#include <rmm/detail/error.hpp>
#include <rmm/detail/export.hpp>
#include <cuda/memory_resource>
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using | rmm::device_resource_ref = cuda::mr::resource_ref< cuda::mr::device_accessible > |
| Alias for a cuda::mr::resource_ref with the property cuda::mr::device_accessible .
using | rmm::device_async_resource_ref = cuda::mr::async_resource_ref< cuda::mr::device_accessible > |
| Alias for a cuda::mr::async_resource_ref with the property cuda::mr::device_accessible .
using | rmm::host_resource_ref = cuda::mr::resource_ref< cuda::mr::host_accessible > |
| Alias for a cuda::mr::resource_ref with the property cuda::mr::host_accessible .
using | rmm::host_async_resource_ref = cuda::mr::async_resource_ref< cuda::mr::host_accessible > |
| Alias for a cuda::mr::async_resource_ref with the property cuda::mr::host_accessible .
using | rmm::host_device_resource_ref = cuda::mr::resource_ref< cuda::mr::host_accessible, cuda::mr::device_accessible > |
| Alias for a cuda::mr::resource_ref with the properties cuda::mr::host_accessible and cuda::mr::device_accessible .
using | rmm::host_device_async_resource_ref = cuda::mr::async_resource_ref< cuda::mr::host_accessible, cuda::mr::device_accessible > |
| Alias for a cuda::mr::async_resource_ref with the properties cuda::mr::host_accessible and cuda::mr::device_accessible .