
group errors
struct logic_error : public std::logic_error
#include <error.hpp>

Exception thrown when logical precondition is violated.

This exception should not be thrown directly and is instead thrown by the RMM_EXPECTS macro.

struct cuda_error : public std::runtime_error
#include <error.hpp>

Exception thrown when a CUDA error is encountered.

class bad_alloc : public std::bad_alloc
#include <error.hpp>

Exception thrown when an RMM allocation fails.

Subclassed by rmm::out_of_memory

Public Functions

inline bad_alloc(const char *msg)

Constructs a bad_alloc with the error message.


msg – Message to be associated with the exception

inline bad_alloc(std::string const &msg)

Constructs a bad_alloc with the error message.


msg – Message to be associated with the exception

inline const char *what() const noexcept override

The explanatory string.


The explanatory string

class out_of_memory : public rmm::bad_alloc
#include <error.hpp>

Exception thrown when RMM runs out of memory.

This error should only be thrown when we know for sure a resource is out of memory.

Public Functions

inline out_of_memory(const char *msg)

Constructs an out_of_memory with the error message.


msg – Message to be associated with the exception

inline out_of_memory(std::string const &msg)

Constructs an out_of_memory with the error message.


msg – Message to be associated with the exception

class out_of_range : public std::out_of_range
#include <error.hpp>

Exception thrown when attempting to access outside of a defined range.