
The vector search and clustering algorithms in RAFT are being migrated to a new library dedicated to vector search called cuVS. We will continue to support the vector search algorithms in RAFT during this move, but will no longer update them after the RAPIDS 24.06 (June) release. We plan to complete the migration by RAPIDS 24.10 (October) release and they will be removed from RAFT altogether in the 24.12 (December) release.

span: One-dimensional Non-owning View#

#include <raft/core/span.hpp>

using element_type = T#
using value_type = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type#
using size_type = std::size_t#
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t#
using pointer = T*#
using const_pointer = T const*#
using reference = T&#
using const_reference = T const&#
using iterator = pointer#
using const_iterator = const_pointer#
using reverse_iterator = thrust::reverse_iterator<iterator>#
using const_reverse_iterator = thrust::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>#
constexpr span() noexcept = default#

Default constructor that constructs a span with size 0 and nullptr.

inline constexpr span(pointer ptr, size_type count) noexcept#

Constructs a span that is a view over the range [first, first + count);.

inline constexpr span(pointer first, pointer last) noexcept#

Constructs a span that is a view over the range [first, last)

template<std::size_t N>
inline constexpr span(element_type (&arr)[N]) noexcept#

Constructs a span that is a view over the array arr.

template<class U, std::size_t OtherExtent, class = typename std::enable_if<detail::is_allowed_element_type_conversion_t<U, T>::value && detail::is_allowed_extent_conversion_t<OtherExtent, Extent>::value>>
inline constexpr span(const span<U, is_device, OtherExtent> &other) noexcept#

Initialize a span class from another one who’s underlying type is convertible to element_type.

constexpr span(span const &other) noexcept = default#
constexpr span(span &&other) noexcept = default#
constexpr auto operator=(span const &other) noexcept -> span& = default#
constexpr auto operator=(span &&other) noexcept -> span& = default#
inline constexpr auto begin() const noexcept -> iterator#
inline constexpr auto end() const noexcept -> iterator#
inline constexpr auto cbegin() const noexcept -> const_iterator#
inline constexpr auto cend() const noexcept -> const_iterator#
inline _RAFT_HOST_DEVICE constexpr auto rbegin () const noexcept -> reverse_iterator
inline _RAFT_HOST_DEVICE constexpr auto rend () const noexcept -> reverse_iterator
inline _RAFT_HOST_DEVICE constexpr auto crbegin () const noexcept -> const_reverse_iterator
inline _RAFT_HOST_DEVICE constexpr auto crend () const noexcept -> const_reverse_iterator
inline constexpr auto front() const -> reference#
inline constexpr auto back() const -> reference#
template<typename Index>
inline constexpr auto operator[](Index _idx) const -> reference#
inline constexpr auto data() const noexcept -> pointer#
inline constexpr auto size() const noexcept -> size_type#
inline constexpr auto size_bytes() const noexcept -> size_type#
inline constexpr auto empty() const noexcept#
template<std::size_t Count>
inline constexpr auto first() const -> span<element_type, is_device, Count>#
inline constexpr auto first(std::size_t _count) const -> span<element_type, is_device, dynamic_extent>#
template<std::size_t Count>
inline constexpr auto last() const -> span<element_type, is_device, Count>#
inline constexpr auto last(std::size_t _count) const -> span<element_type, is_device, dynamic_extent>#
template<std::size_t Offset, std::size_t Count = dynamic_extent>
inline constexpr auto subspan() const -> span<element_type, is_device, detail::extent_value_t<Extent, Offset, Count>::value>#

If Count is std::dynamic_extent, r.size() == this->size() - Offset; Otherwise r.size() == Count.

inline constexpr auto subspan(size_type _offset, size_type _count = dynamic_extent) const -> span<element_type, is_device, dynamic_extent>#
template<class T, std::size_t X, class U, std::size_t Y, bool is_device>
constexpr auto operator==(span<T, is_device, X> l, span<U, is_device, Y> r) -> bool#
template<class T, std::size_t X, class U, std::size_t Y, bool is_device>
constexpr auto operator!=(span<T, is_device, X> l, span<U, is_device, Y> r)#
template<class T, std::size_t X, class U, std::size_t Y, bool is_device>
constexpr auto operator<(span<T, is_device, X> l, span<U, is_device, Y> r)#
template<class T, std::size_t X, class U, std::size_t Y, bool is_device>
constexpr auto operator<=(span<T, is_device, X> l, span<U, is_device, Y> r)#
template<class T, std::size_t X, class U, std::size_t Y, bool is_device>
constexpr auto operator>(span<T, is_device, X> l, span<U, is_device, Y> r)#
template<class T, std::size_t X, class U, std::size_t Y, bool is_device>
constexpr auto operator>=(span<T, is_device, X> l, span<U, is_device, Y> r)#
template<class T, bool is_device, std::size_t E>
auto as_bytes(span<T, is_device, E> s) noexcept -> span<const std::byte, is_device, detail::extent_as_bytes_value_t<T, E>::value>#

Converts a span into a view of its underlying bytes.

template<class T, bool is_device, std::size_t E>
auto as_writable_bytes(span<T, is_device, E> s) noexcept -> span<std::byte, is_device, detail::extent_as_bytes_value_t<T, E>::value>#

Converts a span into a mutable view of its underlying bytes.

template<typename T, bool is_device, std::size_t Extent = dynamic_extent>
class span#
#include <span.hpp>

The span class defined in ISO C++20. Iterator is defined as plain pointer and most of the methods have bound check on debug build.

rmm::device_uvector<float> uvec(10, rmm::cuda_stream_default);
auto view = device_span<float>{, uvec.size()};

#include <raft/core/device_span.hpp>

template<typename T, size_t extent = std::experimental::dynamic_extent>
using device_span = span<T, true, extent>#

A span class for device pointer.

#include <raft/core/host_span.hpp>

template<typename T, size_t extent = std::experimental::dynamic_extent>
using host_span = span<T, false, extent>#

A span class for host pointer.