▼Nucxx | |
▼Ndata | |
CAmSend | Data for an Active Message send |
CAmReceive | Data for an Active Message receive |
CEndpointClose | Data for an endpoint close operation |
CFlush | Data for a flush operation |
CMemPut | Data for a memory send |
CMemGet | Data for a memory receive |
CStreamSend | Data for a Stream send |
CStreamReceive | Data for an Stream receive |
CTagSend | Data for a Tag send |
CTagReceive | Data for a Tag receive |
CTagMultiSend | Data for a multi-buffer Tag send |
CTagMultiReceive | Data for a multi-buffer Tag receive |
Cdispatch | |
▼Ninternal | |
CRecvAmMessage | Handle receiving of a ucxx::RequestAm |
CAmData | Active Message data owned by a ucxx::Worker |
▼Npython | |
▼Ndetail | |
CPythonFutureTask | A bridge of C++ and Python futures |
CNotifier | Specialized Python implementation of a ucxx::Notifier |
CFuture | Specialized Python implementation of a ucxx::Future |
CPythonFutureTask | User-facing bridge of C++ and Python futures |
CPythonFutureTaskCollector | A garbage-collector for Python futures |
CWorker | Specialized Python implementation of a ucxx::Worker |
▼Nutils | |
CCallbackNotifier | |
CAddress | Component encapsulating the address of a UCP worker |
CBuffer | A simple object to simplify managing buffers |
CHostBuffer | A simple object containing a host buffer |
CComponent | A UCXX component class to prevent early destruction of parent object |
CConfig | Component encapsulating the UCP configuration |
CContext | Component encapsulating the UCP context |
CBaseDelayedSubmissionCollection | Base type for a collection of delayed submissions |
CRequestDelayedSubmissionCollection | A collection of delayed request submissions |
CGenericDelayedSubmissionCollection | A collection of delayed submissions of generic callbacks |
CDelayedSubmissionCollection | A collection of delayed submissions of multiple types |
CEpParamsDeleter | Deleter for a endpoint parameters object |
CEndpoint | Component encapsulating a UCP endpoint |
CError | The base class for all UCX exceptions |
CNoMessageError | The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_MESSAGE |
CNoResourceError | The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_RESOURCE |
CIOError | The exception for UCS_ERR_IO_ERROR |
CNoMemoryError | The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_MEMORY |
CInvalidParamError | The exception for UCS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM |
CUnreachableError | The exception for UCS_ERR_UNREACHABLE |
CInvalidAddrError | The exception for UCS_ERR_INVALID_ADDR |
CNotImplementedError | The exception for UCS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED |
CMessageTruncatedError | The exception for UCS_ERR_MESSAGE_TRUNCATED |
CNoProgressError | The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_PROGRESS |
CBufferTooSmallError | The exception for UCS_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL |
CNoElemError | The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_ELEM |
CSomeConnectsFailedError | The exception for UCS_ERR_SOME_CONNECTS_FAILED |
CNoDeviceError | The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_DEVICE |
CBusyError | The exception for UCS_ERR_BUSY |
CCanceledError | The exception for UCS_ERR_CANCELED |
CShmemSegmentError | The exception for UCS_ERR_SHMEM_SEGMENT |
CAlreadyExistsError | The exception for UCS_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS |
COutOfRangeError | The exception for UCS_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE |
CTimedOutError | The exception for UCS_ERR_TIMED_OUT |
CExceedsLimitError | The exception for UCS_ERR_EXCEEDS_LIMIT |
CUnsupportedError | The exception for UCS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED |
CRejectedError | The exception for UCS_ERR_REJECTED |
CNotConnectedError | The exception for UCS_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED |
CConnectionResetError | The exception for UCS_ERR_CONNECTION_RESET |
CFirstLinkFailureError | The exception for UCS_ERR_FIRST_LINK_FAILURE |
CLastLinkFailureError | The exception for UCS_ERR_LAST_LINK_FAILURE |
CFirstEndpointFailureError | The exception for UCS_ERR_FIRST_ENDPOINT_FAILURE |
CEndpointTimeoutError | The exception for UCS_ERR_ENDPOINT_TIMEOUT |
CLastEndpointFailureError | The exception for UCS_ERR_LAST_ENDPOINT_FAILURE |
CFuture | Represent a future that may be notified by a specialized notifier |
CHeader | A serializable object containing metadata of multiple buffers |
CTrackedRequests | A container for the different types of tracked requests |
CInflightRequests | Handle tracked requests |
CListener | Component encapsulating a UCP listener |
CMemoryHandle | Component holding a UCP memory handle |
CNotifier | Notifier for status of futures |
CRemoteKey | Component holding a UCP rkey (remote key) |
CRequest | Base type for a UCXX transfer request |
CRequestAm | Send or receive a message with the UCX Active Message API |
CRequestEndpointClose | Send or receive a message with the UCX Tag API |
CRequestFlush | Flush a UCP endpoint or worker |
CRequestMem | |
CRequestStream | Send or receive a message with the UCX Stream API |
CRequestTag | Send or receive a message with the UCX Tag API |
CBufferRequest | Container for data required by a ucxx::RequestTagMulti |
CRequestTagMulti | Send or receive multiple messages with the UCX Tag API |
CAmReceiverCallbackInfo | Information of an Active Message receiver callback |
CWorker | Component encapsulating a UCP worker |
CWorkerProgressThread | A thread to progress a ucxx::Worker |