This is the complete list of members for ucxx::Endpoint, including all inherited members.
_parent | ucxx::Component | protected |
amRecv(const bool enablePythonFuture=false, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
amSend(void *buffer, const size_t length, const ucs_memory_type_t memoryType, const std::optional< AmReceiverCallbackInfo > receiverCallbackInfo=std::nullopt, const bool enablePythonFuture=false, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
cancelInflightRequests() | ucxx::Endpoint | |
cancelInflightRequestsBlocking(uint64_t period=0, uint64_t maxAttempts=1) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
close(const bool enablePythonFuture=false, EndpointCloseCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, EndpointCloseCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
closeBlocking(uint64_t period=0, uint64_t maxAttempts=1) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
createEndpointFromConnRequest(std::shared_ptr< Listener > listener, ucp_conn_request_h connRequest, bool endpointErrorHandling) | ucxx::Endpoint | friend |
createEndpointFromHostname(std::shared_ptr< Worker > worker, std::string ipAddress, uint16_t port, bool endpointErrorHandling) | ucxx::Endpoint | friend |
createEndpointFromWorkerAddress(std::shared_ptr< Worker > worker, std::shared_ptr< Address > address, bool endpointErrorHandling) | ucxx::Endpoint | friend |
Endpoint()=delete (defined in ucxx::Endpoint) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
Endpoint(const Endpoint &)=delete (defined in ucxx::Endpoint) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
Endpoint(Endpoint &&o)=delete (defined in ucxx::Endpoint) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
endpointErrorCallback(void *arg, ucp_ep_h ep, ucs_status_t status) | ucxx::Endpoint | friend |
flush(const bool enablePythonFuture=false, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
getCancelingSize() const | ucxx::Endpoint | |
getHandle() | ucxx::Endpoint | |
getParent() const | ucxx::Component | |
getWorker() | ucxx::Endpoint | |
isAlive() const | ucxx::Endpoint | |
memGet(void *buffer, size_t length, uint64_t remoteAddr, ucp_rkey_h rkey, const bool enablePythonFuture=false, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
memGet(void *buffer, size_t length, std::shared_ptr< ucxx::RemoteKey > remoteKey, uint64_t remoteAddrOffset=0, const bool enablePythonFuture=false, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
memPut(void *buffer, size_t length, uint64_t remote_addr, ucp_rkey_h rkey, const bool enablePythonFuture=false, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
memPut(void *buffer, size_t length, std::shared_ptr< ucxx::RemoteKey > remoteKey, uint64_t remoteAddrOffset=0, const bool enablePythonFuture=false, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
operator=(Endpoint const &)=delete (defined in ucxx::Endpoint) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
operator=(Endpoint &&o)=delete (defined in ucxx::Endpoint) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
raiseOnError() | ucxx::Endpoint | |
removeInflightRequest(const Request *const request) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
setCloseCallback(EndpointCloseCallbackUserFunction closeCallback, EndpointCloseCallbackUserData closeCallbackArg) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
setParent(std::shared_ptr< Component > parent) | ucxx::Component | |
streamRecv(void *buffer, size_t length, const bool enablePythonFuture) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
streamSend(void *buffer, size_t length, const bool enablePythonFuture) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
tagMultiRecv(const Tag tag, const TagMask tagMask, const bool enablePythonFuture) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
tagMultiSend(const std::vector< void * > &buffer, const std::vector< size_t > &size, const std::vector< int > &isCUDA, const Tag tag, const bool enablePythonFuture) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
tagRecv(void *buffer, size_t length, Tag tag, TagMask tagMask, const bool enablePythonFuture=false, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
tagSend(void *buffer, size_t length, Tag tag, const bool enablePythonFuture=false, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction=nullptr, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData=nullptr) | ucxx::Endpoint | |
~Component() (defined in ucxx::Component) | ucxx::Component | virtual |
~Endpoint() (defined in ucxx::Endpoint) | ucxx::Endpoint |