iter, EdgeOp e_op)
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename ResultIterator, typename EdgeOp> static __global__ void transform_reduce_e_mid_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_first, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, ResultIterator result_iter, EdgeOp e_op)
- template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename ResultIterator, typename EdgeOp> static __global__ void transform_reduce_e_high_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_first, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, cuda::std::optional< EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper > edge_partition_e_mask, ResultIterator result_iter, EdgeOp e_op)
- template<bool edge_partition_src_key, typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ValueIterator> __device__ void transform_reduce_e_by_src_dst_key_update_buffer_element (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > &edge_partition, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type minor, typename GraphViewType::edge_type edge_offset, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper edge_partition_src_dst_key_input, EdgeOp e_op, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type *key, ValueIterator value)
- template<bool edge_partition_src_key, typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ValueIterator> static __global__ void transform_reduce_by_src_dst_key_hypersparse (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper edge_partition_src_dst_key_input, EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper edge_partition_e_mask, cuda::std::optional< raft::device_span< typename GraphViewType::edge_type const > > edge_offsets_with_mask, EdgeOp e_op, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type *keys, ValueIterator value_iter)
- template<bool edge_partition_src_key, typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ValueIterator> static __global__ void transform_reduce_by_src_dst_key_low_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_first, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper edge_partition_src_dst_key_input, EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper edge_partition_e_mask, cuda::std::optional< raft::device_span< typename GraphViewType::edge_type const > > edge_offsets_with_mask, EdgeOp e_op, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type *keys, ValueIterator value_iter)
- template<bool edge_partition_src_key, typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ValueIterator> static __global__ void transform_reduce_by_src_dst_key_mid_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_first, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper edge_partition_src_dst_key_input, EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper edge_partition_e_mask, cuda::std::optional< raft::device_span< typename GraphViewType::edge_type const > > edge_offsets_with_mask, EdgeOp e_op, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type *keys, ValueIterator value_iter)
- template<bool edge_partition_src_key, typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ValueIterator> static __global__ void transform_reduce_by_src_dst_key_high_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< typename GraphViewType::vertex_type, typename GraphViewType::edge_type, GraphViewType::is_multi_gpu > edge_partition, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_first, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type major_range_last, EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper edge_partition_src_value_input, EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper edge_partition_dst_value_input, EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper edge_partition_e_value_input, EdgePartitionSrcDstKeyInputWrapper edge_partition_src_dst_key_input, EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper edge_partition_e_mask, cuda::std::optional< raft::device_span< typename GraphViewType::edge_type const > > edge_offsets_with_mask, EdgeOp e_op, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type *keys, ValueIterator value_iter)
template<typename vertex_t, typename value_t, typename BufferType, typename ReduceOp>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, BufferType> reduce_to_unique_kv_pairs(rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&keys, BufferType &&value_buffer, ReduceOp reduce_op, cudaStream_t stream)#
template<bool edge_src_key, typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeSrcDstKeyInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp, typename T>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type>, decltype(allocate_dataframe_buffer<T>(0, cudaStream_t{nullptr}))> transform_reduce_e_by_src_dst_key(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeSrcDstKeyInputWrapper edge_src_dst_key_input, EdgeOp e_op, T init, ReduceOp reduce_op)#
template<typename priority_t, typename vertex_t, typename payload_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<payload_t>> filter_buffer_elements(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&unique_v_buffer, optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<payload_t> &&payload_buffer, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> vertex_partition_range_offsets, vertex_t allreduce_count_per_rank, int subgroup_size)#
template<typename input_key_t, typename key_t, typename payload_t, typename ReduceOp>
std::tuple<dataframe_buffer_type_t<key_t>, optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<payload_t>> sort_and_reduce_buffer_elements(raft::handle_t const &handle, dataframe_buffer_type_t<input_key_t> &&key_buffer, optional_dataframe_buffer_type_t<payload_t> &&payload_buffer, ReduceOp reduce_op, std::conditional_t<std::is_integral_v<key_t>, std::tuple<key_t, key_t>, std::byte> vertex_range, std::optional<input_key_t> invalid_key)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyBucketType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename ReduceOp>
std::conditional_t<!std::is_same_v<typename ReduceOp::value_type, void>, std::tuple<decltype(allocate_dataframe_buffer<typename KeyBucketType::key_type>(0, rmm::cuda_stream_view{})), decltype(detail::allocate_optional_dataframe_buffer<typename ReduceOp::value_type>(0, rmm::cuda_stream_view{}))>, decltype(allocate_dataframe_buffer<typename KeyBucketType::key_type>(0, rmm::cuda_stream_view{}))> transform_reduce_v_frontier_outgoing_e_by_dst(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, KeyBucketType const &frontier, EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper edge_src_value_input, EdgeDstValueInputWrapper edge_dst_value_input, EdgeValueInputWrapper edge_value_input, EdgeOp e_op, ReduceOp reduce_op, bool do_expensive_check = false)#
template<typename BoolInputIterator, typename PackedBoolOutputIterator>
void pack_bools(raft::handle_t const &handle, BoolInputIterator input_first, BoolInputIterator input_last, PackedBoolOutputIterator output_first)#
template<typename BoolInputIterator, typename PackedBoolOutputIterator>
void pack_unaligned_bools(raft::handle_t const &handle, BoolInputIterator input_first, BoolInputIterator input_last, PackedBoolOutputIterator output_first, size_t intraword_start_offset)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexPropertyInputIterator, typename EdgeMajorPropertyOutputWrapper>
void update_edge_major_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexPropertyInputIterator vertex_property_input_first, EdgeMajorPropertyOutputWrapper edge_major_property_output)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator, typename VertexPropertyInputIterator, typename EdgeMajorPropertyOutputWrapper>
void update_edge_major_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_first, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_last, VertexPropertyInputIterator vertex_property_input_first, EdgeMajorPropertyOutputWrapper edge_major_property_output)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexPropertyInputIterator, typename EdgeMinorPropertyOutputWrapper>
void update_edge_minor_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexPropertyInputIterator vertex_property_input_first, EdgeMinorPropertyOutputWrapper edge_minor_property_output)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexIterator, typename VertexPropertyInputIterator, typename EdgeMinorPropertyOutputWrapper>
void update_edge_minor_property(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_first, VertexIterator sorted_unique_vertex_last, VertexPropertyInputIterator vertex_property_input_first, EdgeMinorPropertyOutputWrapper edge_minor_property_output)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename bias_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<size_t, size_t> check_edge_bias_values(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, bias_t const*> edge_bias_view)# Check edge bias values.
Count the number of negative edge bias values & the number of vertices with the sum of their outgoing edge bias values exceeding std::numeric_limits<bias_t>::max().
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
bias_t – Type of edge bias values. Needs to be a floating point type.
multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Graph View object to generate neighbor sampling on.
edge_weight_view – View object holding edge bias values for
- template std::tuple< size_t, size_t > check_edge_bias_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_bias_view)
- template std::tuple< size_t, size_t > check_edge_bias_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_bias_view)
- template std::tuple< size_t, size_t > check_edge_bias_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_bias_view)
- template std::tuple< size_t, size_t > check_edge_bias_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_bias_view)
- template std::tuple< size_t, size_t > check_edge_bias_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > edge_bias_view)
- template std::tuple< size_t, size_t > check_edge_bias_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > edge_bias_view)
- template std::tuple< size_t, size_t > check_edge_bias_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > edge_bias_view)
- template std::tuple< size_t, size_t > check_edge_bias_values (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > edge_bias_view)
rmm::device_uvector<int32_t> convert_starting_vertex_label_offsets_to_labels(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<size_t const> starting_vertex_label_offsets)#
Convert the starting vertex offsets into starting vertex labels.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
starting_vertex_label_offsets – Offsets array defining where each vertex label begins
- Returns:
device vector containing labels for each starting vertex
template<typename label_t>
rmm::device_uvector<int32_t> flatten_label_map(raft::handle_t const &handle, std::tuple<raft::device_span<label_t const>, raft::device_span<int32_t const>> label_to_output_comm_rank)# Flatten the legacy label_to_output_comm_rank into the new structure.
Legacy structure supported arbitrary labels, the new structure is a dense mapping of labels from [0,n).
- Template Parameters:
label_t – typename for the label
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
label_to_output_comm_rank – A tuple containing label ids and the comm rank each label should be assigned to
- Returns:
device vector containing the mapping to comm_rank. Entry
will be the comm rank destination for labeli
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > flatten_label_map (raft::handle_t const &handle, std::tuple< raft::device_span< int32_t const >, raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank)
template<bool has_weight, bool has_edge_id, bool has_edge_type, typename label_t, typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename tag_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>> gather_one_hop_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_type_view, cugraph::vertex_frontier_t<vertex_t, tag_t, multi_gpu, false> const &vertex_frontier, std::optional<raft::host_span<uint8_t const>> gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename label_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>> gather_one_hop_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_type_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> active_majors, std::optional<raft::device_span<label_t const>> active_major_labels, std::optional<raft::host_span<uint8_t const>> gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Gather edge list for specified vertices.
Collect all the edges that are present in the adjacency lists on the current gpu
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.
edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type.
label_t – Type of label. Needs to be an integral type.
multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Graph View object to generate neighbor sampling on.
edge_weight_view – Optional view object holding edge weights for
.edge_id_view – Optional view object holding edge ids for
.edge_type_view – Optional view object holding edge types for
.active_majors – Device vector containing all the vertex id that are processed by gpus in the column communicator
active_major_labels – Optional device vector containing labels for each device vector
gather_flags – Optional host span indicating whether to gather edge or not for each edge type.
should coincide withedge_type_view.has_value()
- Returns:
A tuple of device vectors containing the majors, minors, optional weights, optional edge ids, optional edge types and optional label
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > gather_one_hop_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, std::optional< raft::host_span< uint8_t const > > gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > gather_one_hop_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, std::optional< raft::host_span< uint8_t const > > gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > gather_one_hop_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, std::optional< raft::host_span< uint8_t const > > gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > gather_one_hop_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, std::optional< raft::host_span< uint8_t const > > gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > gather_one_hop_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, std::optional< raft::host_span< uint8_t const > > gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > gather_one_hop_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int32_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, std::optional< raft::host_span< uint8_t const > > gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > gather_one_hop_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, std::optional< raft::host_span< uint8_t const > > gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > gather_one_hop_edgelist (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, raft::device_span< int64_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, std::optional< raft::host_span< uint8_t const > > gather_flags, bool do_expensive_check)
template<typename vertex_t, typename label_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>, std::optional<std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>>>> prepare_next_frontier(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> sampled_src_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<label_t const>> sampled_src_vertex_labels, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> sampled_dst_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<label_t const>> sampled_dst_vertex_labels, std::optional<std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>>> &&vertex_used_as_source, vertex_partition_view_t<vertex_t, multi_gpu> vertex_partition, std::vector<vertex_t> const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)# Use the sampling results from hop N to populate the new frontier for hop N+1.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
label_t – Type of label. Needs to be an integral type.
multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
sampled_src_vertices – The source vertices for the current sampling
sampled_src_vertex_labels – Optional labels for the vertices for the current sampling
sampled_dst_vertices – Vertices for the next frontier
sampled_dst_vertex_labels – Optional labels for the next frontier
vertex_used_as_source – Optional. If specified then we want to exclude vertices that were previously used as sources. These vertices (and optional labels) will be updated based on the contents of sampled_src_vertices/sampled_src_vertex_labels and the update will be part of the return value.
vertex_partition – Vertex partition view from the graph view
vertex_partition_range_lasts – End of range information from graph view
prior_sources_behavior – Identifies how to treat sources in each hop
dedupe_sources – boolean flag, if true then if a vertex v appears as a destination in hop X multiple times with the same label, it will only be passed once (for each label) as a source for the next hop. Default is false.
do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
- Returns:
A tuple of device vectors containing the vertices for the next frontier expansion and optional labels associated with the vertices, along with the updated value for
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > > > prepare_next_frontier (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int32_t const > sampled_src_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > sampled_src_vertex_labels, raft::device_span< int32_t const > sampled_dst_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > sampled_dst_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > > &&vertex_used_as_source, vertex_partition_view_t< int32_t, true > vertex_partition, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > > > prepare_next_frontier (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int64_t const > sampled_src_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > sampled_src_vertex_labels, raft::device_span< int64_t const > sampled_dst_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > sampled_dst_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > > &&vertex_used_as_source, vertex_partition_view_t< int64_t, true > vertex_partition, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > > > prepare_next_frontier (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int32_t const > sampled_src_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > sampled_src_vertex_labels, raft::device_span< int32_t const > sampled_dst_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > sampled_dst_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > > &&vertex_used_as_source, vertex_partition_view_t< int32_t, false > vertex_partition, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > > > prepare_next_frontier (raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span< int64_t const > sampled_src_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > sampled_src_vertex_labels, raft::device_span< int64_t const > sampled_dst_vertices, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > sampled_dst_vertex_labels, std::optional< std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > > &&vertex_used_as_source, vertex_partition_view_t< int64_t, false > vertex_partition, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)
template<typename vertex_t, typename label_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>> remove_visited_vertices_from_frontier(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&frontier_vertices, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>> &&frontier_vertex_labels, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> vertices_used_as_source, std::optional<raft::device_span<label_t const>> vertex_labels_used_as_source)# Remove from the frontier any vertices that have already been used as a source.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
label_t – Type of label. Needs to be an integral type.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
frontier_vertices – Vertices discovered in the current hop
frontier_vertex_labels – Labels for the vertices discovered in the current hop
vertices_used_as_source – Device vector containing all vertices used in previous hops as a source
vertex_labels_used_as_source – Device vector containing vertex labels associated with the
used in previous hops as a source vertex label
- Returns:
tuple containing the modified frontier_vertices and frontier_vertex_labels
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_visited_vertices_from_frontier (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&frontier_vertices, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&frontier_vertex_labels, raft::device_span< int32_t const > vertices_used_as_source, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_labels_used_as_source)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > remove_visited_vertices_from_frontier (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&frontier_vertices, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&frontier_vertex_labels, raft::device_span< int64_t const > vertices_used_as_source, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > vertex_labels_used_as_source)
template<bool has_weight, bool has_edge_id, bool has_edge_type, typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>> sample_edges_with_edge_values(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, key_bucket_t<vertex_t, void, multi_gpu, false> const &key_list, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_type_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, bias_t const*>> edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> active_majors, raft::host_span<size_t const> Ks, bool with_replacement)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t, typename label_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>> sample_edges(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_type_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, bias_t const*>> edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> active_majors, std::optional<raft::device_span<label_t const>> active_major_labels, raft::host_span<size_t const> fan_out, bool with_replacement)# Randomly sample edges from the adjacency list of specified vertices.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.
edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type.
label_t – Type of label. Needs to be an integral type.
multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph_view – Graph View object to generate neighbor sampling on.
edge_weight_view – Optional view object holding edge weights for
.edge_id_view – Optional view object holding edge ids for
.edge_type_view – Optional view object holding edge types for
.rng_state – Random number generator state
active_majors – Device vector containing all the vertex id that are processed by gpus in the column communicator
active_major_labels – Optional device vector containing labels for each device vector
fan_out – How many edges to sample for each vertex per edge type
with_replacement – If true sample with replacement, otherwise sample without replacement
invalid_vertex_id – Value to use for an invalid vertex
- Returns:
A tuple of device vectors containing the majors, minors, optional weights, optional edge ids, optional edge types and optional label
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > sample_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span< int32_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, raft::host_span< size_t const > Ks, bool with_replacement)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > sample_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span< int32_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, raft::host_span< size_t const > Ks, bool with_replacement)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > sample_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span< int64_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, raft::host_span< size_t const > Ks, bool with_replacement)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > sample_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, true > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span< int64_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, raft::host_span< size_t const > Ks, bool with_replacement)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > sample_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, float const * > > edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span< int32_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, raft::host_span< size_t const > Ks, bool with_replacement)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > sample_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int32_t, int32_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int32_t, double const * > > edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span< int32_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, raft::host_span< size_t const > Ks, bool with_replacement)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > sample_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, float const * > > edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span< int64_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, raft::host_span< size_t const > Ks, bool with_replacement)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > > sample_edges (raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t< int64_t, int64_t, false, false > const &graph_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_weight_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int64_t const * > > edge_id_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, int32_t const * > > edge_edge_type_view, std::optional< edge_property_view_t< int64_t, double const * > > edge_bias_view, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, raft::device_span< int64_t const > active_majors, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > active_major_labels, raft::host_span< size_t const > Ks, bool with_replacement)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename label_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>> shuffle_sampling_results(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&majors, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&minors, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&weights, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>> &&edge_ids, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>> &&edge_types, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>> &&hops, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>> &&labels, raft::device_span<int32_t const> label_to_output_gpu_mapping)# Shuffle sampling results to the desired GPU based on label_to_output_gpu_mapping[label[i]].
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.
weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.
edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type.
label_t – Type of label. Needs to be an integral type.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
majors – Major vertices
minors – Minor vertices
weights – Optional edge weight
edge_ids – Optional edge id
edge_types – Optional edge type
hops – Optional indicator of which hop the edge was found in
labels – Label associated with the seed that resulted in this edge being part of the result
label_to_output_gpu_mapping – Mapping that identifies the GPU that is associated with the output label
- Returns:
A tuple of device vectors containing the majors, minors, optional weights, optional edge ids, optional edge types, optional hops and optional labels after shuffling to the specified output GPU
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename label_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> shuffle_and_organize_output(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&majors, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&minors, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&weights, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>> &&edge_ids, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>> &&edge_types, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>> &&hops, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>> &&labels, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> label_to_output_comm_rank)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t, typename label_t>
void sort_sampled_tuples(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &majors, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &minors, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &weights, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>> &edge_ids, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>> &edge_types, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>> &hops, rmm::device_uvector<label_t> &labels)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > shuffle_and_organize_output (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&hops, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > shuffle_and_organize_output (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&hops, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > shuffle_and_organize_output (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&hops, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > > shuffle_and_organize_output (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&hops, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&labels, std::optional< raft::device_span< int32_t const > > label_to_output_comm_rank)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>> normalize_biases(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, raft::device_span<weight_t const> biases)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> create_local_samples(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> const &normalized_biases, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> const &gpu_biases, size_t samples_in_this_batch)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t, typename label_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> neighbor_sample_impl(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_type_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, bias_t const*>> edge_bias_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> starting_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<label_t const>> starting_vertex_labels, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span<int32_t const> fan_out, std::optional<edge_type_t> num_edge_types, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior, bool dedupe_sources, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename selector_t, typename traversal_t = original::horizontal_traversal_t, typename random_engine_t = rrandom_gen_t<vertex_t, edge_t>, typename seeding_policy_t = original::clock_seeding_t<typename random_engine_t::seed_type>, typename index_t = edge_t>
std::tuple<original::device_vec_t<vertex_t>, original::device_vec_t<weight_t>, original::device_vec_t<index_t>, typename random_engine_t::seed_type> random_walks_impl(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, false> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, original::device_const_vector_view<vertex_t, index_t> &d_v_start, index_t max_depth, selector_t const &selector, bool use_padding = false, seeding_policy_t seeder = original::clock_seeding_t<typename random_engine_t::seed_type>{})# returns random walks (RW) from starting sources, where each path is of given maximum length. Single-GPU specialization.
- Template Parameters:
graph_t – Type of graph (view).
traversal_t – Traversal policy. Either horizontal (faster but requires more memory) or vertical. Defaults to horizontal.
random_engine_t – Type of random engine used to generate RW.
seeding_policy_t – Random engine seeding policy: variable or fixed (for reproducibility). Defaults to variable, clock dependent.
index_t – Indexing type. Defaults to edge_type.
- Parameters:
handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.
graph – Graph object to generate RW on.
d_v_start – Device (view) set of starting vertex indices for the RW. number(paths) == d_v_start.size().
max_depth – maximum length of RWs.
use_padding – (optional) specifies if return uses padded format (true), or coalesced (compressed) format; when padding is used the output is a matrix of vertex paths and a matrix of edges paths (weights); in this case the matrices are stored in row major order; the vertex path matrix is padded with
values and the weight matrix is padded with0
values;seeder – (optional) is object providing the random seeding mechanism. Defaults to local clock time as initial seed.
- Returns:
std::tuple<device_vec_t<vertex_t>, device_vec_t<weight_t>, device_vec_t<index_t>> Triplet of either padded or coalesced RW paths; in the coalesced case (default), the return consists of corresponding vertex and edge weights for each, and corresponding path sizes. This is meant to minimize the number of DF’s to be passed to the Python layer. The meaning of “coalesced” here is that a 2D array of paths of different sizes is represented as a 1D contiguous array. In the padded case the return is a matrix of num_paths x max_depth vertex paths; and num_paths x (max_depth-1) edge (weight) paths, with an empty array of sizes. Note: if the graph is un-weighted the edge (weight) paths consists of
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool multi_gpu, typename random_selector_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>> random_walk_impl(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> start_vertices, size_t max_length, random_selector_t random_selector)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::enable_if_t<multi_gpu, std::tuple<graph_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu>, std::optional<edge_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu>, weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>>>> coarsen_graph(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, vertex_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::enable_if_t<!multi_gpu, std::tuple<graph_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu>, std::optional<edge_property_t<graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu>, weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>>>> coarsen_graph(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, vertex_t const *labels, bool renumber, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename edge_t, typename VertexIterator>
rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> compute_sparse_offsets(VertexIterator edgelist_major_first, VertexIterator edgelist_major_last, typename thrust::iterator_traits<VertexIterator>::value_type major_range_first, typename thrust::iterator_traits<VertexIterator>::value_type major_range_last, bool edgelist_major_sorted, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> compress_hypersparse_offsets(rmm::device_uvector<edge_t> &&offsets, vertex_t major_range_first, vertex_t major_hypersparse_first, vertex_t major_range_last, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_value_t, bool store_transposed>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, decltype(allocate_dataframe_buffer<edge_value_t>(size_t{0}, rmm::cuda_stream_view{})), std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>>> sort_and_compress_edgelist(rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_dsts, decltype(allocate_dataframe_buffer<edge_value_t>(0, rmm::cuda_stream_view{})) &&edgelist_values, vertex_t major_range_first, std::optional<vertex_t> major_hypersparse_first, vertex_t major_range_last, vertex_t, vertex_t, size_t mem_frugal_threshold, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>>> sort_and_compress_edgelist(rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_dsts, vertex_t major_range_first, std::optional<vertex_t> major_hypersparse_first, vertex_t major_range_last, vertex_t, vertex_t, size_t mem_frugal_threshold, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename edge_t, typename VertexIterator, typename EdgeValueIterator>
void sort_adjacency_list(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<edge_t const> offsets, VertexIterator index_first, VertexIterator index_last, EdgeValueIterator edge_value_first)#
template<typename edge_t, typename VertexIterator>
void sort_adjacency_list(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<edge_t const> offsets, VertexIterator index_first, VertexIterator index_last)#
template<typename comparison_t>
std::tuple<size_t, rmm::device_uvector<uint32_t>> mark_entries(raft::handle_t const &handle, size_t num_entries, comparison_t comparison)#
template<typename T>
rmm::device_uvector<T> keep_flagged_elements(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<T> &&vector, raft::device_span<uint32_t const> keep_flags, size_t keep_count)#
template<typename vertex_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> group_multi_edges(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_dsts, size_t mem_frugal_threshold)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_value_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, dataframe_buffer_type_t<edge_value_t>> group_multi_edges(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_dsts, dataframe_buffer_type_t<edge_value_t> &&edgelist_values, size_t mem_frugal_threshold, bool keep_min_value_edge)#
template<typename vertex_t>
std::optional<vertex_t> find_locally_unused_ext_vertex_id(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> sorted_local_vertices, bool multi_gpu)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::vector<vertex_t>, std::optional<std::vector<vertex_t>>, vertex_t> compute_renumber_map(raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> &&local_vertices, std::vector<vertex_t const*> const &edgelist_majors, std::vector<vertex_t const*> const &edgelist_minors, std::vector<edge_t> const &edgelist_edge_counts)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
void expensive_check_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> const &local_vertices, std::vector<vertex_t const*> const &edgelist_majors, std::vector<vertex_t const*> const &edgelist_minors, std::vector<edge_t> const &edgelist_edge_counts, std::optional<std::vector<std::vector<edge_t>>> const &edgelist_intra_partition_segment_offsets)#
template<typename vertex_t>
std::vector<vertex_t> aggregate_offset_vectors(raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector<vertex_t> const &offsets)#
template<typename vertex_t>
void unrenumber_local_int_edges(raft::handle_t const &handle, std::vector<vertex_t*> const &edgelist_majors, std::vector<vertex_t*> const &edgelist_minors, std::vector<size_t> const &edgelist_edge_counts, vertex_t const *renumber_map_labels, std::vector<vertex_t> const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, std::optional<std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>> const &edgelist_intra_partition_segment_offsets, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename property_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<property_t>> merge_lower_triangular(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&lower_triangular_majors, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&lower_triangular_minors, rmm::device_uvector<property_t> &&lower_triangular_properties, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&upper_triangular_majors, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&upper_triangular_minors, rmm::device_uvector<property_t> &&upper_triangular_properties, size_t num_lower_triangular_edges, bool reciprocal)#
template<typename vertex_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> merge_lower_triangular(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&lower_triangular_majors, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&lower_triangular_minors, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&upper_triangular_majors, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&upper_triangular_minors, size_t num_lower_triangular_edges, bool reciprocal)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename edge_time_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_time_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_time_t>>> symmetrize_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_majors, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_minors, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&edgelist_weights, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>> &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>> &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_time_t>> &&edgelist_edge_start_times, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_time_t>> &&edgelist_edge_end_times, bool reciprocal)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename PredecessorIterator>
void bfs(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type *distances, PredecessorIterator predecessor_first, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type const *sources, size_t n_sources, bool direction_optimizing, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type depth_limit, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>> shrink_extraction_list(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&vertex_list, rmm::device_uvector<size_t> &&path_offset)#
template<typename GraphViewType>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, rmm::device_uvector<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type>> k_hop_nbrs(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &push_graph_view, raft::device_span<typename GraphViewType::vertex_type const> start_vertices, size_t k, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename weight_t, typename PredecessorIterator>
void sssp(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &push_graph_view, edge_property_view_t<typename GraphViewType::edge_type, weight_t const*> edge_weight_view, weight_t *distances, PredecessorIterator predecessor_first, typename GraphViewType::vertex_type source_vertex, weight_t cutoff, bool do_expensive_check)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
std::unique_ptr<legacy::GraphCOO<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t>> mst_impl(raft::handle_t const &handle, legacy::GraphCSRView<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t> const &graph, rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr)#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexPairIterator>
size_t count_invalid_vertex_pairs(raft::handle_t const &handle, GraphViewType const &graph_view, VertexPairIterator vertex_pair_first, VertexPairIterator vertex_pair_last)#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t> static __global__ void get_traversed_cost_kernel (vertex_t const *vertices, vertex_t const *preds, vertex_t const *vtx_map, weight_t const *info_weights, weight_t *out, vertex_t stop_vertex, vertex_t num_vertices)
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
void get_traversed_cost_impl(raft::handle_t const &handle, vertex_t const *vertices, vertex_t const *preds, weight_t const *info_weights, weight_t *out, vertex_t stop_vertex, vertex_t num_vertices)#
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_end_times, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< float > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > >, std::vector< size_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_pairs_with_values_to_local_gpu_by_edge_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&majors, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&minors, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< double > > &&weights, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_ids, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > &&edge_types, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_start_times, std::optional< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > &&edge_end_times, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > shuffle_ext_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > shuffle_ext_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&values)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > shuffle_int_vertices_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_values, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_values, std::vector< int32_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > shuffle_ext_vertices_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_vertices)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int32_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< float > > shuffle_ext_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< float > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< double > > shuffle_ext_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< double > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&d_values, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > shuffle_int_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_values, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int32_t > &&values)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< size_t > &&values)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > shuffle_int_vertices_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, std::vector< int64_t > const &vertex_partition_range_lasts)
- template rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > shuffle_ext_vertices_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&d_vertices)
- template std::tuple< rmm::device_uvector< int64_t >, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > > shuffle_ext_vertex_value_pairs_to_local_gpu_by_vertex_partitioning (raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&vertices, rmm::device_uvector< int64_t > &&values)
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> static __global__ void decompress_to_edgelist_mid_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu > edge_partition, vertex_t major_range_first, vertex_t major_range_last, raft::device_span< vertex_t > majors)
- template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu> static __global__ void decompress_to_edgelist_high_degree (edge_partition_device_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu > edge_partition, vertex_t major_range_first, vertex_t major_range_last, raft::device_span< vertex_t > majors)
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
void decompress_edge_partition_to_fill_edgelist_majors(raft::handle_t const &handle, edge_partition_device_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu> edge_partition, std::optional<edge_partition_edge_property_device_view_t<edge_t, uint32_t const*, bool>> edge_partition_mask_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t> majors, std::optional<std::vector<vertex_t>> const &segment_offsets)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, bool multi_gpu>
void decompress_edge_partition_to_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, edge_partition_device_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu> edge_partition, std::optional<edge_partition_edge_property_device_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_partition_weight_view, std::optional<edge_partition_edge_property_device_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_partition_id_view, std::optional<edge_partition_edge_property_device_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_partition_type_view, std::optional<edge_partition_edge_property_device_view_t<edge_t, uint32_t const*, bool>> edge_partition_mask_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t> edgelist_majors, raft::device_span<vertex_t> edgelist_minors, std::optional<raft::device_span<weight_t>> edgelist_weights, std::optional<raft::device_span<edge_t>> edgelist_ids, std::optional<raft::device_span<edge_type_t>> edgelist_types, std::optional<std::vector<vertex_t>> const &segment_offsets)#
- template<typename vertex_t> __device__ cuda::std::optional< vertex_t > major_hypersparse_idx_from_major_nocheck_impl (raft::device_span< vertex_t const > dcs_nzd_vertices, vertex_t major)
- template<typename Iterator, typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is> __device__ constexpr TupleType thrust_tuple_atomic_and (Iterator iter, TupleType tup, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
- template<typename Iterator, typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is> __device__ constexpr TupleType thrust_tuple_atomic_or (Iterator iter, TupleType tup, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
- template<typename Iterator, typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is> __device__ constexpr TupleType thrust_tuple_atomic_add (Iterator iter, TupleType tup, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
- template<typename Iterator, typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is> __device__ constexpr TupleType thrust_tuple_elementwise_atomic_cas (Iterator iter, TupleType comp_tup, TupleType val_tup, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
- template<typename Iterator, typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is> __device__ constexpr TupleType thrust_tuple_elementwise_atomic_min (Iterator iter, TupleType tup, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
- template<typename Iterator, typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is> __device__ constexpr TupleType thrust_tuple_elementwise_atomic_max (Iterator iter, TupleType tup, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
template<typename TupleType, size_t... Is>
auto allocate_dataframe_buffer_tuple_impl(std::index_sequence<Is...>, size_t buffer_size, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is>
auto get_dataframe_buffer_begin_tuple_impl(std::index_sequence<Is...>, TupleType &buffer)#
template<typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is>
auto get_dataframe_buffer_end_tuple_impl(std::index_sequence<Is...>, TupleType &buffer)#
template<typename TupleType, size_t... Is>
auto get_dataframe_buffer_cbegin_tuple_impl(std::index_sequence<Is...>, TupleType &buffer)#
template<typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is>
auto get_dataframe_buffer_cend_tuple_impl(std::index_sequence<Is...>, TupleType &buffer)#
template<typename T>
auto iter_to_raw_ptr(thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<T>> iter)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputValueType>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<OutputValueType, thrust::detail::any_assign>, void> device_isend_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, size_t count, int dst, int tag, raft::comms::request_t *request)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputValueType>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<OutputValueType>::value, void> device_isend_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, size_t count, int dst, int tag, raft::comms::request_t *request)#
template<typename InputValueType, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator<OutputIterator>::value, void> device_irecv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, int src, int tag, raft::comms::request_t *request)#
template<typename InputValueType, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_irecv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, int src, int tag, raft::comms::request_t *request)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator<OutputIterator>::value, void> device_sendrecv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, size_t tx_count, int dst, OutputIterator output_first, size_t rx_count, int src, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_sendrecv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, size_t tx_count, int dst, OutputIterator output_first, size_t rx_count, int src, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator<OutputIterator>::value, void> device_multicast_sendrecv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_counts, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_displs, raft::host_span<int const> tx_dst_ranks, OutputIterator output_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> rx_counts, raft::host_span<size_t const> rx_displs, raft::host_span<int const> rx_src_ranks, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_multicast_sendrecv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_counts, raft::host_span<size_t const> tx_displs, raft::host_span<int const> tx_dst_ranks, OutputIterator output_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> rx_counts, raft::host_span<size_t const> rx_displs, raft::host_span<int const> rx_src_ranks, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator<OutputIterator>::value, void> device_bcast_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_bcast_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator<OutputIterator>::value, void> device_allreduce_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, raft::comms::op_t op, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_allreduce_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, raft::comms::op_t op, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator<OutputIterator>::value, void> device_reduce_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, raft::comms::op_t op, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_reduce_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t count, raft::comms::op_t op, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator<OutputIterator>::value, void> device_allgather_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t sendcount, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_allgather_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t sendcount, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator<OutputIterator>::value, void> device_allgatherv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> recvcounts, raft::host_span<size_t const> displacements, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_allgatherv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, raft::host_span<size_t const> recvcounts, raft::host_span<size_t const> displacements, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<thrust::detail::is_discard_iterator<OutputIterator>::value, void> device_gatherv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t sendcount, raft::host_span<size_t const> recvcounts, raft::host_span<size_t const> displacements, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::value_type>::value, void> device_gatherv_impl(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, InputIterator input_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t sendcount, raft::host_span<size_t const> recvcounts, raft::host_span<size_t const> displacements, int root, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
- template<typename MaskIterator> __device__ size_t count_set_bits (MaskIterator mask_first, size_t start_offset, size_t num_bits)
- template<typename MaskIterator> __device__ size_t find_nth_set_bits (MaskIterator mask_first, size_t start_offset, size_t num_bits, size_t n)
- template<typename InputIterator, typename MaskIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename input_value_type = typename thrust::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type, typename output_value_type = typename thrust::iterator_traits< OutputIterator>::value_type> __device__ size_t copy_if_mask_set (InputIterator input_first, MaskIterator mask_first, OutputIterator output_first, size_t input_start_offset, size_t output_start_offset, size_t num_items)
template<typename MaskIterator>
size_t count_set_bits(raft::handle_t const &handle, MaskIterator mask_first, size_t num_bits)#
template<typename InputIterator, typename MaskIterator, typename OutputIterator>
OutputIterator copy_if_mask_set(raft::handle_t const &handle, InputIterator input_first, InputIterator input_last, MaskIterator mask_first, OutputIterator output_first)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename offset_t>
std::tuple<std::vector<vertex_t>, std::vector<offset_t>> compute_offset_aligned_element_chunks(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<offset_t const> offsets, offset_t num_elements, vertex_t approx_element_chunk_size)#
template<typename idx_t, typename offset_t>
rmm::device_uvector<idx_t> expand_sparse_offsets(raft::device_span<offset_t const> offsets, idx_t base_idx, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename ValueIterator, typename value_t, std::size_t... Is>
std::enable_if_t<cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type>::value && cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic<value_t>::value, bool> has_packed_bool_element(std::index_sequence<Is...>)#
inline std::tuple<std::vector<size_t>, std::vector<size_t>, std::vector<int>, std::vector<size_t>, std::vector<size_t>, std::vector<int>> compute_tx_rx_counts_displs_ranks(raft::comms::comms_t const &comm, rmm::device_uvector<size_t> const &d_tx_value_counts, bool drop_empty_ranks, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename ValueIterator, typename ValueToGroupIdOp>
void multi_partition(ValueIterator value_first, ValueIterator value_last, ValueToGroupIdOp value_to_group_id_op, int group_first, int group_last, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename KeyIterator, typename ValueIterator, typename KeyToGroupIdOp>
void multi_partition(KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last, ValueIterator value_first, KeyToGroupIdOp key_to_group_id_op, int group_first, int group_last, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename ValueIterator>
void swap_partitions(ValueIterator value_first, ValueIterator value_last, size_t first_partition_size, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename KeyIterator, typename ValueIterator>
void swap_partitions(KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last, ValueIterator value_first, size_t first_partition_size, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename ValueIterator, typename ValueToGroupIdOp>
ValueIterator mem_frugal_partition(ValueIterator value_first, ValueIterator value_last, ValueToGroupIdOp value_to_group_id_op, int pivot, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename KeyIterator, typename ValueIterator, typename KeyToGroupIdOp>
std::tuple<KeyIterator, ValueIterator> mem_frugal_partition(KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last, ValueIterator value_first, KeyToGroupIdOp key_to_group_id_op, int pivot, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename ValueIterator, typename ValueToGroupIdOp>
void mem_frugal_groupby(ValueIterator value_first, ValueIterator value_last, ValueToGroupIdOp value_to_group_id_op, int num_groups, size_t mem_frugal_threshold, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename KeyIterator, typename ValueIterator, typename KeyToGroupIdOp>
void mem_frugal_groupby(KeyIterator key_first, KeyIterator key_last, ValueIterator value_first, KeyToGroupIdOp key_to_group_id_op, int num_groups, size_t mem_frugal_threshold, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is>
size_t sum_thrust_tuple_element_sizes(std::index_sequence<Is...>)#
template<typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is>
size_t min_thrust_tuple_element_sizes(std::index_sequence<Is...>)#
template<typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is>
size_t max_thrust_tuple_element_sizes(std::index_sequence<Is...>)#
template<typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is>
auto thrust_tuple_to_std_tuple(TupleType tup, std::index_sequence<Is...>)#
template<typename TupleType, std::size_t... Is>
auto std_tuple_to_thrust_tuple(TupleType tup, std::index_sequence<Is...>)#
- __global__ int *restrict childd
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict massd
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict posxd
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict posyd
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict maxxd
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict maxyd
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict minxd
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict minyd
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict const int FOUR_NNODES
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict const int const int NNODES
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict const int const int const int N
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict const int const int const int unsigned *restrict limiter = 0
- __global__ int *restrict int *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict const int const int const int unsigned *restrict float *restrict radiusd {float val, minx, maxx, miny, maxy
- __shared__ float sminx [THREADS1] = minx
- __shared__ float smaxx [THREADS1] = maxx
- __shared__ float sminy [THREADS1] = miny
- __shared__ float smaxy [THREADS1] = maxy
- minx = maxx = posxd[0]
- miny = maxy = posyd[0]
const int i = threadIdx.x#
const int inc = THREADS1 * gridDim.x#
- __global__ const int const int FOUR_N {const int inc = blockDim.x * gridDim.x
int k = (FOUR_N & -32) + threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x#
- __global__ const float *restrict const float *restrict const int const int int *restrict maxdepthd {__shared__ int pos[THREADS5], node[THREADS5]
- __global__ const float *restrict const float *restrict const int const int int *restrict int *restrict bottomd {const int bottom = bottomd[0]
float x#
float y#
float r#
float px#
float py#
int ch#
int n#
int locked#
int patch#
const float radius = radiusd[0]#
const float rootx = posxd[NNODES]#
const float rooty = posyd[NNODES]#
int localmaxdepth = 1#
int skip = 1#
float cm#
- __shared__ int child [THREADS3 *4]
- __shared__ int mass [THREADS3 *4]
const int bottom = bottomd[0]#
int j = 0#
- __global__ const int *restrict countd
- __global__ const int *restrict volatile int *restrict startd
const int dec = blockDim.x * gridDim.x#
int start#
- __global__ const float theta
- __global__ const float const float epssqd
- __global__ const float const float const int *restrict sortd
- __global__ const float const float const int *restrict const int *restrict const int *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict float *restrict velxd
- __global__ const float const float const int *restrict const int *restrict const int *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict velyd
- __global__ const float const float const int *restrict const int *restrict const int *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict const float theta_squared
- __global__ const float const float const int *restrict const int *restrict const int *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict const float const int const int const int const float *restrict radiusd_squared
- __shared__ float dq [THREADS5] = dq[diff]
const int sbase = (threadIdx.x / 32) * 32#
const int MAX_SIZE = FOUR_NNODES + 4#
- __global__ float *restrict Y_y
- __global__ float *restrict const float *restrict attract_x
- __global__ float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict attract_y
- __global__ float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict repel_x
- __global__ float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict repel_y
- __global__ float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict float *restrict old_dx
- __global__ float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict old_dy
- __global__ float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict const float *restrict swinging
- __global__ float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict const float *restrict float *restrict float *restrict const float *restrict const float speed
int32_t constexpr extract_transform_v_frontier_e_kernel_block_size = 512#
int32_t constexpr per_v_transform_reduce_e_kernel_block_size = 256#
int32_t constexpr per_v_transform_reduce_e_kernel_high_degree_reduce_any_block_size = 128#
int32_t constexpr sample_and_compute_local_nbr_indices_block_size = 256#
size_t constexpr compute_valid_local_nbr_count_inclusive_sum_local_degree_threshold = packed_bools_per_word() * size_t{4}#
size_t constexpr compute_valid_local_nbr_count_inclusive_sum_mid_local_degree_threshold = packed_bools_per_word() * static_cast<size_t>(raft::warp_size()) * size_t{4}#
size_t constexpr compute_valid_local_nbr_count_inclusive_sum_high_local_degree_threshold = packed_bools_per_word() * static_cast<size_t>(sample_and_compute_local_nbr_indices_block_size) * size_t{4}#
int32_t constexpr transform_v_frontier_e_kernel_block_size = 128#
int32_t constexpr transform_e_kernel_block_size = 512#
int32_t constexpr transform_reduce_e_kernel_block_size = 128#
int32_t constexpr transform_reduce_e_by_src_dst_key_kernel_block_size = 128#
int32_t constexpr update_v_frontier_from_outgoing_e_kernel_block_size = 512#
int32_t constexpr decompress_edge_partition_block_size = 1024#
double constexpr edge_partition_src_dst_property_values_kv_pair_fill_ratio_threshold = 0.1#
double constexpr hypersparse_threshold_ratio = 0.5#
size_t constexpr low_degree_threshold{raft::warp_size()}#
size_t constexpr mid_degree_threshold{1024}#
size_t constexpr num_sparse_segments_per_vertex_partition = {3}#
size_t cache_line_size = 128#
template<typename vertex_t, typename VertexValueOutputIterator>
struct accumulate_vertex_property_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename bias_t>
struct biased_random_walk_e_bias_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
struct biased_sample_edges_op_t#
template<typename weight_t>
struct biased_selector#
template<typename edge_t>
struct call_const_true_e_op_t#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename key_t, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp>
struct call_e_op_t#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename key_t, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp>
struct call_e_op_with_key_t#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename EdgeValueInputIterator, typename IntersectionOp, typename VertexPairIndexIterator, typename VertexPairIterator, typename VertexPairValueOutputIterator>
struct call_intersection_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_value_t, typename e_op_result_t, typename EdgePartitionDeviceView, typename EdgeMajorValueMap, typename EdgePartitionMajorValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeMinorKeyValueMap, typename KeyAggregatedEdgeOp>
struct call_key_aggregated_e_op_t#
template<typename PackedBoolIterator, typename T>
struct check_bit_set_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct check_edge_src_and_dst_t#
template<typename T>
struct check_in_range_t#
template<typename key_t>
struct check_invalid_bucket_idx_t#
template<typename edge_t, typename T>
struct check_invalid_t#
template<typename T>
struct check_out_of_range_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
struct cluster_update_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename index_t>
struct col_indx_extract_t#
template<typename VertexPairIterator>
struct compute_chunk_id_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_edge_partition_id_from_ext_edge_endpoints_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_edge_partition_id_from_int_edge_endpoints_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_gpu_id_from_ext_edge_endpoints_t#
template<typename edge_t>
struct compute_gpu_id_from_ext_edge_id_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_gpu_id_from_ext_vertex_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_gpu_id_from_int_edge_endpoints_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_gpu_id_from_int_vertex_t#
template<typename GroupIdIterator>
struct compute_group_id_count_pair_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_local_edge_partition_id_from_ext_edge_endpoints_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_local_edge_partition_id_from_int_edge_endpoints_t#
template<typename VertexPairIterator>
struct compute_local_edge_partition_id_t#
struct compute_local_edge_partition_major_range_vertex_partition_id_t#
struct compute_local_edge_partition_minor_range_vertex_partition_id_t#
struct compute_local_nbr_count_per_rank_t#
template<typename value_t>
struct compute_local_value_displacements_and_global_value_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_max#
template<typename vertex_t, bool is_multi_gpu>
struct compute_max_distance#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I, size_t N>
struct compute_thrust_tuple_element_sizes_impl#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I>
struct compute_thrust_tuple_element_sizes_impl<TupleType, I, I>#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_vertex_partition_id_from_ext_vertex_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct compute_vertex_partition_id_from_int_vertex_t#
template<typename key_t, typename vertex_t, typename src_value_t, typename dst_value_t, typename e_value_t, bool store_transposed>
struct const_true_e_op_t#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeValueInputWrapper, typename key_t>
struct constant_bias_e_op_t#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename edge_type_t, typename value_t>
struct convert_per_type_value_key_pair_to_shuffle_t#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename value_t>
struct convert_value_key_pair_to_shuffle_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename index_t>
struct coo_convertor_t#
template<typename FirstElementToIdxMap, typename SecondElementToIdxMap, typename VertexPairIterator, typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_partition_e_input_device_view_t, typename optional_property_buffer_view_t, typename optional_property_buffer_mutable_view_t, bool multi_gpu>
struct copy_intersecting_nbrs_and_update_intersection_size_t#
template<typename weight_t>
struct cosine_functor_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexOp>
struct count_if_call_v_op_t#
struct count_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
struct count_updown_moves_op_t#
template<typename edge_t>
struct count_valids_t#
struct decrement_position#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_allgather_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_allgather_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_allgatherv_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_allgatherv_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_allreduce_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_allreduce_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_bcast_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_bcast_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_gatherv_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_gatherv_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_irecv_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_irecv_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_isend_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_isend_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_multicast_sendrecv_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_multicast_sendrecv_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_reduce_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_reduce_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I, size_t N>
struct device_sendrecv_tuple_iterator_element_impl#
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, size_t I>
struct device_sendrecv_tuple_iterator_element_impl<InputIterator, OutputIterator, I, I>#
template<typename T>
struct divider_t#
class edge_endpoint_dummy_property_view_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename T>
class edge_major_property_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename ValueIterator, typename value_t = typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type>
class edge_major_property_view_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename T>
class edge_minor_property_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename ValueIterator, typename value_t = typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type>
class edge_minor_property_view_t#
template<typename key_t, typename vertex_t, typename src_value_t, typename dst_value_t, typename e_value_t, typename EdgeOp, typename Enable = void>
struct edge_op_result_type#
- template<typename key_t, typename vertex_t, typename src_value_t, typename dst_value_t, typename e_value_t, typename EdgeOp> is_invocable_v< EdgeOp, key_t, vertex_t, src_value_t, dst_value_t, e_value_t > > >
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
class edge_partition_device_view_base_t# Subclassed by cugraph::edge_partition_device_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t< multi_gpu > >, cugraph::edge_partition_device_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > >
template<typename edge_t>
class edge_partition_edge_dummy_property_device_view_t#
template<typename edge_t, typename ValueIterator, typename value_t = typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type>
class edge_partition_edge_property_device_view_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
class edge_partition_endpoint_dummy_property_device_view_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename ValueIterator, typename value_t = typename thrust::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type>
class edge_partition_endpoint_property_device_view_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
class edge_partition_view_base_t# Subclassed by cugraph::edge_partition_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t< multi_gpu > >, cugraph::edge_partition_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > >
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename EdgeIterator>
struct extract_p_r_q_r#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename EdgeIterator>
struct extract_q_r#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename VertexIterator>
struct find_nth_valid_nbr_idx_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct find_unused_id_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_property_value_t, typename optional_property_buffer_view_t, typename optional_property_buffer_mutable_view_t>
struct gatherv_indices_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
class graph_base_t# Subclassed by cugraph::graph_t< vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t< multi_gpu > >, cugraph::graph_t< vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > >, cugraph::graph_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t< multi_gpu > >, cugraph::graph_view_t< vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > >
template<typename vertex_t>
struct hash_src_dst_pair#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I, size_t N>
struct host_allreduce_tuple_scalar_element_impl#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I>
struct host_allreduce_tuple_scalar_element_impl<TupleType, I, I>#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I, size_t N>
struct host_reduce_tuple_scalar_element_impl#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I>
struct host_reduce_tuple_scalar_element_impl<TupleType, I, I>#
template<typename VertexPairIterator>
struct indirection_compare_less_t#
template<typename index_t, typename Iterator>
struct indirection_if_idx_valid_t#
template<typename index_t, typename Iterator>
struct indirection_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename property_t>
struct induced_subgraph_unweighted_edge_op#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename property_t>
struct induced_subgraph_weighted_edge_op#
template<typename vertex_t, typename src_value_t, typename dst_value_t, typename IntersectionOp, typename Enable = void>
struct intersection_op_result_type#
- template<typename vertex_t, typename src_value_t, typename dst_value_t, typename IntersectionOp> device_span< vertex_t const > > > >
template<typename vertex_t>
struct invalidate_if_not_first_in_run_t#
template<typename T>
struct is_equal_t#
template<typename Iterator>
struct is_first_in_run_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct is_invalid_input_vertex_pair_t#
template<typename T>
struct is_not_equal_t#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I, size_t N>
struct is_thrust_tuple_of_arithemetic_impl#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct is_valid_vertex_t#
template<typename Iterator, typename default_t, typename Enable = void>
struct iterator_value_type_or_default_t#
- template<typename Iterator, typename default_t> is_same_v< Iterator, void * > > >
- template<typename Iterator, typename default_t> is_same_v< Iterator, void * > > >
template<typename weight_t>
struct jaccard_functor_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
struct key_aggregated_edge_op_t#
template<typename KeyIterator>
struct key_binary_search_contains_op_t#
template<typename ViewType>
struct key_binary_search_store_device_view_t#
template<typename key_t>
class key_binary_search_store_t#
template<typename KeyIterator>
class key_binary_search_store_view_t#
template<typename ViewType>
struct key_cuco_store_contains_device_view_t#
template<typename ViewType>
struct key_cuco_store_insert_device_view_t#
template<typename key_t>
class key_cuco_store_t#
template<typename key_t>
class key_cuco_store_view_t#
template<typename key_type, typename KeyToGroupIdOp>
struct key_group_id_less_t#
template<typename KeyIterator>
struct kv_binary_search_contains_op_t#
template<typename KeyIterator, typename ValueIterator>
struct kv_binary_search_find_op_t#
template<typename ViewType>
struct kv_binary_search_store_device_view_t#
template<typename key_t, typename value_t>
class kv_binary_search_store_t#
template<typename KeyIterator, typename ValueIterator>
class kv_binary_search_store_view_t#
template<typename RefType, typename key_t, typename value_t>
struct kv_cuco_insert_and_assign_t#
template<typename RefType, typename KeyIterator>
struct kv_cuco_insert_and_increment_t#
template<typename RefType, typename KeyIterator, typename StencilIterator, typename PredOp>
struct kv_cuco_insert_if_and_increment_t#
template<typename ViewType>
struct kv_cuco_store_find_device_view_t#
template<typename key_t, typename value_t>
class kv_cuco_store_t#
template<typename key_t, typename ValueIterator>
class kv_cuco_store_view_t#
template<typename key_type, typename value_type, typename KeyToGroupIdOp>
struct kv_pair_group_id_greater_equal_t#
template<typename key_type, typename value_type, typename KeyToGroupIdOp>
struct kv_pair_group_id_less_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename cluster_value_t>
struct leiden_key_aggregated_edge_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename return_type_t, bool multi_gpu, bool use_dcs>
struct local_degree_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename return_type_t, bool multi_gpu, bool use_dcs, typename MaskIterator>
struct local_degree_with_mask_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct major_to_group_idx_t#
template<typename vertex_t, bool is_multi_gpu>
struct map_index_to_path_offset#
template<typename EdgePartitionDstKeyInputWrapper>
struct minor_to_key_t#
template<typename T>
struct multiplier_t#
template<typename T>
struct multiply_and_add_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename bias_t, typename weight_t>
struct node2vec_random_walk_e_bias_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
struct node2vec_sample_edges_op_t#
template<typename weight_t>
struct node2vec_selector#
template<typename Iterator, typename Enable = void>
struct optional_dataframe_buffer_iterator_value_type_t#
- template<typename Iterator> is_same_v< Iterator, void * > > >
- template<typename Iterator> is_same_v< Iterator, void * > > >
template<typename T>
struct optional_dataframe_buffer_type#
template<typename weight_t>
struct overlap_functor_t#
template<typename BoolIterator>
struct pack_bool_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct pair_to_binary_partition_id_t#
template<typename FirstElementToIdxMap, typename SecondElementToIdxMap, typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
struct pick_min_degree_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename random_engine_t = rrandom_gen_t<vertex_t, edge_t>, typename index_t = edge_t>
struct random_walker_t# Class abstracting the RW initialization, stepping, and stopping functionality The outline of the algorithm is as follows:
(1) vertex sets are coalesced into d_coalesced_v, weight sets are coalesced into d_coalesced_w; i.e., the 2 coalesced vectors are allocated to num_paths * max_depth, and num_paths * (max_depth -1), respectively (since each path has a number of edges equal one less than the number of vertices); d_coalesced_v is initialized for each i*max_depth entry (i=0,,,,num_paths-1) to the corresponding starting vertices; (2) d_sizes maintains the current size is for each path; Note that a path may end prematurely if it reaches a sink vertex; (3) d_crt_out_degs maintains the out-degree of each of the latest vertices in the path; i.e., if N(v) := set of destination vertices from v, then this vector stores |N(v)| for last v in each path; i.e., d_crt_out_degs[i] = out-degree( d_coalesced_v[i*max_depth + d_sizes[i]-1] ), for i in {0,…, num_paths-1}; (4) a set of num_paths floating point numbers between [0,1] are generated at each step; then they get translated into indices k in {0,…d_crt_out_degs[i]-1}; (5) the next vertex v is then picked as the k-th out-neighbor: next(v) = N(v)[k]; (6) d_sizes are incremented accordingly; i.e., for those paths whose corresponding last vertex has out-degree > 0; (7) then next(v) and corresponding weight of (v, next(v)) are stored at appropriate location in their corresponding coalesced vectors; (8) the client of this class (the random_walks() function) then repeats this process max_depth times or until all paths have reached sinks; i.e., d_crt_out_degs = {0, 0,…,0}, whichever comes first; (9) in the end some post-processing is done (stop()) to remove unused entries from the 2 coalesced vectors; (10) the triplet made of the 2 coalesced vectors and d_sizes is then returned;
template<typename edge_t>
struct rebase_offset_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
struct reduce_op_t#
template<typename ReduceOp, typename T>
struct reduce_with_init_t#
struct reorder_group_count_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
struct return_edge_weight_t#
struct return_edges_with_properties_e_op#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t>
struct return_one_t#
template<bool use_invalid_value>
struct return_value_compute_offset_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename seed_t = uint64_t, typename real_t = float, typename index_t = edge_t>
struct rrandom_gen_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename bias_t>
struct sample_edge_biases_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct sample_edges_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t>
struct search_and_increment_degree_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename ValueIterator>
struct segmented_fill_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct sg_lookup_predecessor#
template<typename T>
struct shift_left_t#
template<typename T>
struct shift_right_t#
struct shuffle_index_compute_offset_t#
template<typename label_t>
struct shuffle_to_output_comm_rank_t#
template<typename weight_t>
struct sorensen_functor_t#
template<typename edge_t>
struct strided_accumulate_t#
template<typename T>
struct strided_sum_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu, typename result_t, typename TransformOp, typename ReduceOp, typename PredOp, typename ResultValueOutputIteratorOrWrapper>
struct transform_and_atomic_reduce_t#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename KeyIterator, typename LocalNbrIdxIterator, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename T>
struct transform_local_nbr_indices_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexOp, typename T>
struct transform_reduce_call_v_op_t#
template<typename key_t, typename payload_t, typename vertex_t, typename src_value_t, typename dst_value_t, typename e_value_t, typename EdgeOp>
struct transform_reduce_v_frontier_call_e_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_value_t>
struct tuple_to_minor_comm_rank_t#
template<typename input_t, typename output_t>
struct typecast_t#
template<typename weight_t>
struct uniform_selector#
template<bool check_edge_mask, typename GraphViewType, typename EdgePartitionSrcValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionDstValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeValueInputWrapper, typename EdgePartitionEdgeMaskWrapper, typename EdgeOp, typename EdgeValueOutputWrapper>
struct update_e_value_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename EdgeIterator>
struct update_edges_p_r_q_r_num_triangles#
template<typename InputKeyIterator, typename key_t>
struct update_keep_flag_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
struct update_paths#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool multi_gpu>
struct update_rx_major_local_degree_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_partition_e_input_device_view_t, typename optional_property_buffer_mutable_view_t, bool multi_gpu>
struct update_rx_major_local_nbrs_t#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I, size_t N>
struct update_tuple_from_vector_of_tuple_scalar_elements_impl#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I>
struct update_tuple_from_vector_of_tuple_scalar_elements_impl<TupleType, I, I>#
template<typename vertex_t, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexValueOutputIterator, typename VertexOp, typename key_t, typename payload_t>
struct update_v_frontier_call_v_op_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename VertexValueInputIterator, typename VertexValueOutputIterator, typename VertexOp, typename key_t>
struct update_v_frontier_call_v_op_t<vertex_t, VertexValueInputIterator, VertexValueOutputIterator, VertexOp, key_t, void>#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I, size_t N>
struct update_vector_of_tuple_scalar_elements_from_tuple_impl#
template<typename TupleType, size_t I>
struct update_vector_of_tuple_scalar_elements_from_tuple_impl<TupleType, I, I>#
template<typename value_type, typename ValueToGroupIdOp>
struct value_group_id_greater_equal_t#
template<typename value_type, typename ValueToGroupIdOp>
struct value_group_id_less_t#
template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu>
struct vertex_local_offset_t#
template<typename vertex_t>
class vertex_partition_device_view_base_t# Subclassed by cugraph::vertex_partition_device_view_t< vertex_t, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t< multi_gpu > >, cugraph::vertex_partition_device_view_t< vertex_t, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > >
template<typename vertex_t>
class vertex_partition_view_base_t# Subclassed by cugraph::vertex_partition_view_t< vertex_t, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t< multi_gpu > >, cugraph::vertex_partition_view_t< vertex_t, multi_gpu, std::enable_if_t<!multi_gpu > >
namespace original#
template<typename T>
using device_v_it = typename device_vec_t<T>::iterator#
template<typename value_t>
value_t *raw_ptr(device_vec_t<value_t> &dv)#
template<typename value_t>
value_t const *raw_const_ptr(device_vec_t<value_t> const &dv)#
template<typename value_t>
value_t const *raw_const_ptr(device_const_vector_view<value_t> &dv)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename real_t>
struct biased_selector_t# -
struct sampler_t#
struct sampler_t#
template<typename seed_t>
struct clock_seeding_t#
template<typename value_t, typename index_t = size_t>
struct device_const_vector_view#
template<typename seed_t>
struct fixed_seeding_t#
struct horizontal_traversal_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename real_t>
struct node2vec_selector_t# -
struct sampler_t#
struct sampler_t#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename real_t>
struct uniform_selector_t# -
struct sampler_t#
struct sampler_t#
struct vertical_traversal_t#
template<typename T>
template<typename T>
namespace ext_raft#
Wrapper function for Nvgraph balanced cut clustering.
- Throws cugraph::logic_error:
when an error occurs.
- Template Parameters:
VT – Type of vertex identifiers. Supported value : int (signed, 32-bit)
ET – Type of edge identifiers. Supported value : int (signed, 32-bit)
WT – Type of edge weights. Supported values : float or double.
- Param graph:
[in] input graph object (CSR)
- Param num_clusters:
[in] The desired number of clusters
- Param num_eigen_vects:
[in] The number of eigenvectors to use
- Param evs_tolerance:
[in] The tolerance to use for the eigenvalue solver
- Param evs_max_iter:
[in] The maximum number of iterations of the eigenvalue solver
- Param kmean_tolerance:
[in] The tolerance to use for the kmeans solver
- Param kmean_max_iter:
[in] The maximum number of iteration of the k-means solver
- Param clustering:
[out] Pointer to device memory where the resulting clustering will be stored
template<typename VT, typename ET, typename WT>
void balancedCutClustering(legacy::GraphCSRView<VT, ET, WT> const &graph, VT num_clusters, VT num_eigen_vects, WT evs_tolerance, int evs_max_iter, WT kmean_tolerance, int kmean_max_iter, VT *clustering)#
- template void balancedCutClustering< int, int, float > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, float > const &, int, int, float, int, float, int, int *)
- template void balancedCutClustering< int, int, double > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, double > const &, int, int, double, int, double, int, int *)
- template void spectralModularityMaximization< int, int, float > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, float > const &, int, int, float, int, float, int, int *)
- template void spectralModularityMaximization< int, int, double > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, double > const &, int, int, double, int, double, int, int *)
- template void analyzeClustering_modularity< int, int, float > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, float > const &, int, int const *, float *)
- template void analyzeClustering_modularity< int, int, double > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, double > const &, int, int const *, double *)
- template void analyzeClustering_edge_cut< int, int, float > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, float > const &, int, int const *, float *)
- template void analyzeClustering_edge_cut< int, int, double > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, double > const &, int, int const *, double *)
- template void analyzeClustering_ratio_cut< int, int, float > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, float > const &, int, int const *, float *)
- template void analyzeClustering_ratio_cut< int, int, double > (legacy::GraphCSRView< int, int, double > const &, int, int const *, double *)
namespace detail#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
void balancedCutClustering_impl(legacy::GraphCSRView<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t> const &graph, vertex_t n_clusters, vertex_t n_eig_vects, weight_t evs_tolerance, int evs_max_iter, weight_t kmean_tolerance, int kmean_max_iter, vertex_t *clustering, weight_t *eig_vals, weight_t *eig_vects)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
void spectralModularityMaximization_impl(legacy::GraphCSRView<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t> const &graph, vertex_t n_clusters, vertex_t n_eig_vects, weight_t evs_tolerance, int evs_max_iter, weight_t kmean_tolerance, int kmean_max_iter, vertex_t *clustering, weight_t *eig_vals, weight_t *eig_vects)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
namespace internals#
class Callback#
Subclassed by cugraph::internals::GraphBasedDimRedCallback
class Callback#
namespace legacy#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
class GraphCompressedSparseBase# - #include <graph.hpp>
Base class for constructted graphs stored in CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) format or CSC (Compressed Sparse Column) format.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex id
edge_t – Type of edge id
weight_t – Type of weight
Subclassed by cugraph::legacy::GraphCSR< vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t >
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
class GraphCompressedSparseBaseView : public cugraph::legacy::GraphViewBase<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t># - #include <graph.hpp>
Base class for graph stored in CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) format or CSC (Compressed Sparse Column) format.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex id
edge_t – Type of edge id
weight_t – Type of weight
Subclassed by cugraph::legacy::GraphCSRView< vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t >
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
class GraphCOO# - #include <graph.hpp>
A constructed graph stored in COO (COOrdinate) format.
This class will src_indices and dst_indicies (until moved)
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex id
edge_t – Type of edge id
weight_t – Type of weight
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
struct GraphCOOContents# - #include <graph.hpp>
TODO : Change this Take ownership of the provided graph arrays in COO format.
- Param source_indices:
This array of size E (number of edges) contains the index of the source for each edge. Indices must be in the range [0, V-1].
- Param destination_indices:
This array of size E (number of edges) contains the index of the destination for each edge. Indices must be in the range [0, V-1].
- Param edge_data:
This array size E (number of edges) contains the weight for each edge. This array can be null in which case the graph is considered unweighted.
- Param number_of_vertices:
The number of vertices in the graph
- Param number_of_edges:
The number of edges in the graph
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
class GraphCOOView : public cugraph::legacy::GraphViewBase<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t># - #include <graph.hpp>
A graph stored in COO (COOrdinate) format.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex id
edge_t – Type of edge id
weight_t – Type of weight
Public Functions
inline GraphCOOView()#
Default constructor.
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
class GraphCSR : public cugraph::legacy::GraphCompressedSparseBase<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t># - #include <graph.hpp>
A constructed graph stored in CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) format.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex id
edge_t – Type of edge id
weight_t – Type of weight
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
class GraphCSRView : public cugraph::legacy::GraphCompressedSparseBaseView<vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t># - #include <graph.hpp>
A graph stored in CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) format.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex id
edge_t – Type of edge id
weight_t – Type of weight
Public Functions
inline GraphCSRView()#
Default constructor.
struct GraphProperties#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
struct GraphSparseContents#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
class GraphViewBase# - #include <graph.hpp>
Base class graphs, all but vertices and edges.
- Template Parameters:
vertex_t – Type of vertex id
edge_t – Type of edge id
weight_t – Type of weight
Subclassed by cugraph::legacy::GraphCOOView< vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t >, cugraph::legacy::GraphCompressedSparseBaseView< vertex_t, edge_t, weight_t >
template<typename edge_t>
struct invalid_edge_id : public cugraph::legacy::invalid_idx<edge_t>#
template<typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct invalid_idx#
- template<typename T> value > > : public std::integral_constant< T, -1 >
- template<typename T> value > > : public std::integral_constant< T, std::numeric_limits< T >::max()>
template<typename vertex_t>
struct invalid_vertex_id : public cugraph::legacy::invalid_idx<vertex_t>#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t>
namespace mtmg#
template<typename edge_t, typename value_iterator_t>
using edge_property_view_t = detail::device_shared_wrapper_t<cugraph::edge_property_view_t<edge_t, value_iterator_t>># Edge property object for each GPU.
template<typename vertex_t>
using renumber_map_view_t = detail::device_shared_device_span_t<vertex_t const># An MTMG device span for storing a renumber map.
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
void create_graph_from_edgelist(handle_t const &handle, cugraph::mtmg::edgelist_t<vertex_t, weight_t, edge_id_t, edge_type_t> &edgelist, graph_properties_t graph_properties, bool renumber, cugraph::mtmg::graph_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> &graph, std::optional<cugraph::mtmg::edge_property_t<cugraph::mtmg::graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu>, weight_t>> &edge_weights, std::optional<cugraph::mtmg::edge_property_t<cugraph::mtmg::graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu>, edge_id_t>> &edge_ids, std::optional<cugraph::mtmg::edge_property_t<cugraph::mtmg::graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu>, edge_type_t>> &edge_types, std::optional<cugraph::mtmg::renumber_map_t<vertex_t>> &renumber_map, bool do_expensive_check = false)# Create an MTMG graph from an edgelist.
- Parameters:
handle – [in] Resource handle
edgelist – [in] Edgelist
graph_properties – [in] Graph properties
renumber – [in] If true, renumber graph (must be true for MG)
graph – [out] MTMG graph is stored here
edge_weights – [out] MTMG edge weights is stored here
edge_ids – [out] MTMG edge ids is stored here
edge_types – [out] MTMG edge types is stored here
renumber_map – [in] MTMG renumber_map is stored here
do_expensive_check – [in] A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to
template<typename graph_view_t, typename property_t>
class edge_property_t : public cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_wrapper_t<cugraph::edge_property_t<graph_view_t::wrapped_t, property_t>># - #include <edge_property.hpp>
Edge property object for each GPU.
Public Functions
inline auto view()#
Return a edge_property_view_t (read only)
inline auto view()#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t>
class edgelist_t : public cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_wrapper_t<detail::per_device_edgelist_t<vertex_t, weight_t, edge_t, edge_type_t>># - #include <edgelist.hpp>
Edgelist object for each GPU.
Public Functions
inline void set(handle_t const &handle, size_t device_buffer_size, bool use_weight, bool use_edge_id, bool use_edge_type)#
Create a per_device_edgelist for this GPU.
inline void set(handle_t const &handle, size_t device_buffer_size, bool use_weight, bool use_edge_id, bool use_edge_type)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
class graph_t : public cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_wrapper_t<cugraph::graph_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu>># - #include <graph.hpp>
Graph object for each GPU.
Public Functions
inline auto view()#
Create an MTMG graph view (read only)
inline auto view()#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
class graph_view_t : public cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_wrapper_t<cugraph::graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu>># - #include <graph_view.hpp>
Graph view for each GPU.
class handle_t#
- #include <handle.hpp>
Resource handler.
Multi-threaded resource handler. Every GPU gets a raft::handle object that provides access to the GPU resources. In a multi-threaded environment multiple threads will share a particular GPU. Following the MPI model, each thread will be assigned to a thread rank.
Public Functions
inline handle_t(raft::handle_t const &raft_handle, int thread_rank, rmm::cuda_device_id device_id)#
- Parameters:
raft_handle – Raft handle for the resources
thread_rank – Rank for this thread
device_id – Device id for the device this handle operates on
inline raft::handle_t const &raft_handle() const#
Get the raft handle.
- Returns:
const reference to a raft handle
inline rmm::cuda_stream_view get_stream() const#
Get cuda stream.
- Returns:
cuda stream
inline void sync_stream(rmm::cuda_stream_view stream) const#
Sync on the cuda stream.
- Parameters:
stream – Which stream to synchronize (defaults to the stream for this handle)
inline void sync_stream() const#
Sync on the cuda stream for this handle.
inline void sync_stream_pool() const#
Sync all streams in the stream pool.
inline rmm::exec_policy get_thrust_policy(rmm::cuda_stream_view stream) const#
get thrust policy for the stream
- Parameters:
stream – Which stream to use for this thrust call
- Returns:
exec policy using the current stream
inline rmm::exec_policy get_thrust_policy() const#
get thrust policy for the stream for this handle
- Returns:
exec policy using the current stream
inline int get_thread_rank() const#
Get thread rank.
- Returns:
thread rank
inline int get_size() const#
Get number of gpus.
- Returns:
number of gpus
inline int get_rank() const#
Get gpu rank.
- Returns:
gpu rank
inline handle_t(raft::handle_t const &raft_handle, int thread_rank, rmm::cuda_device_id device_id)#
class instance_manager_t#
- #include <instance_manager.hpp>
Manages a subset of the cluster for a set of graph computations.
Public Functions
inline instance_manager_t(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<raft::handle_t>> &&handles, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ncclComm_t>> &&nccl_comms, std::vector<rmm::cuda_device_id> &&device_ids)#
- Parameters:
handles – Vector of RAFT handles, one for each device on this node
inline handle_t get_handle()#
Get handle.
The instance manager will construct a handle appropriate for the thread making the request. Threads will be assigned to GPUs in a round-robin fashion to spread requesting threads around the GPU resources.
This function is CPU thread-safe.
- Returns:
a handle for this thread.
inline handle_t get_handle(int gpu_id, int thread_id = 0)#
Get handle for particular GPU.
Return a handle for a particular GPU. In a context-free environment this lets the caller reconstitute the handle for the right host thread. It does assume that the caller will not allow multiple threads to concurrently use a gpu_id/thread_id pair.
- Returns:
a handle for this thread.
inline void reset_threads()#
Reset the thread counter.
After a parallel activity is completed, we need to reset the thread counter so that future threads will round robin around the GPUs properly.
inline int get_local_gpu_count()#
Number of local GPUs in the instance.
inline instance_manager_t(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<raft::handle_t>> &&handles, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ncclComm_t>> &&nccl_comms, std::vector<rmm::cuda_device_id> &&device_ids)#
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t>
class per_thread_edgelist_t# - #include <per_thread_edgelist.hpp>
Supports creating an edgelist from individual host threads.
A cugraph edgelist needs to contain all of the edges necessary to create the graph stored in GPU memory (distributed across multiple GPUs in a multi-GPU configuration).
This class provides a mechanism for populating the edgelist object from independent CPU threads.
Calls to the append() method will take edges (in CPU host memory) and append them to a local buffer. As the local buffer fills, the buffer will be sent to GPU memory using the flush() method. This allows the CPU to GPU transfers to be larger (and consequently more efficient).
Public Functions
inline per_thread_edgelist_t(detail::per_device_edgelist_t<vertex_t, weight_t, edge_t, edge_type_t> &edgelist, size_t thread_buffer_size)#
Only constructor.
- Parameters:
edgelist – The edge list this thread_edgelist_t should be associated with
thread_buffer_size – Size of the local buffer for accumulating edges on the CPU
inline void append(vertex_t src, vertex_t dst, std::optional<weight_t> wgt, std::optional<edge_t> edge_id, std::optional<edge_type_t> edge_type, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
Append an edge to the edge list.
- Parameters:
src – Source vertex id
dst – Destination vertex id
wgt – Edge weight
edge_id – Edge id
edge_type – Edge type
stream_view – The cuda stream
inline void append(raft::host_span<vertex_t const> src, raft::host_span<vertex_t const> dst, std::optional<raft::host_span<weight_t const>> wgt, std::optional<raft::host_span<edge_t const>> edge_id, std::optional<raft::host_span<edge_type_t const>> edge_type, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
Append a list of edges to the edge list.
- Parameters:
src – Source vertex id
dst – Destination vertex id
wgt – Edge weight
edge_id – Edge id
edge_type – Edge type
stream_view – The cuda stream
inline void flush(rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view, bool sync = false)#
Flush thread data from host to GPU memory.
- Parameters:
stream_view – The cuda stream
sync – If true, synchronize the asynchronous copy of data; defaults to false.
inline per_thread_edgelist_t(detail::per_device_edgelist_t<vertex_t, weight_t, edge_t, edge_type_t> &edgelist, size_t thread_buffer_size)#
template<typename vertex_t>
class renumber_map_t : public cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_device_vector_t<vertex_t># - #include <renumber_map.hpp>
An MTMG device vector for storing a renumber map.
Public Functions
inline auto view()#
Return a view (read only) of the renumber map.
inline auto view()#
class resource_manager_t#
- #include <resource_manager.hpp>
Class for managing local and remote GPU resources for use in multi-threaded multi-GPU interface.
Each process in a multi-GPU configuration should have an instance of this class. The resource manager object should be configured by calling register_local_gpu (or register_remote_gpu once we support a multi-node configuration) to allocate resources that can be used in the mtmg space.
Each GPU in the cluster should be given a unique global rank, an integer that will be used to reference the GPU within the resource manager. It is recommended that the GPUs be numbered sequentially from 0, although this is not required.
When we want to execute some graph computations, we need to create an instance for execution. Based on how big a subset of the desired compute resources is desired, we can allocate some number of GPUs to the problem (up to the total set of managed resources).
The returned instance can be used to create a graph, execute one or more algorithms, etc. Once we are done the caller can delete the instance.
The caller is assumed to be responsible for scheduling use of the resources.
For our first release, we will only consider a single node multi-GPU configuration, so the remote GPU methods are currently disabled via ifdef.
Public Functions
inline resource_manager_t()#
Default constructor.
inline void register_local_gpu(int global_rank, rmm::cuda_device_id local_device_id)#
add a local GPU to the resource manager.
- Parameters:
global_rank – The global rank to assign to the local GPU
local_device_id – The local device_id corresponding to this rank
inline void register_remote_gpu(int global_rank)#
add a remote GPU to the resource manager.
- Parameters:
global_rank – The global rank to assign to the remote GPU
inline std::unique_ptr<instance_manager_t> create_instance_manager(std::vector<int> ranks_to_include, ncclUniqueId instance_manager_id, size_t n_streams = 16) const#
Create an instance using a subset of the registered resources.
The selected set of resources will be configured as an instance manager. If @ranks_to_include is a proper subset of the registered resources, ranks will be renumbered into the range [0,
), making it a proper configuration.- Parameters:
ranks_to_use – a vector containing the ranks to include in the instance. Must be a subset of the entire set of available ranks.
instance_manager_id – a ncclUniqueId that is shared by all processes participating in this instance. All processes must use the same ID in this call, it is up to the calling code to share this ID properly before the call.
n_streams – The number of streams to create in a stream pool for each GPU. Defaults to 16.
- Returns:
unique pointer to instance manager
inline std::vector<int> registered_ranks() const#
Get a list of all of the currently registered ranks.
- Returns:
A copy of the list of ranks.
inline resource_manager_t()#
template<typename vertex_t, typename result_t>
class vertex_pair_result_t : public cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_device_vector_tuple_t<vertex_t, vertex_t, result_t># - #include <vertex_pair_result.hpp>
An MTMG device vector for storing vertex results.
Public Functions
inline auto view()#
Create a vertex result view (read only)
inline auto view()#
template<typename vertex_t, typename result_t>
class vertex_pair_result_view_t : public cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_wrapper_t<std::tuple<raft::device_span<Ts>...>># - #include <vertex_pair_result_view.hpp>
An MTMG device span for referencing a vertex pair result.
Public Functions
template<bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<result_t>> gather(handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> vertices, std::vector<vertex_t> const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, cugraph::vertex_partition_view_t<vertex_t, multi_gpu> vertex_partition_view, std::optional<cugraph::mtmg::renumber_map_view_t<vertex_t>> &renumber_map_view)# Gather results from specified vertices.
template<bool multi_gpu>
template<typename result_t>
class vertex_result_t : public cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_device_vector_t<result_t># - #include <vertex_result.hpp>
An MTMG device vector for storing vertex results.
Public Functions
inline auto view()#
Create a vertex result view (read only)
inline auto view()#
template<typename result_t>
class vertex_result_view_t : public cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_wrapper_t<raft::device_span<T>># - #include <vertex_result_view.hpp>
An MTMG device span for referencing a vertex result.
Public Functions
template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu>
rmm::device_uvector<result_t> gather(handle_t const &handle, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> vertices, std::vector<vertex_t> const &vertex_partition_range_lasts, cugraph::vertex_partition_view_t<vertex_t, multi_gpu> vertex_partition_view, std::optional<cugraph::mtmg::renumber_map_view_t<vertex_t>> &renumber_map_view, result_t default_value = 0)# Gather results from specified vertices into a device vector.
template<typename vertex_t, bool multi_gpu>
namespace detail#
Manage device spans on each GPU.
Manage a tuple of device spans on each GPU.
- #include <device_shared_device_vector.hpp>
Manage a device vector on each GPU.
Uses the device_shared_wrapper to manage an rmm::device_uvector<T> on each GPU.
Public Functions
Create a device_shared_device_span (read only view)
- #include <device_shared_device_vector_tuple.hpp>
Manage a tuple of device vector on each GPU.
Uses the device_shared_wrapper to manage a tuple of rmm::device_uvector instances on each GPU.
Public Functions
Create a device_shared_device_span (read only view)
- #include <device_shared_wrapper.hpp>
Wrap an object to be available for each GPU.
In the MTMG environment we need the ability to manage a collection of objects that are associated with a particular GPU, and fetch the objects from an arbitrary GPU thread. This object will wrap any object and allow it to be accessed from different threads.
Subclassed by cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_device_vector_t< vertex_t >, cugraph::mtmg::detail::device_shared_device_vector_t< result_t >
Public Functions
Move a wrapped object into the wrapper for this thread.
- Parameters:
handle – Handle is used to identify the GPU we associated this object with
obj – Wrapped object
Move a wrapped object into the wrapper for this thread.
- Parameters:
local_rank – Identify which GPU to associated this object with
obj – Wrapped object
Get reference to an object for a particular thread.
- Parameters:
handle – Handle is used to identify the GPU we associated this object with
- Returns:
Reference to the wrapped object
Get the pointer to an object for a particular thread from this wrapper.
- Parameters:
handle – Handle is used to identify the GPU we associated this object with
- Returns:
Shared pointer the wrapped object
template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t>
class per_device_edgelist_t# - #include <per_device_edgelist.hpp>
An edgelist for each GPU.
Manages an edge list for edges associated with a particular GPU. Multiple threads can call the append() method, possibly concurrently. To avoid constantly copying when the buffers fill up, the class will create a device buffer containing a number of elements specified in the constructor. When that device buffer is full we will create a new buffer.
When we try and use the edgelist we will consolidate the buffers, since at that time we know the entire size required.
Important note, the expectation is that this object will be used in two phases: 1) The append() method will be used to fill buffers with edges 2) The edges will be consumed to create a graph
These two phases are expected to be disjoint. The calling process is expected to manage some barrier so that all threads are guaranteed to be completed before changing phases. If an append() call (part of the filling phase) overlaps with calls to finalize_buffer(), consolidate_and_shuffle(), get_src(), get_dst(), get_wgt(), get_edge_id() and get_edge_type() then the behavior is undefined (data might change in some non-deterministic way).
Public Functions
inline per_device_edgelist_t(size_t device_buffer_size, bool use_weight, bool use_edge_id, bool use_edge_type, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
Construct a new per device edgelist t object.
- Parameters:
device_buffer_size – Number of edges to store in each device buffer
use_weight – Whether or not the edgelist will have weights
use_edge_id – Whether or not the edgelist will have edge ids
use_edge_type – Whether or not the edgelist will have edge types
stream_view – CUDA stream view
inline per_device_edgelist_t(per_device_edgelist_t &&other)#
Move construct a new per device edgelist t object.
- Parameters:
other – Object to move into this instance
inline void append(raft::host_span<vertex_t const> src, raft::host_span<vertex_t const> dst, std::optional<raft::host_span<weight_t const>> wgt, std::optional<raft::host_span<edge_t const>> edge_id, std::optional<raft::host_span<edge_type_t const>> edge_type, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
Append a list of edges to the edge list.
- Parameters:
src – Source vertex id
dst – Destination vertex id
wgt – Edge weight
edge_id – Edge id
edge_type – Edge type
stream_view – CUDA stream view
inline void finalize_buffer(rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
Mark the edgelist as ready for reading (all writes are complete)
- Parameters:
stream_view – CUDA stream view
inline per_device_edgelist_t(size_t device_buffer_size, bool use_weight, bool use_edge_id, bool use_edge_type, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream_view)#
template<typename edge_t, typename value_iterator_t>
namespace reduce_op#
- template<typename ReduceOp, typename Iterator> __device__ std::enable_if_t< has_compatible_raft_comms_op_v< ReduceOp >, void > atomic_reduce (Iterator iter, typename thrust::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type value)
- template<typename ReduceOp, typename EdgePartitionEndpointPropertyValueWrapper> __device__ std::enable_if_t< has_compatible_raft_comms_op_v< ReduceOp >, void > atomic_reduce (EdgePartitionEndpointPropertyValueWrapper edge_partition_endpoint_property_value, typename EdgePartitionEndpointPropertyValueWrapper::vertex_type offset, typename EdgePartitionEndpointPropertyValueWrapper::value_type value)
template<typename ReduceOp>
bool has_compatible_raft_comms_op_v = has_compatible_raft_comms_op<ReduceOp>::value#
template<typename ReduceOp>
bool has_identity_element_v = has_identity_element<ReduceOp>::value#
template<typename T>
struct any#
template<typename T>
struct elementwise_maximum#
template<typename T>
struct elementwise_minimum#
template<typename ReduceOp, typename = raft::comms::op_t>
struct has_compatible_raft_comms_op : public std::false_type#
- template<typename ReduceOp> compatible_raft_comms_op)> > : public std::false_type , public std::true_type
template<typename ReduceOp, typename = typename ReduceOp::value_type>
struct has_identity_element : public std::false_type#
- template<typename ReduceOp> identity_element)> > : public std::false_type , public std::true_type
template<typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct maximum#
- template<typename T> value > >
- template<typename T> is_arithmetic_v< T > > >
template<typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct minimum#
- template<typename T> value > >
- template<typename T> is_arithmetic_v< T > > >
struct null#
template<typename T>
struct plus#
namespace detail#
- template<typename T, std::size_t... Is> __host__ __device__ std::enable_if_t< cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic< T >::value, T > elementwise_thrust_min (T lhs, T rhs, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
- template<typename T, std::size_t... Is> __host__ __device__ std::enable_if_t< cugraph::is_thrust_tuple_of_arithmetic< T >::value, T > elementwise_thrust_max (T lhs, T rhs, std::index_sequence< Is... >)
namespace subgraph#
template<typename GraphViewType, typename EdgeValueType>