``nx-cugraph`` is a NetworkX backend that provides **GPU acceleration** to many popular NetworkX algorithms.
By simply `installing and enabling nx-cugraph `_, users can see significant speedup on workflows where performance is hindered by the default NetworkX implementation.
Users can have GPU-based, large-scale performance **without** changing their familiar and easy-to-use NetworkX code.
.. centered:: Timed result from running the following code snippet (called ``demo.ipy``, showing NetworkX with vs. without ``nx-cugraph``)
.. code-block:: python
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
url = "https://data.rapids.ai/cugraph/datasets/cit-Patents.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep=" ", names=["src", "dst"], dtype="int32")
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source="src", target="dst")
%time result = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, k=10)
user@machine:/# ipython demo.ipy
CPU times: user 7min 36s, sys: 5.22 s, total: 7min 41s
Wall time: 7min 41s
user@machine:/# NX_CUGRAPH_AUTOCONFIG=True ipython demo.ipy
CPU times: user 4.14 s, sys: 1.13 s, total: 5.27 s
Wall time: 5.32 s
.. figure:: ../_static/colab.png
:width: 200px
:target: https://nvda.ws/4drM4re
Try it on Google Colab!
| **Zero Code Change Acceleration** |
| |
| Just set the environment variable ``NX_CUGRAPH_AUTOCONFIG=True`` to enable ``nx-cugraph`` in NetworkX. |
| **Run the same code on CPU or GPU** |
| |
| Nothing changes, not even your ``import`` statements, when going from CPU to GPU. |
``nx-cugraph`` is now Generally Available (GA) as part of the ``RAPIDS`` package. See `RAPIDS
Quick Start `_ to get up-and-running with ``nx-cugraph``.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Contents: