
nx-cugraph is a NetworkX backend that provides GPU acceleration to many popular NetworkX algorithms.

By simply installing and enabling nx-cugraph, users can see significant speedup on workflows where performance is hindered by the default NetworkX implementation. With nx-cugraph, users can have GPU-based, large-scale performance without changing their familiar and easy-to-use NetworkX code.

Let’s look at some examples of algorithm speedups comparing NetworkX with and without GPU acceleration using nx-cugraph.

Each chart has three measurements.

  • NX - default NetworkX, no GPU acceleration

  • nx-cugraph - GPU-accelerated NetworkX using nx-cugraph. This involves an internal conversion/transfer of graph data from CPU to GPU memory

  • nx-cugraph (preconvert) - GPU-accelerated NetworkX using nx-cugraph with the graph data pre-converted/transferred to GPU

Ancestors BFS Tree Connected Components Descendents Katz Pagerank Single Source Shortest Path Weakly Connected Components

Command line example#

Open bc_demo.ipy and paste the code below.

import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx

url = "https://data.rapids.ai/cugraph/datasets/cit-Patents.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep=" ", names=["src", "dst"], dtype="int32")
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source="src", target="dst")

%time result = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, k=10)

Run the command:

user@machine:/# ipython bc_demo.ipy

You will observe a run time of approximately 7 minutes…more or less depending on your cpu.

Run the command again, this time specifying cugraph as the NetworkX backend.

user@machine:/# NETWORKX_BACKEND_PRIORITY=cugraph ipython bc_demo.ipy

This run will be much faster, typically around 20 seconds depending on your GPU.

user@machine:/# NETWORKX_BACKEND_PRIORITY=cugraph ipython bc_demo.ipy

There is also an option to cache the graph conversion to GPU. This can dramatically improve performance when running multiple algorithms on the same graph.


When running Python interactively, the cugraph backend can be specified as an argument in the algorithm call.

For example:

nx.betweenness_centrality(cit_patents_graph, k=k, backend="cugraph")

The latest list of algorithms supported by nx-cugraph can be found here.