Graph Classes#


Graph([m_graph, directed])

A GPU Graph Object (Base class of other graph types)


A Multigraph; a Graph containing more than one edge between vertex pairs.

Adding Data#

Graph.from_cudf_adjlist(offset_col, index_col)

Initialize a graph from the adjacency list.

Graph.from_cudf_edgelist(input_df[, source, ...])

Initialize a graph from the edge list.

Graph.from_dask_cudf_edgelist(input_ddf[, ...])

Initializes the distributed graph from the dask_cudf.DataFrame edgelist.


Initializes the graph from pandas adjacency matrix.

Graph.from_pandas_edgelist(pdf[, source, ...])

Initialize a graph from the edge list.

Graph.from_numpy_array(np_array[, nodes])

Initializes the graph from numpy array containing adjacency matrix.


Initializes the graph from numpy matrix containing adjacency matrix.

Graph.add_internal_vertex_id(df, ...[, ...])

Given a DataFrame containing external vertex ids in the identified columns, return a DataFrame containing the internal vertex ids as the specified column name.


Add nodes information to the Graph.


Empty the graph.

Graph.unrenumber(df, column_name[, ...])

Given a DataFrame containing internal vertex ids in the identified column, replace this with external vertex ids.



Returns True if the graph has isolated vertices.


Checks if Graph is bipartite.


Returns True if the graph is a directed graph.


Returns True if the graph is a multigraph.


Checks if Graph is multipartite.


Returns True if the graph is renumbered.


Returns True if the graph has edge weights.

Graph.lookup_internal_vertex_id(df[, ...])

Given a DataFrame containing external vertex ids in the identified columns, or a Series containing external vertex ids, return a Series with the internal vertex ids.


Return a directed representation of the graph.


Return an undirected copy of the graph.


cugraph.symmetrize(input_df, ...[, ...])

Take a dataframe of source destination pairs along with associated values stored in a single GPU or distributed create a COO set of source destination pairs along with values where all edges exist in both directions.

cugraph.symmetrize_ddf(ddf, src_name, dst_name)

Take a COO stored in a distributed DataFrame, and the column names of the source and destination columns and create a new data frame using the same column names that symmetrize the graph so that all edges appear in both directions.

cugraph.symmetrize_df(df, src_name, dst_name)

Take a COO stored in a DataFrame, along with the column names of the source and destination columns and create a new data frame using the same column names that symmetrize the graph so that all edges appear in both directions.

Conversion from Other Formats#

cugraph.from_adjlist(offsets, indices[, ...])

Initializes the graph from cuDF or Pandas Series representing adjacency matrix CSR data and returns a new cugraph.Graph object.

cugraph.from_cudf_edgelist(df[, source, ...])

Return a new graph created from the edge list representaion.

cugraph.from_edgelist(df[, source, ...])

Return a new graph created from the edge list representaion.

cugraph.from_numpy_array(A[, create_using])

Initializes the graph from numpy array containing adjacency matrix.

cugraph.from_numpy_matrix(A[, create_using])

Initializes the graph from numpy matrix containing adjacency matrix.

cugraph.from_pandas_adjacency(df[, create_using])

Initializes the graph from pandas adjacency matrix.

cugraph.from_pandas_edgelist(df[, source, ...])

See networkx.convert_matrix.from_pandas_edgelist().


Returns the graph adjacency matrix as a NumPy array.


Returns the graph adjacency matrix as a NumPy matrix.


Returns the graph adjacency matrix as a Pandas DataFrame.

cugraph.to_pandas_edgelist(G[, source, ...])

Returns the graph edge list as a Pandas DataFrame.





Given a collection of internal vertex ids, return a DataFrame of the external vertex ids


Given a collection of external vertex ids, return the internal vertex ids


Given a collection of external vertex ids, return the internal vertex ids combined with the input data.


Helper function to compute internal column names based on external column names

cugraph.structure.NumberMap.compute_vals_types(df, ...)

Helper function to compute internal column names and types


Helper function to generate an unused column name

cugraph.structure.NumberMap.renumber(df, ...)

cugraph.structure.NumberMap.renumber_and_segment(df, ...)

Given an input dataframe with its column names, this function returns the renumbered dataframe(if renumbering occured) along with a mapping from internal to external vertex IDs.


Sets self.renumbered_src_col_name and self.renumbered_dst_col_name to values that can be used to replace src_col_names_to_replace and dst_col_names_to_replace to values that will not collide with any other column names in all_col_names.

cugraph.structure.NumberMap.unrenumber(df, ...)

Given a DataFrame containing internal vertex ids in the identified column, replace this with external vertex ids.



cugraph.hypergraph(values[, columns, ...])

Creates a hypergraph out of the given dataframe, returning the graph components as dataframes.