# Property Graph Part of [RAPIDS](https://rapids.ai) cuGraph, Property Graph allows all the great benefits of cuGraph to be applied to property-rich datasets stored in a graph structure. A Property Graph is really a data model rather than a type of graph. Within the cuGraph ecosystem, a Property Graph is a meta-graph that can encapsulate and instantiate all the other graph types. That view stems from property graphs being originally created for database systems. Conceptually a Property Graph can be viewed as a property rich structure that can be projected onto any graph types. The Dataversity, has a good definition of [Property Graph](https://www.dataversity.net/what-is-a-property-graph) which contains definitions from a collection of resources. ![Sample Property Graph](../images/pg_example.png) Property Graph enables: * Multiple edge and node types as seen in the Property Graph API * Subgraph extractions based on properties and/or edge and node types as seen below. * Storage of properties either within the graph structure on gpu or using GNN-centric storage extensions on host storage. * Adding additional properties, nodes and edges into the property graph to store derived data like analytic results. * Client access managed by a remote server allowing shared access and remote operations using [CuGraph Service](./cugraph_service.md). This is an example of using the cuGraph Property Graph in a two stage analysis. ``` import cudf import cugraph from cugraph.experimental import PropertyGraph # Import a built-in dataset from cugraph.datasets import karate # Read edgelist data into a DataFrame, load into PropertyGraph as edge data. # Create a graph using the imported Dataset object graph = cugraph.Graph(directed=False) G = karate.get_graph(create_using=graph,fetch=True) df = G.edgelist.edgelist_df pG = PropertyGraph() pG. add_edge_data(df, vertex_col_names=("src", "dst")) # Run Louvain to get the partition number for each vertex. # Set resolution accordingly to identify two primary partitions. (partition_info, _) = cugraph.louvain(pG.extract_subgraph(create_using=graph), resolution=0.6) # Add the partition numbers back to the Property Graph as vertex properties pG.add_vertex_data(partition_info, vertex_col_name="vertex") # Use the partition properties to extract a Graph for each partition. G0 = pG.extract_subgraph(selection=pG.select_vertices("partition == 0")) G1 = pG.extract_subgraph(selection=pG. select_vertices("partition == 1")) # Run pagerank on each graph, print results. pageranks0 = cugraph.pagerank(G0) pageranks1 = cugraph.pagerank(G1) print(pageranks0.sort_values (by="pagerank", ascending=False).head(3)) print(pageranks1.sort_values (by="pagerank", ascending=False).head(3)) ```