Reorder Compact#

group reorder_compact


enum class duplicate_keep_option#

Choices for drop_duplicates API for retainment of duplicate rows.


enumerator KEEP_ANY#

Keep an unspecified occurrence.

enumerator KEEP_FIRST#

Keep first occurrence.

enumerator KEEP_LAST#

Keep last occurrence.

enumerator KEEP_NONE#

Keep no (remove all) occurrences of duplicates.


std::unique_ptr<table> drop_nulls(table_view const &input, std::vector<size_type> const &keys, cudf::size_type keep_threshold, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Filters a table to remove null elements with threshold count.

Filters the rows of the input considering specified columns indicated in keys for validity / null values.

Given an input table_view, row i from the input columns is copied to the output if the same row i of keys has at least keep_threshold non-null fields.

This operation is stable: the input order is preserved in the output.

Any non-nullable column in the input is treated as all non-null.

input   {col1: {1, 2,    3,    null},
         col2: {4, 5,    null, null},
         col3: {7, null, null, null}}
keys = {0, 1, 2} // All columns
keep_threshold = 2

output {col1: {1, 2}
        col2: {4, 5}
        col3: {7, null}}


if input.num_rows() is zero, or keys is empty or has no nulls, there is no error, and an empty table is returned

  • input[in] The input table_view to filter

  • keys[in] vector of indices representing key columns from input

  • keep_threshold[in] The minimum number of non-null fields in a row required to keep the row.

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr[in] Device memory resource used to allocate the returned table’s device memory


Table containing all rows of the input with at least keep_threshold non-null fields in keys.

std::unique_ptr<table> drop_nulls(table_view const &input, std::vector<size_type> const &keys, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Filters a table to remove null elements.

Filters the rows of the input considering specified columns indicated in keys for validity / null values.

input   {col1: {1, 2,    3,    null},
         col2: {4, 5,    null, null},
         col3: {7, null, null, null}}
keys = {0, 1, 2} //All columns

output {col1: {1}
        col2: {4}
        col3: {7}}

Same as drop_nulls but defaults keep_threshold to the number of columns in keys.

  • input[in] The input table_view to filter

  • keys[in] vector of indices representing key columns from input

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr[in] Device memory resource used to allocate the returned table’s device memory


Table containing all rows of the input without nulls in the columns of keys.

std::unique_ptr<table> drop_nans(table_view const &input, std::vector<size_type> const &keys, cudf::size_type keep_threshold, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Filters a table to remove NANs with threshold count.

Filters the rows of the input considering specified columns indicated in keys for NANs. These key columns must be of floating-point type.

Given an input table_view, row i from the input columns is copied to the output if the same row i of keys has at least keep_threshold non-NAN elements.

This operation is stable: the input order is preserved in the output.

input   {col1: {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, NAN},
         col2: {4.0, null, NAN, NAN},
         col3: {7.0, NAN, NAN, NAN}}
keys = {0, 1, 2} // All columns
keep_threshold = 2

output {col1: {1.0, 2.0}
        col2: {4.0, null}
        col3: {7.0, NAN}}


if input.num_rows() is zero, or keys is empty, there is no error, and an empty table is returned


cudf::logic_error – if The keys columns are not floating-point type.

  • input[in] The input table_view to filter

  • keys[in] vector of indices representing key columns from input

  • keep_threshold[in] The minimum number of non-NAN elements in a row required to keep the row.

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr[in] Device memory resource used to allocate the returned table’s device memory


Table containing all rows of the input with at least keep_threshold non-NAN elements in keys.

std::unique_ptr<table> drop_nans(table_view const &input, std::vector<size_type> const &keys, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Filters a table to remove NANs.

Filters the rows of the input considering specified columns indicated in keys for NANs. These key columns must be of floating-point type.

input   {col1: {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, NAN},
         col2: {4.0, null, NAN, NAN},
         col3: {null, NAN, NAN, NAN}}
keys = {0, 1, 2} // All columns
keep_threshold = 2

output {col1: {1.0}
        col2: {4.0}
        col3: {null}}

Same as drop_nans but defaults keep_threshold to the number of columns in keys.

  • input[in] The input table_view to filter

  • keys[in] vector of indices representing key columns from input

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr[in] Device memory resource used to allocate the returned table’s device memory


Table containing all rows of the input without NANs in the columns of keys.

std::unique_ptr<table> apply_boolean_mask(table_view const &input, column_view const &boolean_mask, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Filters input using boolean_mask of boolean values as a mask.

Given an input table_view and a mask column_view, an element i from each column_view of the input is copied to the corresponding output column if the corresponding element i in the mask is non-null and true. This operation is stable: the input order is preserved.


if input.num_rows() is zero, there is no error, and an empty table is returned.

  • input[in] The input table_view to filter

  • boolean_mask[in] A nullable column_view of type type_id::BOOL8 used as a mask to filter the input.

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr[in] Device memory resource used to allocate the returned table’s device memory


Table containing copy of all rows of input passing the filter defined by boolean_mask.

std::unique_ptr<table> unique(table_view const &input, std::vector<size_type> const &keys, duplicate_keep_option keep, null_equality nulls_equal = null_equality::EQUAL, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Create a new table with consecutive duplicate rows removed.

Given an input table_view, each row is copied to the output table to create a set of distinct rows. If there are duplicate rows, which row is copied depends on the keep parameter.

The order of rows in the output table remains the same as in the input.

A row is distinct if there are no equivalent rows in the table. A row is unique if there is no adjacent equivalent row. That is, keeping distinct rows removes all duplicates in the table/column, while keeping unique rows only removes duplicates from consecutive groupings.

Performance hint: if the input is pre-sorted, cudf::unique can produce an equivalent result (i.e., same set of output rows) but with less running time than cudf::distinct.


cudf::logic_error – if the keys column indices are out of bounds in the input table.

  • input[in] input table_view to copy only unique rows

  • keys[in] vector of indices representing key columns from input

  • keep[in] keep any, first, last, or none of the found duplicates

  • nulls_equal[in] flag to denote nulls are equal if null_equality::EQUAL, nulls are not equal if null_equality::UNEQUAL

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr[in] Device memory resource used to allocate the returned table’s device memory


Table with unique rows from each sequence of equivalent rows as specified by keep

std::unique_ptr<table> distinct(table_view const &input, std::vector<size_type> const &keys, duplicate_keep_option keep = duplicate_keep_option::KEEP_ANY, null_equality nulls_equal = null_equality::EQUAL, nan_equality nans_equal = nan_equality::ALL_EQUAL, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Create a new table without duplicate rows.

Given an input table_view, each row is copied to the output table to create a set of distinct rows. If there are duplicate rows, which row is copied depends on the keep parameter.

The order of rows in the output table is not specified.

Performance hint: if the input is pre-sorted, cudf::unique can produce an equivalent result (i.e., same set of output rows) but with less running time than cudf::distinct.

  • input – The input table

  • keys – Vector of indices indicating key columns in the input table

  • keep – Copy any, first, last, or none of the found duplicates

  • nulls_equal – Flag to specify whether null elements should be considered as equal

  • nans_equal – Flag to specify whether NaN elements should be considered as equal

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource used to allocate the returned table


Table with distinct rows in an unspecified order

std::unique_ptr<column> distinct_indices(table_view const &input, duplicate_keep_option keep = duplicate_keep_option::KEEP_ANY, null_equality nulls_equal = null_equality::EQUAL, nan_equality nans_equal = nan_equality::ALL_EQUAL, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Create a column of indices of all distinct rows in the input table.

Given an input table_view, an output vector of all row indices of the distinct rows is generated. If there are duplicate rows, which index is kept depends on the keep parameter.

  • input – The input table

  • keep – Get index of any, first, last, or none of the found duplicates

  • nulls_equal – Flag to specify whether null elements should be considered as equal

  • nans_equal – Flag to specify whether NaN elements should be considered as equal

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches

  • mr – Device memory resource used to allocate the returned vector


Column containing the result indices

std::unique_ptr<table> stable_distinct(table_view const &input, std::vector<size_type> const &keys, duplicate_keep_option keep = duplicate_keep_option::KEEP_ANY, null_equality nulls_equal = null_equality::EQUAL, nan_equality nans_equal = nan_equality::ALL_EQUAL, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream(), rmm::device_async_resource_ref mr = cudf::get_current_device_resource_ref())#

Create a new table without duplicate rows, preserving input order.

Given an input table_view, each row is copied to the output table to create a set of distinct rows. The input row order is preserved. If there are duplicate rows, which row is copied depends on the keep parameter.

This API produces the same output rows as cudf::distinct, but with input order preserved.

Note that when keep is KEEP_ANY, the choice of which duplicate row to keep is arbitrary, but the returned table will retain the input order. That is, if the key column contained 1, 2, 1 with another values column 3, 4, 5, the result could contain values 3, 4 or 4, 5 but not 4, 3 or 5, 4.

  • input – The input table

  • keys – Vector of indices indicating key columns in the input table

  • keep – Copy any, first, last, or none of the found duplicates

  • nulls_equal – Flag to specify whether null elements should be considered as equal

  • nans_equal – Flag to specify whether NaN elements should be considered as equal

  • stream – CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches.

  • mr – Device memory resource used to allocate the returned table


Table with distinct rows, preserving input order

cudf::size_type unique_count(column_view const &input, null_policy null_handling, nan_policy nan_handling, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream())#

Count the number of consecutive groups of equivalent rows in a column.

If null_handling is null_policy::EXCLUDE and nan_handling is nan_policy::NAN_IS_NULL, both NaN and null values are ignored. If null_handling is null_policy::EXCLUDE and nan_handling is nan_policy::NAN_IS_VALID, only null is ignored, NaN is considered in count.

nulls are handled as equal.

  • input[in] The column_view whose consecutive groups of equivalent rows will be counted

  • null_handling[in] flag to include or ignore null while counting

  • nan_handling[in] flag to consider NaN==null or not

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches


number of consecutive groups of equivalent rows in the column

cudf::size_type unique_count(table_view const &input, null_equality nulls_equal = null_equality::EQUAL, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream())#

Count the number of consecutive groups of equivalent rows in a table.

  • input[in] Table whose consecutive groups of equivalent rows will be counted

  • nulls_equal[in] flag to denote if null elements should be considered equal nulls are not equal if null_equality::UNEQUAL.

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches


number of consecutive groups of equivalent rows in the column

cudf::size_type distinct_count(column_view const &input, null_policy null_handling, nan_policy nan_handling, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream())#

Count the distinct elements in the column_view.

If nulls_equal == nulls_equal::UNEQUAL, all nulls are distinct.

Given an input column_view, number of distinct elements in this column_view is returned.

If null_handling is null_policy::EXCLUDE and nan_handling is nan_policy::NAN_IS_NULL, both NaN and null values are ignored. If null_handling is null_policy::EXCLUDE and nan_handling is nan_policy::NAN_IS_VALID, only null is ignored, NaN is considered in distinct count.

nulls are handled as equal.

  • input[in] The column_view whose distinct elements will be counted

  • null_handling[in] flag to include or ignore null while counting

  • nan_handling[in] flag to consider NaN==null or not

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches


number of distinct rows in the table

cudf::size_type distinct_count(table_view const &input, null_equality nulls_equal = null_equality::EQUAL, rmm::cuda_stream_view stream = cudf::get_default_stream())#

Count the distinct rows in a table.

  • input[in] Table whose distinct rows will be counted

  • nulls_equal[in] flag to denote if null elements should be considered equal. nulls are not equal if null_equality::UNEQUAL.

  • stream[in] CUDA stream used for device memory operations and kernel launches


number of distinct rows in the table