API Reference ############# .. _`common`: Common ****** The `rapids_cmake` functions provide common CMake logic that numerous projects require. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: /command/rapids_cmake_build_type /command/rapids_cmake_install_lib_dir /command/rapids_cmake_make_global /command/rapids_cmake_parse_version /command/rapids_cmake_support_conda_env /command/rapids_cmake_write_git_revision_file /command/rapids_cmake_write_version_file .. _`cpm`: CPM *** The `rapids_cpm` functions allow projects to find or build dependencies with built-in tracking of these dependencies for correct export support. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: /command/rapids_cpm_init /command/rapids_cpm_find /command/rapids_cpm_generate_pinned_versions /command/rapids_cpm_package_override .. _`cpm_pre-configured_packages`: CPM Pre-Configured Packages *************************** These `rapids_cpm` functions allow projects to easily find or build common RAPIDS dependencies. These allow projects to make sure they use the same version and flags for dependencies as the rest of RAPIDS. The exact versions that each pre-configured package uses :ref:`can be found here. ` .. toctree:: :titlesonly: /packages/rapids_cpm_cccl /packages/rapids_cpm_cuco /packages/rapids_cpm_fmt /packages/rapids_cpm_gbench /packages/rapids_cpm_gtest /packages/rapids_cpm_libcudacxx /packages/rapids_cpm_nvbench /packages/rapids_cpm_nvcomp /packages/rapids_cpm_rmm /packages/rapids_cpm_spdlog /packages/rapids_cpm_thrust .. _`cython`: Cython ****** The `rapids-cython-core` module allows projects to easily build cython modules using `scikit-build-core `_. .. note:: Use of rapids-cython-core requires scikit-build-core. The behavior of the functions provided by this component is undefined if they are invoked outside of a build managed by scikit-build-core. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: /command/rapids_cython_core_init /command/rapids_cython_core_create_modules /command/rapids_cython_core_add_rpath_entries .. _`cython_legacy`: Cython (legacy) *************** .. note:: `rapids-cython` is deprecated. Please switch to `rapids-cython-core`. The `rapids_cython` functions allow projects to easily build cython modules using `scikit-build `_. .. note:: Use of the rapids-cython component of rapids-cmake requires scikit-build. The behavior of the functions provided by this component is undefined if they are invoked outside of a build managed by scikit-build. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: /command/rapids_cython_init /command/rapids_cython_create_modules /command/rapids_cython_add_rpath_entries .. _`find`: Find **** The `rapids_find` functions allow projects to find system dependencies with built-in tracking of these dependencies for correct export support. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: /command/rapids_find_generate_module /command/rapids_find_package .. _`cuda`: CUDA **** The `rapids_cuda` functions provide common CMake CUDA logic that numerous projects require. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: rapids_cuda_init_architectures rapids_cuda_init_runtime rapids_cuda_patch_toolkit rapids_cuda_set_runtime rapids_cuda_set_architectures [Advanced] .. _`export`: Export Set Generation ********************* These `rapids_export` functions allow projects to generate correct build and install tree `Project-Config.cmake` modules including required dependencies. For the vast majority of projects :cmake:command:`rapids_export` should be sufficient. But when not projects may use commands such as :cmake:command:`rapids_export_write_dependencies` and :cmake:command:`rapids_export_write_language` to create a custom `Project-Config.cmake`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 rapids_export rapids_export_write_dependencies [Advanced] rapids_export_write_language [Advanced] Export Set Tracking ******************* These `rapids_export` functions allow projects to track track dependencies for correct export generation. These should only be used when :cmake:command:`rapids_find_package`, :cmake:command:`rapids_cpm_find`, or :cmake:command:`rapids_find_generate_module` are insufficient. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: rapids_export_cpm [Advanced] rapids_export_find_package_file [Advanced] rapids_export_find_package_root [Advanced] rapids_export_package [Advanced] .. _`testing`: Testing ******* The `rapids_test` functions simplify CTest resource allocation, allowing for tests to run in parallel without over-allocating GPU resources. More information on resource allocation can be found in the rapids-cmake :ref:`Hardware Resources and Testing documentation `. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: /command/rapids_test_init /command/rapids_test_add /command/rapids_test_generate_resource_spec /command/rapids_test_gpu_requirements /command/rapids_test_install_relocatable