This is the complete list of members for ucxx::python::Future, including all inherited members.
_notifier | ucxx::Future | protected |
createFuture(std::shared_ptr<::ucxx::Notifier > notifier) | ucxx::python::Future | friend |
createFutureWithEventLoop(PyObject *asyncioEventLoop, std::shared_ptr<::ucxx::Notifier > notifier) | ucxx::python::Future | friend |
Future()=delete (defined in ucxx::python::Future) | ucxx::python::Future | |
Future(const Future &)=delete (defined in ucxx::python::Future) | ucxx::python::Future | |
Future(Future &&o)=delete (defined in ucxx::python::Future) | ucxx::python::Future | |
ucxx::Future::Future(std::shared_ptr< Notifier > notifier) | ucxx::Future | inlineexplicitprotected |
Future(const Future &)=delete (defined in ucxx::Future) | ucxx::Future | |
Future(Future &&o)=delete (defined in ucxx::Future) | ucxx::Future | |
getHandle() | ucxx::python::Future | virtual |
notify(ucs_status_t status) | ucxx::python::Future | virtual |
operator=(Future const &)=delete (defined in ucxx::python::Future) | ucxx::python::Future | |
operator=(Future &&o)=delete (defined in ucxx::python::Future) | ucxx::python::Future | |
operator=(Future const &)=delete (defined in ucxx::Future) | ucxx::Future | |
operator=(Future &&o)=delete (defined in ucxx::Future) | ucxx::Future | |
release() | ucxx::python::Future | virtual |
set(ucs_status_t status) | ucxx::python::Future | virtual |
~Future() | ucxx::python::Future | virtual |