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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAmSendData for an Active Message send
 CAmReceiveData for an Active Message receive
 CEndpointCloseData for an endpoint close operation
 CFlushData for a flush operation
 CMemPutData for a memory send
 CMemGetData for a memory receive
 CStreamSendData for a Stream send
 CStreamReceiveData for an Stream receive
 CTagSendData for a Tag send
 CTagReceiveData for a Tag receive
 CTagMultiSendData for a multi-buffer Tag send
 CTagMultiReceiveData for a multi-buffer Tag receive
 CRecvAmMessageHandle receiving of a ucxx::RequestAm
 CAmDataActive Message data owned by a ucxx::Worker
 CPythonFutureTaskA bridge of C++ and Python futures
 CNotifierSpecialized Python implementation of a ucxx::Notifier
 CFutureSpecialized Python implementation of a ucxx::Future
 CPythonFutureTaskUser-facing bridge of C++ and Python futures
 CPythonFutureTaskCollectorA garbage-collector for Python futures
 CWorkerSpecialized Python implementation of a ucxx::Worker
 CAddressComponent encapsulating the address of a UCP worker
 CBufferA simple object to simplify managing buffers
 CHostBufferA simple object containing a host buffer
 CComponentA UCXX component class to prevent early destruction of parent object
 CConfigComponent encapsulating the UCP configuration
 CContextComponent encapsulating the UCP context
 CBaseDelayedSubmissionCollectionBase type for a collection of delayed submissions
 CRequestDelayedSubmissionCollectionA collection of delayed request submissions
 CGenericDelayedSubmissionCollectionA collection of delayed submissions of generic callbacks
 CDelayedSubmissionCollectionA collection of delayed submissions of multiple types
 CEpParamsDeleterDeleter for a endpoint parameters object
 CEndpointComponent encapsulating a UCP endpoint
 CErrorThe base class for all UCX exceptions
 CNoMessageErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_NO_MESSAGE
 CNoResourceErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_NO_RESOURCE
 CIOErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_IO_ERROR
 CNoMemoryErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_NO_MEMORY
 CInvalidParamErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
 CUnreachableErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_UNREACHABLE
 CInvalidAddrErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_INVALID_ADDR
 CNotImplementedErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
 CMessageTruncatedErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_MESSAGE_TRUNCATED
 CNoProgressErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_NO_PROGRESS
 CBufferTooSmallErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
 CNoElemErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_NO_ELEM
 CSomeConnectsFailedErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_SOME_CONNECTS_FAILED
 CNoDeviceErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_NO_DEVICE
 CBusyErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_BUSY
 CCanceledErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_CANCELED
 CShmemSegmentErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_SHMEM_SEGMENT
 CAlreadyExistsErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS
 COutOfRangeErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE
 CTimedOutErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_TIMED_OUT
 CExceedsLimitErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_EXCEEDS_LIMIT
 CUnsupportedErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED
 CRejectedErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_REJECTED
 CNotConnectedErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED
 CConnectionResetErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
 CFirstLinkFailureErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_FIRST_LINK_FAILURE
 CLastLinkFailureErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_LAST_LINK_FAILURE
 CFirstEndpointFailureErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_FIRST_ENDPOINT_FAILURE
 CEndpointTimeoutErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_ENDPOINT_TIMEOUT
 CLastEndpointFailureErrorThe exception for UCS_ERR_LAST_ENDPOINT_FAILURE
 CFutureRepresent a future that may be notified by a specialized notifier
 CHeaderA serializable object containing metadata of multiple buffers
 CTrackedRequestsA container for the different types of tracked requests
 CInflightRequestsHandle tracked requests
 CListenerComponent encapsulating a UCP listener
 CMemoryHandleComponent holding a UCP memory handle
 CNotifierNotifier for status of futures
 CRemoteKeyComponent holding a UCP rkey (remote key)
 CRequestBase type for a UCXX transfer request
 CRequestAmSend or receive a message with the UCX Active Message API
 CRequestEndpointCloseSend or receive a message with the UCX Tag API
 CRequestFlushFlush a UCP endpoint or worker
 CRequestStreamSend or receive a message with the UCX Stream API
 CRequestTagSend or receive a message with the UCX Tag API
 CBufferRequestContainer for data required by a ucxx::RequestTagMulti
 CRequestTagMultiSend or receive multiple messages with the UCX Tag API
 CTagRecvInfoInformation about probed tag message
 CAmReceiverCallbackInfoInformation of an Active Message receiver callback
 CWorkerComponent encapsulating a UCP worker
 CWorkerProgressThreadA thread to progress a ucxx::Worker