--- html_theme.sidebar_secondary.remove: true --- # Platforms `````{gridtoctree} 1 2 2 3 :gutter: 2 2 2 2 ````{grid-item-card} :link: kubernetes :link-type: doc Kubernetes ^^^ Launch RAPIDS containers and cluster on Kubernetes with various tools. {bdg}`single-node` {bdg}`multi-node` ```` ````{grid-item-card} :link: kubeflow :link-type: doc Kubeflow ^^^ Integrate RAPIDS with Kubeflow notebooks and pipelines. {bdg}`single-node` {bdg}`multi-node` ```` ````{grid-item-card} :link: kserve :link-type: doc KServe ^^^ Deploy RAPIDS models with KServe, a standard model inference platform for Kubernetes. {bdg}`multi-node` ```` ````{grid-item-card} :link: coiled :link-type: doc Coiled ^^^ Run RAPIDS on Coiled. {bdg}`multi-node` ```` ````{grid-item-card} :link: databricks :link-type: doc Databricks ^^^ Run RAPIDS on Databricks. {bdg}`single-node` ```` ````{grid-item-card} :link: colab :link-type: doc Google Colab ^^^ Run RAPIDS on Google Colab. {bdg}`single-node` ```` `````