Classes | |
class | Address |
Component encapsulating the address of a UCP worker. More... | |
class | Buffer |
A simple object to simplify managing buffers. More... | |
class | HostBuffer |
A simple object containing a host buffer. More... | |
class | Component |
A UCXX component class to prevent early destruction of parent object. More... | |
class | Config |
Component encapsulating the UCP configuration. More... | |
class | Context |
Component encapsulating the UCP context. More... | |
class | BaseDelayedSubmissionCollection |
Base type for a collection of delayed submissions. More... | |
class | RequestDelayedSubmissionCollection |
A collection of delayed request submissions. More... | |
class | GenericDelayedSubmissionCollection |
A collection of delayed submissions of generic callbacks. More... | |
class | DelayedSubmissionCollection |
A collection of delayed submissions of multiple types. More... | |
struct | EpParamsDeleter |
Deleter for a endpoint parameters object. More... | |
class | Endpoint |
Component encapsulating a UCP endpoint. More... | |
class | Error |
The base class for all UCX exceptions. More... | |
class | NoMessageError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_MESSAGE . More... | |
class | NoResourceError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_RESOURCE . More... | |
class | IOError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_IO_ERROR . More... | |
class | NoMemoryError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_MEMORY . More... | |
class | InvalidParamError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM . More... | |
class | UnreachableError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_UNREACHABLE . More... | |
class | InvalidAddrError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_INVALID_ADDR . More... | |
class | NotImplementedError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED . More... | |
class | MessageTruncatedError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_MESSAGE_TRUNCATED . More... | |
class | NoProgressError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_PROGRESS . More... | |
class | BufferTooSmallError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL . More... | |
class | NoElemError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_ELEM . More... | |
class | SomeConnectsFailedError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_SOME_CONNECTS_FAILED . More... | |
class | NoDeviceError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_NO_DEVICE . More... | |
class | BusyError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_BUSY . More... | |
class | CanceledError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_CANCELED . More... | |
class | ShmemSegmentError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_SHMEM_SEGMENT . More... | |
class | AlreadyExistsError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS . More... | |
class | OutOfRangeError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE . More... | |
class | TimedOutError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_TIMED_OUT . More... | |
class | ExceedsLimitError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_EXCEEDS_LIMIT . More... | |
class | UnsupportedError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED . More... | |
class | RejectedError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_REJECTED . More... | |
class | NotConnectedError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED . More... | |
class | ConnectionResetError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_CONNECTION_RESET . More... | |
class | FirstLinkFailureError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_FIRST_LINK_FAILURE . More... | |
class | LastLinkFailureError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_LAST_LINK_FAILURE . More... | |
class | FirstEndpointFailureError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_FIRST_ENDPOINT_FAILURE . More... | |
class | EndpointTimeoutError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_ENDPOINT_TIMEOUT . More... | |
class | LastEndpointFailureError |
The exception for UCS_ERR_LAST_ENDPOINT_FAILURE . More... | |
class | Future |
Represent a future that may be notified by a specialized notifier. More... | |
class | Header |
A serializable object containing metadata of multiple buffers. More... | |
struct | TrackedRequests |
A container for the different types of tracked requests. More... | |
class | InflightRequests |
Handle tracked requests. More... | |
class | Listener |
Component encapsulating a UCP listener. More... | |
class | MemoryHandle |
Component holding a UCP memory handle. More... | |
class | Notifier |
Notifier for status of futures. More... | |
class | RemoteKey |
Component holding a UCP rkey (remote key). More... | |
class | Request |
Base type for a UCXX transfer request. More... | |
class | RequestAm |
Send or receive a message with the UCX Active Message API. More... | |
class | RequestEndpointClose |
Send or receive a message with the UCX Tag API. More... | |
class | RequestFlush |
Flush a UCP endpoint or worker. More... | |
class | RequestMem |
class | RequestStream |
Send or receive a message with the UCX Stream API. More... | |
class | RequestTag |
Send or receive a message with the UCX Tag API. More... | |
struct | BufferRequest |
Container for data required by a ucxx::RequestTagMulti . More... | |
class | RequestTagMulti |
Send or receive multiple messages with the UCX Tag API. More... | |
class | TagRecvInfo |
Information about probed tag message. More... | |
class | AmReceiverCallbackInfo |
Information of an Active Message receiver callback. More... | |
class | Worker |
Component encapsulating a UCP worker. More... | |
class | WorkerProgressThread |
A thread to progress a ucxx::Worker . More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::function< void()> | DelayedSubmissionCallbackType |
A user-defined function to execute as part of delayed submission callback. More... | |
typedef uint64_t | ItemIdType |
typedef std::map< const Request *const, std::shared_ptr< Request > > | InflightRequestsMap |
An inflight request map. More... | |
typedef struct ucxx::TrackedRequests | TrackedRequests |
A container for the different types of tracked requests. More... | |
typedef std::unique_ptr< TrackedRequests > | TrackedRequestsPtr |
Pre-defined type for a pointer to a container of tracked requests. More... | |
typedef size_t | SerializedRemoteKeyHash |
typedef std::shared_ptr< BufferRequest > | BufferRequestPtr |
Pre-defined type for a pointer to an ucxx::BufferRequest . More... | |
typedef std::shared_ptr< RequestTagMulti > | RequestTagMultiPtr |
Pre-defined type for a pointer to an ucxx::RequestTagMulti . More... | |
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > | ConfigMap |
A UCP configuration map. More... | |
typedef std::function< void(ucs_status_t, std::shared_ptr< void >)> | RequestCallbackUserFunction |
A user-defined function to execute as part of a ucxx::Request callback. More... | |
typedef std::shared_ptr< void > | RequestCallbackUserData |
Data for the user-defined function provided to the ucxx::Request callback. More... | |
typedef RequestCallbackUserFunction | EndpointCloseCallbackUserFunction |
A user-defined function to execute after an endpoint closes. More... | |
typedef RequestCallbackUserData | EndpointCloseCallbackUserData |
Data for the user-defined function provided to endpoint close callback. More... | |
typedef std::function< std::shared_ptr< Buffer >size_t)> | AmAllocatorType |
Custom Active Message allocator type. More... | |
typedef std::function< void(std::shared_ptr< Request >, ucp_ep_h)> | AmReceiverCallbackType |
Active Message receiver callback. More... | |
typedef std::string | AmReceiverCallbackOwnerType |
Active Message receiver callback owner name. More... | |
typedef uint64_t | AmReceiverCallbackIdType |
Active Message receiver callback identifier. More... | |
typedef const std::string | AmReceiverCallbackInfoSerialized |
typedef const std::string | SerializedRemoteKey |
typedef std::function< void(void)> | SignalWorkerFunction |
A user-defined function used to wake the worker. More... | |
typedef std::function< void(void *)> | ProgressThreadStartCallback |
A user-defined function to execute at the start of the progress thread. More... | |
typedef void * | ProgressThreadStartCallbackArg |
Data for the user-defined function provided to progress thread start callback. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | BufferType { Host = 0 , RMM , Invalid } |
The type of a buffer. More... | |
enum class | RequestNotifierThreadState { NotRunning = 0 , Running , Stopping } |
The state of the notifier thread. More... | |
enum class | RequestNotifierWaitState { Ready = 0 , Timeout , Shutdown } |
The state with which a wait operation completed. More... | |
Available logging levels. More... | |
enum class | TransferDirection { Send = 0 , Receive } |
The direction of a UCXX transfer. More... | |
enum | Tag : ucp_tag_t |
Strong type for a UCP tag. More... | |
enum | TagMask : ucp_tag_t |
Strong type for a UCP tag mask. More... | |
Functions | |
std::shared_ptr< Buffer > | allocateBuffer (BufferType bufferType, const size_t size) |
Allocate a buffer of specified type and size. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< Address > | createAddressFromWorker (std::shared_ptr< Worker > worker) |
std::shared_ptr< Address > | createAddressFromString (std::string addressString) |
std::shared_ptr< Context > | createContext (const ConfigMap ucxConfig, const uint64_t featureFlags) |
std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > | createEndpointFromHostname (std::shared_ptr< Worker > worker, std::string ipAddress, uint16_t port, bool endpointErrorHandling) |
std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > | createEndpointFromConnRequest (std::shared_ptr< Listener > listener, ucp_conn_request_h connRequest, bool endpointErrorHandling) |
std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > | createEndpointFromWorkerAddress (std::shared_ptr< Worker > worker, std::shared_ptr< Address > address, bool endpointErrorHandling) |
std::shared_ptr< Listener > | createListener (std::shared_ptr< Worker > worker, uint16_t port, ucp_listener_conn_callback_t callback, void *callbackArgs) |
std::shared_ptr< Worker > | createWorker (std::shared_ptr< Context > context, const bool enableDelayedSubmission, const bool enableFuture) |
std::shared_ptr< MemoryHandle > | createMemoryHandle (std::shared_ptr< Context > context, const size_t size, void *buffer=nullptr, const ucs_memory_type_t memoryType=UCS_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST) |
std::shared_ptr< RemoteKey > | createRemoteKeyFromMemoryHandle (std::shared_ptr< MemoryHandle > memoryHandle) |
std::shared_ptr< RemoteKey > | createRemoteKeyFromSerialized (std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > endpoint, SerializedRemoteKey serializedRemoteKey) |
std::shared_ptr< RequestAm > | createRequestAm (std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > endpoint, const std::variant< data::AmSend, data::AmReceive > requestData, const bool enablePythonFuture, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData) |
std::shared_ptr< RequestEndpointClose > | createRequestEndpointClose (std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > endpoint, const data::EndpointClose requestData, const bool enablePythonFuture, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData) |
std::shared_ptr< RequestFlush > | createRequestFlush (std::shared_ptr< Component > endpointOrWorker, const data::Flush requestData, const bool enablePythonFuture, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData) |
std::shared_ptr< RequestStream > | createRequestStream (std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > endpoint, const std::variant< data::StreamSend, data::StreamReceive > requestData, const bool enablePythonFuture) |
std::shared_ptr< RequestTag > | createRequestTag (std::shared_ptr< Component > endpointOrWorker, const std::variant< data::TagSend, data::TagReceive > requestData, const bool enablePythonFuture, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData) |
std::shared_ptr< RequestMem > | createRequestMem (std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > endpoint, const std::variant< data::MemPut, data::MemGet > requestData, const bool enablePythonFuture, RequestCallbackUserFunction callbackFunction, RequestCallbackUserData callbackData) |
std::shared_ptr< RequestTagMulti > | createRequestTagMulti (std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > endpoint, const std::variant< data::TagMultiSend, data::TagMultiReceive > requestData, const bool enablePythonFuture) |
void | parseLogLevel () |
Parse the active log level. More... | |
void | waitSingleRequest (std::shared_ptr< Worker > worker, std::shared_ptr< Request > request) |
Wait for a single request to complete. More... | |
void | waitRequests (std::shared_ptr< Worker > worker, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Request >> requests) |
Wait for a multiple requests to complete. More... | |
Variables | |
const size_t | HeaderFramesSize |
The number of buffers contained in a single ucxx::Header object. More... | |
ucs_log_component_config_t | ucxx_log_component_config |
The UCXX log level component configuration. More... | |
const std::unordered_map< std::string, ucxx_log_level_t > | logLevelNames |
Map of log level names to their respective types. More... | |
const char | logLevelNameDefault [] = "WARN" |
The name of the default log level. More... | |
const ucs_log_level_t | logLevelDefault = (ucs_log_level_t) |
The type of the default log level. More... | |
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2025, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
typedef std::function<std::shared_ptr<Buffer>size_t)> ucxx::AmAllocatorType |
Custom Active Message allocator type.
Type for a custom Active Message allocator that can be registered by a user so that the Active Message receiver can allocate a buffer of such type upon receiving message.
typedef uint64_t ucxx::AmReceiverCallbackIdType |
Active Message receiver callback identifier.
A 64-bit unsigned integer unique identifier type of an Active Message receiver callback.
typedef std::string ucxx::AmReceiverCallbackOwnerType |
Active Message receiver callback owner name.
A string containing the owner's name of an Active Message receiver callback. The owner should be a reasonably unique name, usually identifying the application, to allow other applications to coexist and register their own receiver callbacks.
typedef std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<Request>, ucp_ep_h)> ucxx::AmReceiverCallbackType |
Active Message receiver callback.
Type for a custom Active Message receiver callback, executed by the remote worker upon Active Message request completion. The first parameter is the request that completed, the second is the handle of the UCX endpoint of the sender.
typedef std::shared_ptr<BufferRequest> ucxx::BufferRequestPtr |
Pre-defined type for a pointer to an ucxx::BufferRequest
A pre-defined type for a pointer to a ucxx::BufferRequest
, used as a convenience type.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ucxx::ConfigMap |
A UCP configuration map.
A UCP configuration map, with keys being the configuration name and value being the actual value set.
typedef std::function<void()> ucxx::DelayedSubmissionCallbackType |
A user-defined function to execute as part of delayed submission callback.
A user-defined function to execute in the scope of a ucxx::DelayedSubmission
, allowing execution of custom code upon the completion of the delayed submission.
Data for the user-defined function provided to endpoint close callback.
Data passed to the user-defined function provided to the endpoint close callback, which the custom user-defined function may act upon.
A user-defined function to execute after an endpoint closes.
A user-defined function to execute after an endpoint closes, allowing execution of custom code after such event.
typedef std::map<const Request* const, std::shared_ptr<Request> > ucxx::InflightRequestsMap |
An inflight request map.
A map of inflight requests, where keys are a unique identifier of the request and value is the reference-counted ucxx::Request
typedef std::function<void(void*)> ucxx::ProgressThreadStartCallback |
A user-defined function to execute at the start of the progress thread.
A user-defined function to execute at the start of the progress thread, used for example to ensure resources are properly set for the thread, such as a CUDA context.
typedef void* ucxx::ProgressThreadStartCallbackArg |
Data for the user-defined function provided to progress thread start callback.
Data passed to the user-defined function provided to the callback executed when the progress thread starts, which the custom user-defined function may act upon.
typedef std::shared_ptr<void> ucxx::RequestCallbackUserData |
Data for the user-defined function provided to the ucxx::Request
Data passed to the user-defined function provided to the ucxx::Request
callback, which the custom user-defined function may act upon.
typedef std::function<void(ucs_status_t, std::shared_ptr<void>)> ucxx::RequestCallbackUserFunction |
A user-defined function to execute as part of a ucxx::Request
A user-defined function to execute as part of a ucxx::Request
callback, allowing execution of custom code upon request completion.
typedef std::shared_ptr<RequestTagMulti> ucxx::RequestTagMultiPtr |
Pre-defined type for a pointer to an ucxx::RequestTagMulti
A pre-defined type for a pointer to a ucxx::RequestTagMulti
, used as a convenience type.
typedef std::function<void(void)> ucxx::SignalWorkerFunction |
A user-defined function used to wake the worker.
A user-defined function signaling worker to wake the progress event.
typedef struct ucxx::TrackedRequests ucxx::TrackedRequests |
A container for the different types of tracked requests.
A container encapsulating the different types of handled tracked requests, currently those still valid (inflight), and those scheduled for cancelation (canceling).
typedef std::unique_ptr<TrackedRequests> ucxx::TrackedRequestsPtr |
Pre-defined type for a pointer to a container of tracked requests.
A pre-defined type for a pointer to a container of tracked requests, used as a convenience type.
strong |
The type of a buffer.
The type of a buffer that can be used to match among the different supported types.
strong |
The state of the notifier thread.
The current state of the notifier thread.
strong |
The state with which a wait operation completed.
The state with which a blocking call to wait for the request notifier completed.
enum ucxx::Tag : ucp_tag_t |
Strong type for a UCP tag.
Strong type for a UCP tag, preventing accidental mixing with wrong types, especially useful to prevent passing an argument in wrong order.
enum ucxx::TagMask : ucp_tag_t |
Strong type for a UCP tag mask.
Strong type for a UCP tag mask, preventing accidental mixing with wrong types, especially useful to prevent passing an argument in wrong order.
strong |
The direction of a UCXX transfer.
The direction of a UCXX transfer, can be either Send
or Receive
Available logging levels.
Available logging levels that are used to enable specific log types based on user's configuration and also to define appropriate functions to be used in UCXX code to log only when the appropriate level is enabled.
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> ucxx::allocateBuffer | ( | BufferType | bufferType, |
const size_t | size | ||
) |
Allocate a buffer of specified type and size.
Allocate a buffer of the specified type and size pair, returning the ucxx::Buffer
object wrapped in a std::shared_ptr
[in] | bufferType | the type of buffer to allocate. |
[in] | size | the size (in bytes) of the buffer to allocate. |
to the allocated buffer. std::shared_ptr<Address> ucxx::createAddressFromString | ( | std::string | addressString | ) |
The constructor for a shared_ptr<ucxx::Address>
object from the address extracted as string from a remote std::shared_ptr<ucxx::Worker>
[in] | addressString | the string from which to create the address. |
object. The constructor for a shared_ptr<ucxx::Address>
object from a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::Worker>
to obtain its address.
[in] | worker | parent worker from which to get the address. |
object. std::shared_ptr<Context> ucxx::createContext | ( | const ConfigMap | ucxConfig, |
const uint64_t | featureFlags | ||
) |
The constructor for a shared_ptr<ucxx::Context>
object. The default constructor is made private to ensure all UCXX objects are shared pointers for correct lifetime management.
[in] | ucxConfig | configurations overriding UCX_* defaults and environment variables. |
[in] | featureFlags | feature flags to be used at UCP context construction time. |
object std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> ucxx::createEndpointFromConnRequest | ( | std::shared_ptr< Listener > | listener, |
ucp_conn_request_h | connRequest, | ||
bool | endpointErrorHandling | ||
) |
The constructor for a shared_ptr<ucxx::Endpoint>
object from a ucp_conn_request_h
, as delivered by a ucxx::Listener
connection callback.
[in] | listener | listener from which to create the endpoint. |
[in] | connRequest | handle to connection request delivered by a listener callback. |
[in] | endpointErrorHandling | whether to enable endpoint error handling. |
object std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> ucxx::createEndpointFromHostname | ( | std::shared_ptr< Worker > | worker, |
std::string | ipAddress, | ||
uint16_t | port, | ||
bool | endpointErrorHandling | ||
) |
The constructor for a shared_ptr<ucxx::Endpoint>
object, connecting to a listener from the given hostname or IP address and port pair.
[in] | worker | parent worker from which to create the endpoint. |
[in] | ipAddress | hostname or IP address the listener is bound to. |
[in] | port | port the listener is bound to. |
[in] | endpointErrorHandling | whether to enable endpoint error handling. |
object std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> ucxx::createEndpointFromWorkerAddress | ( | std::shared_ptr< Worker > | worker, |
std::shared_ptr< Address > | address, | ||
bool | endpointErrorHandling | ||
) |
The constructor for a shared_ptr<ucxx::Endpoint>
object from a shared_ptr<ucxx::Address>
[in] | worker | parent worker from which to create the endpoint. |
[in] | address | address of the remote UCX worker |
[in] | endpointErrorHandling | whether to enable endpoint error handling. |
object std::shared_ptr<Listener> ucxx::createListener | ( | std::shared_ptr< Worker > | worker, |
uint16_t | port, | ||
ucp_listener_conn_callback_t | callback, | ||
void * | callbackArgs | ||
) |
The constructor for a shared_ptr<ucxx::Listener>
object. The default constructor is made private to ensure all UCXX objects are shared pointers for correct lifetime management.
[in] | worker | the worker from which to create the listener. |
[in] | port | the port which the listener should be bound to. |
[in] | callback | user-defined callback to be executed on incoming client connections. |
[in] | callbackArgs | argument to be passed to the callback. |
object. std::shared_ptr<MemoryHandle> ucxx::createMemoryHandle | ( | std::shared_ptr< Context > | context, |
const size_t | size, | ||
void * | buffer = nullptr , |
const ucs_memory_type_t | memoryType = UCS_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST |
) |
The constructor for a shared_ptr<ucxx::MemoryHandle>
object, mapping a memory buffer with UCP to provide RMA (Remote Memory Access) to.
The allocation requires a size
and a buffer
. The buffer
provided may be either a nullptr
, in which case UCP will allocate a new memory region for it, or an already existing allocation, in which case UCP will only map it for RMA and it's the caller's responsibility to keep buffer
alive until this object is destroyed. When the UCP allocates buffer
(i.e., when the value passed is nullptr
), the actual size of the allocation may be larger than requested, and can later be found calling the getSize()
method, if a preallocated buffer is passed getSize()
will return the same value specified for size
ucxx::Error | if either ucp_mem_map or ucp_mem_query fail. |
[in] | context | parent context where to map memory. |
[in] | size | the minimum size of the memory allocation |
[in] | buffer | the pointer to an existing allocation or nullptr to allocate a new memory region. |
[in] | memoryType | the type of memory the handle points to. |
object std::shared_ptr<RemoteKey> ucxx::createRemoteKeyFromMemoryHandle | ( | std::shared_ptr< MemoryHandle > | memoryHandle | ) |
The constructor for a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::RemoteKey>
object from a local std::shared_ptr<ucxx::MemoryHandle>
, mapping a local memory buffer to be made accessible from a remote endpoint to perform RMA (Remote Memory Access) on the memory.
ucxx::Error | if ucp_rkey_pack fails. |
[in] | memoryHandle | the memory handle mapped on the local process. |
object std::shared_ptr<RemoteKey> ucxx::createRemoteKeyFromSerialized | ( | std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > | endpoint, |
SerializedRemoteKey | serializedRemoteKey | ||
) |
The constructor for a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::RemoteKey>
object from a serialized std::shared_ptr<ucxx::RemoteKey>
, mapping a remote memory buffer to be made accessible via a local endpoint to perform RMA (Remote Memory Access) on the memory.
ucxx::Error | if ucp_ep_rkey_unpack fails. |
[in] | endpoint | the std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> parent component. |
[in] | serializedRemoteKey | the remote key that was serialized by the owner of the memory handle and transferred over-the-wire for reconstruction and remote access. |
object std::shared_ptr<RequestAm> ucxx::createRequestAm | ( | std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > | endpoint, |
const std::variant< data::AmSend, data::AmReceive > | requestData, | ||
const bool | enablePythonFuture, | ||
RequestCallbackUserFunction | callbackFunction, | ||
RequestCallbackUserData | callbackData | ||
) |
The constructor for a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::RequestAm>
object, creating an active message request, returning a pointer to a request object that can be later awaited and checked for errors. This is a non-blocking operation, and the status of the transfer must be verified from the resulting request object before the data can be released if this is a send operation, or consumed if this is a receive operation. Received data is available via the getRecvBuffer()
method if the receive transfer request completed successfully.
ucxx::Error | if endpoint is not a valid std::shared_ptr<ucxx::Endpoint> . |
[in] | endpoint | the parent endpoint. |
[in] | requestData | container of the specified message type, including all type-specific data. |
[in] | enablePythonFuture | whether a python future should be created and subsequently notified. |
[in] | callbackFunction | user-defined callback function to call upon completion. |
[in] | callbackData | user-defined data to pass to the callbackFunction . |
object std::shared_ptr<RequestEndpointClose> ucxx::createRequestEndpointClose | ( | std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > | endpoint, |
const data::EndpointClose | requestData, | ||
const bool | enablePythonFuture, | ||
RequestCallbackUserFunction | callbackFunction, | ||
RequestCallbackUserData | callbackData | ||
) |
The constructor for a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::RequestEndpointClose>
object, creating a request to close a UCP endpoint, returning a pointer to the request object that can be later awaited and checked for errors. This is a non-blocking operation, and its status must be verified from the resulting request object to confirm the close operation has completed successfully.
ucxx::Error | endpoint is not a valid std::shared_ptr<ucxx::Endpoint> . |
[in] | endpoint | the std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> parent component. |
[in] | requestData | container of the specified message type, including all type-specific data. |
[in] | enablePythonFuture | whether a python future should be created and subsequently notified. |
[in] | callbackFunction | user-defined callback function to call upon completion. |
[in] | callbackData | user-defined data to pass to the callbackFunction . |
object. std::shared_ptr<RequestFlush> ucxx::createRequestFlush | ( | std::shared_ptr< Component > | endpointOrWorker, |
const data::Flush | requestData, | ||
const bool | enablePythonFuture, | ||
RequestCallbackUserFunction | callbackFunction, | ||
RequestCallbackUserData | callbackData | ||
) |
The constructor for a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::RequestFlush>
object, creating a request to flush outstanding AMO (Atomic Memory Operation) and RMA (Remote Memory Access) operations on a UCP endpoint or worker, returning a pointer to a request object that can be later awaited and checked for errors. This is a non-blocking operation, and its status must be verified from the resulting request object to confirm the flush operation has completed successfully.
ucxx::Error | endpointOrWorker is not a valid std::shared_ptr<ucxx::Endpoint> or std::shared_ptr<ucxx::Worker> . |
[in] | endpointOrWorker | the parent component, which may either be a std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> or std::shared_ptr<Worker> . |
[in] | requestData | container of the specified message type, including all type-specific data. |
[in] | enablePythonFuture | whether a python future should be created and subsequently notified. |
[in] | callbackFunction | user-defined callback function to call upon completion. |
[in] | callbackData | user-defined data to pass to the callbackFunction . |
object std::shared_ptr<RequestMem> ucxx::createRequestMem | ( | std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > | endpoint, |
const std::variant< data::MemPut, data::MemGet > | requestData, | ||
const bool | enablePythonFuture, | ||
RequestCallbackUserFunction | callbackFunction, | ||
RequestCallbackUserData | callbackData | ||
) |
The constructor for a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::RequestMem>
object, creating a get or put request, returning a pointer to a request object that can be later awaited and checked for errors. This is a non-blocking operation, and the status of the transfer must be verified from the resulting request object before both the local and remote data can be released and the local data (on get operations) or remote data (on put operations) can be consumed.
ucxx::Error | if endpointOrWorker is not a valid std::shared_ptr<ucxx::Endpoint> or std::shared_ptr<ucxx::Worker> . |
[in] | endpointOrWorker | the parent component, which may either be a std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> or std::shared_ptr<Worker> . |
[in] | requestData | container of the specified message type, including all type-specific data. |
[in] | enablePythonFuture | whether a python future should be created and subsequently notified. |
[in] | callbackFunction | user-defined callback function to call upon completion. |
[in] | callbackData | user-defined data to pass to the callbackFunction . |
object std::shared_ptr<RequestStream> ucxx::createRequestStream | ( | std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > | endpoint, |
const std::variant< data::StreamSend, data::StreamReceive > | requestData, | ||
const bool | enablePythonFuture | ||
) |
The constructor for a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::RequestStream>
object, creating a send or receive stream request, returning a pointer to a request object that can be later awaited and checked for errors. This is a non-blocking operation, and the status of the transfer must be verified from the resulting request object before the data can be released (for a send operation) or consumed (for a receive operation).
[in] | endpoint | the std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> parent component |
[in] | requestData | container of the specified message type, including all type-specific data. |
[in] | enablePythonFuture | whether a python future should be created and subsequently notified. |
object std::shared_ptr<RequestTag> ucxx::createRequestTag | ( | std::shared_ptr< Component > | endpointOrWorker, |
const std::variant< data::TagSend, data::TagReceive > | requestData, | ||
const bool | enablePythonFuture, | ||
RequestCallbackUserFunction | callbackFunction, | ||
RequestCallbackUserData | callbackData | ||
) |
The constructor for a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::RequestTag>
object, creating a send or receive tag request, returning a pointer to a request object that can be later awaited and checked for errors. This is a non-blocking operation, and the status of the transfer must be verified from the resulting request object before the data can be released (for a send operation) or consumed (for a receive operation).
ucxx::Error | if send is true and endpointOrWorker is not a std::shared_ptr<ucxx::Endpoint> . |
[in] | endpointOrWorker | the parent component, which may either be a std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> or std::shared_ptr<Worker> . |
[in] | requestData | container of the specified message type, including all type-specific data. |
[in] | enablePythonFuture | whether a python future should be created and subsequently notified. |
[in] | callbackFunction | user-defined callback function to call upon completion. |
[in] | callbackData | user-defined data to pass to the callbackFunction . |
object std::shared_ptr<RequestTagMulti> ucxx::createRequestTagMulti | ( | std::shared_ptr< Endpoint > | endpoint, |
const std::variant< data::TagMultiSend, data::TagMultiReceive > | requestData, | ||
const bool | enablePythonFuture | ||
) |
Initiate a multi-buffer tag operation, returning a std::shared<ucxx::RequestTagMulti>
that can be later awaited and checked for errors.
This is a non-blocking operation, and the status of a send transfer must be verified from the resulting request object before the data can be released. If this is a receive transfer and because the receiver has no a priori knowledge of the data being received, memory allocations are automatically handled internally. The receiver must have the same capabilities of the sender, so that if the sender is compiled with RMM support to allow for CUDA transfers, the receiver must have the ability to understand and allocate CUDA memory.
The primary use of multi-buffer transfers is in Python where we want to reduce the amount of futures needed to watch for, thus reducing Python overhead. However, this may be used as a convenience implementation for transfers that require multiple frames, internally this is implemented as one or more ucxx::RequestTag
calls sending headers (depending on the number of frames being transferred), followed by one ucxx::RequestTag
for each data frame.
Using a Python future may be requested by specifying enablePythonFuture
. If a Python future is requested, the Python application must then await on this future to ensure the transfer has completed. Requires UCXX to be compiled with UCXX_ENABLE_PYTHON=1
std::runtime_error | if sizes of buffer , size and isCUDA do not match. |
[in] | endpoint | the std::shared_ptr<Endpoint> parent component |
[in] | requestData | container of the specified message type, including all type-specific data. |
[in] | enablePythonFuture | whether a python future should be created and subsequently notified. |
std::shared_ptr<Worker> ucxx::createWorker | ( | std::shared_ptr< Context > | context, |
const bool | enableDelayedSubmission, | ||
const bool | enableFuture | ||
) |
The constructor for a shared_ptr<ucxx::Worker>
object. The default constructor is made private to ensure all UCXX objects are shared pointers for correct lifetime management.
[in] | context | the context from which to create the worker. |
[in] | enableDelayedSubmission | if true , each ucxx::Request will not be submitted immediately, but instead delayed to the progress thread. Requires use of the progress thread. |
[in] | enableFuture | if true , notifies the future associated with each ucxx::Request , currently used only by ucxx::python::Worker . |
object void ucxx::parseLogLevel | ( | ) |
Parse the active log level.
Parse the active log level and set appropriate internal values to match the specified level.
void ucxx::waitRequests | ( | std::shared_ptr< Worker > | worker, |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Request >> | requests | ||
) |
Wait for a multiple requests to complete.
Block while waiting for all requests to complete.
ucxx::Error | the specific error of the first request that failed. |
[in] | worker | the worker to progress until completion. |
[in] | requests | the requests to wait for. |
void ucxx::waitSingleRequest | ( | std::shared_ptr< Worker > | worker, |
std::shared_ptr< Request > | request | ||
) |
Wait for a single request to complete.
Block while waiting for a single request to complete.
ucxx::Error | a specific error if the request failed. |
[in] | worker | the worker to progress until completion. |
[in] | request | the request to wait for. |
const size_t ucxx::HeaderFramesSize |
The number of buffers contained in a single ucxx::Header
const ucs_log_level_t ucxx::logLevelDefault = (ucs_log_level_t) |
The type of the default log level.
The type of default log level, automatically set based on the value of logLevelNameDefault
const char ucxx::logLevelNameDefault[] = "WARN" |
The name of the default log level.
The name of default log level, must be one of the keys in logLevelNames
const std::unordered_map<std::string, ucxx_log_level_t> ucxx::logLevelNames |
Map of log level names to their respective types.
Map of log level names, used by the user to specify levels to enable, to their respective internal types.
extern |
The UCXX log level component configuration.
The type with the UCXX log level component configuration.