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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2020-2025, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #pragma once
18 #include <rmm/detail/error.hpp>
19 #include <rmm/detail/export.hpp>
20 #include <rmm/detail/stack_trace.hpp>
21 #include <rmm/logger.hpp>
24 #include <rmm/resource_ref.hpp>
26 #include <atomic>
27 #include <cstddef>
28 #include <map>
29 #include <mutex>
30 #include <shared_mutex>
31 #include <sstream>
33 namespace RMM_NAMESPACE {
34 namespace mr {
55 template <typename Upstream>
57  public:
58  using read_lock_t =
59  std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex>;
60  using write_lock_t =
61  std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>;
68  struct allocation_info {
69  std::unique_ptr<rmm::detail::stack_trace> strace;
70  std::size_t allocation_size;
72  allocation_info() = delete;
79  allocation_info(std::size_t size, bool capture_stack)
80  : strace{[&]() {
81  return capture_stack ? std::make_unique<rmm::detail::stack_trace>() : nullptr;
82  }()},
83  allocation_size{size} {};
84  };
93  tracking_resource_adaptor(device_async_resource_ref upstream, bool capture_stacks = false)
94  : capture_stacks_{capture_stacks}, allocated_bytes_{0}, upstream_{upstream}
95  {
96  }
107  tracking_resource_adaptor(Upstream* upstream, bool capture_stacks = false)
108  : capture_stacks_{capture_stacks},
109  allocated_bytes_{0},
110  upstream_{to_device_async_resource_ref_checked(upstream)}
111  {
112  }
114  tracking_resource_adaptor() = delete;
115  ~tracking_resource_adaptor() override = default;
118  default;
119  tracking_resource_adaptor& operator=(tracking_resource_adaptor const&) = delete;
121  default;
126  [[nodiscard]] rmm::device_async_resource_ref get_upstream_resource() const noexcept
127  {
128  return upstream_;
129  }
138  std::map<void*, allocation_info> const& get_outstanding_allocations() const noexcept
139  {
140  return allocations_;
141  }
152  std::size_t get_allocated_bytes() const noexcept { return allocated_bytes_; }
165  {
166  read_lock_t lock(mtx_);
168  std::ostringstream oss;
170  if (!allocations_.empty()) {
171  for (auto const& alloc : allocations_) {
172  oss << alloc.first << ": " << alloc.second.allocation_size << " B";
173  if (alloc.second.strace != nullptr) {
174  oss << " : callstack:" << std::endl << *alloc.second.strace;
175  }
176  oss << std::endl;
177  }
178  }
180  return oss.str();
181  }
188  {
190  RMM_LOG_DEBUG("Outstanding Allocations: %s", get_outstanding_allocations_str());
192  }
194  private:
208  void* do_allocate(std::size_t bytes, cuda_stream_view stream) override
209  {
210  void* ptr = get_upstream_resource().allocate_async(bytes, stream);
211  // track it.
212  {
213  write_lock_t lock(mtx_);
214  allocations_.emplace(ptr, allocation_info{bytes, capture_stacks_});
215  }
216  allocated_bytes_ += bytes;
218  return ptr;
219  }
228  void do_deallocate(void* ptr, std::size_t bytes, cuda_stream_view stream) override
229  {
230  get_upstream_resource().deallocate_async(ptr, bytes, stream);
231  {
232  write_lock_t lock(mtx_);
234  const auto found = allocations_.find(ptr);
236  // Ensure the allocation is found and the number of bytes match
237  if (found == allocations_.end()) {
238  // Don't throw but log an error. Throwing in a destructor (or any noexcept) will call
239  // std::terminate
241  "Deallocating a pointer that was not tracked. Ptr: %p [%zuB], Current Num. Allocations: "
242  "%zu",
243  ptr,
244  bytes,
245  this->allocations_.size());
246  } else {
247  allocations_.erase(found);
249  auto allocated_bytes = found->second.allocation_size;
251  if (allocated_bytes != bytes) {
252  // Don't throw but log an error. Throwing in a destructor (or any noexcept) will call
253  // std::terminate
255  "Alloc bytes (%zu) and Dealloc bytes (%zu) do not match", allocated_bytes, bytes);
257  bytes = allocated_bytes;
258  }
259  }
260  }
261  allocated_bytes_ -= bytes;
262  }
271  bool do_is_equal(device_memory_resource const& other) const noexcept override
272  {
273  if (this == &other) { return true; }
274  auto cast = dynamic_cast<tracking_resource_adaptor<Upstream> const*>(&other);
275  if (cast == nullptr) { return false; }
276  return get_upstream_resource() == cast->get_upstream_resource();
277  }
279  bool capture_stacks_; // whether or not to capture call stacks
280  std::map<void*, allocation_info> allocations_; // map of active allocations
281  std::atomic<std::size_t> allocated_bytes_; // number of bytes currently allocated
282  std::shared_mutex mutable mtx_; // mutex for thread safe access to allocations_
283  device_async_resource_ref upstream_; // the upstream resource used for satisfying
284  // allocation requests
285 };
286  // end of group
288 } // namespace mr
289 } // namespace RMM_NAMESPACE
Strongly-typed non-owning wrapper for CUDA streams with default constructor.
Definition: cuda_stream_view.hpp:39
Base class for all librmm device memory allocation.
Definition: device_memory_resource.hpp:93
Resource that uses Upstream to allocate memory and tracks allocations.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:56
tracking_resource_adaptor(Upstream *upstream, bool capture_stacks=false)
Construct a new tracking resource adaptor using upstream to satisfy allocation requests.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:107
tracking_resource_adaptor(device_async_resource_ref upstream, bool capture_stacks=false)
Construct a new tracking resource adaptor using upstream to satisfy allocation requests.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:93
std::size_t get_allocated_bytes() const noexcept
Query the number of bytes that have been allocated. Note that this can not be used to know how large ...
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:152
std::unique_lock< std::shared_mutex > write_lock_t
Type of lock used to synchronize write access.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:61
tracking_resource_adaptor(tracking_resource_adaptor &&) noexcept=default
Default move constructor.
std::string get_outstanding_allocations_str() const
Gets a string containing the outstanding allocation pointers, their size, and optionally the stack tr...
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:164
std::map< void *, allocation_info > const & get_outstanding_allocations() const noexcept
Get the outstanding allocations map.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:138
void log_outstanding_allocations() const
Log any outstanding allocations via RMM_LOG_DEBUG.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:187
std::shared_lock< std::shared_mutex > read_lock_t
Type of lock used to synchronize read access.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:59
cuda::mr::async_resource_ref< cuda::mr::device_accessible > device_async_resource_ref
Alias for a cuda::mr::async_resource_ref with the property cuda::mr::device_accessible.
Definition: resource_ref.hpp:41
device_async_resource_ref to_device_async_resource_ref_checked(Resource *res)
Convert pointer to memory resource into device_async_resource_ref, checking for nullptr
Definition: resource_ref.hpp:79
Management of per-device device_memory_resources.
Information stored about an allocation. Includes the size and a stack trace if the tracking_resource_...
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:68
std::unique_ptr< rmm::detail::stack_trace > strace
Stack trace of the allocation.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:69
std::size_t allocation_size
Size of the allocation.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:70
allocation_info(std::size_t size, bool capture_stack)
Construct a new allocation info object.
Definition: tracking_resource_adaptor.hpp:79