
cugraph.from_cudf_edgelist(df, source='source', destination='destination', edge_attr=None, create_using=<class 'cugraph.structure.graph_classes.Graph'>, renumber=True)[source]#

Return a new graph created from the edge list representaion. This function is added for NetworkX compatibility (this function is a RAPIDS version of NetworkX’s from_pandas_edge_list()). This function does not support multiple source or destination columns. But does support renumbering


This cudf.DataFrame contains columns storing edge source vertices, destination (or target following NetworkX’s terminology) vertices, and (optional) weights.

sourcestring or integer, optional (default=’source’)

This is used to index the source column.

destinationstring or integer, optional (default=’destination’)

This is used to index the destination (or target following NetworkX’s terminology) column.

edge_attrstring or integer, optional (default=None)

This pointer can be None. If not, this is used to index the weight column.

create_using: cugraph.Graph (instance or class), optional (default=Graph)

Specify the type of Graph to create. Can pass in an instance to create a Graph instance with specified ‘directed’ attribute.

renumberbool, optional (default=True)

If source and destination indices are not in range 0 to V where V is number of vertices, renumber argument should be True.


>>> M = cudf.read_csv(datasets_path / 'karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
...                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
>>> G = cugraph.Graph()
>>> G = cugraph.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1',
...                                edge_attr='2')