Sampling Functions#

enum class prior_sources_behavior_t#

Controls how we treat prior sources in sampling.


Add vertices encountered while sampling to the new frontier


In addition to newly encountered vertices, include vertices used as sources in any previous frontier in the new frontier


Filter the new frontier to exclude any vertex that was used as a source in a previous frontier


enumerator DEFAULT#
enumerator CARRY_OVER#
enumerator EXCLUDE#
template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename label_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> uniform_neighbor_sample(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_type_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> starting_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<label_t const>> starting_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional<std::tuple<raft::device_span<label_t const>, raft::device_span<int32_t const>>> label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span<int32_t const> fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement = true, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior = prior_sources_behavior_t::DEFAULT, bool dedupe_sources = false, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

Uniform Neighborhood Sampling.


Replaced with homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample

This function traverses from a set of starting vertices, traversing outgoing edges and randomly selects from these outgoing neighbors to extract a subgraph.

Output from this function is a tuple of vectors (src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type, hop, label, offsets), identifying the randomly selected edges. src is the source vertex, dst is the destination vertex, weight (optional) is the edge weight, edge_id (optional) identifies the edge id, edge_type (optional) identifies the edge type, hop identifies which hop the edge was encountered in. The label output (optional) identifes the vertex label. The offsets array (optional) will be described below and is dependent upon the input parameters.

If starting_vertex_label_offsets is not specified then no organization is applied to the output, the label and offsets values in the return set will be std::nullopt.

If starting_vertex_label_offsets is specified and label_to_output_comm_rank is not specified then the label output has values. This will also result in the output being sorted by vertex label. The offsets array in the return will be a CSR-style offsets array to identify the beginning of each label range in the data. labels.size() == (offsets.size() - 1).

If starting_vertex_label_offsets is specified and label_to_output_comm_rank is specified then the label output has values. This will also result in the output being sorted by vertex label. The offsets array in the return will be a CSR-style offsets array to identify the beginning of each label range in the data. labels.size() == (offsets.size() - 1). Additionally, the data will be shuffled so that all data with a particular label will be on the specified rank.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type.

  • label_t – Type of label. Needs to be an integral type.

  • store_transposed – Flag indicating whether sources (if false) or destinations (if true) are major indices

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • graph_view – Graph View object to generate NBR Sampling on.

  • edge_weight_view – Optional view object holding edge weights for graph_view.

  • edge_id_view – Optional view object holding edge ids for graph_view.

  • edge_type_view – Optional view object holding edge types for graph_view.

  • starting_vertices – Device span of starting vertex IDs for the sampling. In a multi-gpu context the starting vertices should be local to this GPU.

  • starting_vertex_label_offsets – Optional device span of labels associated with each starting vertex for the sampling.

  • label_to_output_comm_rank – Optional tuple of device spans mapping label to a particular output rank. Element 0 of the tuple identifes the label, Element 1 of the tuple identifies the output rank. The label span must be sorted in ascending order.

  • fan_out – Host span defining branching out (fan-out) degree per source vertex for each level

  • rng_state – A pre-initialized raft::RngState object for generating random numbers

  • return_hops – boolean flag specifying if the hop information should be returned

  • prior_sources_behavior – Enum type defining how to handle prior sources, (defaults to DEFAULT)

  • dedupe_sources – boolean flag, if true then if a vertex v appears as a destination in hop X multiple times with the same label, it will only be passed once (for each label) as a source for the next hop. Default is false.

  • with_replacement – boolean flag specifying if random sampling is done with replacement (true); or, without replacement (false); default = true;

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


tuple device vectors (vertex_t source_vertex, vertex_t destination_vertex, optional weight_t weight, optional edge_t edge id, optional edge_type_t edge type, optional int32_t hop, optional label_t label, optional size_t offsets)

template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t, typename label_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<label_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> biased_neighbor_sample(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, bias_t const*> edge_bias_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> starting_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<label_t const>> starting_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional<std::tuple<raft::device_span<label_t const>, raft::device_span<int32_t const>>> label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span<int32_t const> fan_out, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, bool return_hops, bool with_replacement = true, prior_sources_behavior_t prior_sources_behavior = prior_sources_behavior_t::DEFAULT, bool dedupe_sources = false, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

Biased Neighborhood Sampling.


Replaced with homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample

This function traverses from a set of starting vertices, traversing outgoing edges and randomly selects (with edge biases) from these outgoing neighbors to extract a subgraph.

Output from this function is a tuple of vectors (src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type, hop, label, offsets), identifying the randomly selected edges. src is the source vertex, dst is the destination vertex, weight (optional) is the edge weight, edge_id (optional) identifies the edge id, edge_type (optional) identifies the edge type, hop identifies which hop the edge was encountered in. The label output (optional) identifes the vertex label. The offsets array (optional) will be described below and is dependent upon the input parameters.

If starting_vertex_label_offsets is not specified then no organization is applied to the output, the label and offsets values in the return set will be std::nullopt.

If starting_vertex_label_offsets is specified and label_to_output_comm_rank is not specified then the label output has values. This will also result in the output being sorted by vertex label. The offsets array in the return will be a CSR-style offsets array to identify the beginning of each label range in the data. labels.size() == (offsets.size() - 1).

If starting_vertex_label_offsets is specified and label_to_output_comm_rank is specified then the label output has values. This will also result in the output being sorted by vertex label. The offsets array in the return will be a CSR-style offsets array to identify the beginning of each label range in the data. labels.size() == (offsets.size() - 1). Additionally, the data will be shuffled so that all data with a particular label will be on the specified rank.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type.

  • bias_t – Type of bias. Needs to be an integral type.

  • label_t – Type of label. Needs to be an integral type.

  • store_transposed – Flag indicating whether sources (if false) or destinations (if true) are major indices

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • graph_view – Graph View object to generate NBR Sampling on.

  • edge_weight_view – Optional view object holding edge weights for graph_view.

  • edge_id_view – Optional view object holding edge ids for graph_view.

  • edge_type_view – Optional view object holding edge types for graph_view.

  • edge_bias_view – View object holding edge biases (to be used in biased sampling) for graph_view. Bias values should be non-negative and the sum of edge bias values from any vertex should not exceed std::numeric_limits<bias_t>::max(). 0 bias value indicates that the corresponding edge can never be selected.

  • starting_vertices – Device span of starting vertex IDs for the sampling. In a multi-gpu context the starting vertices should be local to this GPU.

  • starting_vertex_label_offsets – Optional device span of labels associated with each starting vertex for the sampling.

  • label_to_output_comm_rank – Optional tuple of device spans mapping label to a particular output rank. Element 0 of the tuple identifes the label, Element 1 of the tuple identifies the output rank. The label span must be sorted in ascending order.

  • fan_out – Host span defining branching out (fan-out) degree per source vertex for each level

  • rng_state – A pre-initialized raft::RngState object for generating random numbers

  • return_hops – boolean flag specifying if the hop information should be returned

  • prior_sources_behavior – Enum type defining how to handle prior sources, (defaults to DEFAULT)

  • dedupe_sources – boolean flag, if true then if a vertex v appears as a destination in hop X multiple times with the same label, it will only be passed once (for each label) as a source for the next hop. Default is false.

  • with_replacement – boolean flag specifying if random sampling is done with replacement (true); or, without replacement (false); default = true;

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


tuple device vectors (vertex_t source_vertex, vertex_t destination_vertex, optional weight_t weight, optional edge_t edge id, optional edge_type_t edge type, optional int32_t hop, optional label_t label, optional size_t offsets)

template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> homogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_type_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> starting_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> starting_vertex_labels, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span<int32_t const> fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

Homogeneous Uniform Neighborhood Sampling.

This function traverses from a set of starting vertices, traversing outgoing edges and randomly selects (uniformly) from these outgoing neighbors to extract a subgraph. The branching out to select outgoing neighbors is performed with homogeneous fanouts

Output from this function is a tuple of vectors (src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type, hop, offsets), identifying the randomly selected edges where the size of src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type and hop is the number of sampled edges while the size of the offsets vector is the number of labels + 1. src is the source vertex, dst is the destination vertex, weight (optional) is the edge weight, edge_id (optional) identifies the edge id, edge_type (optional) identifies the edge type, hop identifies which hop the edge was encountered in. The offsets array (optional) identifies the offset for each label.

If label_to_output_comm_rank is specified then the data will be shuffled so that all entries for a particular label are returned on the specified rank.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type.

  • store_transposed – Flag indicating whether sources (if false) or destinations (if true) are major indices

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • rng_state – A pre-initialized raft::RngState object for generating random numbers

  • graph_view – Graph View object to generate NBR Sampling on.

  • edge_weight_view – Optional view object holding edge weights for graph_view.

  • edge_id_view – Optional view object holding edge ids for graph_view.

  • edge_type_view – Optional view object holding edge types for graph_view.

  • starting_vertices – Device span of starting vertex IDs for the sampling. In a multi-gpu context the starting vertices should be local to this GPU.

  • starting_vertex_labels – Optional device span of labels associated with each starting vertex for the sampling.

  • label_to_output_comm_rank – Optional device span identifying which rank should get sampling outputs of each vertex label. This should be the same on each rank.

  • fan_out – Host span defining branching out (fan-out) degree per source vertex for each level. A negative value indicates that all the neighbors of a source vertex should be selected.

  • flags – A set of flags indicating which sampling features should be used.

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


tuple device vectors (vertex_t source_vertex, vertex_t destination_vertex, optional weight_t weight, optional edge_t edge id, optional edge_type_t edge type, optional int32_t hop, optional label_t label, optional size_t offsets)

template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> heterogeneous_uniform_neighbor_sample(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*> edge_type_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> starting_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> starting_vertex_labels, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span<int32_t const> fan_out, edge_type_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

Heterogeneous Uniform Neighborhood Sampling.

This function traverses from a set of starting vertices, traversing outgoing edges and randomly selects (uniformly) from these outgoing neighbors to extract a subgraph. The branching out to select outgoing neighbors is performed with heterogeneous fanouts where the number of edge types is bigger than 1.

Output from this function is a tuple of vectors (src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type, hop, offsets), identifying the randomly selected edges where the size of src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type and hop is the number of sampled edges while the size of the offsets vector is the number of labels + 1. src is the source vertex, dst is the destination vertex, weight (optional) is the edge weight, edge_id (optional) identifies the edge id, edge_type (optional) identifies the edge type, hop identifies which hop the edge was encountered in. The offsets array (optional) identifies the offset for each label.

If label_to_output_comm_rank is specified then the data will be shuffled so that all entries for a particular label are returned on the specified rank.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type.

  • store_transposed – Flag indicating whether sources (if false) or destinations (if true) are major indices

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • rng_state – A pre-initialized raft::RngState object for generating random numbers

  • graph_view – Graph View object to generate NBR Sampling on.

  • edge_weight_view – Optional view object holding edge weights for graph_view.

  • edge_id_view – Optional view object holding edge ids for graph_view.

  • edge_type_view – View object holding edge types for graph_view.

  • starting_vertices – Device span of starting vertex IDs for the sampling. In a multi-gpu context the starting vertices should be local to this GPU.

  • starting_vertex_labels – Optional device span of labels associated with each starting vertex for the sampling.

  • label_to_output_comm_rank – Optional device span identifying which rank should get sampling outputs of each vertex label. This should be the same on each rank.

  • fan_out – Host span defining branching out (fan-out) degree per source vertex for each level. The fanout value at hop x is given by the expression ‘fanout[x*num_edge_types + edge_type_id]’. A negative value indicates that all the neighbors of a source vertex should be selected.

  • num_edge_types – Number of edge types where a value of 1 translates to homogeneous neighbor sample whereas a value greater than 1 translates to heterogeneous neighbor sample.

  • flags – A set of flags indicating which sampling features should be used.

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


tuple device vectors (vertex_t source_vertex, vertex_t destination_vertex, optional weight_t weight, optional edge_t edge id, optional edge_type_t edge type, optional int32_t hop, optional label_t label, optional size_t offsets)

template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> homogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*>> edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, bias_t const*> edge_bias_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> starting_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> starting_vertex_labels, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span<int32_t const> fan_out, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

Homogeneous Biased Neighborhood Sampling.

This function traverses from a set of starting vertices, traversing outgoing edges and randomly selects (with edge biases) from these outgoing neighbors to extract a subgraph. The branching out to select outgoing neighbors is performed with homogeneous fanouts

Output from this function is a tuple of vectors (src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type, hop, offsets), identifying the randomly selected edges where the size of src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type and hop is the number of sampled edges while the size of the offsets vector is the number of labels + 1. src is the source vertex, dst is the destination vertex, weight (optional) is the edge weight, edge_id (optional) identifies the edge id, edge_type (optional) identifies the edge type, hop identifies which hop the edge was encountered in. The offsets array (optional) identifies the offset for each label.

If label_to_output_comm_rank is specified then the data will be shuffled so that all entries for a particular label are returned on the specified rank.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type.

  • bias_t – Type of bias. Needs to be an integral type.

  • store_transposed – Flag indicating whether sources (if false) or destinations (if true) are major indices

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • rng_state – A pre-initialized raft::RngState object for generating random numbers

  • graph_view – Graph View object to generate NBR Sampling on.

  • edge_weight_view – Optional view object holding edge weights for graph_view.

  • edge_id_view – Optional view object holding edge ids for graph_view.

  • edge_type_view – Optional view object holding edge types for graph_view.

  • edge_bias_view – View object holding edge biases (to be used in biased sampling) for graph_view. Bias values should be non-negative and the sum of edge bias values from any vertex should not exceed std::numeric_limits<bias_t>::max(). 0 bias value indicates that the corresponding edge can never be selected.

  • starting_vertices – Device span of starting vertex IDs for the sampling. In a multi-gpu context the starting vertices should be local to this GPU.

  • starting_vertex_labels – Optional device span of labels associated with each starting vertex for the sampling.

  • label_to_output_comm_rank – Optional device span identifying which rank should get sampling outputs of each vertex label. This should be the same on each rank.

  • fan_out – Host span defining branching out (fan-out) degree per source vertex for each level. A negative value indicates that all the neighbors of a source vertex should be selected.

  • flags – A set of flags indicating which sampling features should be used.

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


tuple device vectors (vertex_t source_vertex, vertex_t destination_vertex, optional weight_t weight, optional edge_t edge id, optional edge_type_t edge type, optional int32_t hop, optional label_t label, optional size_t offsets)

template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_type_t, typename bias_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> heterogeneous_biased_neighbor_sample(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, weight_t const*>> edge_weight_view, std::optional<edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*>> edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*> edge_type_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, bias_t const*> edge_bias_view, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> starting_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> starting_vertex_labels, std::optional<raft::device_span<int32_t const>> label_to_output_comm_rank, raft::host_span<int32_t const> fan_out, edge_type_t num_edge_types, sampling_flags_t sampling_flags, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

Heterogeneous Biased Neighborhood Sampling.

This function traverses from a set of starting vertices, traversing outgoing edges and randomly selects (with edge biases) from these outgoing neighbors to extract a subgraph. The branching out to select outgoing neighbors is performed with heterogeneous fanouts where the number of edge types is bigger than 1.

Output from this function is a tuple of vectors (src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type, hop, offsets), identifying the randomly selected edges where the size of src, dst, weight, edge_id, edge_type and hop is the number of sampled edges while the size of the offsets vector is the number of labels + 1. src is the source vertex, dst is the destination vertex, weight (optional) is the edge weight, edge_id (optional) identifies the edge id, edge_type (optional) identifies the edge type, hop identifies which hop the edge was encountered in. The offsets array (optional) identifies the offset for each label.

If label_to_output_comm_rank is specified then the data will be shuffled so that all entries for a particular label are returned on the specified rank.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weights. Needs to be a floating point type.

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type.

  • bias_t – Type of bias. Needs to be an integral type.

  • store_transposed – Flag indicating whether sources (if false) or destinations (if true) are major indices

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • rng_state – A pre-initialized raft::RngState object for generating random numbers

  • graph_view – Graph View object to generate NBR Sampling on.

  • edge_weight_view – Optional view object holding edge weights for graph_view.

  • edge_id_view – Optional view object holding edge ids for graph_view.

  • edge_type_view – View object holding edge types for graph_view.

  • edge_bias_view – View object holding edge biases (to be used in biased sampling) for graph_view. Bias values should be non-negative and the sum of edge bias values from any vertex should not exceed std::numeric_limits<bias_t>::max(). 0 bias value indicates that the corresponding edge can never be selected.

  • starting_vertices – Device span of starting vertex IDs for the sampling. In a multi-gpu context the starting vertices should be local to this GPU.

  • starting_vertex_labels – Optional device span of labels associated with each starting vertex for the sampling.

  • label_to_output_comm_rank – Optional device span identifying which rank should get sampling outputs of each vertex label. This should be the same on each rank.

  • fan_out – Host span defining branching out (fan-out) degree per source vertex for each level. The fanout value at hop x is given by the expression ‘fanout[x*num_edge_types + edge_type_id]’. A negative value indicates that all the neighbors of a source vertex should be selected.

  • num_edge_types – Number of edge types where a value of 1 translates to homogeneous neighbor sample whereas a value greater than 1 translates to heterogeneous neighbor sample.

  • flags – A set of flags indicating which sampling features should be used.

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


tuple device vectors (vertex_t source_vertex, vertex_t destination_vertex, optional weight_t weight, optional edge_t edge id, optional edge_type_t edge type, optional int32_t hop, optional label_t label, optional size_t offsets)

template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t>
std::tuple<std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_id_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> renumber_and_compress_sampled_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&edgelist_weights, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_id_t>> &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>> &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>> &&edgelist_hops, std::optional<raft::device_span<vertex_t const>> seed_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major = true, bool compress_per_hop = false, bool doubly_compress = false, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

renumber sampled edge list and compress to the (D)CSR|(D)CSC format.

This function renumbers sampling function (e.g. uniform_neighbor_sample) output edges fulfilling the following requirements. Assume major = source if src_is_major is true, major = destination if src_is_major is false.

  1. If edgelist_hops is valid, we can consider (vertex ID, hop, flag=major) triplets for each vertex ID in edge majors (edgelist_srcs if src_is_major is true, edgelist_dsts if false) and (vertex ID, hop, flag=minor) triplets for each vertex ID in edge minors. From these triplets, we can find the minimum (hop, flag) pairs for every unique vertex ID (hop is the primary key and flag is the secondary key, flag=major is considered smaller than flag=minor if hop numbers are same). Vertex IDs with smaller (hop, flag) pairs precede vertex IDs with larger (hop, flag) pairs in renumbering. Ordering can be arbitrary among the vertices with the same (hop, flag) pairs. If seed_vertices.has_value() is true, we assume (hop=0, flag=major) for every vertex in *seed_vertices in renumbering (this is relevant when there are seed vertices with no neighbors).

  2. If edgelist_hops is invalid, unique vertex IDs in edge majors precede vertex IDs that appear only in edge minors. If seed_vertices.has_value() is true, vertices in *seed_vertices precede vertex IDs that appear only in edge minors as well.

  3. If edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true, edge lists for different labels will be renumbered separately.

The renumbered edges are compressed based on the following requirements.

  1. If compress_per_hop is true, edges are compressed separately for each hop. If compress_per_hop is false, edges with different hop numbers are compressed altogether.

  2. Edges are compressed independently for different labels.

  3. If doubly_compress is false, edges are compressed to CSR (if src_is_major is true) or CSC (if src_is_major is false). If doubly_compress is true, edges are compressed to DCSR (if src_is_major is true) or DCSC (if src_is_major is false). If doubly_compress is false, the CSR/CSC offset array size is the number of vertices (which is the maximum vertex ID + 1) + 1. Here, the maximum vertex ID is the maximum major vertex ID in the edges to compress if compress_per_hop is false or for hop 0 (seed_vertices should be included if valid). If compress_per_hop is true and hop number is 1 or larger, the maximum vertex ID is the larger of the maximum major vertex ID for this hop and the maximum vertex ID for the edges in the previous hops.

If both compress_per_hop is false and edgelist_hops.has_value() is true, majors should be non-decreasing within each label after renumbering and sorting by (hop, major, minor). Also, majors in hop N should not appear in any of the previous hops. This condition is satisfied if majors in hop N + 1 does not have any vertices from the previous hops excluding the minors from hop N.

This function is single-GPU only (we are not aware of any practical multi-GPU use cases).

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weight. Needs to be floating point type

  • edge_id_t – Type of edge id. Needs to be an integral type

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type, currently only int32_t is supported

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • edgelist_srcs – A vector storing edgelist source vertices.

  • edgelist_dsts – A vector storing edgelist destination vertices (size = edgelist_srcs.size()).

  • edgelist_weights – An optional vector storing edgelist weights (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_edge_ids – An optional vector storing edgelist edge IDs (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_edge_types – An optional vector storing edgelist edge types (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_hops – An optional vector storing edge list hop numbers (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid). edgelist_hops should be valid if num_hops >= 2.

  • seed_vertices – An optional pointer to the array storing seed vertices in hop 0.

  • seed_vertex_label_offsets – An optional pointer to the array storing label offsets to the seed vertices (size = num_labels + 1). seed_vertex_label_offsets should be valid if num_labels >= 2 and seed_vertices is valid and invalid otherwise.

  • edgelist_label_offsets – An optional pointer to the array storing label offsets to the input edges (size = num_labels + 1). edgelist_label_offsets should be valid if num_labels >= 2.

  • num_labels – Number of labels. Labels are considered if num_labels >=2 and ignored if num_labels = 1.

  • num_hops – Number of hops. Hop numbers are considered if num_hops >=2 and ignored if num_hops = 1.

  • src_is_major – A flag to determine whether to use the source or destination as the major key in renumbering and compression.

  • compress_per_hop – A flag to determine whether to compress edges with different hop numbers separately (if true) or altogether (if false). If compress_per_hop is true, edgelist_hops.has_value() should be true and doubly_compress should be false.

  • doubly_compress – A flag to determine whether to compress to the CSR/CSC format (if false) or the DCSR/DCSC format (if true).

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


Tuple of vectors storing optional DCSR/DCSC major vertex IDs with one or more neighbors, (D)CSR|(D)CSC offset values, edge minor vertex IDs, optional edge weights (valid only if edgelist_weights.has_value() is true), optional edge IDs (valid only if edgelist_edge_ids.has_value() is true), optional edge types (valid only if edgelist_edge_types.has_value() is true), optional (label, hop) offset values to the (D)CSR|(D)CSC offset array (size = num_labels * num_hops + 1, valid only when edgelist_hops.has_value() or edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true), renumber_map to query original vertices (size = # unique or aggregate # unique_vertices for each label), and label offsets to the renumber_map (size = num_labels + 1, valid only if edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true).

template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_id_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&edgelist_weights, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_id_t>> &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>> &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>> &&edgelist_hops, std::optional<raft::device_span<vertex_t const>> seed_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major = true, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

renumber sampled edge list and sort the renumbered edges.

This function renumbers sampling function (e.g. uniform_neighbor_sample) output edges fulfilling the following requirements. Assume major = source if src_is_major is true, major = destination if src_is_major is false.

  1. If edgelist_hops is valid, we can consider (vertex ID, hop, flag=major) triplets for each vertex ID in edge majors (edgelist_srcs if src_is_major is true, edgelist_dsts if false) and (vertex ID, hop, flag=minor) triplets for each vertex ID in edge minors. From these triplets, we can find the minimum (hop, flag) pairs for every unique vertex ID (hop is the primary key and flag is the secondary key, flag=major is considered smaller than flag=minor if hop numbers are same). Vertex IDs with smaller (hop, flag) pairs precede vertex IDs with larger (hop, flag) pairs in renumbering. Ordering can be arbitrary among the vertices with the same (hop, flag) pairs. If seed_vertices.has-value() is true, we assume (hop=0, flag=major) for every vertex in *seed_vertices in renumbering (this is relevant when there are seed vertices with no neighbors).

  2. If edgelist_hops is invalid, unique vertex IDs in edge majors precede vertex IDs that appear only in edge minors. If seed_vertices.has_value() is true, vertices in *seed_vertices precede vertex IDs that appear only in edge minors as well.

  3. If edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true, edge lists for different labels will be renumbered separately.

The renumbered edges are sorted based on the following rules.

  1. If src_is_major is true, use ((hop), src, dst) as the key in sorting. If src_is_major is false, use ((hop), dst, src) instead. hop is used only if edgelist_hops.has_value() is true.

  2. Edges in each label are sorted independently if edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true.

This function is single-GPU only (we are not aware of any practical multi-GPU use cases).

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weight. Needs to be floating point type

  • edge_id_t – Type of edge id. Needs to be an integral type

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type, currently only int32_t is supported

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • edgelist_srcs – A vector storing edgelist source vertices.

  • edgelist_dsts – A vector storing edgelist destination vertices (size = edgelist_srcs.size()).

  • edgelist_weights – An optional vector storing edgelist weights (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_edge_ids – An optional vector storing edgelist edge IDs (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_edge_types – An optional vector storing edgelist edge types (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_hops – An optional vector storing edge list hop numbers (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid). edgelist_hops should be valid if num_hops >= 2.

  • seed_vertices – An optional pointer to the array storing seed vertices in hop 0.

  • seed_vertex_label_offsets – An optional pointer to the array storing label offsets to the seed vertices (size = num_labels + 1). seed_vertex_label_offsets should be valid if num_labels >= 2 and seed_vertices is valid and invalid otherwise.

  • edgelist_label_offsets – An optional pointer to the array storing label offsets to the input edges (size = num_labels + 1). edgelist_label_offsets should be valid if num_labels >= 2.

  • num_labels – Number of labels. Labels are considered if num_labels >=2 and ignored if num_labels = 1.

  • num_hops – Number of hops. Hop numbers are considered if num_hops >=2 and ignored if num_hops = 1.

  • src_is_major – A flag to determine whether to use the source or destination as the major key in renumbering and sorting.

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


Tuple of vectors storing edge sources, edge destinations, optional edge weights (valid only if edgelist_weights.has_value() is true), optional edge IDs (valid only if edgelist_edge_ids.has_value() is true), optional edge types (valid only if edgelist_edge_types.has_value() is true), optional (label, hop) offset values to the renumbered and sorted edges (size = num_labels * num_hops + 1, valid only when edgelist_hops.has_value() or edgelist_label_offsetes.has_value() is true), renumber_map to query original vertices (size = # unique or aggregate # unique vertices for each label), and label offsets to the renumber map (size = num_labels + 1, valid only if edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true).

template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_id_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<size_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_id_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> heterogeneous_renumber_and_sort_sampled_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&edgelist_weights, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_id_t>> &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>> &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>> &&edgelist_hops, std::optional<raft::device_span<vertex_t const>> seed_vertices, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> seed_vertex_label_offsets, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> edgelist_label_offsets, raft::device_span<vertex_t const> vertex_type_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, size_t num_vertex_types, size_t num_edge_types, bool src_is_major = true, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

renumber sampled edge list (vertex & edge IDs) per vertex/edge type and sort the renumbered edges.

This function renumbers sampling function (e.g. uniform_neighbor_sample) output edge source/destination vertex IDs fulfilling the following requirements. Assume major = source if src_is_major is true, major = destination if src_is_major is false.

  1. If edgelist_hops is valid, we can consider (vertex ID, hop, flag=major) triplets for each vertex ID in edge majors (edgelist_srcs if src_is_major is true, edgelist_dsts if false) and (vertex ID, hop, flag=minor) triplets for each vertex ID in edge minors. From these triplets, we can find the minimum (hop, flag) pair for every unique vertex ID (hop is the primary key and flag is the secondary key, flag=major is considered smaller than flag=minor if hop numbers are same). Vertex IDs with smaller (hop, flag) pairs precede vertex IDs with larger (hop, flag) pairs in renumbering (if their vertex types are same, vertices with different types are renumbered separately). Ordering can be arbitrary among the vertices with the same (vertex type, hop, flag) triplets. If seed_vertices.has_value() is true, we assume (hop=0, flag=major) for every vertex in *seed_vertices in renumbering (this is relevant when there are seed vertices with no neighbors).

  2. If edgelist_hops is invalid, unique vertex IDs in edge majors precede vertex IDs that appear only in edge minors. If seed_vertices.has_value() is true, vertices in *seed_vertices precede vertex IDs that appear only in edge minors as well.

  3. Vertices with different types will be renumbered separately. Unique vertex IDs for each vertex type are mapped to consecutive integers starting from 0.

  4. If edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true, edge lists for different labels will be renumbered separately.

Edge IDs are renumbered fulfilling the following requirements (This is relevant only when edgelist_edge_ids.has_value() is true).

  1. If edgelist_hops is valid, we can consider (edge ID, hop) pairs. From these pairs, we can find the minimum hop value for every unique edge ID. Edge IDs with smaller hop values precede edge IDs with larger hop values in renumbering (if their edge types are same, edges with different edge types are renumbered separately). Ordering can be arbitrary among the edge IDs with the same (edge type, hop) pairs.

  2. If edgelist_edge_hops.has_value() is false, unique edge IDs (for each edge type is edgelist_edge_types.has_value() is true) are mapped to consecutive integers starting from 0. The ordering can be arbitrary.

  3. If edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true, edge lists for different labels will be renumbered separately.

The renumbered edges are sorted based on the following rules.

  1. If src_is_major is true, use ((edge type), (hop), src, dst) as the key in sorting. If src_is_major is false, use ((edge type), (hop), dst, src) instead. edge type is used only if edgelist_edge_types.has_value() is true. hop is used only if edgelist_hops.has_value() is true.

  2. Edges in each label are sorted independently if edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true.

This function assumes that there is a single edge source vertex type and a single edge destination vertex type for each edge. If edgelist_edge_types.has_value() is false (i.e. there is only one edge type), there should be only one edge source vertex type and only one edge destination vertex type; the source & destination vertex types may or may not coincide.

This function is single-GPU only (we are not aware of any practical multi-GPU use cases).

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weight. Needs to be floating point type

  • edge_id_t – Type of edge id. Needs to be an integral type

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type, currently only int32_t is supported

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • edgelist_srcs – A vector storing edgelist source vertices.

  • edgelist_dsts – A vector storing edgelist destination vertices (size = edgelist_srcs.size()).

  • edgelist_weights – An optional vector storing edgelist weights (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_edge_ids – An optional vector storing edgelist edge IDs (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_edge_types – An optional vector storing edgelist edge types (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_hops – An optional vector storing edge list hop numbers (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid). edgelist_hops should be valid if num_hops >= 2.

  • seed_vertices – An optional pointer to the array storing seed vertices in hop 0.

  • seed_vertex_label_offsets – An optional pointer to the array storing label offsets to the seed vertices (size = num_labels + 1). seed_vertex_label_offsets should be valid if num_labels >= 2 and seed_vertices is valid and invalid otherwise.

  • edgelist_label_offsets – An optional pointer to the array storing label offsets to the input edges (size = num_labels + 1). edgelist_label_offsets should be valid if num_labels >= 2.

  • vertex_type – offsets A pointer to the array storing vertex type offsets for the entire vertex ID range (array size = num_vertex_types + 1). For example, if the array stores [0, 100, 200], vertex IDs [0, 100) has vertex type 0 and vertex IDs [100, 200) has vertex type 1.

  • num_labels – Number of labels. Labels are considered if num_labels >=2 and ignored if num_labels = 1.

  • num_hops – Number of hops. Hop numbers are considered if num_hops >=2 and ignored if num_hops = 1.

  • num_vertex_types – Number of vertex types.

  • num_edge_types – Number of edge types.

  • src_is_major – A flag to determine whether to use the source or destination as the major key in renumbering and sorting.

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


Tuple of vectors storing renumbered edge sources, renumbered edge destinations, optional edge weights (valid only if edgelist_weights.has_value() is true), optional renumbered edge IDs (valid only if edgelist_edge_ids.has_value() is true), optional (label, edge type, hop) offset values to the renumbered and sorted edges (size = num_labels * num_edge_types * num_hops + 1, valid only when edgelist_edge_types.has_value(), edgelist_hops.has_value(), or edgelist_label_offsetes.has_value() is true), renumber_map to query original vertices (size = # unique or aggregate # unique vertices for each label), (label, vertex type) offsets to the vertex renumber map (size = num_labels * num_vertex_types + 1), optional renumber_map to query original edge IDs (size = # unique (edge_type, edge ID) pairs, valid only if edgelist_edge_ids.has_value() is true), and optional (label, edge type) offsets to the edge ID renumber map (size = num_labels + num_edge_types + 1, valid only if edgelist_edge_ids.has_value() is true). We do not explicitly return edge source & destination vertex types as we assume that source & destination vertex type are implicilty determined for a given edge type.

template<typename vertex_t, typename weight_t, typename edge_id_t, typename edge_type_t>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_id_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>>, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<size_t>>> sort_sampled_edgelist(raft::handle_t const &handle, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_srcs, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t> &&edgelist_dsts, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<weight_t>> &&edgelist_weights, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_id_t>> &&edgelist_edge_ids, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<edge_type_t>> &&edgelist_edge_types, std::optional<rmm::device_uvector<int32_t>> &&edgelist_hops, std::optional<raft::device_span<size_t const>> edgelist_label_offsets, size_t num_labels, size_t num_hops, bool src_is_major = true, bool do_expensive_check = false)#

sort sampled edge list.

Sampled edges are sorted based on the following rules.

  1. If src_is_major is true, use ((hop), src, dst) as the key in sorting. If src_is_major is false, use ((hop), dst, src) instead. hop is used only if edgelist_hops.has_value() is true.

  2. Edges in each label are sorted independently if edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true.

This function is single-GPU only (we are not aware of any practical multi-GPU use cases).

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • weight_t – Type of edge weight. Needs to be floating point type

  • edge_id_t – Type of edge id. Needs to be an integral type

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge type. Needs to be an integral type, currently only int32_t is supported

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • edgelist_srcs – A vector storing edgelist source vertices.

  • edgelist_dsts – A vector storing edgelist destination vertices (size = edgelist_srcs.size()).

  • edgelist_weights – An optional vector storing edgelist weights (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_edge_ids – An optional vector storing edgelist edge IDs (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_edge_types – An optional vector storing edgelist edge types (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid).

  • edgelist_hops – An optional vector storing edge list hop numbers (size = edgelist_srcs.size() if valid). edgelist_hops must be valid if num_hops >= 2.

  • edgelist_label_offsets – An optional pointer to the array storing label offsets to the input edges (size = num_labels + 1). edgelist_label_offsets must be valid if num_labels >= 2.

  • num_labels – Number of labels. Labels are considered if num_labels >=2 and ignored if num_labels = 1.

  • num_hops – Number of hops. Hop numbers are considered if num_hops >=2 and ignored if num_hops = 1.

  • src_is_major – A flag to determine whether to use the source or destination as the major key in renumbering and sorting.

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


Tuple of vectors storing edge sources, edge destinations, optional edge weights (valid only if edgelist_weights.has_value() is true), optional edge IDs (valid only if edgelist_edge_ids.has_value() is true), optional edge types (valid only if edgelist_edge_types.has_value() is true), and optional (label, hop) offset values to the sorted edges (size = num_labels * num_hops + 1, valid only when edgelist_hops.has_value() or edgelist_label_offsets.has_value() is true).

template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t, bool multi_gpu>
lookup_container_t<edge_t, edge_type_t, vertex_t> build_edge_id_and_type_to_src_dst_lookup_map(raft::handle_t const &handle, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, false, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_t const*> edge_id_view, edge_property_view_t<edge_t, edge_type_t const*> edge_type_view)#

Build map to lookup source and destination using edge id and type.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge types. Needs to be an integral type.

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • graph_view – Graph view object.

  • edge_id_view – View object holding edge ids of the edges of the graph pointed graph_view

  • edge_type_view – View object holding edge types of the edges of the graph pointed graph_view


An object of type cugraph::lookup_container_t that encapsulates edge id and type to source and destination lookup map.

template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_single_type(raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t<edge_t, edge_type_t, vertex_t> const &lookup_container, raft::device_span<edge_t const> edge_ids_to_lookup, edge_type_t edge_type_to_lookup)#

Lookup edge sources and destinations using edge ids and a single edge type. Use this function to lookup endpoints of edges belonging to the same edge type.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge types. Needs to be an integral type.

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • lookup_container – Object of type cugraph::lookup_container_t that encapsulates edge id and type to source and destination lookup map.

  • edge_ids_to_lookup – Device span of edge ids to lookup

  • edge_type_to_lookup – Type of the edges corresponding to edge ids in edge_ids_to_lookup


A tuple of device vector containing edge sources and destinations for edge ids in edge_ids_to_lookup and edge type . If an edge id in edge_ids_to_lookup or edge type @edge_type_to_lookup is not found, the corresponding entry in the device vectors of the returned tuple will contain cugraph::invalid_vertex_id<vertex_t>.

template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename edge_type_t, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> lookup_endpoints_from_edge_ids_and_types(raft::handle_t const &handle, lookup_container_t<edge_t, edge_type_t, vertex_t> const &lookup_container, raft::device_span<edge_t const> edge_ids_to_lookup, raft::device_span<edge_type_t const> edge_types_to_lookup)#

Lookup edge sources and destinations using edge ids and edge types. Use this function to lookup endpoints of edges belonging to different edge types.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_type_t – Type of edge types. Needs to be an integral type.

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • lookup_container – Object of type cugraph::lookup_container_t that encapsulates edge id and type to source and destination lookup map.

  • edge_ids_to_lookup – Device span of edge ids to lookup

  • edge_types_to_lookup – Device span of edge types corresponding to the edge ids in edge_ids_to_lookup


A tuple of device vector containing edge sources and destinations for the edge ids in edge_ids_to_lookup and the edge types in edge_types_to_lookup. If an edge id in edge_ids_to_lookup or edge type in edge_types_to_lookup is not found, the corresponding entry in the device vectors of the returned tuple will contain cugraph::invalid_vertex_id<vertex_t>.

template<typename vertex_t, typename edge_t, typename weight_t, bool store_transposed, bool multi_gpu>
std::tuple<rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>, rmm::device_uvector<vertex_t>> negative_sampling(raft::handle_t const &handle, raft::random::RngState &rng_state, graph_view_t<vertex_t, edge_t, store_transposed, multi_gpu> const &graph_view, std::optional<raft::device_span<weight_t const>> src_biases, std::optional<raft::device_span<weight_t const>> dst_biases, size_t num_samples, bool remove_duplicates, bool remove_existing_edges, bool exact_number_of_samples, bool do_expensive_check)#

Negative Sampling.

This function generates negative samples for graph.

Negative sampling is done by generating a random graph according to the specified parameters and optionally removing samples that represent actual edges in the graph

Sampling occurs by creating a list of source vertex ids from biased samping of the source vertex space, and destination vertex ids from biased sampling of the destination vertex space, and using this as the putative list of edges. We then can optionally remove duplicates and remove actual edges in the graph to generate the final list. If necessary we will repeat the process to end with a resulting edge list of the appropriate size.

Template Parameters:
  • vertex_t – Type of vertex identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • edge_t – Type of edge identifiers. Needs to be an integral type.

  • store_transposed – Flag indicating whether sources (if false) or destinations (if true) are major indices

  • multi_gpu – Flag indicating whether template instantiation should target single-GPU (false)

  • handle – RAFT handle object to encapsulate resources (e.g. CUDA stream, communicator, and handles to various CUDA libraries) to run graph algorithms.

  • graph_view – Graph View object to generate NBR Sampling for

  • rng_state – RNG state

  • src_biases – Optional bias for randomly selecting source vertices. If std::nullopt vertices will be selected uniformly. In multi-GPU environment the biases should be partitioned based on the vertex partitions.

  • dst_biases – Optional bias for randomly selecting destination vertices. If std::nullopt vertices will be selected uniformly. In multi-GPU environment the biases should be partitioned based on the vertex partitions.

  • num_samples – Number of negative samples to generate. In SG mode this represents the total number of samples to generate. In MG mode, each gpu will provide the number of samples desired on that GPU. The total number of samples in MG mode will be the aggregation of these values, the resulting samples will be randomly distributed across the ranks.

  • remove_duplicates – If true, remove duplicate samples

  • remove_existing_edges – If true, remove samples that are actually edges in the graph

  • exact_number_of_samples – If true, repeat generation until we get the exact number of negative samples

  • do_expensive_check – A flag to run expensive checks for input arguments (if set to true).


tuple containing source vertex ids and destination vertex ids for the negative samples