23 #include <cudf/utilities/export.hpp>
28 namespace CUDF_EXPORT
cudf {
60 std::vector<double>
const& q,
98 std::vector<double>
const& q,
101 std::vector<order>
const& column_order = {},
102 std::vector<null_order>
const& null_precedence = {},
A non-owning, immutable view of device data as a column of elements, some of which may be null as ind...
A set of cudf::column_view's of the same size.
Given a column_view containing tdigest data, an instance of this class provides a wrapper on the comp...
std::unique_ptr< column > percentile_approx(tdigest::tdigest_column_view const &input, column_view const &percentiles, rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
Calculate approximate percentiles on an input tdigest column.
std::unique_ptr< table > quantiles(table_view const &input, std::vector< double > const &q, interpolation interp=interpolation::NEAREST, cudf::sorted is_input_sorted=sorted::NO, std::vector< order > const &column_order={}, std::vector< null_order > const &null_precedence={}, rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
Returns the rows of the input corresponding to the requested quantiles.
std::unique_ptr< column > quantile(column_view const &input, std::vector< double > const &q, interpolation interp=interpolation::LINEAR, column_view const &ordered_indices={}, bool exact=true, rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
Computes quantiles with interpolation.
cuda::mr::async_resource_ref< cuda::mr::device_accessible > device_async_resource_ref
device_memory_resource * get_current_device_resource()
Interpolation method to use when the desired quantile lies between two data points i and j.
Indicates whether a collection of values is known to be sorted.
Class definitions for cudf::scalar.
Class definitions for (mutable)_table_view
Type declarations for libcudf.