File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 aggregation.hppRepresentation for specifying desired aggregations from aggregation-based APIs, e.g., groupby, reductions, rolling, etc
 attributes.hppRead attributes of strings column
 binaryop.hppColumn APIs for binary ops
 bit.hppUtilities for bit and bitmask operations
 column.hppClass definition for cudf::column
 column_device_view.cuhColumn device view class definitions
 column_factories.hppColumn factory APIs
 column_view.hppColumn view class definitions
 strings/combine.hppStrings APIs for concatenate and join
 concatenate.hppConcatenate columns APIs
 strings/contains.hppStrings APIs for regex contains, count, matches, like
 contiguous_split.hppTable APIs for contiguous_split, pack, unpack, and metadata
 copying.hppColumn APIs for gather, scatter, split, slice, etc
 datetime.hppDateTime column APIs
 dictionary.hppConcrete type definition for dictionary columns
 dictionary_column_view.hppClass definition for cudf::dictionary_column_view
 doxygen_groups.hDoxygen group definitions
 durations.hppConcrete type definitions for int32_t and int64_t durations in varying resolutions
 encode.hppDictionary column encode and decode APIs
 explode.hppColumn APIs for explore list columns
 filling.hppColumn APIs for fill, repeat, and sequence
 lists/filling.hppColumn APIs for individual list sequence
 fixed_point.hppClass definition for fixed point data type
 host_udf.hppDeclare the base class for host-side user-defined function (HOST_UDF) and example of subclass implementation
 label_bins.hppAPIs for labeling values by bin
 list_view.hppClass definition for cudf::list_view
 lists_column_view.hppClass definition for cudf::lists_column_view
 null_mask.hppAPIs for managing validity bitmasks
 orc_metadata.hppCuDF-IO freeform API
 parquet_metadata.hppCuDF-IO freeform API
 partition.hppStrings partition APIs
 partitioning.hppColumn partitioning APIs
 repeat_strings.hppStrings APIs for copying strings
 reshape.hppColumn APIs for interleave and tile
 round.hppColumn APIs for round
 scalar.hppClass definitions for cudf::scalar
 scalar_device_view.cuhScalar device view class definitions
 scalar_factories.hppScalar factory APIs
 search.hppColumn APIs for lower_bound, upper_bound, and contains
 sorting.hppColumn APIs for sort and rank
 span.hppAPIs for spans
 stream_compaction.hppColumn APIs for filtering rows
 string_view.hppClass definition for cudf::string_view
 strings_column_view.hppClass definition for cudf::strings_column_view
 struct_view.hppClass definition for cudf::struct_view
 structs_column_view.hppClass definition for cudf::structs_column_view
 table.hppClass definition for cudf::table
 table_device_view.cuhTable device view class definitions
 table_view.hppClass definitions for (mutable)_table_view
 tdigest_column_view.hppTdigest data APIs
 timestamps.hppConcrete type definitions for int32_t and int64_t timestamps in varying resolutions as durations since the UNIX epoch
 transform.hppColumn APIs for transforming rows
 type_dispatcher.hppDefines the mapping between cudf::type_id runtime type information and concrete C++ types
 type_list_utilities.hppUtilities for creating type lists for typed tests in Google Test
 type_lists.hppProvides centralized type lists for use in Google Test type-parameterized tests
 io/types.hppCuDF-IO API type definitions
 types.hppType declarations for libcudf
 unary.hppColumn APIs for unary ops