Workflow Examples#
Scaling up Hyperparameter Optimization with NVIDIA DGX Cloud and XGBoost GPU Algorithm
xgboost optuna dask scikit-learn hpo nvidia/pym
Scaling up Hyperparameter Optimization with Kubernetes and XGBoost GPU Algorithm
xgboost optuna dask dask-kubernetes kubernetes kubeflow scikit-learn hpo
Scaling up Hyperparameter Optimization with Multi-GPU Workload on Kubernetes
xgboost optuna dask dask-kubernetes scikit-learn hpo kubeflow nyc-taxi gcs csv kubernetes
Getting Started with Optuna and RAPIDS for HPO
optuna dask hpo cuml numpy bnp-claims
Running RAPIDS Hyperparameter Experiments at Scale on Amazon SageMaker
aws/sagemaker hpo cudf cuml scikit-learn csv s3
Deep Dive into Running Hyper Parameter Optimization on AWS SageMaker
aws/sagemaker hpo xgboost cuml cupy cudf dask s3 parquet
Multi-node Multi-GPU Example on AWS using dask-cloudprovider
aws/ec2-multi cuml dask numpy dask-ml cudf randomforest dask-cloudprovider csv gcs
Autoscaling Multi-Tenant Kubernetes Deep-Dive
kubernetes gcp/gke dask-operator cuspatial dask cudf parquet gcs
HPO with dask-ml and cuml
airline numpy pandas xgboost dask dask-cuda dask-ml s3 hpo cuml aws/ec2 azure/azure-vm gcp/compute-engine ibm/virtual-server sklearn
Train and Hyperparameter-Tune with RAPIDS on AzureML
hpo azure/ml cudf cuml randomforest
Perform Time Series Forecasting on Google Kubernetes Engine with NVIDIA GPUs
kubernetes gcp/gke dask-operator hpo xgboost dask dask-cuda xgboost optuna gcs
HPO Benchmarking with RAPIDS and Dask
aws/ec2 s3 randomforest hpo xgboost dask dask-cuda xgboost optuna sklearn dask-ml
Training XGBoost with Dask RAPIDS in Databricks
databricks dask dask-cudf xgboost dask-deltatable dask-databricks dask-ml xgboost higgs csv databricks-delta-lake
Multi-Node Multi-GPU XGBoost Example on Azure using dask-cloudprovider
azure/azure-vm-multi dask-cloudprovider cudf cuml xgboost dask fil azure-data-lake nyc-taxi xgboost
Measuring Performance with the One Billion Row Challenge
dask-cuda ec2 sagemaker azure-vm ml compute-engine vertex-ai csv cudf cupy dask pandas