How it Works#
NetworkX has the ability to dispatch function calls to separately-installed third-party backends.
NetworkX backends let users experience improved performance and/or additional functionality without changing their NetworkX Python code. Examples include backends that provide algorithm acceleration using GPUs, parallel processing, graph database integration, and more.
While NetworkX is a pure-Python implementation, backends may be written to use other libraries and even specialized hardware. nx-cugraph
is a NetworkX backend that uses RAPIDS cuGraph and NVIDIA GPUs to significantly improve NetworkX performance.
Enabling nx-cugraph#
It is recommended to use networkx>=3.4
for optimal zero code change performance, but nx-cugraph
will also work with networkx 3.2+
NetworkX will use nx-cugraph
as the backend if any of the following are used:
environment variable.#
environment variable can be used to configure NetworkX for full zero code change acceleration using nx-cugraph
. If a NetworkX function is called that nx-cugraph
supports, NetworkX will redirect the function call to nx-cugraph
automatically, or fall back to either another backend if enabled or the default NetworkX implementation. See the NetworkX documentation on backends for configuring NetworkX manually.
keyword argument#
To explicitly specify a particular backend for an API, use the backend=
keyword argument. This argument takes precedence over the
environment variable. This requires anyone
running code that uses the backend=
keyword argument to have the specified
backend installed.
nx.betweenness_centrality(cit_patents_graph, k=k, backend="cugraph")
Type-based dispatching#
NetworkX also supports automatically dispatching to backends associated with
specific graph types. Like the backend=
keyword argument example above, this
requires the user to write code for a specific backend, and therefore requires
the backend to be installed, but has the advantage of ensuring a particular
behavior without the potential for runtime conversions.
To use type-based dispatching with nx-cugraph
, the user must import the backend
directly in their code to access the utilities provided to create a Graph
instance specifically for the nx-cugraph
import networkx as nx
import nx_cugraph as nxcg
G = nx.Graph()
# populate the graph
# ...
nxcg_G = nxcg.from_networkx(G) # conversion happens once here
nx.betweenness_centrality(nxcg_G, k=1000) # nxcg Graph type causes cugraph backend
# to be used, no conversion necessary
Command Line Example#
Create bc_demo.ipy
and paste the code below.
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep=" ", names=["src", "dst"], dtype="int32")
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source="src", target="dst")
%time result = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, k=10)
Run the command:
user@machine:/# ipython bc_demo.ipy
CPU times: user 7min 36s, sys: 5.22 s, total: 7min 41s
Wall time: 7min 41s
You will observe a run time of approximately 7 minutes…more or less depending on your CPU.
Run the command again, this time specifying cugraph as the NetworkX backend.
user@machine:/# NX_CUGRAPH_AUTOCONFIG=True ipython bc_demo.ipy
CPU times: user 4.14 s, sys: 1.13 s, total: 5.27 s
Wall time: 5.32 s
This run will be much faster, typically around 5 seconds depending on your GPU.
Note, the examples above were run using the following specs:
NetworkX Version: 3.4
nx-cugraph Version: 24.10
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6128 CPU @ 3.40GHz 45GB RAM
GPU: NVIDIA Quadro RTX 8000 80GB RAM
The latest list of algorithms supported by nx-cugraph
can be found in GitHub, or in the Supported Algorithms Section.