DLPack (C)#
Approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) indexes provide an interface to build and search an index via a C API. [DLPack v0.8](dmlc/dlpack), a tensor interface framework, is used as the standard to interact with our C API.
Representing a tensor with DLPack is simple, as it is a POD struct that stores information about the tensor at runtime. At the moment, DLManagedTensor
from DLPack v0.8 is compatible with out C API however we will soon upgrade to DLManagedTensorVersioned
from DLPack v1.0 as it will help us maintain ABI and API compatibility.
Here’s an example on how to represent device memory using DLManagedTensor
#include <dlpack/dlpack.h>
// Create data representation in host memory
float dataset[2][1] = {{0.2, 0.1}};
// copy data to device memory
float *dataset_dev;
cuvsRMMAlloc(&dataset_dev, sizeof(float) * 2 * 1);
cudaMemcpy(dataset_dev, dataset, sizeof(float) * 2 * 1, cudaMemcpyDefault);
// Use DLPack for representing the data as a tensor
DLManagedTensor dataset_tensor; = dataset;
dataset_tensor.dl_tensor.device.device_type = kDLCUDA;
dataset_tensor.dl_tensor.ndim = 2;
dataset_tensor.dl_tensor.dtype.code = kDLFloat;
dataset_tensor.dl_tensor.dtype.bits = 32;
dataset_tensor.dl_tensor.dtype.lanes = 1;
int64_t dataset_shape[2] = {2, 1};
dataset_tensor.dl_tensor.shape = dataset_shape;
dataset_tensor.dl_tensor.strides = nullptr;
// free memory after use
Please refer to cuVS C API documentation to learn more.
Multi-dimensional span (C++)#
cuVS is built on top of the GPU-accelerated machine learning and data mining primitives in the RAFT library. Most of the C++ APIs in cuVS accept mdspan multi-dimensional array view for representing data in higher dimensions similar to the ndarray
in the Numpy Python library. RAFT also contains the corresponding owning mdarray
structure, which simplifies the allocation and management of multi-dimensional data in both host and device (GPU) memory.
The mdarray
is an owning object that forms a convenience layer over RMM and can be constructed in RAFT using a number of different helper functions:
#include <raft/core/device_mdarray.hpp>
int n_rows = 10;
int n_cols = 10;
auto scalar = raft::make_device_scalar<float>(handle, 1.0);
auto vector = raft::make_device_vector<float>(handle, n_cols);
auto matrix = raft::make_device_matrix<float>(handle, n_rows, n_cols);
The mdspan
is a lightweight non-owning view that can wrap around any pointer, maintaining shape, layout, and indexing information for accessing elements.
We can construct mdspan
instances directly from the above mdarray
// Scalar mdspan on device
auto scalar_view = scalar.view();
// Vector mdspan on device
auto vector_view = vector.view();
// Matrix mdspan on device
auto matrix_view = matrix.view();
Since the mdspan
is just a lightweight wrapper, we can also construct it from the underlying data handles in the mdarray
instances above. We use the extent to get information about the mdarray
or mdspan
’s shape.
#include <raft/core/device_mdspan.hpp>
auto scalar_view = raft::make_device_scalar_view(scalar.data_handle());
auto vector_view = raft::make_device_vector_view(vector.data_handle(), vector.extent(0));
auto matrix_view = raft::make_device_matrix_view(matrix.data_handle(), matrix.extent(0), matrix.extent(1));
Of course, RAFT’s mdspan
APIs aren’t just limited to the device
. You can also create host
#include <raft/core/host_mdarray.hpp>
#include <raft/core/host_mdspan.hpp>
int n_rows = 10;
int n_cols = 10;
auto scalar = raft::make_host_scalar<float>(handle, 1.0);
auto vector = raft::make_host_vector<float>(handle, n_cols);
auto matrix = raft::make_host_matrix<float>(handle, n_rows, n_cols);
auto scalar_view = raft::make_host_scalar_view(scalar.data_handle());
auto vector_view = raft::make_host_vector_view(vector.data_handle(), vector.extent(0));
auto matrix_view = raft::make_host_matrix_view(matrix.data_handle(), matrix.extent(0), matrix.extent(1));
Please refer to RAFT’s mdspan
documentation to learn more.