Files | Enumerations | Functions


file  cudf/replace.hpp


enum class  cudf::replace_policy : bool { PRECEDING , FOLLOWING }
 Policy to specify the position of replacement values relative to null rows. More...


std::unique_ptr< columncudf::replace_nulls (column_view const &input, column_view const &replacement, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
 Replaces all null values in a column with corresponding values of another column. More...
std::unique_ptr< columncudf::replace_nulls (column_view const &input, scalar const &replacement, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
 Replaces all null values in a column with a scalar. More...
std::unique_ptr< columncudf::replace_nulls (column_view const &input, replace_policy const &replace_policy, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
 Replaces all null values in a column with the first non-null value that precedes/follows. More...
std::unique_ptr< columncudf::replace_nans (column_view const &input, column_view const &replacement, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
 Replaces all NaN values in a column with corresponding values from another column. More...
std::unique_ptr< columncudf::replace_nans (column_view const &input, scalar const &replacement, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
 Replaces all NaN values in a column with a scalar. More...
std::unique_ptr< columncudf::find_and_replace_all (column_view const &input_col, column_view const &values_to_replace, column_view const &replacement_values, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
 Return a copy of input_col replacing any values_to_replace[i] found with replacement_values[i]. More...
std::unique_ptr< columncudf::clamp (column_view const &input, scalar const &lo, scalar const &lo_replace, scalar const &hi, scalar const &hi_replace, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
 Replaces values less than lo in input with lo_replace, and values greater than hi with hi_replace. More...
std::unique_ptr< columncudf::clamp (column_view const &input, scalar const &lo, scalar const &hi, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
 Replaces values less than lo in input with lo, and values greater than hi with hi. More...
std::unique_ptr< columncudf::normalize_nans_and_zeros (column_view const &input, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr=rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource())
 Copies from a column of floating-point elements and replaces -NaN and -0.0 with +NaN and +0.0, respectively. More...
void cudf::normalize_nans_and_zeros (mutable_column_view &in_out, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream())
 Modifies a column of floating-point elements to replace all -NaN and -0.0 with +NaN and +0.0, respectively. More...

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ replace_policy

enum cudf::replace_policy : bool

Policy to specify the position of replacement values relative to null rows.

PRECEDING means the replacement value is the first non-null value preceding the null row. FOLLOWING means the replacement value is the first non-null value following the null row.

Definition at line 41 of file cudf/replace.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ clamp() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr<column> cudf::clamp ( column_view const &  input,
scalar const &  lo,
scalar const &  hi,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream(),
rmm::device_async_resource_ref  mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource() 

Replaces values less than lo in input with lo, and values greater than hi with hi.

if lo is invalid, then lo will not be considered while evaluating the input (Essentially considered minimum value of that type). if hi is invalid, then hi will not be considered while evaluating the input (Essentially considered maximum value of that type).

input: {1, 2, 3, NULL, 5, 6, 7}
valid lo and hi
lo: 3, hi: 5
output:{3, 3, 3, NULL, 5, 5, 5}
invalid lo
lo: NULL, hi:5
output:{1, 2, 3, NULL, 5, 5, 5}
invalid hi
lo: 3, hi:NULL
output:{3, 3, 3, NULL, 5, 6, 7}
cudf::logic_errorif lo.type() != hi.type()
cudf::logic_errorif lo.type() != input.type()
[in]inputColumn whose elements will be clamped
[in]loMinimum clamp value. All elements less than lo will be replaced by lo Ignored if null.
[in]hiMaximum clamp value. All elements greater than hi will be replaced by hi Ignored if null.
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
[in]mrDevice memory resource used to allocate device memory of the returned column
Returns a clamped column as per lo and hi boundaries

◆ clamp() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr<column> cudf::clamp ( column_view const &  input,
scalar const &  lo,
scalar const &  lo_replace,
scalar const &  hi,
scalar const &  hi_replace,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream(),
rmm::device_async_resource_ref  mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource() 

Replaces values less than lo in input with lo_replace, and values greater than hi with hi_replace.

if lo is invalid, then lo will not be considered while evaluating the input (Essentially considered minimum value of that type). if hi is invalid, then hi will not be considered while evaluating the input (Essentially considered maximum value of that type).

: If lo is valid then lo_replace should be valid If hi is valid then hi_replace should be valid
input: {1, 2, 3, NULL, 5, 6, 7}
valid lo and hi
lo: 3, hi: 5, lo_replace : 0, hi_replace : 16
output:{0, 0, 3, NULL, 5, 16, 16}
invalid lo
lo: NULL, hi: 5, lo_replace : 0, hi_replace : 16
output:{1, 2, 3, NULL, 5, 16, 16}
invalid hi
lo: 3, hi: NULL, lo_replace : 0, hi_replace : 16
output:{0, 0, 3, NULL, 5, 6, 7}
cudf::logic_errorif lo.type() != hi.type()
cudf::logic_errorif lo_replace.type() != hi_replace.type()
cudf::logic_errorif lo.type() != lo_replace.type()
cudf::logic_errorif lo.type() != input.type()
[in]inputColumn whose elements will be clamped
[in]loMinimum clamp value. All elements less than lo will be replaced by lo_replace Ignored if null.
[in]lo_replaceAll elements less than lo will be replaced by lo_replace
[in]hiMaximum clamp value. All elements greater than hi will be replaced by hi_replace. Ignored if null.
[in]hi_replaceAll elements greater than hi will be replaced by hi_replace
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
[in]mrDevice memory resource used to allocate device memory of the returned column
Returns a clamped column as per lo and hi boundaries

◆ find_and_replace_all()

std::unique_ptr<column> cudf::find_and_replace_all ( column_view const &  input_col,
column_view const &  values_to_replace,
column_view const &  replacement_values,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream(),
rmm::device_async_resource_ref  mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource() 

Return a copy of input_col replacing any values_to_replace[i] found with replacement_values[i].

input_colThe column to find and replace values in
values_to_replaceThe values to replace
replacement_valuesThe values to replace with
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
mrDevice memory resource used to allocate the returned column's device memory
Copy of input_col with specified values replaced

◆ normalize_nans_and_zeros() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr<column> cudf::normalize_nans_and_zeros ( column_view const &  input,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream(),
rmm::device_async_resource_ref  mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource() 

Copies from a column of floating-point elements and replaces -NaN and -0.0 with +NaN and +0.0, respectively.

Converts floating point values from input using the following rules: Convert -NaN -> NaN Convert -0.0 -> 0.0

cudf::logic_errorif column does not have floating point data type.
[in]inputcolumn_view of floating-point elements to copy and normalize
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
[in]mrdevice_memory_resource allocator for allocating output data
new column with the modified data

◆ normalize_nans_and_zeros() [2/2]

void cudf::normalize_nans_and_zeros ( mutable_column_view in_out,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream() 

Modifies a column of floating-point elements to replace all -NaN and -0.0 with +NaN and +0.0, respectively.

Converts floating point values from in_out using the following rules: Convert -NaN -> NaN Convert -0.0 -> 0.0

cudf::logic_errorif column does not have floating point data type.
[in,out]in_outof floating-point elements to normalize
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

◆ replace_nans() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr<column> cudf::replace_nans ( column_view const &  input,
column_view const &  replacement,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream(),
rmm::device_async_resource_ref  mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource() 

Replaces all NaN values in a column with corresponding values from another column.

If input[i] is NaN, then output[i] will contain replacement[i].

input = {1.0, NaN, 4.0}
replacement = {3.0, 9.0, 7.0}
output = {1.0, 9.0, 4.0}
Nulls are not considered as NaN
cudf::logic_errorIf input and replacement are of different type or size.
cudf::logic_errorIf input or replacement are not of floating-point dtype.
inputA column whose NaN values will be replaced
replacementA cudf::column whose values will replace NaN values in input
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
mrDevice memory resource used to allocate the returned column's device memory
A copy of input with the NaN values replaced with corresponding values from replacement.

◆ replace_nans() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr<column> cudf::replace_nans ( column_view const &  input,
scalar const &  replacement,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream(),
rmm::device_async_resource_ref  mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource() 

Replaces all NaN values in a column with a scalar.

If input[i] is NaN, then output[i] will contain replacement.

input = {1.0, NaN, 4.0}
replacement = 7.0
output = {1.0, 7.0, 4.0}
Nulls are not considered as NaN
cudf::logic_errorIf input and replacement are of different type.
cudf::logic_errorIf input or replacement are not of floating-point dtype.
inputA column whose NaN values will be replaced
replacementA cudf::scalar whose value will replace NaN values in input
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
mrDevice memory resource used to allocate the returned column's device memory
A copy of input with the NaN values replaced by replacement

◆ replace_nulls() [1/3]

std::unique_ptr<column> cudf::replace_nulls ( column_view const &  input,
column_view const &  replacement,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream(),
rmm::device_async_resource_ref  mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource() 

Replaces all null values in a column with corresponding values of another column.

If input[i] is NULL, then output[i] will contain replacement[i]. input and replacement must be of the same type and size.

[in]inputA column whose null values will be replaced
[in]replacementA cudf::column whose values will replace null values in input
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
[in]mrDevice memory resource used to allocate device memory of the returned column
A copy of input with the null values replaced with corresponding values from replacement.

◆ replace_nulls() [2/3]

std::unique_ptr<column> cudf::replace_nulls ( column_view const &  input,
replace_policy const &  replace_policy,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream(),
rmm::device_async_resource_ref  mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource() 

Replaces all null values in a column with the first non-null value that precedes/follows.

If input[i] is NULL, then output[i] will contain the first non-null value that precedes or follows the null value, based on replace_policy.

[in]inputA column whose null values will be replaced
[in]replace_policySpecify the position of replacement values relative to null values
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
[in]mrDevice memory resource used to allocate device memory of the returned column
Copy of input with null values replaced based on replace_policy

◆ replace_nulls() [3/3]

std::unique_ptr<column> cudf::replace_nulls ( column_view const &  input,
scalar const &  replacement,
rmm::cuda_stream_view  stream = cudf::get_default_stream(),
rmm::device_async_resource_ref  mr = rmm::mr::get_current_device_resource() 

Replaces all null values in a column with a scalar.

If input[i] is NULL, then output[i] will contain replacement. input and replacement must have the same type.

[in]inputA column whose null values will be replaced
[in]replacementScalar used to replace null values in input
streamCUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches
[in]mrDevice memory resource used to allocate device memory of the returned column
Copy of input with null values replaced by replacement