CAGRA is a graph-based nearest neighbors algorithm that was built from the ground up for GPU acceleration. CAGRA demonstrates state-of-the art index build and query performance for both small- and large-batch sized search.

Index build parameters#

class cuvs.neighbors.cagra.IndexParams(metric='sqeuclidean', *, intermediate_graph_degree=128, graph_degree=64, build_algo='ivf_pq', nn_descent_niter=20, compression=None)#

Parameters to build index for CAGRA nearest neighbor search

metricstring denoting the metric type, default=”sqeuclidean”
Valid values for metric: [“sqeuclidean”], where
  • sqeuclidean is the euclidean distance without the square root operation, i.e.: distance(a,b) = sum_i (a_i - b_i)^2

intermediate_graph_degreeint, default = 128
graph_degreeint, default = 64
build_algo: string denoting the graph building algorithm to use, default = “ivf_pq”
Valid values for algo: [“ivf_pq”, “nn_descent”], where
  • ivf_pq will use the IVF-PQ algorithm for building the knn graph

  • nn_descent (experimental) will use the NN-Descent algorithm for building the knn graph. It is expected to be generally faster than ivf_pq.

compression: CompressionParams, optional

If compression is desired should be a CompressionParams object. If None compression will be disabled.


compression: object


compression: object

Index search parameters#

class cuvs.neighbors.cagra.SearchParams(max_queries=0, *, itopk_size=64, max_iterations=0, algo='auto', team_size=0, search_width=1, min_iterations=0, thread_block_size=0, hashmap_mode='auto', hashmap_min_bitlen=0, hashmap_max_fill_rate=0.5, num_random_samplings=1, rand_xor_mask=0x128394)#

CAGRA search parameters

max_queries: int, default = 0

Maximum number of queries to search at the same time (batch size). Auto select when 0.

itopk_size: int, default = 64

Number of intermediate search results retained during the search. This is the main knob to adjust trade off between accuracy and search speed. Higher values improve the search accuracy.

max_iterations: int, default = 0

Upper limit of search iterations. Auto select when 0.

algo: string denoting the search algorithm to use, default = “auto”
Valid values for algo: [“auto”, “single_cta”, “multi_cta”], where
  • auto will automatically select the best value based on query size

  • single_cta is better when query contains larger number of vectors (e.g >10)

  • multi_cta is better when query contains only a few vectors

team_size: int, default = 0

Number of threads used to calculate a single distance. 4, 8, 16, or 32.

search_width: int, default = 1

Number of graph nodes to select as the starting point for the search in each iteration.

min_iterations: int, default = 0

Lower limit of search iterations.

thread_block_size: int, default = 0

Thread block size. 0, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. Auto selection when 0.

hashmap_mode: string denoting the type of hash map to use.

It’s usually better to allow the algorithm to select this value, default = “auto”. Valid values for hashmap_mode: [“auto”, “small”, “hash”], where

  • auto will automatically select the best value based on algo

  • small will use the small shared memory hash table with resetting.

  • hash will use a single hash table in global memory.

hashmap_min_bitlen: int, default = 0

Upper limit of hashmap fill rate. More than 0.1, less than 0.9.

hashmap_max_fill_rate: float, default = 0.5

Upper limit of hashmap fill rate. More than 0.1, less than 0.9.

num_random_samplings: int, default = 1

Number of iterations of initial random seed node selection. 1 or more.

rand_xor_mask: int, default = 0x128394

Bit mask used for initial random seed node selection.



class cuvs.neighbors.cagra.Index#

CAGRA index object. This object stores the trained CAGRA index state which can be used to perform nearest neighbors searches.


Index build# index_params, dataset, resources=None)[source]#

Build the CAGRA index from the dataset for efficient search.

The build performs two different steps- first an intermediate knn-graph is constructed, then it’s optimized it to create the final graph. The index_params object controls the node degree of these graphs.

It is required that both the dataset and the optimized graph fit the GPU memory.

The following distance metrics are supported:
  • L2

index_paramsIndexParams object
datasetCUDA array interface compliant matrix shape (n_samples, dim)

Supported dtype [float, int8, uint8]

resourcesOptional cuVS Resource handle for reusing CUDA resources.

If Resources aren’t supplied, CUDA resources will be allocated inside this function and synchronized before the function exits. If resources are supplied, you will need to explicitly synchronize yourself by calling resources.sync() before accessing the output.

index: cuvs.cagra.Index


>>> import cupy as cp
>>> from cuvs.neighbors import cagra
>>> n_samples = 50000
>>> n_features = 50
>>> n_queries = 1000
>>> k = 10
>>> dataset = cp.random.random_sample((n_samples, n_features),
...                                   dtype=cp.float32)
>>> build_params = cagra.IndexParams(metric="sqeuclidean")
>>> index =, dataset)
>>> distances, neighbors =,
...                                      index, dataset,
...                                      k)
>>> distances = cp.asarray(distances)
>>> neighbors = cp.asarray(neighbors)