Remote File

KvikIO provides direct access to remote files.


# Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# See file LICENSE for terms.

import pathlib
import tempfile

import cupy
import numpy

import kvikio
from kvikio.utils import LocalHttpServer

def main(tmpdir: pathlib.Path):
    a = cupy.arange(100)
    a.tofile(tmpdir / "myfile")
    b = cupy.empty_like(a)

    # Start a local server that serves files in `tmpdir`
    with LocalHttpServer(root_path=tmpdir) as server:
        # Open remote file from a http url
        with kvikio.RemoteFile.open_http(f"{server.url}/myfile") as f:
            # KvikIO fetch the file size
            assert f.nbytes() == a.nbytes
            # Read the remote file into `b` as if it was a local file.
            assert all(a == b)
            # We can also read into host memory seamlessly
            a = cupy.asnumpy(a)
            c = numpy.empty_like(a)
            assert all(a == c)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: