Graph Implementation#
Graph Implementation#
Display the edge list. |
Delete the edge list. |
Display the adjacency list. |
Display the transposed adjacency list. |
Delete the adjacency list. |
Compute vertex pairs that are two hops apart. |
Get the number of nodes in the graph. |
An alias of number_of_vertices(). |
Get the number of edges in the graph. |
Compute vertex in-degree. |
Compute vertex out-degree. |
Compute vertex degree, which is the total number of edges incident to a vertex (both in and out edges). |
Compute vertex in-degree and out-degree. |
Returns True if the graph contains the edge (u,v). |
Returns True if the graph contains the node n. |
Returns True if the graph has self loop. |
Returns all the edges in the graph as a cudf.DataFrame containing sources and destinations. |
Returns all the nodes in the graph as a cudf.Series, in order of appearance in the edgelist (source column first, then destination column). |