Charts ====== cuxfilter is able to use a wide range of chart types: * `Bokeh `_: A Python library for interactive visualization.: Bokeh is a Python library for creating interactive visualizations for modern web browsers. With Bokeh, you can create JavaScript-powered visualizations without writing any JavaScript yourself. * `Datashader `_: Datashader is an open-source Python library for analyzing and visualizing large datasets. Specifically, Datashader is designed to “rasterize” or “aggregate” datasets into regular grids that can be analyzed further or viewed as images, making it simple and quick to see the properties and patterns of your data. * `DeckGL `_: is a WebGL-powered visualization framework that provides a variety of easy-to-use 2D and 3D data visualizations with support for large data sets. * `Panel Widgets `_: Panel Widgets are interactive controls that can be added to a Panel application to provide a front end user interface to a computation or visualization in Python. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: bokeh_charts.rst datashader_charts.rst deckgl_charts.rst widgets.rst custom_charts.rst