
Graph.from_cudf_adjlist(offset_col, index_col, value_col=None, renumber=True, store_transposed=False, symmetrize=None)[source]#

Initialize a graph from the adjacency list. It is an error to call this method on an initialized Graph object. The passed offset_col and index_col arguments wrap gdf_column objects that represent a graph using the adjacency list format. If value_col is None, an unweighted graph is created. If value_col is not None, a weighted graph is created. Undirected edges must be stored as directed edges in both directions.


This cudf.Series wraps a gdf_column of size V + 1 (V: number of vertices). The gdf column contains the offsets for the vertices in this graph. Offsets must be in the range [0, E] (E: number of edges)


This cudf.Series wraps a gdf_column of size E (E: number of edges). The gdf column contains the destination index for each edge. Destination indices must be in the range [0, V) (V: number of vertices).

value_colcudf.Series, optional (default=None)

This pointer can be None. If not, this cudf.Series wraps a gdf_column of size E (E: number of edges). The gdf column contains the weight value for each edge. The expected type of the gdf_column element is floating point number.

renumberbool, optional (default=True)

Indicate whether or not to renumber the source and destination vertex IDs.

store_transposedbool, optional (default=False)

If True, stores the transpose of the adjacency matrix. Required for certain algorithms.

symmetrize: bool, optional (default=None)

If True, symmetrize the edge list for an undirected graph. Setting this flag to True for a directed graph returns an error. The default behavior symmetrizes the edges if the graph is undirected. This flag cannot be set to True if the edgelist contains edge IDs or edge Types. If the incoming edgelist is intended for an undirected graph and it is known to be symmetric, this flag can be set to False to skip the symmetrization step for better performance.


>>> gdf = cudf.read_csv(datasets_path / 'karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
...                     dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'],
...                     header=None)
>>> M = gdf.to_pandas()
>>> M = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((M['2'],(M['0'],M['1'])))
>>> M = M.tocsr()
>>> offsets = cudf.Series(M.indptr)
>>> indices = cudf.Series(M.indices)
>>> G = cugraph.Graph()
>>> G.from_cudf_adjlist(offsets, indices, None)