- simpleGraphImpl.view_transposed_adj_list()[source]#
Display the transposed adjacency list. Compute it if needed.
- Returns:
- offset_colcudf.Series
This cudf.Series wraps a gdf_column of size V + 1 (V: number of vertices). The gdf column contains the offsets for the vertices in this graph. Offsets are in the range [0, E] (E: number of edges).
- index_colcudf.Series
This cudf.Series wraps a gdf_column of size E (E: number of edges). The gdf column contains the destination index for each edge. Destination indices are in the range [0, V) (V: number of vertices).
- value_colcudf.Series or
This pointer is
for unweighted graphs. For weighted graphs, this cudf.Series wraps a gdf_column of size E (E: number of edges). The gdf column contains the weight value for each edge. The expected type of the gdf_column element is floating point number.