The vector search and clustering algorithms in RAFT are being migrated to a new library dedicated to vector search called cuVS. We will continue to support the vector search algorithms in RAFT during this move, but will no longer update them after the RAPIDS 24.06 (June) release. We plan to complete the migration by RAPIDS 24.08 (August) release.
This page provides C++ class references for the publicly-exposed elements of the raft/distance
package. RAFT’s
distances have been highly optimized and support a wide assortment of different distance measures.
Distance Types#
#include <raft/distance/distance_types.hpp>
namespace raft::distance
enum raft::distance::DistanceType#
enum to tell how to compute distance
enumerator L2Expanded#
evaluate as dist_ij = sum(x_ik^2) + sum(y_ij)^2 - 2*sum(x_ik * y_jk)
enumerator L2SqrtExpanded#
same as above, but inside the epilogue, perform square root operation
enumerator CosineExpanded#
cosine distance
enumerator L1#
L1 distance
enumerator L2Unexpanded#
evaluate as dist_ij += (x_ik - y-jk)^2
enumerator L2SqrtUnexpanded#
same as above, but inside the epilogue, perform square root operation
enumerator InnerProduct#
basic inner product
enumerator Linf#
Chebyshev (Linf) distance
enumerator Canberra#
Canberra distance
enumerator LpUnexpanded#
Generalized Minkowski distance
enumerator CorrelationExpanded#
Correlation distance
enumerator JaccardExpanded#
Jaccard distance
enumerator HellingerExpanded#
Hellinger distance
enumerator Haversine#
Haversine distance
enumerator BrayCurtis#
Bray-Curtis distance
enumerator JensenShannon#
Jensen-Shannon distance
enumerator HammingUnexpanded#
Hamming distance
enumerator KLDivergence#
enumerator RusselRaoExpanded#
enumerator DiceExpanded#
Dice-Sorensen distance
enumerator Precomputed#
Precomputed (special value)
enumerator L2Expanded#