Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2019-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #pragma once
18 #include <cudf/types.hpp>
20 #include <cudf/utilities/error.hpp>
21 #include <cudf/utilities/prefetch.hpp>
22 #include <cudf/utilities/span.hpp>
26 #include <limits>
27 #include <type_traits>
28 #include <vector>
34 namespace CUDF_EXPORT cudf {
35 namespace detail {
55  public:
72  template <typename T = void,
73  CUDF_ENABLE_IF(std::is_same_v<T, void> or is_rep_layout_compatible<T>())>
74  T const* head() const noexcept
75  {
76  return static_cast<T const*>(get_data());
77  }
91  template <typename T, CUDF_ENABLE_IF(is_rep_layout_compatible<T>())>
92  T const* data() const noexcept
93  {
94  return head<T>() + _offset;
95  }
107  template <typename T, CUDF_ENABLE_IF(is_rep_layout_compatible<T>())>
108  T const* begin() const noexcept
109  {
110  return data<T>();
111  }
123  template <typename T, CUDF_ENABLE_IF(is_rep_layout_compatible<T>())>
124  T const* end() const noexcept
125  {
126  return begin<T>() + size();
127  }
134  [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const noexcept { return _size; }
141  [[nodiscard]] bool is_empty() const noexcept { return size() == 0; }
148  [[nodiscard]] data_type type() const noexcept { return _type; }
159  [[nodiscard]] bool nullable() const noexcept { return nullptr != _null_mask; }
166  [[nodiscard]] size_type null_count() const { return _null_count; }
182  [[nodiscard]] size_type null_count(size_type begin, size_type end) const;
191  [[nodiscard]] bool has_nulls() const { return null_count() > 0; }
205  [[nodiscard]] bool has_nulls(size_type begin, size_type end) const
206  {
207  return null_count(begin, end) > 0;
208  }
218  [[nodiscard]] bitmask_type const* null_mask() const noexcept { return _null_mask; }
226  [[nodiscard]] size_type offset() const noexcept { return _offset; }
228  protected:
238  virtual void const* get_data() const noexcept { return _data; }
240  data_type _type{type_id::EMPTY};
241  size_type _size{};
242  void const* _data{};
243  bitmask_type const* _null_mask{};
246  mutable size_type _null_count{};
247  size_type _offset{};
250  column_view_base() = default;
251  virtual ~column_view_base() = default;
252  column_view_base(column_view_base const&) = default;
292  size_type size,
293  void const* data,
294  bitmask_type const* null_mask,
296  size_type offset = 0);
297 };
299 } // namespace detail
322  public:
323  column_view() = default;
325  // these pragmas work around the nvcc issue where if a column_view is used
326  // inside of a __device__ code path, these functions will end up being created
327  // as __host__ __device__ because they are explicitly defaulted. However, if
328  // they then end up being called by a simple __host__ function
329  // (eg std::vector destructor) you get a compile error because you're trying to
330  // call a __host__ __device__ function from a __host__ function.
331 #ifdef __CUDACC__
332 #pragma nv_exec_check_disable
333 #endif
334  ~column_view() override = default;
335 #ifdef __CUDACC__
336 #pragma nv_exec_check_disable
337 #endif
338  column_view(column_view const&) = default;
339  column_view(column_view&&) = default;
345  column_view& operator=(column_view const&) = default;
380  size_type size,
381  void const* data,
382  bitmask_type const* null_mask,
384  size_type offset = 0,
385  std::vector<column_view> const& children = {});
393  [[nodiscard]] column_view child(size_type child_index) const noexcept
394  {
395  return _children[child_index];
396  }
403  [[nodiscard]] size_type num_children() const noexcept { return _children.size(); }
410  auto child_begin() const noexcept { return _children.cbegin(); }
417  auto child_end() const noexcept { return _children.cend(); }
427  template <typename T, CUDF_ENABLE_IF(cudf::is_numeric<T>() or cudf::is_chrono<T>())>
428  column_view(device_span<T const> data)
429  : column_view(
430  cudf::data_type{cudf::type_to_id<T>()}, data.size(),, nullptr, 0, 0, {})
431  {
433  data.size() <= static_cast<std::size_t>(std::numeric_limits<cudf::size_type>::max()),
434  "Data exceeds the column size limit",
435  std::overflow_error);
436  }
449  template <typename T, CUDF_ENABLE_IF(cudf::is_numeric<T>() or cudf::is_chrono<T>())>
450  [[nodiscard]] operator device_span<T const>() const
451  {
452  CUDF_EXPECTS(type() == cudf::data_type{cudf::type_to_id<T>()},
453  "Device span type must match column view type.");
454  CUDF_EXPECTS(!nullable(), "A nullable column view cannot be converted to a device span.");
455  return device_span<T const>(data<T>(), size());
456  }
458  protected:
468  void const* get_data() const noexcept override;
470  private:
471  friend column_view bit_cast(column_view const& input, data_type type);
473  std::vector<column_view> _children{};
475 }; // namespace cudf
498  public:
499  mutable_column_view() = default;
501  ~mutable_column_view() override{
502  // Needed so that the first instance of the implicit destructor for any TU isn't 'constructed'
503  // from a host+device function marking the implicit version also as host+device
504  };
547  size_type size,
548  void* data,
549  bitmask_type* null_mask,
551  size_type offset = 0,
552  std::vector<mutable_column_view> const& children = {});
569  template <typename T = void,
570  CUDF_ENABLE_IF(std::is_same_v<T, void> or is_rep_layout_compatible<T>())>
571  T* head() const noexcept
572  {
573  return const_cast<T*>(detail::column_view_base::head<T>());
574  }
588  template <typename T, CUDF_ENABLE_IF(is_rep_layout_compatible<T>())>
589  T* data() const noexcept
590  {
591  return const_cast<T*>(detail::column_view_base::data<T>());
592  }
604  template <typename T, CUDF_ENABLE_IF(is_rep_layout_compatible<T>())>
605  T* begin() const noexcept
606  {
607  return const_cast<T*>(detail::column_view_base::begin<T>());
608  }
620  template <typename T, CUDF_ENABLE_IF(is_rep_layout_compatible<T>())>
621  T* end() const noexcept
622  {
623  return const_cast<T*>(detail::column_view_base::end<T>());
624  }
635  [[nodiscard]] bitmask_type* null_mask() const noexcept
636  {
637  return const_cast<bitmask_type*>(detail::column_view_base::null_mask());
638  }
647  void set_null_count(size_type new_null_count);
655  [[nodiscard]] mutable_column_view child(size_type child_index) const noexcept
656  {
657  return mutable_children[child_index];
658  }
665  [[nodiscard]] size_type num_children() const noexcept { return mutable_children.size(); }
672  auto child_begin() const noexcept { return mutable_children.begin(); }
679  auto child_end() const noexcept { return mutable_children.end(); }
686  operator column_view() const;
688  protected:
698  void const* get_data() const noexcept override;
700  private:
703  std::vector<mutable_column_view> mutable_children;
704 };
760 namespace detail {
776 std::size_t shallow_hash(column_view const& input);
799 bool is_shallow_equivalent(column_view const& lhs, column_view const& rhs);
801 } // namespace detail
802 } // namespace CUDF_EXPORT cudf
A non-owning, immutable view of device data as a column of elements, some of which may be null as ind...
column_view(column_view &&)=default
Move constructor.
size_type num_children() const noexcept
Returns the number of child columns.
auto child_begin() const noexcept
Returns iterator to the beginning of the ordered sequence of child column-views.
column_view & operator=(column_view &&)=default
Move assignment operator.
column_view & operator=(column_view const &)=default
Copy assignment operator.
void const * get_data() const noexcept override
Returns pointer to the base device memory allocation.
auto child_end() const noexcept
Returns iterator to the end of the ordered sequence of child column-views.
column_view child(size_type child_index) const noexcept
Returns the specified child.
column_view(data_type type, size_type size, void const *data, bitmask_type const *null_mask, size_type null_count, size_type offset=0, std::vector< column_view > const &children={})
Construct a column_view from pointers to device memory for the elements and bitmask of the column.
column_view(column_view const &)=default
Copy constructor.
Indicator for the logical data type of an element in a column.
Definition: types.hpp:243
A non-owning, immutable view of device data as a column of elements, some of which may be null as ind...
Definition: column_view.hpp:54
size_type null_count(size_type begin, size_type end) const
Returns the count of null elements in the range [begin, end)
T const * end() const noexcept
Return one past the last element after underlying data is casted to the specified type.
data_type type() const noexcept
Returns the element data_type
column_view_base(column_view_base &&)=default
Move constructor.
column_view_base(data_type type, size_type size, void const *data, bitmask_type const *null_mask, size_type null_count, size_type offset=0)
Construct a column_view_base from pointers to device memory for the elements and bitmask of the colum...
size_type null_count() const
Returns the count of null elements.
column_view_base & operator=(column_view_base const &)=default
Copy assignment operator.
column_view_base & operator=(column_view_base &&)=default
Move assignment operator.
size_type size() const noexcept
Returns the number of elements in the column.
T const * begin() const noexcept
Return first element (accounting for offset) after underlying data is casted to the specified type.
T const * data() const noexcept
Returns the underlying data casted to the specified type, plus the offset.
Definition: column_view.hpp:92
size_type offset() const noexcept
Returns the index of the first element relative to the base memory allocation, i.e....
virtual void const * get_data() const noexcept
Returns pointer to the base device memory allocation.
T const * head() const noexcept
Returns pointer to the base device memory allocation casted to the specified type.
Definition: column_view.hpp:74
bool has_nulls(size_type begin, size_type end) const
Indicates if the column contains null elements in the range [begin, end), i.e., null_count(begin,...
bool has_nulls() const
Indicates if the column contains null elements, i.e., null_count() > 0
bitmask_type const * null_mask() const noexcept
Returns raw pointer to the underlying bitmask allocation.
bool nullable() const noexcept
Indicates if the column can contain null elements, i.e., if it has an allocated bitmask.
column_view_base(column_view_base const &)=default
Copy constructor.
bool is_empty() const noexcept
Returns true if size() returns zero, or false otherwise.
A non-owning, mutable view of device data as a column of elements, some of which may be null as indic...
T * head() const noexcept
Returns pointer to the base device memory allocation casted to the specified type.
size_type num_children() const noexcept
Returns the number of child columns.
T * begin() const noexcept
Return first element (accounting for offset) after underlying data is casted to the specified type.
void set_null_count(size_type new_null_count)
Set the null count.
auto child_begin() const noexcept
Returns iterator to the beginning of the ordered sequence of child column-views.
mutable_column_view(data_type type, size_type size, void *data, bitmask_type *null_mask, size_type null_count, size_type offset=0, std::vector< mutable_column_view > const &children={})
Construct a mutable_column_view from pointers to device memory for the elements and bitmask of the co...
T * data() const noexcept
Returns the underlying data casted to the specified type, plus the offset.
mutable_column_view(mutable_column_view const &)=default
Copy constructor.
mutable_column_view & operator=(mutable_column_view &&)=default
Move assignment operator.
mutable_column_view & operator=(mutable_column_view const &)=default
Copy assignment operator.
auto child_end() const noexcept
Returns iterator to the end of the ordered sequence of child column-views.
bitmask_type * null_mask() const noexcept
Returns raw pointer to the underlying bitmask allocation.
void const * get_data() const noexcept override
Returns pointer to the base device memory allocation.
mutable_column_view child(size_type child_index) const noexcept
Returns a reference to the specified child.
mutable_column_view(mutable_column_view &&)=default
Move constructor.
T * end() const noexcept
Return one past the last element after underlying data is casted to the specified type.
std::size_t shallow_hash(column_view const &input)
Computes a hash value from the shallow state of the specified column.
bool is_shallow_equivalent(column_view const &lhs, column_view const &rhs)
Uses only shallow state to determine if two column_views view equivalent columns.
cudf::size_type null_count(bitmask_type const *bitmask, size_type start, size_type stop, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream())
Given a validity bitmask, counts the number of null elements (unset bits) in the range [start,...
#define CUDF_EXPECTS(...)
Macro for checking (pre-)conditions that throws an exception when a condition is violated.
Definition: error.hpp:178
int32_t size_type
Row index type for columns and tables.
Definition: types.hpp:95
uint32_t bitmask_type
Bitmask type stored as 32-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: types.hpp:96
constexpr bool is_chrono()
Indicates whether the type T is a chrono type.
Definition: traits.hpp:447
#define CUDF_ENABLE_IF(...)
Convenience macro for SFINAE as an unnamed template parameter.
Definition: traits.hpp:50
cuDF interfaces
Definition: aggregation.hpp:35
bool nullable(table_view const &view)
Returns True if any of the columns in the table is nullable. (not entire hierarchy)
mutable_column_view bit_cast(mutable_column_view const &input, data_type type)
Zero-copy cast between types with the same size and compatible underlying representations.
size_type count_descendants(column_view parent)
Counts the number of descendants of the specified parent.
APIs for spans.
Device version of C++20 std::span with reduced feature set.
Definition: span.hpp:328
Defines the mapping between cudf::type_id runtime type information and concrete C++ types.
Type declarations for libcudf.