Io Readers#

group io_readers


enum class json_recovery_mode_t#

Control the error recovery behavior of the json parser.


enumerator FAIL#

Does not recover from an error when encountering an invalid format.


Recovers from an error, replacing invalid records with null.


table_with_metadata read_avro(avro_reader_options const &options, rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Reads an Avro dataset into a set of columns.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to read a dataset from a file:

auto source  = cudf::io::source_info("dataset.avro");
auto options = cudf::io::avro_reader_options::builder(source);
auto result  = cudf::io::read_avro(options);

  • options – Settings for controlling reading behavior

  • mr – Device memory resource used to allocate device memory of the table in the returned table_with_metadata


The set of columns along with metadata

table_with_metadata read_csv(csv_reader_options options, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Reads a CSV dataset into a set of columns.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to read a dataset from a file:

auto source  = cudf::io::source_info("dataset.csv");
auto options = cudf::io::csv_reader_options::builder(source);
auto result  = cudf::io::read_csv(options);

  • options – Settings for controlling reading behavior

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource used to allocate device memory of the table in the returned table_with_metadata


The set of columns along with metadata

table_with_metadata read_json(json_reader_options options, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Reads a JSON dataset into a set of columns.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to read a dataset from a file:

auto source  = cudf::io::source_info("dataset.json");
auto options = cudf::io::read_json_options::builder(source);
auto result  = cudf::io::read_json(options);

  • options – Settings for controlling reading behavior

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource used to allocate device memory of the table in the returned table_with_metadata.


The set of columns along with metadata

table_with_metadata read_orc(orc_reader_options const &options, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Reads an ORC dataset into a set of columns.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to read a dataset from a file:

auto source  = cudf::io::source_info("dataset.orc");
auto options = cudf::io::orc_reader_options::builder(source);
auto result  = cudf::io::read_orc(options);

  • options – Settings for controlling reading behavior

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource used to allocate device memory of the table in the returned table_with_metadata.


The set of columns

raw_orc_statistics read_raw_orc_statistics(source_info const &src_info, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream())#

Reads file-level and stripe-level statistics of ORC dataset.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to read statistics of a dataset from a file:

auto result = cudf::read_raw_orc_statistics(cudf::source_info("dataset.orc"));

  • src_info – Dataset source

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches


Column names and encoded ORC statistics

parsed_orc_statistics read_parsed_orc_statistics(source_info const &src_info, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream())#

Reads file-level and stripe-level statistics of ORC dataset.

  • src_info – Dataset source

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches


Column names and decoded ORC statistics

orc_metadata read_orc_metadata(source_info const &src_info, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream())#

Reads metadata of ORC dataset.

  • src_info – Dataset source

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches


orc_metadata with ORC schema, number of rows and number of stripes.

table_with_metadata read_parquet(parquet_reader_options const &options, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Reads a Parquet dataset into a set of columns.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to read a dataset from a file:

auto source  = cudf::io::source_info("dataset.parquet");
auto options = cudf::io::parquet_reader_options::builder(source);
auto result  = cudf::io::read_parquet(options);

  • options – Settings for controlling reading behavior

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource used to allocate device memory of the table in the returned table_with_metadata


The set of columns along with metadata

parquet_metadata read_parquet_metadata(source_info const &src_info)#

Reads metadata of parquet dataset.


src_info – Dataset source


parquet_metadata with parquet schema, number of rows, number of row groups and key-value metadata.

std::vector<byte_range_info> create_byte_range_infos_consecutive(int64_t total_bytes, int64_t range_count)#

Create a collection of consecutive ranges between [0, total_bytes).

Each range wil be the same size except if total_bytes is not evenly divisible by range_count, in which case the last range size will be the remainder.

  • total_bytes – total number of bytes in all ranges

  • range_count – total number of ranges in which to divide bytes


Vector of range objects

byte_range_info create_byte_range_info_max()#

Create a byte_range_info which represents as much of a file as possible. Specifically, [0, numeric_limits<int64_t>:\:max()).


Byte range info of size [0, numeric_limits<int64_t>:\:max())

std::unique_ptr<cudf::column> multibyte_split(data_chunk_source const &source, std::string const &delimiter, parse_options options = {}, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Splits the source text into a strings column using a multiple byte delimiter.

Providing a byte range allows multibyte_split to read a file partially, only returning the offsets of delimiters which begin within the range. If thinking in terms of “records”, where each delimiter dictates the end of a record, all records which begin within the byte range provided will be returned, including any record which may begin in the range but end outside of the range. Records which begin outside of the range will ignored, even if those records end inside the range.

 source:     "abc..def..ghi..jkl.."
 delimiter:  ".."

 byte_range: nullopt
 return:     ["abc..", "def..", "ghi..", jkl..", ""]

 byte_range: [0, 2)
 return:     ["abc.."]

 byte_range: [2, 9)
 return:     ["def..", "ghi.."]

 byte_range: [11, 2)
 return:     []

 byte_range: [13, 7)
 return:     ["jkl..", ""]
  • source – The source string

  • delimiter – UTF-8 encoded string for which to find offsets in the source

  • options – the parsing options to use (including byte range)

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Memory resource to use for the device memory allocation


The strings found by splitting the source by the delimiter within the relevant byte range.


constexpr size_t default_stripe_size_bytes = 64 * 1024 * 1024#

64MB default orc stripe size

constexpr size_type default_stripe_size_rows = 1000000#

1M rows default orc stripe rows

constexpr size_type default_row_index_stride = 10000#

10K rows default orc row index stride

constexpr size_t default_row_group_size_bytes = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()#

Infinite bytes per row group.

constexpr size_type default_row_group_size_rows = 1'000'000#

1 million rows per row group

constexpr size_t default_max_page_size_bytes = 512 * 1024#

512KB per page

constexpr size_type default_max_page_size_rows = 20000#

20k rows per page

constexpr int32_t default_column_index_truncate_length = 64#

truncate to 64 bytes

constexpr size_t default_max_dictionary_size = 1024 * 1024#

1MB dictionary size

constexpr size_type default_max_page_fragment_size = 5000#

5000 rows per page fragment

class avro_reader_options#
#include <avro.hpp>

Settings to use for read_avro().

Public Functions

avro_reader_options() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline source_info const &get_source() const#

Returns source info.


Source info

inline std::vector<std::string> get_columns() const#

Returns names of the columns to be read.


Names of the columns to be read

inline size_type get_skip_rows() const#

Returns number of rows to skip from the start.


Number of rows to skip from the start

inline size_type get_num_rows() const#

Returns number of rows to read.


Number of rows to read

inline void set_columns(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Set names of the column to be read.


col_names – Vector of column names

inline void set_skip_rows(size_type val)#

Sets number of rows to skip.


val – Number of rows to skip from start

inline void set_num_rows(size_type val)#

Sets number of rows to read.


val – Number of rows to read after skip

Public Static Functions

static avro_reader_options_builder builder(source_info src)#

create avro_reader_options_builder which will build avro_reader_options.


src – source information used to read avro file


builder to build reader options

class avro_reader_options_builder#
#include <avro.hpp>

Builder to build options for read_avro().

Public Functions

avro_reader_options_builder() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline explicit avro_reader_options_builder(source_info src)#

Constructor from source info.


src – The source information used to read avro file

inline avro_reader_options_builder &columns(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Set names of the column to be read.


col_names – Vector of column names


this for chaining

inline avro_reader_options_builder &skip_rows(size_type val)#

Sets number of rows to skip.


val – Number of rows to skip from start


this for chaining

inline avro_reader_options_builder &num_rows(size_type val)#

Sets number of rows to read.


val – Number of rows to read after skip


this for chaining

inline operator avro_reader_options&&()#

move avro_reader_options member once it’s built.

inline avro_reader_options &&build()#

move avro_reader_options member once it’s built.

This has been added since Cython does not support overloading of conversion operators.


Built avro_reader_options object’s r-value reference

class csv_reader_options#
#include <csv.hpp>

Settings to use for read_csv().

Public Functions

csv_reader_options() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline source_info const &get_source() const#

Returns source info.


Source info

inline compression_type get_compression() const#

Returns compression format of the source.


Compression format of the source

inline std::size_t get_byte_range_offset() const#

Returns number of bytes to skip from source start.


Number of bytes to skip from source start

inline std::size_t get_byte_range_size() const#

Returns number of bytes to read.


Number of bytes to read

inline std::size_t get_byte_range_size_with_padding() const#

Returns number of bytes to read with padding.


Number of bytes to read with padding

inline std::size_t get_byte_range_padding() const#

Returns number of bytes to pad when reading.


Number of bytes to pad when reading

inline std::vector<std::string> const &get_names() const#

Returns names of the columns.


Names of the columns

inline std::string get_prefix() const#

Returns prefix to be used for column ID.


Prefix to be used for column ID

inline bool is_enabled_mangle_dupe_cols() const#

Whether to rename duplicate column names.


true if duplicate column names are renamed

inline std::vector<std::string> const &get_use_cols_names() const#

Returns names of the columns to be read.


Names of the columns to be read

inline std::vector<int> const &get_use_cols_indexes() const#

Returns indexes of columns to read.


Indexes of columns to read

inline size_type get_nrows() const#

Returns number of rows to read.


Number of rows to read

inline size_type get_skiprows() const#

Returns number of rows to skip from start.


Number of rows to skip from start

inline size_type get_skipfooter() const#

Returns number of rows to skip from end.


Number of rows to skip from end

inline size_type get_header() const#

Returns header row index.


Header row index

inline char get_lineterminator() const#

Returns line terminator.


Line terminator

inline char get_delimiter() const#

Returns field delimiter.


Field delimiter

inline char get_thousands() const#

Returns numeric data thousands separator.


Numeric data thousands separator

inline char get_decimal() const#

Returns decimal point character.


Decimal point character

inline char get_comment() const#

Returns comment line start character.


Comment line start character

inline bool is_enabled_windowslinetermination() const#

Whether to treat \r\n as line terminator.


true if \r\n is treated as line terminator

inline bool is_enabled_delim_whitespace() const#

Whether to treat whitespace as field delimiter.


true if whitespace is treated as field delimiter

inline bool is_enabled_skipinitialspace() const#

Whether to skip whitespace after the delimiter.


true if whitespace is skipped after the delimiter

inline bool is_enabled_skip_blank_lines() const#

Whether to ignore empty lines or parse line values as invalid.


true if empty lines or parse line values are ignored as invalid

inline quote_style get_quoting() const#

Returns quoting style.


Quoting style

inline char get_quotechar() const#

Returns quoting character.


Quoting character

inline bool is_enabled_doublequote() const#

Whether a quote inside a value is double-quoted.


true if a quote inside a value is double-quoted

inline bool is_enabled_detect_whitespace_around_quotes() const#

Whether to detect quotes surrounded by spaces e.g. "data". This flag has no effect when _doublequote is true.


true if detect_whitespace_around_quotes is enabled

inline std::vector<std::string> const &get_parse_dates_names() const#

Returns names of columns to read as datetime.


Names of columns to read as datetime

inline std::vector<int> const &get_parse_dates_indexes() const#

Returns indexes of columns to read as datetime.


Indexes of columns to read as datetime

inline std::vector<std::string> const &get_parse_hex_names() const#

Returns names of columns to read as hexadecimal.


Names of columns to read as hexadecimal

inline std::vector<int> const &get_parse_hex_indexes() const#

Returns indexes of columns to read as hexadecimal.


Indexes of columns to read as hexadecimal

inline std::variant<std::vector<data_type>, std::map<std::string, data_type>> const &get_dtypes() const#

Returns per-column types.


Per-column types

inline std::vector<std::string> const &get_true_values() const#

Returns additional values to recognize as boolean true values.


Additional values to recognize as boolean true values

inline std::vector<std::string> const &get_false_values() const#

Returns additional values to recognize as boolean false values.


Additional values to recognize as boolean false values

inline std::vector<std::string> const &get_na_values() const#

Returns additional values to recognize as null values.


Additional values to recognize as null values

inline bool is_enabled_keep_default_na() const#

Whether to keep the built-in default NA values.


true if the built-in default NA values are kept

inline bool is_enabled_na_filter() const#

Whether to disable null filter.


true if null filter is enabled

inline bool is_enabled_dayfirst() const#

Whether to parse dates as DD/MM versus MM/DD.


True if dates are parsed as DD/MM, false if MM/DD

inline data_type get_timestamp_type() const#

Returns timestamp_type to which all timestamp columns will be cast.


timestamp_type to which all timestamp columns will be cast

inline void set_compression(compression_type comp)#

Sets compression format of the source.


comp – Compression type

inline void set_byte_range_offset(std::size_t offset)#

Sets number of bytes to skip from source start.


offset – Number of bytes of offset

inline void set_byte_range_size(std::size_t size)#

Sets number of bytes to read.


size – Number of bytes to read

inline void set_names(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of the column.


col_names – Vector of column names

inline void set_prefix(std::string pfx)#

Sets prefix to be used for column ID.


pfx – String used as prefix in for each column name

inline void enable_mangle_dupe_cols(bool val)#

Sets whether to rename duplicate column names.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void set_use_cols_names(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of the columns to be read.


col_names – Vector of column names that are needed

inline void set_use_cols_indexes(std::vector<int> col_indices)#

Sets indexes of columns to read.


col_indices – Vector of column indices that are needed

inline void set_nrows(size_type nrows)#

Sets number of rows to read.


nrows – Number of rows to read

inline void set_skiprows(size_type skiprows)#

Sets number of rows to skip from start.


skiprows – Number of rows to skip

inline void set_skipfooter(size_type skipfooter)#

Sets number of rows to skip from end.


skipfooter – Number of rows to skip

inline void set_header(size_type hdr)#

Sets header row index.


hdr – Index where header row is located

inline void set_lineterminator(char term)#

Sets line terminator.


term – A character to indicate line termination

inline void set_delimiter(char delim)#

Sets field delimiter.


delim – A character to indicate delimiter

inline void set_thousands(char val)#

Sets numeric data thousands separator.


val – A character that separates thousands

inline void set_decimal(char val)#

Sets decimal point character.


val – A character that indicates decimal values

inline void set_comment(char val)#

Sets comment line start character.


val – A character that indicates comment

inline void enable_windowslinetermination(bool val)#

Sets whether to treat \r\n as line terminator.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void enable_delim_whitespace(bool val)#

Sets whether to treat whitespace as field delimiter.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void enable_skipinitialspace(bool val)#

Sets whether to skip whitespace after the delimiter.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void enable_skip_blank_lines(bool val)#

Sets whether to ignore empty lines or parse line values as invalid.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void set_quoting(quote_style quoting)#

Sets the expected quoting style used in the input CSV data.

Note: Only the following quoting styles are supported:

  1. MINIMAL: String columns containing special characters like row-delimiters/ field-delimiter/quotes will be quoted.

  2. NONE: No quoting is done for any columns.


quoting – Quoting style used

inline void set_quotechar(char ch)#

Sets quoting character.


ch – A character to indicate quoting

inline void enable_doublequote(bool val)#

Sets a quote inside a value is double-quoted.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void enable_detect_whitespace_around_quotes(bool val)#

Sets whether to detect quotes surrounded by spaces e.g. "data". This flag has no effect when _doublequote is true.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void set_parse_dates(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of columns to read as datetime.


col_names – Vector of column names to infer as datetime

inline void set_parse_dates(std::vector<int> col_indices)#

Sets indexes of columns to read as datetime.


col_indices – Vector of column indices to infer as datetime

inline void set_parse_hex(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of columns to parse as hexadecimal.


col_names – Vector of column names to parse as hexadecimal

inline void set_parse_hex(std::vector<int> col_indices)#

Sets indexes of columns to parse as hexadecimal.


col_indices – Vector of column indices to parse as hexadecimal

inline void set_dtypes(std::map<std::string, data_type> types)#

Sets per-column types.


types – Column name -> data type map specifying the columns’ target data types

inline void set_dtypes(std::vector<data_type> types)#

Sets per-column types.


types – Vector specifying the columns’ target data types

inline void set_true_values(std::vector<std::string> vals)#

Sets additional values to recognize as boolean true values.


vals – Vector of values to be considered to be true

inline void set_false_values(std::vector<std::string> vals)#

Sets additional values to recognize as boolean false values.


vals – Vector of values to be considered to be false

inline void set_na_values(std::vector<std::string> vals)#

Sets additional values to recognize as null values.


vals – Vector of values to be considered to be null

inline void enable_keep_default_na(bool val)#

Sets whether to keep the built-in default NA values.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void enable_na_filter(bool val)#

Sets whether to disable null filter.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void enable_dayfirst(bool val)#

Sets whether to parse dates as DD/MM versus MM/DD.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void set_timestamp_type(data_type type)#

Sets timestamp_type to which all timestamp columns will be cast.


type – Dtype to which all timestamp column will be cast

Public Static Functions

static csv_reader_options_builder builder(source_info src)#

Creates a csv_reader_options_builder which will build csv_reader_options.


src – Source information to read csv file


Builder to build reader options

class csv_reader_options_builder#
#include <csv.hpp>

Builder to build options for read_csv().

Public Functions

csv_reader_options_builder() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline csv_reader_options_builder(source_info src)#

Constructor from source info.


src – The source information used to read csv file

inline csv_reader_options_builder &compression(compression_type comp)#

Sets compression format of the source.


comp – Compression type


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &byte_range_offset(std::size_t offset)#

Sets number of bytes to skip from source start.


offset – Number of bytes of offset


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &byte_range_size(std::size_t size)#

Sets number of bytes to read.


size – Number of bytes to read


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &names(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of the column.


col_names – Vector of column names


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &prefix(std::string pfx)#

Sets prefix to be used for column ID.


pfx – String used as prefix in for each column name


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &mangle_dupe_cols(bool val)#

Sets whether to rename duplicate column names.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &use_cols_names(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of the columns to be read.


col_names – Vector of column names that are needed


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &use_cols_indexes(std::vector<int> col_indices)#

Sets indexes of columns to read.


col_indices – Vector of column indices that are needed


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &nrows(size_type rows)#

Sets number of rows to read.


rows – Number of rows to read


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &skiprows(size_type skip)#

Sets number of rows to skip from start.


skip – Number of rows to skip


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &skipfooter(size_type skip)#

Sets number of rows to skip from end.


skip – Number of rows to skip


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &header(size_type hdr)#

Sets header row index.


hdr – Index where header row is located


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &lineterminator(char term)#

Sets line terminator.


term – A character to indicate line termination


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &delimiter(char delim)#

Sets field delimiter.


delim – A character to indicate delimiter


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &thousands(char val)#

Sets numeric data thousands separator.


val – A character that separates thousands


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &decimal(char val)#

Sets decimal point character.


val – A character that indicates decimal values


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &comment(char val)#

Sets comment line start character.


val – A character that indicates comment


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &windowslinetermination(bool val)#

Sets whether to treat \r\n as line terminator.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &delim_whitespace(bool val)#

Sets whether to treat whitespace as field delimiter.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &skipinitialspace(bool val)#

Sets whether to skip whitespace after the delimiter.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &skip_blank_lines(bool val)#

Sets whether to ignore empty lines or parse line values as invalid.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &quoting(quote_style style)#

Sets quoting style.


style – Quoting style used


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &quotechar(char ch)#

Sets quoting character.


ch – A character to indicate quoting


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &doublequote(bool val)#

Sets a quote inside a value is double-quoted.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &detect_whitespace_around_quotes(bool val)#

Sets whether to detect quotes surrounded by spaces e.g. "data". This flag has no effect when _doublequote is true.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &parse_dates(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of columns to read as datetime.


col_names – Vector of column names to read as datetime


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &parse_dates(std::vector<int> col_indices)#

Sets indexes of columns to read as datetime.


col_indices – Vector of column indices to read as datetime


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &parse_hex(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of columns to parse as hexadecimal.


col_names – Vector of column names to parse as hexadecimal


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &parse_hex(std::vector<int> col_indices)#

Sets indexes of columns to parse as hexadecimal.


col_indices – Vector of column indices to parse as hexadecimal


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &dtypes(std::map<std::string, data_type> types)#

Sets per-column types.


types – Column name -> data type map specifying the columns’ target data types


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &dtypes(std::vector<data_type> types)#

Sets per-column types.


types – Vector of data types in which the column needs to be read


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &true_values(std::vector<std::string> vals)#

Sets additional values to recognize as boolean true values.


vals – Vector of values to be considered to be true


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &false_values(std::vector<std::string> vals)#

Sets additional values to recognize as boolean false values.


vals – Vector of values to be considered to be false


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &na_values(std::vector<std::string> vals)#

Sets additional values to recognize as null values.


vals – Vector of values to be considered to be null


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &keep_default_na(bool val)#

Sets whether to keep the built-in default NA values.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &na_filter(bool val)#

Sets whether to disable null filter.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &dayfirst(bool val)#

Sets whether to parse dates as DD/MM versus MM/DD.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline csv_reader_options_builder &timestamp_type(data_type type)#

Sets timestamp_type to which all timestamp columns will be cast.


type – Dtype to which all timestamp column will be cast


this for chaining

inline operator csv_reader_options&&()#

move csv_reader_options member once it’s built.

inline csv_reader_options &&build()#

move csv_reader_options member once it’s built.

This has been added since Cython does not support overloading of conversion operators.


Built csv_reader_options object’s r-value reference

struct schema_element#
#include <json.hpp>

Allows specifying the target types for nested JSON data via json_reader_optionsset_dtypes method.

Public Members

data_type type#

The type that this column should be converted to.

std::map<std::string, schema_element> child_types#

Allows specifying this column’s child columns target type.

class json_reader_options#
#include <json.hpp>

Input arguments to the read_json interface.

Available parameters are closely patterned after PANDAS’ read_json API. Not all parameters are supported. If the matching PANDAS’ parameter has a default value of None, then a default value of -1 or 0 may be used as the equivalent.

Parameters in PANDAS that are unavailable or in cudf:




currently fixed-format


data is always returned as a cudf::table


use column functions for axes operations instead


dates are detected automatically


dates are detected automatically


data is always returned as a cudf::table


there is only one converter


only millisecond units are supported


only ASCII-encoded data is supported


use byte_range_xxx for chunking instead

Public Functions

json_reader_options() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline source_info const &get_source() const#

Returns source info.


Source info

inline std::variant<std::vector<data_type>, std::map<std::string, data_type>, std::map<std::string, schema_element>> const &get_dtypes() const#

Returns data types of the columns.


Data types of the columns

inline compression_type get_compression() const#

Returns compression format of the source.


Compression format of the source

inline size_t get_byte_range_offset() const#

Returns number of bytes to skip from source start.


Number of bytes to skip from source start

inline size_t get_byte_range_size() const#

Returns number of bytes to read.


Number of bytes to read

inline size_t get_byte_range_size_with_padding() const#

Returns number of bytes to read with padding.


Number of bytes to read with padding

inline size_t get_byte_range_padding() const#

Returns number of bytes to pad when reading.


Number of bytes to pad

inline char get_delimiter() const#

Returns delimiter separating records in JSON lines.


Delimiter separating records in JSON lines

inline bool is_enabled_lines() const#

Whether to read the file as a json object per line.


true if reading the file as a json object per line

inline bool is_enabled_mixed_types_as_string() const#

Whether to parse mixed types as a string column.


true if mixed types are parsed as a string column

inline bool is_enabled_prune_columns() const#

Whether to prune columns on read, selected based on the set_dtypes option.

When set as true, if the reader options include set_dtypes, then the reader will only return those columns which are mentioned in set_dtypes. If false, then all columns are returned, independent of the set_dtypes setting.


True if column pruning is enabled

inline bool is_enabled_experimental() const#

Whether to enable experimental features.

When set to true, experimental features, such as the new column tree construction, utf-8 matching of field names will be enabled.


true if experimental features are enabled

inline bool is_enabled_dayfirst() const#

Whether to parse dates as DD/MM versus MM/DD.


true if dates are parsed as DD/MM, false if MM/DD

inline bool is_enabled_keep_quotes() const#

Whether the reader should keep quotes of string values.


true if the reader should keep quotes, false otherwise

inline bool is_enabled_normalize_single_quotes() const#

Whether the reader should normalize single quotes around strings.


true if the reader should normalize single quotes, false otherwise

inline bool is_enabled_normalize_whitespace() const#

Whether the reader should normalize unquoted whitespace characters.


true if the reader should normalize whitespace, false otherwise

inline json_recovery_mode_t recovery_mode() const#

Queries the JSON reader’s behavior on invalid JSON lines.


An enum that specifies the JSON reader’s behavior on invalid JSON lines.

inline bool is_strict_validation() const#

Whether json validation should be enforced strictly or not.


true if it should be.

inline bool is_allowed_numeric_leading_zeros() const#

Whether leading zeros are allowed in numeric values.


: This validation is enforced only if strict validation is enabled.


true if leading zeros are allowed in numeric values

inline bool is_allowed_nonnumeric_numbers() const#

Whether unquoted number values should be allowed NaN, +INF, -INF, +Infinity, Infinity, and -Infinity.


: This validation is enforced only if strict validation is enabled.


true if leading zeros are allowed in numeric values

inline bool is_allowed_unquoted_control_chars() const#

Whether in a quoted string should characters greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32 be allowed without some form of escaping.


: This validation is enforced only if strict validation is enabled.


true if unquoted control chars are allowed.

inline std::vector<std::string> const &get_na_values() const#

Returns additional values to recognize as null values.


Additional values to recognize as null values

inline void set_dtypes(std::vector<data_type> types)#

Set data types for columns to be read.


types – Vector of dtypes

inline void set_dtypes(std::map<std::string, data_type> types)#

Set data types for columns to be read.


types – Vector dtypes in string format

inline void set_dtypes(std::map<std::string, schema_element> types)#

Set data types for a potentially nested column hierarchy.


types – Map of column names to schema_element to support arbitrary nesting of data types

inline void set_compression(compression_type comp_type)#

Set the compression type.


comp_type – The compression type used

inline void set_byte_range_offset(size_t offset)#

Set number of bytes to skip from source start.


offset – Number of bytes of offset

inline void set_byte_range_size(size_t size)#

Set number of bytes to read.


size – Number of bytes to read

inline void set_delimiter(char delimiter)#

Set delimiter separating records in JSON lines.


delimiter – Delimiter separating records in JSON lines

inline void enable_lines(bool val)#

Set whether to read the file as a json object per line.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable the option to read each line as a json object

inline void enable_mixed_types_as_string(bool val)#

Set whether to parse mixed types as a string column. Also enables forcing to read a struct as string column using schema.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable parsing mixed types as a string column

inline void enable_prune_columns(bool val)#

Set whether to prune columns on read, selected based on the set_dtypes option.

When set as true, if the reader options include set_dtypes, then the reader will only return those columns which are mentioned in set_dtypes. If false, then all columns are returned, independent of the set_dtypes setting.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable column pruning

inline void enable_experimental(bool val)#

Set whether to enable experimental features.

When set to true, experimental features, such as the new column tree construction, utf-8 matching of field names will be enabled.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable experimental features

inline void enable_dayfirst(bool val)#

Set whether to parse dates as DD/MM versus MM/DD.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable day first parsing format

inline void enable_keep_quotes(bool val)#

Set whether the reader should keep quotes of string values.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether the reader should keep quotes of string values

inline void enable_normalize_single_quotes(bool val)#

Set whether the reader should enable normalization of single quotes around strings.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether the reader should normalize single quotes around strings

inline void enable_normalize_whitespace(bool val)#

Set whether the reader should enable normalization of unquoted whitespace.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether the reader should normalize unquoted whitespace characters i.e. tabs and spaces

inline void set_recovery_mode(json_recovery_mode_t val)#

Specifies the JSON reader’s behavior on invalid JSON lines.


val – An enum value to indicate the JSON reader’s behavior on invalid JSON lines.

inline void set_strict_validation(bool val)#

Set whether strict validation is enabled or not.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether strict validation is enabled.

inline void allow_numeric_leading_zeros(bool val)#

Set whether leading zeros are allowed in numeric values. Strict validation must be enabled for this to work.


cudf::logic_error – if strict_validation is not enabled before setting this option.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether leading zeros are allowed in numeric values

inline void allow_nonnumeric_numbers(bool val)#

Set whether unquoted number values should be allowed NaN, +INF, -INF, +Infinity, Infinity, and -Infinity. Strict validation must be enabled for this to work.


cudf::logic_error – if strict_validation is not enabled before setting this option.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether leading zeros are allowed in numeric values

inline void allow_unquoted_control_chars(bool val)#

Set whether in a quoted string should characters greater than or equal to 0 and less than 32 be allowed without some form of escaping. Strict validation must be enabled for this to work.


cudf::logic_error – if strict_validation is not enabled before setting this option.


val – true to indicate whether unquoted control chars are allowed.

inline void set_na_values(std::vector<std::string> vals)#

Sets additional values to recognize as null values.


vals – Vector of values to be considered to be null

Public Static Functions

static json_reader_options_builder builder(source_info src)#

create json_reader_options_builder which will build json_reader_options.


src – source information used to read json file


builder to build the options

class json_reader_options_builder#
#include <json.hpp>

Builds settings to use for read_json().

Public Functions

explicit json_reader_options_builder() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline explicit json_reader_options_builder(source_info src)#

Constructor from source info.


src – The source information used to read avro file

inline json_reader_options_builder &dtypes(std::vector<data_type> types)#

Set data types for columns to be read.


types – Vector of dtypes


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &dtypes(std::map<std::string, data_type> types)#

Set data types for columns to be read.


types – Column name -> dtype map


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &dtypes(std::map<std::string, schema_element> types)#

Set data types for columns to be read.


types – Column name -> schema_element map


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &compression(compression_type comp_type)#

Set the compression type.


comp_type – The compression type used


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &byte_range_offset(size_type offset)#

Set number of bytes to skip from source start.


offset – Number of bytes of offset


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &byte_range_size(size_type size)#

Set number of bytes to read.


size – Number of bytes to read


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &delimiter(char delimiter)#

Set delimiter separating records in JSON lines.


delimiter – Delimiter separating records in JSON lines


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &lines(bool val)#

Set whether to read the file as a json object per line.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable the option to read each line as a json object


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &mixed_types_as_string(bool val)#

Set whether to parse mixed types as a string column. Also enables forcing to read a struct as string column using schema.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable parsing mixed types as a string column


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &prune_columns(bool val)#

Set whether to prune columns on read, selected based on the dtypes option.

When set as true, if the reader options include dtypes, then the reader will only return those columns which are mentioned in dtypes. If false, then all columns are returned, independent of the dtypes setting.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable column pruning


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &experimental(bool val)#

Set whether to enable experimental features.

When set to true, experimental features, such as the new column tree construction, utf-8 matching of field names will be enabled.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable experimental features


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &dayfirst(bool val)#

Set whether to parse dates as DD/MM versus MM/DD.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable day first parsing format


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &keep_quotes(bool val)#

Set whether the reader should keep quotes of string values.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether the reader should keep quotes of string values


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &normalize_single_quotes(bool val)#

Set whether the reader should normalize single quotes around strings.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether the reader should normalize single quotes of strings


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &normalize_whitespace(bool val)#

Set whether the reader should normalize unquoted whitespace.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether the reader should normalize unquoted whitespace


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &recovery_mode(json_recovery_mode_t val)#

Specifies the JSON reader’s behavior on invalid JSON lines.


val – An enum value to indicate the JSON reader’s behavior on invalid JSON lines.


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &strict_validation(bool val)#

Set whether json validation should be strict or not.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether json validation should be strict or not.


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &numeric_leading_zeros(bool val)#

Set Whether leading zeros are allowed in numeric values. Strict validation must be enabled for this to have any effect.


cudf::logic_error – if strict_validation is not enabled before setting this option.


val – Boolean value to indicate whether leading zeros are allowed in numeric values


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &nonnumeric_numbers(bool val)#

Set whether specific unquoted number values are valid JSON. The values are NaN, +INF, -INF, +Infinity, Infinity, and -Infinity. Strict validation must be enabled for this to have any effect.


cudf::logic_error – if strict_validation is not enabled before setting this option.


val – Boolean value to indicate if unquoted nonnumeric values are valid json or not.


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &unquoted_control_chars(bool val)#

Set whether chars >= 0 and < 32 are allowed in a quoted string without some form of escaping. Strict validation must be enabled for this to have any effect.


cudf::logic_error – if strict_validation is not enabled before setting this option.


val – Boolean value to indicate if unquoted control chars are allowed or not.


this for chaining

inline json_reader_options_builder &na_values(std::vector<std::string> vals)#

Sets additional values to recognize as null values.


vals – Vector of values to be considered to be null


this for chaining

inline operator json_reader_options&&()#

move json_reader_options member once it’s built.

inline json_reader_options &&build()#

move json_reader_options member once it’s built.

This has been added since Cython does not support overloading of conversion operators.


Built json_reader_options object r-value reference

class orc_reader_options#
#include <orc.hpp>

Settings to use for read_orc().

Public Functions

orc_reader_options() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline source_info const &get_source() const#

Returns source info.


Source info

inline auto const &get_columns() const#

Returns names of the columns to read, if set.


Names of the columns to read; nullopt if the option is not set

inline auto const &get_stripes() const#

Returns vector of vectors, stripes to read for each input source.


Vector of vectors, stripes to read for each input source

inline int64_t get_skip_rows() const#

Returns number of rows to skip from the start.


Number of rows to skip from the start

inline std::optional<int64_t> const &get_num_rows() const#

Returns number of row to read.


Number of rows to read; nullopt if the option hasn’t been set (in which case the file is read until the end)

inline bool is_enabled_use_index() const#

Whether to use row index to speed-up reading.


true if row index is used to speed-up reading

inline bool is_enabled_use_np_dtypes() const#

Whether to use numpy-compatible dtypes.


true if numpy-compatible dtypes are used

inline data_type get_timestamp_type() const#

Returns timestamp type to which timestamp column will be cast.


Timestamp type to which timestamp column will be cast

inline std::vector<std::string> const &get_decimal128_columns() const#

Returns fully qualified names of columns that should be read as 128-bit Decimal.


Fully qualified names of columns that should be read as 128-bit Decimal

inline void set_columns(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of the column to read.


col_names – Vector of column names

inline void set_stripes(std::vector<std::vector<size_type>> stripes)#

Sets list of stripes to read for each input source.


stripes – Vector of vectors, mapping stripes to read to input sources

  • cudf::logic_error – if a non-empty vector is passed, and skip_rows has been previously set

  • cudf::logic_error – if a non-empty vector is passed, and num_rows has been previously set

inline void set_skip_rows(int64_t rows)#

Sets number of rows to skip from the start.


rows – Number of rows

inline void set_num_rows(int64_t nrows)#

Sets number of row to read.


nrows – Number of rows

inline void enable_use_index(bool use)#

Enable/Disable use of row index to speed-up reading.


use – Boolean value to enable/disable row index use

inline void enable_use_np_dtypes(bool use)#

Enable/Disable use of numpy-compatible dtypes.


use – Boolean value to enable/disable

inline void set_timestamp_type(data_type type)#

Sets timestamp type to which timestamp column will be cast.


type – Type of timestamp

inline void set_decimal128_columns(std::vector<std::string> val)#

Set columns that should be read as 128-bit Decimal.


val – Vector of fully qualified column names

Public Static Functions

static orc_reader_options_builder builder(source_info src)#

Creates orc_reader_options_builder which will build orc_reader_options.


src – Source information to read orc file


Builder to build reader options

class orc_reader_options_builder#
#include <orc.hpp>

Builds settings to use for read_orc().

Public Functions

explicit orc_reader_options_builder() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline explicit orc_reader_options_builder(source_info src)#

Constructor from source info.


src – The source information used to read orc file

inline orc_reader_options_builder &columns(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of the column to read.


col_names – Vector of column names


this for chaining

inline orc_reader_options_builder &stripes(std::vector<std::vector<size_type>> stripes)#

Sets list of individual stripes to read per source.


stripes – Vector of vectors, mapping stripes to read to input sources


this for chaining

inline orc_reader_options_builder &skip_rows(int64_t rows)#

Sets number of rows to skip from the start.


rows – Number of rows


this for chaining

inline orc_reader_options_builder &num_rows(int64_t nrows)#

Sets number of row to read.


nrows – Number of rows


this for chaining

inline orc_reader_options_builder &use_index(bool use)#

Enable/Disable use of row index to speed-up reading.


use – Boolean value to enable/disable row index use


this for chaining

inline orc_reader_options_builder &use_np_dtypes(bool use)#

Enable/Disable use of numpy-compatible dtypes.


use – Boolean value to enable/disable


this for chaining

inline orc_reader_options_builder &timestamp_type(data_type type)#

Sets timestamp type to which timestamp column will be cast.


type – Type of timestamp


this for chaining

inline orc_reader_options_builder &decimal128_columns(std::vector<std::string> val)#

Columns that should be read as 128-bit Decimal.


val – Vector of column names


this for chaining

inline operator orc_reader_options&&()#

move orc_reader_options member once it’s built.

inline orc_reader_options &&build()#

move orc_reader_options member once it’s built.

This has been added since Cython does not support overloading of conversion operators.


Built orc_reader_options object’s r-value reference

class chunked_orc_reader#
#include <orc.hpp>

The chunked orc reader class to read an ORC file iteratively into a series of tables, chunk by chunk.

This class is designed to address the reading issue when reading very large ORC files such that sizes of their columns exceed the limit that can be stored in cudf columns. By reading the file content by chunks using this class, each chunk is guaranteed to have its size stay within the given limit.

Public Functions


Default constructor, this should never be used.

This is added just to satisfy cython.

explicit chunked_orc_reader(std::size_t chunk_read_limit, std::size_t pass_read_limit, size_type output_row_granularity, orc_reader_options const &options, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Construct the reader from input/output size limits, output row granularity, along with other ORC reader options.

The typical usage should be similar to this:

do {
  auto const chunk = reader.read_chunk();
  // Process chunk
} while (reader.has_next());

If chunk_read_limit == 0 (i.e., no output limit) and pass_read_limit == 0 (no temporary memory size limit), a call to read_chunk() will read the whole data source and return a table containing all rows.

The chunk_read_limit parameter controls the size of the output table to be returned per read_chunk() call. If the user specifies a 100 MB limit, the reader will attempt to return tables that have a total bytes size (over all columns) of 100 MB or less. This is a soft limit and the code will not fail if it cannot satisfy the limit.

The pass_read_limit parameter controls how much temporary memory is used in the entire process of loading, decompressing and decoding of data. Again, this is also a soft limit and the reader will try to make the best effort.

Finally, the parameter output_row_granularity controls the changes in row number of the output chunk. For each call to read_chunk(), with respect to the given pass_read_limit, a subset of stripes may be loaded, decompressed and decoded into an intermediate table. The reader will then subdivide that table into smaller tables for final output using output_row_granularity as the subdivision step.

  • chunk_read_limit – Limit on total number of bytes to be returned per read_chunk() call, or 0 if there is no limit

  • pass_read_limit – Limit on temporary memory usage for reading the data sources, or 0 if there is no limit

  • output_row_granularity – The granularity parameter used for subdividing the decoded table for final output

  • options – Settings for controlling reading behaviors

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource to use for device memory allocation


cudf::logic_error – if output_row_granularity is non-positive

explicit chunked_orc_reader(std::size_t chunk_read_limit, std::size_t pass_read_limit, orc_reader_options const &options, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Construct the reader from input/output size limits along with other ORC reader options.

This constructor implicitly call the other constructor with output_row_granularity set to DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ROW_GRANULARITY rows.

  • chunk_read_limit – Limit on total number of bytes to be returned per read_chunk() call, or 0 if there is no limit

  • pass_read_limit – Limit on temporary memory usage for reading the data sources, or 0 if there is no limit

  • options – Settings for controlling reading behaviors

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource to use for device memory allocation

explicit chunked_orc_reader(std::size_t chunk_read_limit, orc_reader_options const &options, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Construct the reader from output size limits along with other ORC reader options.

This constructor implicitly call the other constructor with pass_read_limit set to 0 and output_row_granularity set to DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ROW_GRANULARITY rows.

  • chunk_read_limit – Limit on total number of bytes to be returned per read_chunk() call, or 0 if there is no limit

  • options – Settings for controlling reading behaviors

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource to use for device memory allocation


Destructor, destroying the internal reader instance.

bool has_next() const#

Check if there is any data in the given data sources has not yet read.


A boolean value indicating if there is any data left to read

table_with_metadata read_chunk() const#

Read a chunk of rows in the given data sources.

The sequence of returned tables, if concatenated by their order, guarantees to form a complete dataset as reading the entire given data sources at once.

An empty table will be returned if the given sources are empty, or all the data has been read and returned by the previous calls.


An output cudf::table along with its metadata

class parquet_reader_options#
#include <parquet.hpp>

Settings for read_parquet().

Public Functions

explicit parquet_reader_options() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline source_info const &get_source() const#

Returns source info.


Source info

inline bool is_enabled_convert_strings_to_categories() const#

Returns true/false depending on whether strings should be converted to categories or not.


true if strings should be converted to categories

inline bool is_enabled_use_pandas_metadata() const#

Returns true/false depending whether to use pandas metadata or not while reading.


true if pandas metadata is used while reading

inline bool is_enabled_use_arrow_schema() const#

Returns true/false depending whether to use arrow schema while reading.


true if arrow schema is used while reading

inline bool is_enabled_allow_mismatched_pq_schemas() const#

Returns true/false depending on whether to read matching projected and filter columns from mismatched Parquet sources.


true if mismatched projected and filter columns will be read from mismatched Parquet sources.

inline std::optional<std::vector<reader_column_schema>> get_column_schema() const#

Returns optional tree of metadata.


vector of reader_column_schema objects.

inline int64_t get_skip_rows() const#

Returns number of rows to skip from the start.


Number of rows to skip from the start

inline std::optional<size_type> const &get_num_rows() const#

Returns number of rows to read.


Number of rows to read; nullopt if the option hasn’t been set (in which case the file is read until the end)

inline auto const &get_columns() const#

Returns names of column to be read, if set.


Names of column to be read; nullopt if the option is not set

inline auto const &get_row_groups() const#

Returns list of individual row groups to be read.


List of individual row groups to be read

inline auto const &get_filter() const#

Returns AST based filter for predicate pushdown.


AST expression to use as filter

inline data_type get_timestamp_type() const#

Returns timestamp type used to cast timestamp columns.


Timestamp type used to cast timestamp columns

inline void set_columns(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of the columns to be read.


col_names – Vector of column names

void set_row_groups(std::vector<std::vector<size_type>> row_groups)#

Sets vector of individual row groups to read.


row_groups – Vector of row groups to read

inline void set_filter(ast::expression const &filter)#

Sets AST based filter for predicate pushdown.

The filter can utilize cudf::ast::column_name_reference to reference a column by its name, even if it’s not necessarily present in the requested projected columns. To refer to output column indices, you can use cudf::ast::column_reference.

For a parquet with columns [“A”, “B”, “C”, … “X”, “Y”, “Z”], Example 1: with/without column projection

use_columns({"A", "X", "Z"})
.filter(operation(ast_operator::LESS, column_name_reference{"C"}, literal{100}));
Column “C” need not be present in output table. Example 2: without column projection
filter(operation(ast_operator::LESS, column_reference{1}, literal{100}));
Here, 1 will refer to column “B” because output will contain all columns in order [“A”, …, “Z”]. Example 3: with column projection
use_columns({"A", "Z", "X"})
.filter(operation(ast_operator::LESS, column_reference{1}, literal{100}));
Here, 1 will refer to column “Z” because output will contain 3 columns in order [“A”, “Z”, “X”].


filter – AST expression to use as filter

inline void enable_convert_strings_to_categories(bool val)#

Sets to enable/disable conversion of strings to categories.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable conversion of string columns to categories

inline void enable_use_pandas_metadata(bool val)#

Sets to enable/disable use of pandas metadata to read.


val – Boolean value whether to use pandas metadata

inline void enable_use_arrow_schema(bool val)#

Sets to enable/disable use of arrow schema to read.


val – Boolean value whether to use arrow schema

inline void enable_allow_mismatched_pq_schemas(bool val)#

Sets to enable/disable reading of matching projected and filter columns from mismatched Parquet sources.


val – Boolean value whether to read matching projected and filter columns from mismatched Parquet sources.

inline void set_column_schema(std::vector<reader_column_schema> val)#

Sets reader column schema.


val – Tree of schema nodes to enable/disable conversion of binary to string columns. Note default is to convert to string columns.

void set_skip_rows(int64_t val)#

Sets number of rows to skip.


val – Number of rows to skip from start

void set_num_rows(size_type val)#

Sets number of rows to read.


val – Number of rows to read after skip

inline void set_timestamp_type(data_type type)#

Sets timestamp_type used to cast timestamp columns.


type – The timestamp data_type to which all timestamp columns need to be cast

Public Static Functions

static parquet_reader_options_builder builder(source_info src)#

Creates a parquet_reader_options_builder which will build parquet_reader_options.


src – Source information to read parquet file


Builder to build reader options

class parquet_reader_options_builder#
#include <parquet.hpp>

Builds parquet_reader_options to use for read_parquet().

Public Functions

parquet_reader_options_builder() = default#

Default constructor.

This has been added since Cython requires a default constructor to create objects on stack.

inline explicit parquet_reader_options_builder(source_info src)#

Constructor from source info.


src – The source information used to read parquet file

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &columns(std::vector<std::string> col_names)#

Sets names of the columns to be read.


col_names – Vector of column names


this for chaining

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &row_groups(std::vector<std::vector<size_type>> row_groups)#

Sets vector of individual row groups to read.


row_groups – Vector of row groups to read


this for chaining

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &filter(ast::expression const &filter)#

Sets AST based filter for predicate pushdown.

The filter can utilize cudf::ast::column_name_reference to reference a column by its name, even if it’s not necessarily present in the requested projected columns. To refer to output column indices, you can use cudf::ast::column_reference.

For a parquet with columns [“A”, “B”, “C”, … “X”, “Y”, “Z”], Example 1: with/without column projection

use_columns({"A", "X", "Z"})
.filter(operation(ast_operator::LESS, column_name_reference{"C"}, literal{100}));
Column “C” need not be present in output table. Example 2: without column projection
filter(operation(ast_operator::LESS, column_reference{1}, literal{100}));
Here, 1 will refer to column “B” because output will contain all columns in order [“A”, …, “Z”]. Example 3: with column projection
use_columns({"A", "Z", "X"})
.filter(operation(ast_operator::LESS, column_reference{1}, literal{100}));
Here, 1 will refer to column “Z” because output will contain 3 columns in order [“A”, “Z”, “X”].


filter – AST expression to use as filter


this for chaining

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &convert_strings_to_categories(bool val)#

Sets enable/disable conversion of strings to categories.


val – Boolean value to enable/disable conversion of string columns to categories


this for chaining

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &use_pandas_metadata(bool val)#

Sets to enable/disable use of pandas metadata to read.


val – Boolean value whether to use pandas metadata


this for chaining

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &use_arrow_schema(bool val)#

Sets to enable/disable use of arrow schema to read.


val – Boolean value whether to use arrow schema


this for chaining

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &allow_mismatched_pq_schemas(bool val)#

Sets to enable/disable reading of matching projected and filter columns from mismatched Parquet sources.


val – Boolean value whether to read matching projected and filter columns from mismatched Parquet sources.


this for chaining.

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &set_column_schema(std::vector<reader_column_schema> val)#

Sets reader metadata.


val – Tree of metadata information.


this for chaining

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &skip_rows(int64_t val)#

Sets number of rows to skip.


val – Number of rows to skip from start


this for chaining

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &num_rows(size_type val)#

Sets number of rows to read.


val – Number of rows to read after skip


this for chaining

inline parquet_reader_options_builder &timestamp_type(data_type type)#

timestamp_type used to cast timestamp columns.


type – The timestamp data_type to which all timestamp columns need to be cast


this for chaining

inline operator parquet_reader_options&&()#

move parquet_reader_options member once it’s built.

inline parquet_reader_options &&build()#

move parquet_reader_options member once it’s built.

This has been added since Cython does not support overloading of conversion operators.


Built parquet_reader_options object’s r-value reference

class chunked_parquet_reader#
#include <parquet.hpp>

The chunked parquet reader class to read Parquet file iteratively in to a series of tables, chunk by chunk.

This class is designed to address the reading issue when reading very large Parquet files such that the sizes of their column exceed the limit that can be stored in cudf column. By reading the file content by chunks using this class, each chunk is guaranteed to have its sizes stay within the given limit.

Public Functions


Default constructor, this should never be used.

This is added just to satisfy cython. This is added to not leak detail API

chunked_parquet_reader(std::size_t chunk_read_limit, parquet_reader_options const &options, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Constructor for chunked reader.

This constructor requires the same parquet_reader_option parameter as in cudf::read_parquet(), and an additional parameter to specify the size byte limit of the output table for each reading.

  • chunk_read_limit – Limit on total number of bytes to be returned per read, or 0 if there is no limit

  • options – The options used to read Parquet file

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource to use for device memory allocation

chunked_parquet_reader(std::size_t chunk_read_limit, std::size_t pass_read_limit, parquet_reader_options const &options, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Constructor for chunked reader.

This constructor requires the same parquet_reader_option parameter as in cudf::read_parquet(), with additional parameters to specify the size byte limit of the output table for each reading, and a byte limit on the amount of temporary memory to use when reading. pass_read_limit affects how many row groups we can read at a time by limiting the amount of memory dedicated to decompression space. pass_read_limit is a hint, not an absolute limit - if a single row group cannot fit within the limit given, it will still be loaded.

  • chunk_read_limit – Limit on total number of bytes to be returned per read, or 0 if there is no limit

  • pass_read_limit – Limit on the amount of memory used for reading and decompressing data or 0 if there is no limit

  • options – The options used to read Parquet file

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource to use for device memory allocation


Destructor, destroying the internal reader instance.

Since the declaration of the internal reader object does not exist in this header, this destructor needs to be defined in a separate source file which can access to that object’s declaration.

bool has_next() const#

Check if there is any data in the given file has not yet read.


A boolean value indicating if there is any data left to read

table_with_metadata read_chunk() const#

Read a chunk of rows in the given Parquet file.

The sequence of returned tables, if concatenated by their order, guarantees to form a complete dataset as reading the entire given file at once.

An empty table will be returned if the given file is empty, or all the data in the file has been read and returned by the previous calls.


An output cudf::table along with its metadata

class byte_range_info#
#include <byte_range_info.hpp>

stores offset and size used to indicate a byte range

Public Functions

byte_range_info(int64_t offset, int64_t size)#

Constructs a byte_range_info object.

  • offset – offset in bytes

  • size – size in bytes

byte_range_info(byte_range_info const &other) noexcept = default#

Copy constructor.


otherbyte_range_info object to copy

byte_range_info &operator=(byte_range_info const &other) noexcept = default#

Copy assignment operator.


otherbyte_range_info object to copy


this object after copying

inline int64_t offset() const#

Get the offset in bytes.


Offset in bytes

inline int64_t size() const#

Get the size in bytes.


Size in bytes

inline bool is_empty() const#

Returns whether the span is empty.


true iff the range is empty, i.e. size() == 0

class device_data_chunk#
#include <data_chunk_source.hpp>

A contract guaranteeing stream-ordered memory access to the underlying device data.

This class guarantees access to the underlying data for the stream on which the data was allocated. Possible implementations may own the device data, or may only have a view over the data. Any work enqueued to the stream on which this data was allocated is guaranteed to be performed prior to the destruction of the underlying data, but otherwise no guarantees are made regarding if or when the underlying data gets destroyed.

Public Functions

virtual char const *data() const = 0#

Returns a pointer to the underlying device data.


A pointer to the underlying device data

virtual std::size_t size() const = 0#

Returns the size of the underlying device data.


The size of the underlying device data

virtual operator device_span<char const>() const = 0#

Returns a span over the underlying device data.


A span over the underlying device data

class data_chunk_reader#
#include <data_chunk_source.hpp>

a reader capable of producing views over device memory.

The data chunk reader API encapsulates the idea of statefully traversing and loading a data source. A data source may be a file, a region of device memory, or a region of host memory. Reading data from these data sources efficiently requires different strategies depending on the type of data source, type of compression, capabilities of the host and device, the data’s destination. Whole-file decompression should be hidden behind this interface.

Public Functions

virtual void skip_bytes(std::size_t size) = 0#

Skips the specified number of bytes in the data source.


size – The number of bytes to skip

virtual std::unique_ptr<device_data_chunk> get_next_chunk(std::size_t size, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream) = 0#

Get the next chunk of bytes from the data source.

Performs any necessary work to read and prepare the underlying data source for consumption as a view over device memory. Common implementations may read from a file, copy data from host memory, allocate temporary memory, perform iterative decompression, or even launch device kernels.

  • size – number of bytes to read

  • stream – stream to associate allocations or perform work required to obtain chunk


a chunk of data up to size bytes. May return less than size bytes if reader reaches end of underlying data source. Returned data must be accessed in stream order relative to the specified stream

class data_chunk_source#
#include <data_chunk_source.hpp>

a data source capable of creating a reader which can produce views of the data source in device memory.

Public Functions

virtual std::unique_ptr<data_chunk_reader> create_reader() const = 0#

Get a reader for the data source.


data_chunk_reader object for the data source

struct parse_options#
#include <multibyte_split.hpp>

Parsing options for multibyte_split.

Public Members

byte_range_info byte_range = create_byte_range_info_max()#

Only rows starting inside this byte range will be part of the output column.

bool strip_delimiters = false#

Whether delimiters at the end of rows should be stripped from the output column.