Enabling UCX communication ========================== A CUDA cluster using UCX communication can be started automatically with LocalCUDACluster or manually with the ``dask cuda worker`` CLI tool. In either case, a ``dask.distributed.Client`` must be made for the worker cluster using the same Dask UCX configuration; see `UCX Integration -- Configuration <../../ucx/#configuration>`_ for details on all available options. LocalCUDACluster with Automatic Configuration --------------------------------------------- Automatic configuration was introduced in Dask-CUDA 22.02 and requires UCX >= 1.11.1. This allows the user to specify only the UCX protocol and let UCX decide which transports to use. To connect a client to a cluster with automatically-configured UCX and an RMM pool: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Client from dask_cuda import LocalCUDACluster cluster = LocalCUDACluster( protocol="ucx", interface="ib0", rmm_pool_size="1GB" ) client = Client(cluster) .. note:: The ``interface="ib0"`` is intentionally specified above to ensure RDMACM is used in systems that support InfiniBand. On systems that don't support InfiniBand or where RDMACM isn't required, the ``interface`` argument may be omitted or specified to listen on a different interface. LocalCUDACluster with Manual Configuration ------------------------------------------ When using LocalCUDACluster with UCX communication and manual configuration, all required UCX configuration is handled through arguments supplied at construction; see `API -- Cluster <../../api/#cluster>`_ for a complete list of these arguments. To connect a client to a cluster with all supported transports and an RMM pool: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Client from dask_cuda import LocalCUDACluster cluster = LocalCUDACluster( protocol="ucx", interface="ib0", enable_tcp_over_ucx=True, enable_nvlink=True, enable_infiniband=True, enable_rdmacm=True, rmm_pool_size="1GB" ) client = Client(cluster) ``dask cuda worker`` with Automatic Configuration ------------------------------------------------- When using ``dask cuda worker`` with UCX communication and automatic configuration, the scheduler, workers, and client must all be started manually, but without specifying any UCX transports explicitly. This is only supported in Dask-CUDA 22.02 and newer and requires UCX >= 1.11.1. Scheduler ^^^^^^^^^ For automatic UCX configuration, we must ensure a CUDA context is created on the scheduler before UCX is initialized. This can be satisfied by specifying the ``DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__UCX__CREATE_CUDA_CONTEXT=True`` environment variable when creating the scheduler. To start a Dask scheduler using UCX with automatic configuration and one GB of RMM pool: .. code-block:: bash $ DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__UCX__CREATE_CUDA_CONTEXT=True \ > DASK_DISTRIBUTED__RMM__POOL_SIZE=1GB \ > dask scheduler --protocol ucx --interface ib0 .. note:: The ``interface="ib0"`` is intentionally specified above to ensure RDMACM is used in systems that support InfiniBand. On systems that don't support InfiniBand or where RDMACM isn't required, the ``interface`` argument may be omitted or specified to listen on a different interface. We specify ``UCX_MEMTYPE_REG_WHOLE_ALLOC_TYPES=cuda`` above for optimal performance with InfiniBand, see details `here `__. If not using InfiniBand, that option may be omitted. In UCX 1.12 and newer, that option is default and may be omitted as well even when using InfiniBand. Workers ^^^^^^^ To start workers with automatic UCX configuration and an RMM pool of 14GB per GPU: .. code-block:: bash $ UCX_MEMTYPE_REG_WHOLE_ALLOC_TYPES=cuda > dask cuda worker ucx://:8786 \ > --rmm-pool-size="14GB" \ > --interface="ib0" .. note:: Analogous to the scheduler setup, the ``interface="ib0"`` is intentionally specified above to ensure RDMACM is used in systems that support InfiniBand. On systems that don't support InfiniBand or where RDMACM isn't required, the ``interface`` argument may be omitted or specified to listen on a different interface. We specify ``UCX_MEMTYPE_REG_WHOLE_ALLOC_TYPES=cuda`` above for optimal performance with InfiniBand, see details `here `__. If not using InfiniBand, that option may be omitted. In UCX 1.12 and newer, that option is default and may be omitted as well even when using InfiniBand. Client ^^^^^^ To connect a client to the cluster with automatic UCX configuration we started: .. code-block:: python import os os.environ["UCX_MEMTYPE_REG_WHOLE_ALLOC_TYPES"] = "cuda" import dask from dask.distributed import Client with dask.config.set({"distributed.comm.ucx.create_cuda_context": True}): client = Client("ucx://:8786") Alternatively, the ``with dask.config.set`` statement from the example above may be omitted and the ``DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__UCX__CREATE_CUDA_CONTEXT=True`` environment variable specified instead: .. code-block:: python import os os.environ["UCX_MEMTYPE_REG_WHOLE_ALLOC_TYPES"] = "cuda" os.environ["DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__UCX__CREATE_CUDA_CONTEXT"] = "True" from dask.distributed import Client client = Client("ucx://:8786") .. note:: We specify ``UCX_MEMTYPE_REG_WHOLE_ALLOC_TYPES=cuda`` above for optimal performance with InfiniBand, see details `here `_. If not using InfiniBand, that option may be omitted. In UCX 1.12 and newer, that option is default and may be omitted as well even when using InfiniBand. ``dask cuda worker`` with Manual Configuration ---------------------------------------------- When using ``dask cuda worker`` with UCX communication and manual configuration, the scheduler, workers, and client must all be started manually, each using the same UCX configuration. Scheduler ^^^^^^^^^ UCX configuration options will need to be specified for ``dask scheduler`` as environment variables; see `Dask Configuration -- Environment Variables `_ for more details on the mapping between environment variables and options. To start a Dask scheduler using UCX with all supported transports and an gigabyte RMM pool: .. code-block:: bash $ DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__UCX__CUDA_COPY=True \ > DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__UCX__TCP=True \ > DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__UCX__NVLINK=True \ > DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__UCX__INFINIBAND=True \ > DASK_DISTRIBUTED__COMM__UCX__RDMACM=True \ > DASK_DISTRIBUTED__RMM__POOL_SIZE=1GB \ > dask scheduler --protocol ucx --interface ib0 We communicate to the scheduler that we will be using UCX with the ``--protocol`` option, and that we will be using InfiniBand with the ``--interface`` option. Workers ^^^^^^^ All UCX configuration options have analogous options in ``dask cuda worker``; see `API -- Worker <../../api/#worker>`_ for a complete list of these options. To start a cluster with all supported transports and an RMM pool: .. code-block:: bash $ dask cuda worker ucx://:8786 \ > --enable-tcp-over-ucx \ > --enable-nvlink \ > --enable-infiniband \ > --enable-rdmacm \ > --rmm-pool-size="1GB" Client ^^^^^^ A client can be configured to use UCX by using ``dask_cuda.initialize``, a utility which takes the same UCX configuring arguments as LocalCUDACluster and adds them to the current Dask configuration used when creating it; see `API -- Client initialization <../../api/#client-initialization>`_ for a complete list of arguments. To connect a client to the cluster we have made: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Client from dask_cuda.initialize import initialize initialize( enable_tcp_over_ucx=True, enable_nvlink=True, enable_infiniband=True, enable_rdmacm=True, ) client = Client("ucx://:8786")