IVF-PQ ====== The IVF-PQ method is an ANN algorithm. Like IVF-Flat, IVF-PQ splits the points into a number of clusters (also specified by a parameter called n_lists) and searches the closest clusters to compute the nearest neighbors (also specified by a parameter called n_probes), but it shrinks the sizes of the vectors using a technique called product quantization. .. role:: py(code) :language: c :class: highlight ``#include `` Index build parameters ---------------------- .. doxygengroup:: ivf_pq_c_index_params :project: cuvs :members: :content-only: Index search parameters ----------------------- .. doxygengroup:: ivf_pq_c_search_params :project: cuvs :members: :content-only: Index ----- .. doxygengroup:: ivf_pq_c_index :project: cuvs :members: :content-only: Index build ----------- .. doxygengroup:: ivf_pq_c_index_build :project: cuvs :members: :content-only: Index search ------------ .. doxygengroup:: ivf_pq_c_index_search :project: cuvs :members: :content-only: