29 namespace CUDF_EXPORT
cudf {
73 using column_view::child_begin;
74 using column_view::child_end;
77 using column_view::null_mask;
78 using column_view::num_children;
79 using column_view::offset;
80 using column_view::size;
A non-owning, immutable view of device data as a column of elements, some of which may be null as ind...
Given a column view of struct type, an instance of this class provides a wrapper on this compound col...
column_view get_sliced_child(int index, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream()) const
Returns the internal child column, applying any offset from the root.
column_view parent() const
Returns the parent column.
structs_column_view & operator=(structs_column_view const &)=default
Copy assignment operator.
structs_column_view(column_view const &col)
Construct a new structs column view object from a column view.
structs_column_view(structs_column_view &&)=default
Move constructor.
structs_column_view(structs_column_view const &)=default
Copy constructor.
structs_column_view & operator=(structs_column_view &&)=default
Move assignment operator.
Class definition for cudf::column.
column view class definitions
cudf::size_type null_count(bitmask_type const *bitmask, size_type start, size_type stop, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream=cudf::get_default_stream())
Given a validity bitmask, counts the number of null elements (unset bits) in the range [start,...
rmm::cuda_stream_view const get_default_stream()
Get the current default stream.
bool has_nulls(table_view const &view)
Returns True if the table has nulls in any of its columns.